The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The civil suit is Zimmerman's against NBC.

That's totally different.

Here’s how NBC News, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.​

The full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.​

NBC Universal Media responded to the Zimmerman complaint by noting that other media outlets played up the racial angle of Zimmerman’s deadly encounter with Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman lawyer to move 'asap' against NBC News
Oh, by the way:

Zimmerman is acquitted.

I think we should ALL take a moment to be thankful for this shining moment of true justice.

Already have. I was amazed at the relief I, myself, felt. I can't even begin to extrapolate the relief that Zimmerman and his family felt. I hope he is already out of the country.

Oh god so do I. I hpe he tries to carry wherever he does go. Good luck with that Zimmerman.

You have given me hope. Imagine if that fat fuck did leave the country. Martin's family will finally get a win.

You mad, bro?

It was worth the time to listen to the video. Zimmerman can hardly be described as racist once his background is known. He was known for going out of his way to help people, especially some black people.

It was nice to see someone lay out the facts and go through each point in a calm and reasonable manner. I wish some of those who are planning protests and riots would actually listen to reason.

So many are angry, but for the wrong reasons. The story put forth by the media and the omission of so many facts has given people a slanted view of what happened. I withheld my opinion until I knew as many facts as possible.

Bottom line is that everything supported Zimmerman's account of events. I do believe that Trayvon threw the first punch. I'm sure he never imagined what would happen. Typical teen who acted without considering consequences. That being the case, it was a matter of perception on Zimmerman's part. While it's easy to sit here now and say that he was in no mortal danger, we have to imagine what went through his mind as he was getting beaten, in pain and bleeding from the nose, mouth and head.

To imagine the pain of having your head banged on a sidewalk, think about how it feels when you accidentally bump your head. I did that a few weeks ago while putting groceries away in the frig and freezer. I opened the freezer door and bent down to grab some frozen foods to put away and when I went to stand up, whacked my head on the bottom of the door, which had started to swing shut because the frig is not level. Hurt like hell. I saw stars and had to stop and wait for the pain to stop. Damn, I hate it when that happens. If I was being hit and having my head pounded on the ground, I think it would hurt worse and I might think I was going to die, or at least pass out. It's all about what was going through Zimmerman's mind at the time. It also took him quite a while to grab his gun. If he had been the aggressor or intended to hurt Trayvon, wouldn't he have had his gun out from the start? If what he said was true, that Trayvon saw the gun when his jacket fell back as he was sliding on the ground, did he have reason to believe that Trayvon would grab it and shoot him? He indicated that Trayvon went for the gun. If true, Zimmerman was justified in grabbing it first and shooting at him. Zimmerman said he couldn't see well because it was dark and he had blood running into his eyes from his injuries. How well was he able to take aim? I think it was a matter of grabbing and shooting, thinking that if he didn't shoot, Trayvon would get the gun and shoot him.

Texts from Trayon to his girlfriend talked about a fight he got into and Trayvon gave the guy a bloody nose. Trayvon wanted a second try at the guy, saying he wanted the guy to bleed even more.

It's not hard to imagine Trayvon coming back around and confronting Zimmerman. When he approached him, why didn't he just say he was staying nearby with his father? It would have ended right there.

As the video points out, no law was broken until the first punch. And the evidence indicates that it was Trayvon doing the punching. There were no marks on Trayvon to indicate he had been punched.

It's clear why police dropped the matter after investigating. There was simply no indication that Zimmerman was lying. It is interesting to note that a police officer lied to Zimmerman during questioning (which they are allowed to do) and told him there was a video of the incident. Zimmerman's response was, "Thank God." That told police that Zimmerman would be relieved if a video existed because it would back up his story.

I'm not picking on Trayvon, but teen boys (and girls) can be stupid. The part of our brain that would consider consequences isn't fully developed till our early twenties. Trayvon may have been a typical kid in his area and getting tattoos and gangsta grills and talking tough is all part of the act. His posts on Twitter, Facebook and his text messages showed that he did like doing some drugs and bragged that he was bringing some to Sanford. He seemed proud of the fact that he got in fights and hurt the opponent.

He wasn't a young boy like the media depicted him. He was tall and likely looked like an adult to Zimmerman. The media edited the tapes to make Zimmerman sound racist, but they took things out of context to make it look bad for him. The media should put the truth out and let the chips fall where they may, not seek to shape public opinion by selectively omitting some things and editing other things. When those tactics are seen, it's foolish to take their story at face value. They immediately sided with those who were painting Zimmerman as an evil stalker of black children. Too many people refused to let that image go when facts to the contrary came out.

I fear that starting tomorrow we will see more and more incidents of violence as people lose their tempers and refuse to listen to reason. It's a shame that some cannot comprehend how the law applies in this case and why the jury came to a not guilty verdict.
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And what part of "self defense" did you not hear in the three weeks of the Zimmerman trial? This case wasn't about Stand Your Ground.

You should always cite the people you copy your ideas from.

Nope. I cite my ideas via due diligent observation of the trial on top of hours upon hours of studying case law. You are ignorant. So focused on the death of a poor kid in Florida, you ignore the slaughter of innocents in Chicago. Absolutely disgusting, and overly hypocritical.
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And what part of "self defense" did you not hear in the three weeks of the Zimmerman trial? This case wasn't about Stand Your Ground.

Marissa was standing her ground, and she was jailed for it. Fact is, the Stand Your Ground laws favor whites over blacks - statistics prove that.

I'm sorry, I fail how this relates to the case...but I will indulge you by saying that by reading the article, the woman decided to take matters into her own hands. She deserves her sentence. Did you notice how OohPah selectively quoted that article?

Anyhow, just because something doesn't support a black man or favor a black man (or woman) does not mean it is racist! Sigh. Such abstract thinking. This world does not consist of black or white. We are all human beings here. Stop trying to shield those of color, a white man and a black man commit the same crime, they should receive the same treatment under the law of their state, and under the Constitution of The United States. No bargains, no treats, no deals. The law should apply equally to you no matter what race you are.
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Child? At 17 you can be tried as an adult. At 17 you can join the US military, why, because you can handle the rigors of war. What male at 17 likes to be called a boy? We all know what the jury did not hear. The kind of life TM was living. You can be as naive as you want, but be real. GZ is not even white, he is half Hispanic. Get real. Be true to yourselves and stop making up crap. Fight club, smoking weed, trying to buy a blunt wrapper the night of his homicide. You still want to call him a child, you are kidding yourself.

Actually, you can only join the military in the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) at 17, and you have to turn 18 in a year or less while you're in DEP.

You still have to wait until you turn 18 to be admitted to boot camp.

Try again...............and don't talk about military things unless you really understand how they work. Why do I say this? I've spend over 20 years in the military, and spent the last 2 1/2 years working at a MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) as the LPO (Leading Petty Officer) as well as Head Classifier.

It really pisses me off when those of you who have never served start spreading bullshit about how the military operates.

I was two days past my 17th birthday when I was doing pushups at Paris Island. I joined the Marines over half a century ago, but one can still join the regular military at 17; however, they must have parental consent at that age.

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I'm sorry, but a lot of that video is conjecture.

The medical examiner said that the level of THC in Trayvon showed that he had maybe smoked pot a couple days or one day prior to the day he died.

He did not "meet up" with 3 boys and smoke weed in the hour of his death. The autopsy proves this already.

You have to be a fucking wingnut to believe a lot of this stuff, which is just a little man in the corner of your screen inventing a reality that doesn't actually exist.
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?
I've justified it many times here and to myself, everytime I here the tape of him saying "coons." There has been no other reason ever that I can remember I feel that way, and I made that clear yesterday:

Only one problem with that theory, Quick and it's that when the FBI did voice analysis of that tape they said that it was clear that Zimmerman DIDN'T say "coons". So what you're saying is that you've based your charge of racism against George Zimmerman on something that was shown to be incorrect. Why would you do that? That accusation against Zimmerman was debunked over a year ago and yet you're STILL trying to use it?

What was the wording the FBI used? For sure, they meant it couldn't be proved. I haven't tried to prove it was either, just stated always it's plain as day to me. It can't be shown to be correct or incorrect. You're barking up the wrong tree. Continuing to say it was debunked is also admitting it was once accepted, so you're hurting your own case every time you say it.

That would be as ridiculous as someone still using alleged photos of Trayvon Martin flashing gang signs and looking like he's 30 years old that were debunked long ago as well.

You're stupidly comparing a question about race and a question of appearance. Why would anyone want to make a comparison of things that aren't equal in any way?

If you're going to come here and attempt to argue a viewpoint...don't destroy your credibility by trotting out nonsense like the whole "coons" thing. Just saying...

And again, that's why no one stands up for this, because people like you won't allow anyone to freely state an opinion of this. I bet there is still a large number of people who still believe he said "coons" but you never hear from them, because they know they'll face unending denials and examination from those that just want to confuse the issue.

Oh, there were plenty of people who jumped on the "George Zimmerman is a white racist" band wagon, Quick. He was accused of everything from beating an ex-girlfriend, to beating up a cop, to molesting one of his cousins. Only when you looked at all of the allegations they were either total bullshit...or they were blown completely out of proportion from what REALLY happened. The whole "coons" thing was total bullshit. It was what people heard who WANTED to hear that word. You can't find another example of Zimmerman using racially charged language and TRUST ME ON THIS...THE PROSECUTION LOOKED LONG AND HARD FOR JUST THAT!!! How many people in this country could have had their prior statements examined with a magnifying glass like Zimmerman's were and come out with ZERO examples? I'm betting that's a test that 90% of the people on this board would fail miserably. But you STILL want to accuse Zimmerman of being a racist?
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

What the neighborhood watch captain in my area told me was this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would get to know the residents of his neighborhood and would have rolled down the window and offered the kid a ride home, that way you make a connection, you can store his face in your memory for future reference, and you find out where he lives".

GZ apparently didn't think to do ANY of those things, along with not even bothering to help revive the kid once he shot him.

What's frightening about this verdict is that it allows for someone to follow GZ, pick a fight with him, and then kill him, and as long as that person has a good story they made up, they'll get off scott-free, too, because murder is state-sanctioned in America now, and oddly enough, the small government people are the ones cheering it! Go fucking figure...
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Child? At 17 you can be tried as an adult. At 17 you can join the US military, why, because you can handle the rigors of war. What male at 17 likes to be called a boy? We all know what the jury did not hear. The kind of life TM was living. You can be as naive as you want, but be real. GZ is not even white, he is half Hispanic. Get real. Be true to yourselves and stop making up crap. Fight club, smoking weed, trying to buy a blunt wrapper the night of his homicide. You still want to call him a child, you are kidding yourself.

Actually, you can only join the military in the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) at 17, and you have to turn 18 in a year or less while you're in DEP.

You still have to wait until you turn 18 to be admitted to boot camp.

Try again...............and don't talk about military things unless you really understand how they work. Why do I say this? I've spend over 20 years in the military, and spent the last 2 1/2 years working at a MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) as the LPO (Leading Petty Officer) as well as Head Classifier.

It really pisses me off when those of you who have never served start spreading bullshit about how the military operates.

I was two days past my 17th birthday when I was doing pushups at Paris Island. I joined the Marines over half a century ago, but one can still join the regular military at 17; however, they must have parental consent at that age.

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When I joined in 1982, the rules were that you could DEP (Delayed Entry Program) out at the age of 17 (with parental consent), but you still had to wait until you were 18 to be in boot camp.

When I worked at the MEPS from 1999 until 2002, the rules were still the same. You could join in the DEP at age 17, but you still had to be 18 on the day you went to Great Lakes for boot camp.

And, the longest you could DEP out for was 1 year (365 days).
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