The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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There should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate this special prosecution.

[ame=]Alan Dershowitz Slams Special Prosecutor Angela Corey - YouTube[/ame]
There should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate this special prosecution.

Alan Dershowitz Slams Special Prosecutor Angela Corey - YouTube

Update 7-15-2013

She submitted an affidavit that was, if not perjurious, completely misleading. She violated all kinds of rules of the profession, and her conduct bordered on criminal conduct. She, by the way, has a horrible reputation in Florida. She’s known for overcharging, she’s known for being highly political. And in this case, of course she overcharged. Halfway through the trial she realized she wasn’t going to get a second degree murder verdict, so she asked for a compromised verdict, for manslaughter. And then, she went even further and said that she was going to charge him with child abuse and felony murder. That was such a stretch that it goes beyond anything professionally responsible. She was among the most irresponsible prosecutors I’ve seen in 50 years of litigating cases, and believe me, I’ve seen good prosecutors, bad prosecutors, but rarely have I seen one as bad as this prosecutor, [Angela] Corey.

[ame=]Alan Dershowitz: DOJ SHOULD investigate civil rights violations of George Zimmerman by Angela Corey - YouTube[/ame]
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There should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate this special prosecution.

Alan Dershowitz Slams Special Prosecutor Angela Corey - YouTube

Update 7-15-2013

She submitted an affidavit that was, if not perjurious, completely misleading. She violated all kinds of rules of the profession, and her conduct bordered on criminal conduct. She, by the way, has a horrible reputation in Florida. She’s known for overcharging, she’s known for being highly political. And in this case, of course she overcharged. Halfway through the trial she realized she wasn’t going to get a second degree murder verdict, so she asked for a compromised verdict, for manslaughter. And then, she went even further and said that she was going to charge him with child abuse and felony murder. That was such a stretch that it goes beyond anything professionally responsible. She was among the most irresponsible prosecutors I’ve seen in 50 years of litigating cases, and believe me, I’ve seen good prosecutors, bad prosecutors, but rarely have I seen one as bad as this prosecutor, [Angela] Corey.

[ame=]Alan Dershowitz: DOJ SHOULD investigate civil rights violations of George Zimmerman by Angela Corey - YouTube[/ame]

That's why the gov called her - they were scrambling to shut the angry mob down and I don't think they thought far enough ahead about the consequences of what they were doing.

The gubbamint doesn't know how to play chess.

PS I'm going to get Sunny to give you a famous NEG! for posting interesting stuff. lol
This isn't a day to celebrate.

An innocent young man is dead.

This isn't a day to troll. You dishonor the life of this "innocent young man" when you do so. Show some freaking respect.

What? You wrap your self in the verdict and start a rep circle jerk thread about it and then say " have respect" ? Your OP was a troll post. Nothing more then rep whoring using the memory a dead kid to do it.
There should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate this special prosecution.

Alan Dershowitz Slams Special Prosecutor Angela Corey - YouTube

Update 7-15-2013

She submitted an affidavit that was, if not perjurious, completely misleading. She violated all kinds of rules of the profession, and her conduct bordered on criminal conduct. She, by the way, has a horrible reputation in Florida. She’s known for overcharging, she’s known for being highly political. And in this case, of course she overcharged. Halfway through the trial she realized she wasn’t going to get a second degree murder verdict, so she asked for a compromised verdict, for manslaughter. And then, she went even further and said that she was going to charge him with child abuse and felony murder. That was such a stretch that it goes beyond anything professionally responsible. She was among the most irresponsible prosecutors I’ve seen in 50 years of litigating cases, and believe me, I’ve seen good prosecutors, bad prosecutors, but rarely have I seen one as bad as this prosecutor, [Angela] Corey.

[ame=]Alan Dershowitz: DOJ SHOULD investigate civil rights violations of George Zimmerman by Angela Corey - YouTube[/ame]

That's why the gov called her - they were scrambling to shut the angry mob down and I don't think they thought far enough ahead about the consequences of what they were doing.

The gubbamint doesn't know how to play chess.

PS I'm going to get Sunny to give you a famous NEG! for posting interesting stuff. lol

It's been pretty clear from the start that the government was agreeable to screw, chew, and barbeque Zimmerman to shut the blacks up. But it all blew back in their faces. As well it should have. Jackson and Sharpton are going to have to learn to live under the same rule of law the rest of us live under. If they want their black boys safe at night, they need to embark on a campaign to get their parents to take some responsibility for their children. When you let adolescents carouse around at night, bad things happen. Then the mother who didn't raise the kid wants to pick your pocket over the her beloved chile! Hohoho.
Just remember, it aint over till the fat lady sings.

Z be wearing a bullet proof vest.

I wish he would go to mexico.

And most of us on here just wish you would go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
There should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate this special prosecution.

Alan Dershowitz Slams Special Prosecutor Angela Corey - YouTube

Update 7-15-2013

She submitted an affidavit that was, if not perjurious, completely misleading. She violated all kinds of rules of the profession, and her conduct bordered on criminal conduct. She, by the way, has a horrible reputation in Florida. She’s known for overcharging, she’s known for being highly political. And in this case, of course she overcharged. Halfway through the trial she realized she wasn’t going to get a second degree murder verdict, so she asked for a compromised verdict, for manslaughter. And then, she went even further and said that she was going to charge him with child abuse and felony murder. That was such a stretch that it goes beyond anything professionally responsible. She was among the most irresponsible prosecutors I’ve seen in 50 years of litigating cases, and believe me, I’ve seen good prosecutors, bad prosecutors, but rarely have I seen one as bad as this prosecutor, [Angela] Corey.

[ame=]Alan Dershowitz: DOJ SHOULD investigate civil rights violations of George Zimmerman by Angela Corey - YouTube[/ame]

That's why the gov called her - they were scrambling to shut the angry mob down and I don't think they thought far enough ahead about the consequences of what they were doing.

The gubbamint doesn't know how to play chess.

PS I'm going to get Sunny to give you a famous NEG! for posting interesting stuff. lol

oh it gets better

Failing Trayvon – The Miami-Dade School Police Department Scandal Begins To Gain Traction

The re-qualifying/redefining of student-police contacts ordered by the School Superintendent and the School Police Chief are at the heart of the issue that surfaces surrounding the Trayvon Martin case; and the involvement of Martin with the Miami-Dade School Police Dept
It was during 2009/2010 that the police chief had instructed his officers to find alternate methods for dealing with behavioral issues of school students. Officer Tagle affirms, and other witnesses corroborate, the instructions were specifically targeted to young black males within the Miami-Dade Public School system.

On October 21st, 2011, a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-1477

SRO Dunn never filed a criminal report nor opened a criminal investigation. Following the procedures designed to avoid criminal reports for black male students, he wrote up the jewelry as “found items” and transferred them along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin's Death
[ame=]Time to Call Merestone: "When the Fat Lady Sings" - YouTube[/ame]
Update 7-15-2013

She submitted an affidavit that was, if not perjurious, completely misleading. She violated all kinds of rules of the profession, and her conduct bordered on criminal conduct. She, by the way, has a horrible reputation in Florida. She’s known for overcharging, she’s known for being highly political. And in this case, of course she overcharged. Halfway through the trial she realized she wasn’t going to get a second degree murder verdict, so she asked for a compromised verdict, for manslaughter. And then, she went even further and said that she was going to charge him with child abuse and felony murder. That was such a stretch that it goes beyond anything professionally responsible. She was among the most irresponsible prosecutors I’ve seen in 50 years of litigating cases, and believe me, I’ve seen good prosecutors, bad prosecutors, but rarely have I seen one as bad as this prosecutor, [Angela] Corey.

Alan Dershowitz: DOJ SHOULD investigate civil rights violations of George Zimmerman by Angela Corey - YouTube

That's why the gov called her - they were scrambling to shut the angry mob down and I don't think they thought far enough ahead about the consequences of what they were doing.

The gubbamint doesn't know how to play chess.

PS I'm going to get Sunny to give you a famous NEG! for posting interesting stuff. lol

oh it gets better

Failing Trayvon – The Miami-Dade School Police Department Scandal Begins To Gain Traction

The re-qualifying/redefining of student-police contacts ordered by the School Superintendent and the School Police Chief are at the heart of the issue that surfaces surrounding the Trayvon Martin case; and the involvement of Martin with the Miami-Dade School Police Dept
It was during 2009/2010 that the police chief had instructed his officers to find alternate methods for dealing with behavioral issues of school students. Officer Tagle affirms, and other witnesses corroborate, the instructions were specifically targeted to young black males within the Miami-Dade Public School system.

On October 21st, 2011, a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-1477

SRO Dunn never filed a criminal report nor opened a criminal investigation. Following the procedures designed to avoid criminal reports for black male students, he wrote up the jewelry as “found items” and transferred them along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin's Death

That's rich.
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