The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Fact huh? Those who cannot resist their government shall be oppressed by it.

THAT'S a fact.

Please provide documented "factual oppression" that the Australian government is imposing on their citizens since they introduced restrictive gun laws.

Does it look like I am in Australia you blooming idiot?

You made the following allegation;

Those who cannot resist their government shall be oppressed by it.

Australia has imposed exactly the kind of restrictive gun laws that you allege would result in government oppression.

So according to your allegation there should be evidence of "government oppression" now that the citizens longer have the means to "resist their government", right?

However there is no such evidence which means your allegation has no credible basis unless you can provide some other examples that support your position.
Florida's SYG law says you can use force if you believe someone means you bodily harm.

Zimmerman angrily followed Martin in the dark and in the rain. That's reasonable justification to feel threatened. If Martin had a gun he could have pointed it at Zimmerman and said "stop following me". If Zimmerman didn't stop Martin could have blown his head off.

How do you "angrily" follow someone?

Do you stomp your feet?

you call them "assholes" and "fucking punks" while following.

Wow so I was angry every time I called someone an asshole?

Sorry but no.
90% of Australians supported the gun buy back scheme, and if we had a chance to vote on it, the vast majority would choose to keep things they way they are.
You need a link? That link has been provided numerous times here. It's a fact pal. If you are going to discuss, try getting caught up on the facts before you waste all our time.

Pogo, will never admit there is a link, even if he has seen it a 1,000 times. It doesn't fit his agenda.

No link was given, dumbass. All day; no link. That tells me he's working with nothing. Typing the words "it's a fact pal" isn't documentation. It's bullshit.

Get a life, loser. Read the thread.
Do you believe that George Zimmerman committed a crime and should have been convicted of a crime?

He angrily and aggressively followed a young man because he falsely believed he was a criminal.

He then questioned the young man about why he was there, as if he was law enforcement.

Finally, he shot the young man dead after they got into a scuffle.

His final action may have been to defend himself, but should he have still been found guilty of a crime by aggressively and angrily following this innocent young man in the first place, thereby starting the whole incident?

I believe that he unneededly started the whole incident, that led to the death of someone who was simply walking home. When your aggressive and angry attitude starts an event that leads to a death, you should be convicted of a crime.

He followed Travyon because he was black and was wearing a hoodie. He profiled the boy. The boy questioned why Zimmerman was following him, George refused to provide an answer and Trayvon proceeded to defend himself, at which point, George shot and killed him.
Apples and oranges comparison.

Martin and Zimmerman were in a physical altercation with one another when Zimmerman fired the shot. He hit his intended target while he was being pummelled.

This woman fired blindly through a wall and into a room with 3 people in it while NOT being pummelled in the face. You can't get into an argument, leave the house, bring back a gun and shoot through a wall and claim self-defense. If her husband was in the act of beating her or approaching her to beat her the that's a different story. She was the aggressor during this incident. If she didn't want to get beat, she should call the police and leave him, not endanger the lives of her own kids. You're making this a race issue when the stories are completely different.

This is the problem with many minorities and why they end up in jail. Then other like-minded minorities look at it and can't understand why they went to jail and attempt to explain it away as racism. Know the freaking law and only use deadly force to the freaking LETTER of the law.
And what part of "self defense" did you not hear in the three weeks of the Zimmerman trial? This case wasn't about Stand Your Ground.

Marissa was standing her ground, and she was jailed for it. Fact is, the Stand Your Ground laws favor whites over blacks - statistics prove that.

No, Marissa was acting like a crazy psychopath.

Is it possible that less blacks understand the SYG law as opposed to their white counterparts? Perhaps blacks don't understand that SYG doesn't give you carte blanch to kill someone based on revenge. Maybe they don't understand that SYG allows you to SYG when you fear for your life or that you will sustain bodily harm. It does not allow you to retreat, then return with a gun and shoot into a home with people in it. That's called murder, or attempted murder.

After Tryavon attacked him, Zimmerman didn't run home, grab his gun and then shoot Trayvon in revenge.
Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News
Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state's "Stand Your Ground" law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.

Gotta love Florida. You can stalk a man and kill him and claim "self defense" - but if your a black woman in your own home you'd better just take the beating that's coming to you.

I'm boycotting Florida until they correct their ridiculous laws.

I've posted this pretty frequently.

Is just an amazing example of Florida's abject racism.

Along with every other amazing example.


WASHINGTON: First Lady invites 102-year-old North Miami woman to State of Union speech - Florida -
Justice for George

Justice for George!

Justice for George!!

Justice for George!!!

Justice for George!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!!!!
open season on black boys

Why not simply 'Open season on anyone that tries to kill you'?

Are you suggesting one should not be able to defend themselves if they believe they're about to be killed?

What exactly are you suggesting???
And what part of "self defense" did you not hear in the three weeks of the Zimmerman trial? This case wasn't about Stand Your Ground.

Marissa was standing her ground, and she was jailed for it. Fact is, the Stand Your Ground laws favor whites over blacks - statistics prove that.

No, Marissa was acting like a crazy psychopath.

Is it possible that less blacks understand the SYG law as opposed to their white counterparts? Perhaps blacks don't understand that SYG doesn't give you carte blanch to kill someone based on revenge. Maybe they don't understand that SYG allows you to SYG when you fear for your life or that you will sustain bodily harm. It does not allow you to retreat, then return with a gun and shoot into a home with people in it. That's called murder, or attempted murder.

After Tryavon attacked him, Zimmerman didn't run home, grab his gun and then shoot Trayvon in revenge.

So Florida's self defense allows an armed citizen to track down a "suspect" in a dark courtyard but it doesn't allow a woman to get her car keys?

Gotta love it.

Some fine gymnastics there.
open season on black boys

Why not simply 'Open season on anyone that tries to kill you'?

Are you suggesting one should not be able to defend themselves if they believe they're about to be killed?

What exactly are you suggesting???

He wants the justice system to overturn 600+ year old self defense law. Snookie is a total racist idiot.
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