The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News

Gotta love Florida. You can stalk a man and kill him and claim "self defense" - but if your a black woman in your own home you'd better just take the beating that's coming to you.

I'm boycotting Florida until they correct their ridiculous laws.

You obvously don't do any research, just mindelssly regurgitate bullshit posted on your FB account.

This woman was having an argument with her husband, left the house, returned and fired a gun through a wall at adult height with her two sons in the room with her husband.

I suppose she should should have left the house, returned, waited outside, then stalked him for a bit and then shot him dead, right? Or are you only allowed to do that to people you don't actually legitimately have a beef with?

The bullet ricocheted and, by the grace of God, did not hit her children.
By the grace of God? Why is it only the bullets from black people's guns need the Grace of God to keep from hitting an innocent bystander - while non-blacks can fire as many rounds as off as they like in an inhabited neighorhood and the statistical improbability of anyone of them hurting someone innocent is all that is needed to prevent tragedy?

Or how about waiting until he breaks her nose, slams her head on the ground and then reaches for her gun. If she had shot him then, then it would be self defense.

You obviously do not have the intelligence to distinguish between the two.
This woman was not even in the same damn room as her husband. He, with her children, were in a locked room. HOW IS IT SELF DEFENSE? You are an idiot, desperately parroting any bullshit you come across.

So non-blacks can stalk someone outdoors and shoot them dead while blacks are required to be in the same room as the person.

Got it.

So blacks can break peoples noses, get them on the ground and beat them bloody for 'following' them. You are an idiot, got it.
if Zimmerman didn't have a gun that night, He wouldn't have gotten out of his truck. He would have been nowhere near Treyvon. He would have waited for the police and it would have been false alarm number 49 on a black guy. Treyvon would be alive, Zimmerman wouldn't be afraid for his life.
This woman was not even in the same damn room as her husband. He, with her children, were in a locked room. HOW IS IT SELF DEFENSE? You are an idiot, desperately parroting any bullshit you come across.

So non-blacks can stalk someone outdoors and shoot them dead while blacks are required to be in the same room as the person.

Got it.

If saint Trayvon was in a locked room and Zimmerman fired a bullet at adult height at him, with children in the room--MORON, he'd be facing 20 years in prison.

You are only demonstrating how ignorant you are.
Gotten off on a technicality is not reasonable doubt. A technicality would be finding the guy driving the car with the dead body in the trunk and the judge throwing out the evidence because the cop didn't read him his rights. Reasonable doubt is the normal standard for obtaining a conviction in any court in the US.

I said OR be satisfied. What you said would make sense if I had said and reasonable doubt. I obviously meant or be satisfied if reasonable doubt had been the outcome and not just a technicality.

Is that like the 20th poster that has somehow misquoted you? You must need an ESL teacher in the worst way.

It appears to be a National Pastime ITT. You must really love me to keep track so carefully. Dude!!!!!
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I am not sure of a civil trial.. what does Zimmerman have as far as wealth.
Civil rights trial....Depends on how much the usual suspects like Rev Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton
threaten protests and boycotts and such.

Zmmerman has accumulated wealth from all those donations that have been rolling in. I'm sure the IRS has taken note also. So, what the lawyers don't get he will. That could be a nominal amount!
Your premise is flawed.

Our legal system is based on presumption of innocence. Zimmerman's acquittal doesn't imply that the jury believes Zimmerman, only that they have doubt.
Do you have some factual basis for this statement, or do you just think dispatchers are "specifically trained" not to tell people what to do in cases like this?

The dispatcher who told Zimmerman "We don't need you to do that" testified under oath that they are trained not to issue orders because it opens issues of liability. Next time you get a case where something the dispatcher says might be pertinent feel free to ask the dispatcher about it yourself.

They may train 'em that way in Fla., but Fla. is messed up in a lot of ways - almost as badly as TX. Tell you what, sport - tomorrow, I'll make a call and let you know how they are trained here. I will be surprised if they are told to shut up when someone is threatening to go get a gun.

Oh, and by the way, I only handle cases from arraignment through either dispo or preliminary hearing. In this particular case, the dispatcher's silence had no bearing on the preliminary hearing, so no investigation was required. The case is now in superior court, where the trial attorney may well want to pursue that aspect of the case.

I am pretty sure that they train them that way most places thanks to lawyers that sue cities for bad advice.

You have mentioned more than once that you are a public defender, and I just assumed you handled the whole shebang. My bad.
Trayvon was a product a of single-parent family, with an absentee gang-banger father. He had a propensity for violence, was expelled from school multiple times, used drugs, was kicked out of his mother's house and was living with his father who was living with some woman.

He didn't live in that neighborhood, and he attacked Zimmerman.

The media lied about the facts of the case and NBC edited the 911 tape to make Zimmerman appear to be a racist.

How much is NBC going to settle for? How much did Spike Lee settle for that family that he Tweeted their address, thinking it was the Zimmerman's house?
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How would the families of the victim of a first-degree murderer who has been tried and gotten off by a technicality feel? Would they say the trial was taken to extremes or be satisfied with reasonable doubt?

Gotten off on a technicality is not reasonable doubt. A technicality would be finding the guy driving the car with the dead body in the trunk and the judge throwing out the evidence because the cop didn't read him his rights. Reasonable doubt is the normal standard for obtaining a conviction in any court in the US.

I said OR be satisfied. What you said would make sense if I had said and reasonable doubt. I obviously meant or be satisfied if reasonable doubt had been the outcome and not just a technicality.

You also said "How would the families of the victim of a first-degree murderer who has been tried and gotten off by a technicality feel?" That was what I addressed, not the or, which is completely irrelevant. Did you want me to point out that part too?
I said OR be satisfied. What you said would make sense if I had said and reasonable doubt. I obviously meant or be satisfied if reasonable doubt had been the outcome and not just a technicality.

Is that like the 20th poster that has somehow misquoted you? You must need an ESL teacher in the worst way.

It appears to be a National Pastime ITT. You must really love me to keep track so carefully. Dude!!!!!

Just trying to help you document for the next doctor visit. Your losing it Dude!!!!!!
Getting condescending are we? Just because I'm a newb here doesn't mean I'm going to roll-over and die on important questions.

Hi i'm a newbie here too. I'm trying to decide if I should add an opinion in or not. All this swearing is terrible. Why can't we talk with out it? I feel like I got to get a tennis raquet so I can swat the four letter words away from me.

Please, give your opinion and try to ignore the foul language. The animals are restless.

Alright! I wonder if the out come would have been the same if George had got on the stand? And if George's and Trayvon's different troubles were let into the trial?
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Hi i'm a newbie here too. I'm trying to decide if I should add an opinion in or not. All this swearing is terrible. Why can't we talk with out it? I feel like I got to get a tennis raquet so I can swat the four letter words away from me.

Please, give your opinion and try to ignore the foul language. The animals are restless.

Alright! I wonder if the out come would have been the same if George had got on the stand? And if George's and Trayvon's diffrent trubles were let into the trial?

On the stand, maybe. Past transgressions would at worst leveled out, but really had no impact on the actual incident.
And the link to this is... ?
Do I have to hold your hand and walk through everything?

You need a link? That link has been provided numerous times here. It's a fact pal. If you are going to discuss, try getting caught up on the facts before you waste all our time.

Pogo, will never admit there is a link, even if he has seen it a 1,000 times. It doesn't fit his agenda.

No link was given, dumbass. All day; no link. That tells me he's working with nothing. Typing the words "it's a fact pal" isn't documentation. It's bullshit.
Is that like the 20th poster that has somehow misquoted you? You must need an ESL teacher in the worst way.

It appears to be a National Pastime ITT. You must really love me to keep track so carefully. Dude!!!!!

Just trying to help you document for the next doctor visit. Your losing it Dude!!!!!!

You mean a neurologist for all the headaches you've given me over concerns about Trayvon's killing? Not bad advice.
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