The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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how does having full control of the gun have anything to do with this?

When someone has full control of a gun and aiming at you, that would cause you to scream or at least it's fully consistent with that being Trayvon screaming.

Running at him or approaching quickly in order to converse. That could give anyone with a CHL a license to blow people away in many circumstances.

Martin could have have had a knife, or a gun of his own, or could have strangled him to death, or beat him to death. I'm not seeing your point as how when Z pulled his firearm indicates murder or self-defense.

You can't speculate when it comes to blowing people away.

1. You're assuming that Martin even knew Zimmerman had a gun. For all we know Martin had no clue Zimmerman had a gun until he heard the shot. (Correction: Zimmerman's statements say that Martin saw the gun and then told Zimmerman that he was going to die...) So according to Zimmerman Martin saw the gun during the struggle and started reaching for it...

2. You're exacly right. So we could assume Zimmerman would have been justified in shooting Martin as Martin approached to assault him. Keep in mind the prosecutors did not prove that Zimmerman approached Martin. The first words, on record, spoken between the two was when Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him.

3. Speculate is EXACTLY what you're allowed to do in the eyes of self-defense law. If someone's coming at you with hostility, you don't have to wait until they're strangling you, or bashing your head into the concrete to use deadly force. If a 250lb guy was approaching your wife with obvious ill-intent do you suppose her speculation on his intent and/or what weapons he might be sufficient enough to pull out her gun to thwart him? Or would you perfer he beat the hell out of her first, then produce a knife?

For lefties, its verdict first, evidence later, and the worst show trials in history were held by leftists like Stalin Mao and the Jacobins during the French Reign of Terror.
open season on black boys

Why not simply 'Open season on anyone that tries to kill you'?

Are you suggesting one should not be able to defend themselves if they believe they're about to be killed?

What exactly are you suggesting???

He is just miffed because the 6 emotional white women who were slated to lynch Zimmerman for li'l Trayvon didn't. He is certain a jury of 6 radical black thugs would have lynched that innocent white/Hispanic. He is likely right.
Oh, by the way:

Zimmerman is acquitted.

I think we should ALL take a moment to be thankful for this shining moment of true justice.

Already have. I was amazed at the relief I, myself, felt. I can't even begin to extrapolate the relief that Zimmerman and his family felt. I hope he is already out of the country.

Oh god so do I. I hpe he tries to carry wherever he does go. Good luck with that Zimmerman.

You have given me hope. Imagine if that fat fuck did leave the country. Martin's family will finally get a win.

There you go with your hopey changey thing again.

Well at least you've got that.
Yeah, Stephanie, but those riot-baiting white reactionaries are dying off now: they are getting older and fatter and more ill by the day as the world changes.
I personally think that the Martin family should sue the federal government and the "Ad. council" for the years of radio and TV ads featuring McGruff the crime dog advising Americans to do exactly what Zimmerman was doing.

McGruff the Stalker.

Already have. I was amazed at the relief I, myself, felt. I can't even begin to extrapolate the relief that Zimmerman and his family felt. I hope he is already out of the country.

Oh god so do I. I hpe he tries to carry wherever he does go. Good luck with that Zimmerman.

You have given me hope. Imagine if that fat fuck did leave the country. Martin's family will finally get a win.

There you go with your hopey changey thing again.

Well at least you've got that.

In the absence of a brain..............
how does having full control of the gun have anything to do with this?

When someone has full control of a gun and aiming at you, that would cause you to scream or at least it's fully consistent with that being Trayvon screaming.

Running at him or approaching quickly in order to converse. That could give anyone with a CHL a license to blow people away in many circumstances.

Martin could have have had a knife, or a gun of his own, or could have strangled him to death, or beat him to death. I'm not seeing your point as how when Z pulled his firearm indicates murder or self-defense.

You can't speculate when it comes to blowing people away.

1. You're assuming that Martin even knew Zimmerman had a gun. For all we know Martin had no clue Zimmerman had a gun until he heard the shot. (Correction: Zimmerman's statements say that Martin saw the gun and then told Zimmerman that he was going to die...) So according to Zimmerman Martin saw the gun during the struggle and started reaching for it...

2. You're exacly right. So we could assume Zimmerman would have been justified in shooting Martin as Martin approached to assault him. Keep in mind the prosecutors did not prove that Zimmerman approached Martin. The first words, on record, spoken between the two was when Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him.

3. Speculate is EXACTLY what you're allowed to do in the eyes of self-defense law. If someone's coming at you with hostility, you don't have to wait until they're strangling you, or bashing your head into the concrete to use deadly force. If a 250lb guy was approaching your wife with obvious ill-intent do you suppose her speculation on his intent and/or what weapons he might be sufficient enough to pull out her gun to thwart him? Or would you perfer he beat the hell out of her first, then produce a knife?

The only thing we KNOW that what Martin knew is that he didn't know enough to stay in at night.

If Martin didn't approach Zimmerman, then how did he get back to him after Zimmerman lost sight of him. You know, after the 4 minutes of silence? It was pretty clear from the 911 take that Zimmerman lost him and then Martin showed back up.
Only one problem with that theory, Quick and it's that when the FBI did voice analysis of that tape they said that it was clear that Zimmerman DIDN'T say "coons". So what you're saying is that you've based your charge of racism against George Zimmerman on something that was shown to be incorrect. Why would you do that? That accusation against Zimmerman was debunked over a year ago and yet you're STILL trying to use it?

What was the wording the FBI used? For sure, they meant it couldn't be proved. I haven't tried to prove it was either, just stated always it's plain as day to me. It can't be shown to be correct or incorrect. You're barking up the wrong tree. Continuing to say it was debunked is also admitting it was once accepted, so you're hurting your own case every time you say it.

You're stupidly comparing a question about race and a question of appearance. Why would anyone want to make a comparison of things that aren't equal in any way?

If you're going to come here and attempt to argue a viewpoint...don't destroy your credibility by trotting out nonsense like the whole "coons" thing. Just saying...

And again, that's why no one stands up for this, because people like you won't allow anyone to freely state an opinion of this. I bet there is still a large number of people who still believe he said "coons" but you never hear from them, because they know they'll face unending denials and examination from those that just want to confuse the issue.

Oh, there were plenty of people who jumped on the "George Zimmerman is a white racist" band wagon, Quick. He was accused of everything from beating an ex-girlfriend, to beating up a cop, to molesting one of his cousins. Only when you looked at all of the allegations they were either total bullshit...or they were blown completely out of proportion from what REALLY happened. The whole "coons" thing was total bullshit. It was what people heard who WANTED to hear that word. You can't find another example of Zimmerman using racially charged language and TRUST ME ON THIS...THE PROSECUTION LOOKED LONG AND HARD FOR JUST THAT!!! How many people in this country could have had their prior statements examined with a magnifying glass like Zimmerman's were and come out with ZERO examples? I'm betting that's a test that 90% of the people on this board would fail miserably. But you STILL want to accuse Zimmerman of being a racist?

Don't forget the brother, the prof, who testified for the prosecution but sounded like he was testifying for the defense. It was clear that Zimmerman was not a racist. Zimmerman himself is a 'person of color.' He just isn't black enough to pass the paper bag test.
Somehow I think this is the way Snookie and Zona wanted George to be tried.

[ame=]She's a witch! - YouTube[/ame]
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