The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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My wife had left the TV on and the Today show was on. They had a panel discussion in which it was unanimous that GZ was cleared because:

1. It was an all white jury (except one)

2. It was held in the South.

3. GZ had racially profiled TM which is what all white people do with all black men.

4. The US is still racist and what happened was the exact same thing that happened to Emmit Till.

The libtards in the media live in a separate parallel but opposite universe is the only rational explanation other than that they are professional liars too.

Well the one black could have impeded a not guilty verdict. And the prosecution had as much say over who was on the jury as the defense had.
The dispatcher who told Zimmerman "We don't need you to do that" testified under oath that they are trained not to issue orders because it opens issues of liability. Next time you get a case where something the dispatcher says might be pertinent feel free to ask the dispatcher about it yourself.

They may train 'em that way in Fla., but Fla. is messed up in a lot of ways - almost as badly as TX. Tell you what, sport - tomorrow, I'll make a call and let you know how they are trained here. I will be surprised if they are told to shut up when someone is threatening to go get a gun.

Oh, and by the way, I only handle cases from arraignment through either dispo or preliminary hearing. In this particular case, the dispatcher's silence had no bearing on the preliminary hearing, so no investigation was required. The case is now in superior court, where the trial attorney may well want to pursue that aspect of the case.

I am pretty sure that they train them that way most places thanks to lawyers that sue cities for bad advice.

You have mentioned more than once that you are a public defender, and I just assumed you handled the whole shebang. My bad.

I see the logic of your thinking - you may be right. The other side of that coin is that FAILURE to discourage someone from using a gun can also result in potential liability for a police department. I doubt that anyone in any police department is going to fork over anything about how dispatchers are trained, but I'll give it a go.

I used to handle the whole shebang, well, the trial end of it that is. Did that for many years until they gave me this cushy assignment I have had for the past several years. Much prefer the present assignment. I don't miss the pressure of trial work in the least.
They may train 'em that way in Fla., but Fla. is messed up in a lot of ways - almost as badly as TX. Tell you what, sport - tomorrow, I'll make a call and let you know how they are trained here. I will be surprised if they are told to shut up when someone is threatening to go get a gun.

Oh, and by the way, I only handle cases from arraignment through either dispo or preliminary hearing. In this particular case, the dispatcher's silence had no bearing on the preliminary hearing, so no investigation was required. The case is now in superior court, where the trial attorney may well want to pursue that aspect of the case.

Hey Can't-Stand-Ya... Who made a call to 911 threatening to go get a gun? Also, who claimed dispatchers were trained to "remain silent?" Are you even paying attention?

I swear, this beats all I've ever seen... as the days go by, you people just start FABRICATING shit that never happened in the universe we live in! Turning it all into court-documented and certified evidence along the way. By next week, Zimmerman will be a toothless beer-drinking redneck, cruising around the black neighborhoods in his pickup, looking for blackies to shoot. Witnesses will have then be said to have testified they saw Zimmerman dragging Martin behind his pickup while screaming racial epithets at him out the window. Oh yeah... it's all there... they just turned him loose cause he is white!

I think YOU'RE the one who needs to start paying attention. I merely inserted the facts of a case I had into this thread because I felt it was relevant. End of story.
Totally different situation.

How is this a totally different situation? Who told you that?

Two Hispanics, check

Two dead black people, check

So why is one more important than the other?

Trayvon Martin = NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!

Odin Lloyd = Who the fuck is this guy?

Trevon Martin is a stooge for those who wish to make this a race based situation. It sold a great deal of media time and made a great deal of money for those outlets. Next opportunity for sensationalism is right around the corner.

Odin Llyod hung out with the wrong people and paid a price. Big deal happens everyday. Not enough to make a big controversy or gain a great deal of media time.

We can impeach our government officials. Only way I know of to impeach the press is to not buy their newspapers, however with actual paper no longer being involved, even that is most unlikely. When there isn't any news, they have to instigate something so there will be something to talk about. I don't really watch the talking heads that much, but a letter writing campaign to their sponsors and boycott of those products by a large number of Americans would tie a serious knot in their pantyhose.
WTF are you scared of in Montana that you feel the need to carry? Is having the gun just make you feel safer?

I have lived what I think is a long time and I know of no instance that I ever needed a gun nor do I know of anyone who has had need of a gun, other then hunting. I spent my youth growing up in a major city and lived on the road for 2 years without so much as a credit card.

My brother carries a gun everywhere and I keep asking him why. Who exactly is he afraid of? Any criminal that is good at their trade and wants what you have will take it regardless of your gun. I knew of a guy that had an extensive gun collection, and had it all stolen. Carrying guns didn't help him one bit. I think if I had a gun I might become even a bigger ahole in that I might not be thinking of the consequences of a confrontation quite so much.

BTW, none of the above is to imply I think you foolish to carry a gun. You do what is right for you. Me, I can't keep track of my cell phone I seriously doubt I need to, or should, carry a gun.

You don't want to carry? Then don't. I am not an "ahole" as you claim that you might be. I don't look for trouble. However, if it comes calling, I'm prepared. You, on the other hand, are another victim.

I've never been a victim (of anything other than my own stupidity) in my life. I have no intention of becoming one now.

A bit touchy are you Randy? All I asked is what is you reasoning for carrying a gun. Yes a victim mentality without actually being a victim and not wanting to become one certainly is one. Never said I didn't want to carry, just saying I don't see a reason for ME carrying a gun.

That is not ‘all you said.’ In fact, you made a clear and incorrect assumption; that, somehow, carrying a gun around is equated with some hidden fear. That is false. YOU might thing that you need to be in fear of something to CC but others know that it is prudent. I don’t carry flood or fire insurance because I ‘fear’ that a flood is going to destroy my house. I will likely live my entire life without ever using the various insurances on my home. Nor do I carry medical or vehicular insurance above the minimum required because I fear something. I don’t carry a medical kit with other basic necessities in my vehicle because I fear I am going to be wounded while driving. These are thing we do because they are prudent. They are good ideas as they cover the unlikely and rare events that could cost us more than we are willing to deal with (some being fatal). Carrying a weapon is, for most, exactly the same.

You are attempting to define the motivation in others because you don’t understand what they do and that is literally impossible.
We have lots of black Zimmerman's in America. Black on black crime is ignored by the media and other blacks. Why??

Why is everyone after Zimmerman when those black kids do this on a daily basis?? Why are you so concerned about THIS case?

93% of black homicides are committed by blacks, that's a fact Jack..............
There is a higher percentage of blacks that have a weapon on their person than that of the whites. Some of these weapons are legal and some are not. I personally have no problem with white or black carrying a weapon for self defense. Many of these neighborhoods we live in here in America are so violent you would be a fool not to have something to defend you and your family. It is a true shame that many people have to lock themselves up in their own houses at night for safety. Law Enforcement should be allowed to clean up the streets but that would take government and community support which will never happen.
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

That's far too rational and would destroy the myth that blacks need to fear the evil whites.
We had to go as far as hearing how Zimmerman's behavior forced Trayvon to beat him up. :cuckoo:
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

What the neighborhood watch captain in my area told me was this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would get to know the residents of his neighborhood and would have rolled down the window and offered the kid a ride home, that way you make a connection, you can store his face in your memory for future reference, and you find out where he lives".

GZ apparently didn't think to do ANY of those things, along with not even bothering to help revive the kid once he shot him.

What's frightening about this verdict is that it allows for someone to follow GZ, pick a fight with him, and then kill him, and as long as that person has a good story they made up, they'll get off scott-free, too, because murder is state-sanctioned in America now, and oddly enough, the small government people are the ones cheering it! Go fucking figure...

Why would someone who made it their business to know the residents of his neighborhood offer a strange man a ride? Especially someone they didn't know who was already acting suspiciously.
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Why didn't Martin simply tell Zimmerman to fuck off, and he himself go home?

Well none of that matters now, does it?

Didn't you hear that stupid bitch Perry on pmsnbc? She explained that away, it's because, being black, her father told her too that if you're being followed don't go home and bring them there, turn around and fight.

Did I hear you volunteering to have your head slammed on concrete as a test ?
I didn't think so

Chief..I've had my head really slammed into cement. Along with being hit in the eye with a crowbar, hit in the head with a bat, stabbed in the hand just to name a few things that's happened in my "exciting" time in bad ol' New York.

Which also gives me a bit of insight on the whole being able to pull the gun out while performing an armlock.

After you get clocked like's generally "Good Night Irene".

Well, this certainly explains the brain damage I was previously assuming you had......

I work at a top flight financial firm and am getting close to 100K a year.

And with computers.

Man..just imagine what I could do without the Brain Damage.

They may train 'em that way in Fla., but Fla. is messed up in a lot of ways - almost as badly as TX. Tell you what, sport - tomorrow, I'll make a call and let you know how they are trained here. I will be surprised if they are told to shut up when someone is threatening to go get a gun.

Oh, and by the way, I only handle cases from arraignment through either dispo or preliminary hearing. In this particular case, the dispatcher's silence had no bearing on the preliminary hearing, so no investigation was required. The case is now in superior court, where the trial attorney may well want to pursue that aspect of the case.

Hey Can't-Stand-Ya... Who made a call to 911 threatening to go get a gun? Also, who claimed dispatchers were trained to "remain silent?" Are you even paying attention?

I swear, this beats all I've ever seen... as the days go by, you people just start FABRICATING shit that never happened in the universe we live in! Turning it all into court-documented and certified evidence along the way. By next week, Zimmerman will be a toothless beer-drinking redneck, cruising around the black neighborhoods in his pickup, looking for blackies to shoot. Witnesses will have then be said to have testified they saw Zimmerman dragging Martin behind his pickup while screaming racial epithets at him out the window. Oh yeah... it's all there... they just turned him loose cause he is white!

I think YOU'RE the one who needs to start paying attention. I merely inserted the facts of a case I had into this thread because I felt it was relevant. End of story.

It's not relevant, because Zimmerman didn't threaten to go get a gun. The dispatcher also didn't remain silent when it was discovered Zimmerman was following Martin. No one here claimed the dispatchers are trained to remain silent, it was correctly pointed out, the dispatchers are trained to advise citizens to wait for the police to arrive, this due to liability.

So what are you interjecting here? Nonsense... that's what.
False. And ridiculous, even for you.

Zimmerman mentored young black students.
Zimmerman took a young black girl to one of his proms.
Zimmerman has black friends.

On Thursday, the Justice Department released a report showing that George Zimmerman, a Florida neighborhood watch guard who is being charged with second degree murder for shooting 17-year-old Travyon Martin while on duty, is not racist.

The report reveals over 30 interviews showing that the Zimmerman is not racist, an argument held strong by prosecutors in charging him with the killing of Martin, an African-American.

FBI agents asked each of the interviewees whether Zimmerman "displayed any bias, prejudice or irrational attitude against any class of citizen, religious, racial, gender or ethnic groups,". The report showed that none of the 30 plus interviewees answered affirmative to show of any bias.


In the phone calls logged by the Sanford police, every time he called reporting someone "threatening" they were Black males.

Maybe he likes the sisters? :eusa_shhh:

That's not true.

46 Calls - The Daily Beast
How long was GZ yelling for help?
All that time and he only got hit twice?

That's also something that's "super human".

He was "yelling" with blood streaming down his throat, his mouth and nosed covered, his head getting bashed into the concrete and blows reigning down on his head.

Then he IMMEDIATELY stops yelling after the shot was fired.

That's amazing.

Yeah, once your attacker stops attacking and climbs off, why would you keep yelling?


Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

What the neighborhood watch captain in my area told me was this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would get to know the residents of his neighborhood and would have rolled down the window and offered the kid a ride home, that way you make a connection, you can store his face in your memory for future reference, and you find out where he lives".

GZ apparently didn't think to do ANY of those things, along with not even bothering to help revive the kid once he shot him.

What's frightening about this verdict is that it allows for someone to follow GZ, pick a fight with him, and then kill him, and as long as that person has a good story they made up, they'll get off scott-free, too, because murder is state-sanctioned in America now, and oddly enough, the small government people are the ones cheering it! Go fucking figure...

The first line in bold?
Who said Zimmerman was a good neighborhood watch captain?

The second line in bold?
You are assuming there will be no witnesses, no videos, no nothing....otherwise, one would not get off scott free.

Zimmerman was not aware there were no witnesses. To the contrary, he likely believed there were seeing as it took place right smack dab in the middle of a resident complex.
Chief..I've had my head really slammed into cement. Along with being hit in the eye with a crowbar, hit in the head with a bat, stabbed in the hand just to name a few things that's happened in my "exciting" time in bad ol' New York.

Which also gives me a bit of insight on the whole being able to pull the gun out while performing an armlock.

After you get clocked like's generally "Good Night Irene".

Well, this certainly explains the brain damage I was previously assuming you had......

I work at a top flight financial firm and am getting close to 100K a year.

And with computers.

Man..just imagine what I could do without the Brain Damage.


$100K tech job in New York? No wonder you're such a braggart. :lmao:

That means you can afford a car OR a parking space for it.
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

Zimmerman called the cops and they told him to stand down. He didn't listen and pursued anyway.

There are a lot of ifs and buts in the case but for you to try to turn it around into "simple police involvement" and pretend no police contact was made, directions given by the police and they were ignored is dealing in fantasy
NO ONE CARES ANY LONGER.. The man had a trial by his peers and found INNOCENT. Enough already. Stop playing in to the leftist main sleaze media's love affair with race baiting.
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