The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Only one problem with that theory, Quick and it's that when the FBI did voice analysis of that tape they said that it was clear that Zimmerman DIDN'T say "coons".

And you are buying wholesale an unofficial probe into a national phenomenon. In case you hadn't noticed, our government doesn't like it when people rise up in one voice like that. It couldn't be proved is the better interpretation of that.

By continually denying what some think is obvious, you are very wrongly encouraging the behavior of George Zimmerman and encouraging a vigilante mentality. But hey, maybe you are bored with your life enough to follow people you don't like around to see if you can't screw up their lives as much as possible. Have fun.

So what you're saying is that you've based your charge of racism against George Zimmerman on something that was shown to be incorrect. Why would you do that? That accusation against Zimmerman was debunked over a year ago and yet you're STILL trying to use it?

Debunking rarely if ever works. Nothing is as it seems so just listen to the MSM or the authorities to find out your latest "reality."
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Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

Zimmerman called the cops and they told him to stand down. He didn't listen and pursued anyway.

There are a lot of ifs and buts in the case but for you to try to turn it around into "simple police involvement" and pretend no police contact was made, directions given by the police and they were ignored is dealing in fantasy

the 911 dispatcher NEVER told Zimmerman to "stand down". Not sure why you think that. Maybe the news you watch do not like to give you the facts correctly?

The 911 operator asked Zimmerman if he was following the person in question. When Zimmerman answered "yes", the operator said "we don't need you to do that." That was not a directive by the operator nor was it an order by an officer. it was simply a suggestion.
Medical examiners said the injuries were "insignificant". Zimmerman himself didn't seek medical help.

Injuries don't count unless you are knocked unconscious or killed.
Especially when the perp is a black yute.

You are sure that Zimmerman didn't seek medical help?

Are you absolutely sure?

If he had a busted nose he got medical treatment. No doubt about it.

He didn't have a busted nose. We know that from the trial.

Yes he must have gone to your AA meeting at that time and missed it?
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

What the neighborhood watch captain in my area told me was this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would get to know the residents of his neighborhood and would have rolled down the window and offered the kid a ride home, that way you make a connection, you can store his face in your memory for future reference, and you find out where he lives".

GZ apparently didn't think to do ANY of those things, along with not even bothering to help revive the kid once he shot him.

What's frightening about this verdict is that it allows for someone to follow GZ, pick a fight with him, and then kill him, and as long as that person has a good story they made up, they'll get off scott-free, too, because murder is state-sanctioned in America now, and oddly enough, the small government people are the ones cheering it! Go fucking figure...

Even more frightening, is the obvious lack of knowledge about the American criminal justice system and its purpose.

We do not seek revenge for bad acts. We seek to punish those who we can prove violated the criminal laws.

If we cannot prove someone violated the law, then we have no business seeking to punish them.

There is no justice for Trayvon Martin, regardless of whether we can prove Zimmerman broke the law. He will still be dead, and his parents will still mourn his loss. A tragedy occurred, and that cannot be rectified with a travesty of justice designed to punish his killer.

The senseless death of Trayvon Martin was an accomplished wish of Sanford and State of Florida: Because of reaction of Sanford police and Florida on date of incident, I believed and here posted (though posts were all deleted) that Sanford, Florida and parents of Martin's simpleton murderer were liable for death of pedestrian child on public easement: It appears Sanford and State of Florida believe certain people do not belong, and Trayvon Martin's simpleton murderer helped get rid of those that they consider nuisance.

I believed from the beginning of this case after listening to 911 call by Martin's stalker and murderer that the perpetrator is known simpleton and had been COACHED. It is a shame (and very bad news for the US) that anyone would have to worry about walking on any public easement in these US of A.
Talk about having no idea what the facts of the scenario are (were).
The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?
I haven't been gloating--again none of us KNOW for sure what happened that night--but in my heart I know the jury returned the only verdict that they honorably could. Those who wanted a different verdict, both black and white, would know that if they took the time to look at the court proceedings with an open mind, are able to be objective, and are also honorable.

It is a tragedy that Trayvon Martin is dead. But all the evidence points to the fact that had Trayvon Martin taken the clear opportunity he had to walk away--he didn't even have to run--he would be alive today.

But that isn't tragedy enough for this administration, their surrogate media, and the racists among us. They are going to milk this for all the political advantage they can get. And that too is a tragedy.
I work at a top flight financial firm and am getting close to 100K a year.

And with computers.

Man..just imagine what I could do without the Brain Damage.


$100K tech job in New York? No wonder you're such a braggart. :lmao:

That means you can afford a car OR a parking space for it.

I was making more until the layoff.

But..I got a little more than a car.

2 apartments, a parking space..and a car.

How's it going for you in that mansion and yacht?


I don't brag about being such a hot shot. However, I live deliberately and I live quite well.
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If Zimmerman didn't have a gun that night, he wouldn't have followed Martin.

That gun made him feel like a hot shot, tough guy, trigger happy Enforcer.
Would Zimmerman have followed Trayvon Martin if he wasn't packing a sidearm?

I think that gun made him feel strong, confident, powerful. It gave him the self confidence he naturally clearly lacks.

No follow.
The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?

Zimmerman didn't need to get out of his truck.

Simple as that.

He called 911. His responsibilities as Neighborhood Watch "Captain" were done.

4 more blacks just begged to go to jail or be shot. Gee I wonder why more blacks are in jail? Not only did they attack someone who was no threat to them. But these wannabe gangsta thugs continued beating the man when he was down, after he retreated & was yelling stop just like the self described "Gangster" Trayvon Martin did to GZ. This is some kinda hood justice code these idiots picked up being raised on gangster rap & the brainwashing effects is clear as day. It is contrary to over 600 years of self defense law in most countries of the world. Lethal force from a gun was justified to kill all 4 of those attackers.
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The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?

and it opens the door to the next simple question...

What if the next "blow", be it a punch to the head or a pound of the head on concrete, knocked out Zimmerman. Would he still be able to act in self defense?

Should he have waited for that next blow?

This whole case was a circus. There was no evidence to support ANYTHING except Zimmermans recollection of the incident.
When someone has full control of a gun and aiming at you, that would cause you to scream or at least it's fully consistent with that being Trayvon screaming.

Running at him or approaching quickly in order to converse. That could give anyone with a CHL a license to blow people away in many circumstances.

You can't speculate when it comes to blowing people away.

1. You're assuming that Martin even knew Zimmerman had a gun. For all we know Martin had no clue Zimmerman had a gun until he heard the shot. (Correction: Zimmerman's statements say that Martin saw the gun and then told Zimmerman that he was going to die...) So according to Zimmerman Martin saw the gun during the struggle and started reaching for it...

2. You're exacly right. So we could assume Zimmerman would have been justified in shooting Martin as Martin approached to assault him. Keep in mind the prosecutors did not prove that Zimmerman approached Martin. The first words, on record, spoken between the two was when Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him.

3. Speculate is EXACTLY what you're allowed to do in the eyes of self-defense law. If someone's coming at you with hostility, you don't have to wait until they're strangling you, or bashing your head into the concrete to use deadly force. If a 250lb guy was approaching your wife with obvious ill-intent do you suppose her speculation on his intent and/or what weapons he might be sufficient enough to pull out her gun to thwart him? Or would you perfer he beat the hell out of her first, then produce a knife?

For lefties, its verdict first, evidence later, and the worst show trials in history were held by leftists like Stalin Mao and the Jacobins during the French Reign of Terror.

Zimmerman could become just one of those leaders or cause for one if made a great enough hero for it. Oh, the irony.
The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?

Zimmerman didn't need to get out of his truck.

Simple as that.

He called 911. His responsibilities as Neighborhood Watch "Captain" were done.

And TM did not need to be in that neighborhood...

What if game is pretty fun, eh??
$100K tech job in New York? No wonder you're such a braggart. :lmao:

That means you can afford a car OR a parking space for it.

I was making more until the layoff.

But..I got a little more than a car.

2 apartments, a parking space..and a car.

How's it going for you in that mansion and yacht?


I don't brag about being such a hot shot. However, I live deliberately and I live quite well.

You kinda jumped in the middle of something.

Go back to the "Brain Damaged" thing and get back to me.

Mr. Deliberately well.

The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?

Zimmerman didn't need to get out of his truck.

Simple as that.

He called 911. His responsibilities as Neighborhood Watch "Captain" were done.

And there is no evidence showing that Martin had the right to punch Zimmerman in the face.

Martin could have simply walked home.

Simple as that.

His trip to 7-11 to buy skittles and ice tea had ended.
Good morning!

Anyone trying to push this hate train down the tracks is fueled by pure emotion, having left their ability to rationally assess the situation far behind at the station. Outside of this forum, most people I have spoken to regarding this case, mostly at work today, are truly uninformed.

They haven't watched the testimony and are reacting to the carefully selected facts presented on various news channels, the internet, or social sites like Facebook and Twitter. They are simply uninformed. Yet, they are the ones to bring up the case to me, eager to share their point of view. Everyone has an opinion. Some are anti- and some are pro-Zimmerman. But NONE have watched the actual testimony.

So when we see and hear these people, it's ridiculous of us to get upset. Hell, POTUS, sure as shit, doesn't even know what he's talking about. Damn sure he didn't watch the trial either...nor Holder, Reid, or anyone else in government sharing their thoughts on it. And the protesters claiming racism, DOJ investigations, vigilantism, etc. know not what they say. Pure ignorance of the facts and the law.

Anyone who looks at this case from an intellectual and not emotional perspective realizes the verdict was just. No good can come from a President or anyone else who says things like...we have to respect the jury's decision but work to stop these things from occurring in the they point the finger at George Zimmerman.

In fairness, they need to look more closely at the aggressor in this case; the person who actually did break the law; and that is Trayvon Martin. And that is the unfortunate truth - very sad because he simply chose the wrong person to assault. No new lesson here, just a basic tenet of civilized society: Don't perpetrate violence, period

Parents who don't teach this to their children from toddlerhood on and reinforce it into their teens have only themselves to blame if their child makes the wrong decision. Whether they hurt or kill someone else, or someone else hurts or kills them, both scenarios are equally tragic.

Nothing is learned from appeasement, as we see here. In the wake of this case, I don't see one shred of evidence the black community is reacting in any positive way to honor Trayvon Martin. They should be taking this opportunity to remind their youth, as I have mine, about the proper way to act/react if someone ever follows or approaches them. I've heard nothing about that but I've heard plenty of anger, blame, and cries of racism, revenge, and recrimination. Those who fail to remember how to live in a civilied society will continue to be victims of that failure.
If Zimmerman didn't have a gun that night, he wouldn't have followed Martin.

That gun made him feel like a hot shot, tough guy, trigger happy Enforcer.

He felt like a tough guy? Proof?
He was trigger happy? Proof?

Or are you just acting like the other race baiting assholes on this site.
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