The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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For misleading the people of the United states--- I hope Mr.George Zimmerman sues the media for one billion dollars in damages. He'd fucking win too.

Msnbc is totally and utterly misleading and seriously trying to ignite racial hatred in this country. 3-4 whites would be alive today if it wasn't for these bastards and this is justification alone to be pulled off of cable t.v. The fucking bastards.:evil:

Nbc should be sued for making fake evidence against Zimmerman
Cnn should be sued

They all should be sued for smearing a innocent mans name and causing racial hatred.

We better make damn sure we force our media to be honest...Or we're screwed. None of these pieces of crap cared about reality of the case.

Sued for "Smearing"? Trayvon Martin's stalker and murderer - all facts - is free only because it is wish of Sanford and Florida to annihilate those they consider nuisance.

Smearing, libel or scandal holds in a court under rule of law only when an untrue statement is made. Of course, though not a focused issue in the case during trial, the race of Trayvon Martin was main reason his stalker and murderer (propped by fact he possessed a gun) approached the pedestrian boy. No one in US or anywhere on Planet Earth should have to worry about walking on a public easement!

You do not stalk, get out of the protection of your vehicle to confront a pedestrian you later kill and then claim self-defense. What happen on night Trayvon Martin was senselessly murdered was very bad news for the US and reminiscent of terrible history we would like to bury-

When verdict does not match commonsense facts, we have a problem
. Florida, like its big sister Texas, has history of deciding against "Broken Fences": David Keaton, Delbert Tibbs, Annibal Jaramillo, Wilbert Lee and Freddie Pitts, Seth Penalver of State of Florida; and Anthony Graves, etc. of Texas would be dead or still be on death row if erroneous verdicts of jurors were accepted.
In Southern states.

I am sure most of the pro-gun people would support that.

you people have went stupid with this case...

what a shame you keep stirring up the hate..

.Did you all cry for WHITE people with protesting and wailing of injustice when oj simpson was aquitted and ask all the (pro-knife) would support something like your dumb question?

you all should be ASHAMED of yourselves
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

Zimmerman called the cops and they told him to stand down. He didn't listen and pursued anyway.

There are a lot of ifs and buts in the case but for you to try to turn it around into "simple police involvement" and pretend no police contact was made, directions given by the police and they were ignored is dealing in fantasy

None of what you said amounts to anything but fantasy.

You're right Zimmerman was told by the police to go after him

How about instead of spouting nonsense actually watch the trial and see the evidence for yourself from the source itself instead of your left wing media? The trial and the phone calls are all over youtube, if you can't find it I can set you up.

Of course you cant say for yourself anything to prove what I said was wrong. Just crying out loud. I would ask again but that would be don't know what I said wrong

For the record, in the trial it was testified that Zimmerman did not have to listen to that "police man" but it was never even proven that he did not. And of course it's not a crime to follow someone.

Did the strawman say he HAD to listen to the police? Or did I say it? Because I didnt

And next, you can look at how amazing cute good "little kid" Trayvon actually was. He is a gangster, fighter and a drug abuser by all evidence.

Strawman...He was pursued. Doesn't matter what you say he was. Zimmerman pursued him before he knew anything about him. Not the other way around.

Justice was served. The video posted here is a very good representation of the truth. I wish the media presented the truth and not their fantasies.

Like what kind of fan....nevermind. You haven't addressed me or what I said at all. Have fun with your strawmen
If Martin had a gun he could have defended himself against Zimmerman, and be alive today.

He'd be in prison is where he'd be. They would have had the trial long ago, tried him as an adult and convicted him of murder. But, yes, he'd be alive. Although...they probably would have gone for the death penalty to teach these "fucking coons" a lesson about obedience.

Still spreading the "fucking coons" lie I see.
And if Martin had a gun, it most likely would have been an illegal one and no permit to carry. So yes, he would have gone straight to prison where he belonged.
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Why did the chicken cross the road? Zimmerman had no obligation to stay in his truck, or wait for the cops to show up.

The real question is why did Martin decide to confront Zimmerman, instead of just going on home, calling 911, or calling his dad? Obviously, he was in little, if any, real fear of Zimmerman.

And, the $64,000 question that none of the race baiters can answer is: If Zimmerman had been Black, would we even know his name today?
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Good question.

My opinion? It's because he had delusions of grandeur and wanted to play supercop for a night.

If Zimmerman had simply stayed in his vehicle, he would have been "standing his ground", and if he'd shot Trayvon for trying to get in, he would have been justified in what he'd done.

However.................getting out of the vehicle and following Trayvon for a bit of distance is where he went wrong, and in my opinion, started the whole fight.

Like I've said before..................if you're following me late at night and I notice it, you can bet your ass I'm going to stop and ask why you're following me. If you can't provide a good enough answer, I just may pop you in the nose to get you to quit.

Pop someone in the nose, or slam their head into the sidewalk? My Gawd... You idiots never learn do you....I would suggest that smacking someone in the nose is exactly why Trayvon Martin isn't with us today. Your supposed to learn from these things, not proclaim you would do the exact same thing Trayvon did... Repeating the same thing expecting a different result is kind of nutty.

Maybe that's how tough guys naturally thin their herd?
And African Americans should consider no longer using the term 'Cracker.' It is insulting and racist. It's time to quit trying to spin it otherwise. Maybe this case was all about racism. If so, it was proven that it was clearly being expressed by Trayvon. But that's not to say Zimmerman wasn't racist himself. I just didn't see that proven in the trial.
And African Americans should consider no longer using the term "Cracker." It is demeaning and racist. It's time to quit trying to spin it otherwise. Maybe this thing was all about racism. If so, it was proven it was expressed by Trayvon. But that's not to say Zimmerman wasn't racist himself. I just didn't see that proven in the trial. People need to strive to be better people. They have to let go of their hate & bigotry. And that goes for all races.
I have a cousin who's been a dispatcher for the State Police for years. He has a badge, wears a full uniform, and had to attend police academy.

When a dispatcher gets a call it's their job to calm down a very stressful situation in order to make split second decisions that could be the difference between life and death. For this reason alone all respect should be given to them.

When GZ called 911 he reported to the dispatcher someone suspicious. That dispatcher had to take Zimmerman's word for it and advised him not to follow. This makes sense to me. Following an unknown suspicious person could only lead to an escalation of the situation and that's exactly what happen when he ignored the advise of the dispatcher.
If he wouldn't of followed Martin none of this would of happened in the first place.
In Southern states.

I am sure most of the pro-gun people would support that.

I think everyone should arm self, especially against increasing bigots in society who still believe they can dictate what and where other people can and cannot do or go. My recommendation is a TASER.

The senseless death of Trayvon Martin was an accomplished wish of Sanford and State of Florida: Because of reaction of Sanford police and Florida on date of incident, I believed and here posted (though posts were all deleted) that Sanford, Florida and parents of Martin's simpleton murderer were liable for death of pedestrian child on public easement: It appears Sanford and State of Florida believe certain people do not belong, and Trayvon Martin's simpleton murderer helped get rid of those that they consider nuisance.

I believed from the beginning of this case after listening to 911 call by Martin's stalker and murderer that the perpetrator is known simpleton and had been COACHED. It is a shame (and very bad news for the US) that anyone would have to worry about walking on any public easement in these US of A.
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