The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So now you have a problem with "States" rights?


Not at all...I take umbrage at New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts being characterized as making up the entirety of the Northern States, which I think I made abundantly clear.

Black, white, green, red, brown, purple, yellow, orange.

North, South, East, West.

Red State, Blue State.

Urban, suburban, rural.

Rich, poor, middle class.

From purple mountains majesty, across the fruited plains, from sea to shining sea.

All encompassingly I support everyones right to arm themselves for the purpose of self defense and the defense of others wherever they may legally do so.

Is this in any way unclear.

Made what abundantly clear?

Personally, I think that if the law allows it, you should be able to have a gun for home defense and defense of a business.

Carrying guns in the streets is a fool errand, regardless of what the law my opinion.

It was tried in the wild west with disastrous results.

And every country where there is abundance of guns..there are an abundance of death by guns.

Your opinion isn't worth much. There are more people killed by guns in Chicago, Detroit, and Washington DC, than were ever killed by guns in the wild west.

Once you figure that out, try to accept which demographic group is causing all those deaths by guns.
The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor and needed no stitches or bandages. I noticed he'd put two large bandages on his head the next morning for the walk through ... for drama.

You mean the Medical Examiner that never actually examined Zimmerman's injuries. Any Physician who gives a diagnosis from photos is unprofessional.
The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?

Zimmerman didn't need to get out of his truck.

Simple as that.

He called 911. His responsibilities as Neighborhood Watch "Captain" were done.

And Martin didn't need to attack him and repeatedly bounce Zimmerman's head off the pavement.

Simple as that.

That decision cost him his life.
Good morning!

Anyone trying to push this hate train down the tracks is fueled by pure emotion, having left their ability to rationally assess the situation far behind at the station. Outside of this forum, most people I have spoken to regarding this case, mostly at work today, are truly uninformed.

They haven't watched the testimony and are reacting to the carefully selected facts presented on various news channels, the internet, or social sites like Facebook and Twitter. They are simply uninformed. Yet, they are the ones to bring up the case to me, eager to share their point of view. Everyone has an opinion. Some are anti- and some are pro-Zimmerman. But NONE have watched the actual testimony.

So when we see and hear these people, it's ridiculous of us to get upset. Hell, POTUS, sure as shit, doesn't even know what he's talking about. Damn sure he didn't watch the trial either...nor Holder, Reid, or anyone else in government sharing their thoughts on it. And the protesters claiming racism, DOJ investigations, vigilantism, etc. know not what they say. Pure ignorance of the facts and the law.

Anyone who looks at this case from an intellectual and not emotional perspective realizes the verdict was just. No good can come from a President or anyone else who says things like...we have to respect the jury's decision but work to stop these things from occurring in the they point the finger at George Zimmerman.

In fairness, they need to look more closely at the aggressor in this case; the person who actually did break the law; and that is Trayvon Martin. And that is the unfortunate truth - very sad because he simply chose the wrong person to assault. No new lesson here, just a basic tenet of civilized society: Don't perpetrate violence, period

Parents who don't teach this to their children from toddlerhood on and reinforce it into their teens have only themselves to blame if their child makes the wrong decision. Whether they hurt or kill someone else, or someone else hurts or kills them, both scenarios are equally tragic.

Nothing is learned from appeasement, as we see here. In the wake of this case, I don't see one shred of evidence the black community is reacting in any positive way to honor Trayvon Martin. They should be taking this opportunity to remind their youth, as I have mine, about the proper way to act/react if someone ever follows or approaches them. I've heard nothing about that but I've heard plenty of anger, blame, and cries of racism, revenge, and recrimination. Those who fail to remember how to live in a civilied society will continue to be victims of that failure.

I'm thinking Holder, Reid, the POTUS, maybe even CJ Roberts had staff watching the trial to the point where their own court reporters were taking down testimony. I'm sure they all got briefings. The problem with that is the staff member who distills all the information into a memo for the boss, is going to be a toady with an agenda or they wouldn't have the ear of their boss to begin with. I do believe I'd like to read Chief Justice Roberts daily briefings, though.
Zimmerman had a right to get out of his truck. Martin had no right to beat him to death. If you want a law that says black people have the right to beat up non black people for getting out of their cars, pass one.
The medical examiner was quite clear that Zimmerman's injuries were very minor

Did the medical examiner explain that to Zimmerman as the beating was going on? So that Zimmerman would know that there wasn't actually any need to pull his gun since his life was not, in fact, in danger?

Or did Zimmerman have to guess while his head was being slammed into the concrete by a guy who was telling him, "You're going to die tonight, motherfucker."?

Zimmerman didn't need to get out of his truck.

Simple as that.

He called 911. His responsibilities as Neighborhood Watch "Captain" were done.

Martin didn't need to confront Zimmerman either. He had his sizzurp ingredients (who walks in the rain just for skittles and watermelon drink?) and was unimpeded in his return to his absentee father's hookup's place.
There should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate this special prosecution.

Alan Dershowitz Slams Special Prosecutor Angela Corey - YouTube

I agree. I think she threw the case on purpose.

Lipstick on a pig.


I actually PREDICTED that some mental midget lolberal(s) would make the claim that the persecution "threw" the case if Zimmerman were to get acquitted.

Snoopie (the present day equivalent of TderpM) is so special.
I kind of miss her. When she was too drunk to post and let the puppy play on the computer, there was occasionally something worth reading.
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

Zimmerman called the cops and they told him to stand down. He didn't listen and pursued anyway.

There are a lot of ifs and buts in the case but for you to try to turn it around into "simple police involvement" and pretend no police contact was made, directions given by the police and they were ignored is dealing in fantasy

the 911 dispatcher NEVER told Zimmerman to "stand down". Not sure why you think that. Maybe the news you watch do not like to give you the facts correctly?

The 911 operator asked Zimmerman if he was following the person in question. When Zimmerman answered "yes", the operator said "we don't need you to do that." That was not a directive by the operator nor was it an order by an officer. it was simply a suggestion.

Even still, pretending like everything would be different if Martin Called the police is stupid. Unless Martin is supposed to listen to "suggestions" and Zimmerman doesn't have to and no one expects him too. Just Martin in this made up scenario
If Zimmerman didn't have a gun that night, he wouldn't have followed Martin.

That gun made him feel like a hot shot, tough guy, trigger happy Enforcer.

He felt like a tough guy? Proof?
He was trigger happy? Proof?

Or are you just acting like the other race baiting assholes on this site.

race baiting?

who the fuck is race baiting?

not I

No. You did not. However, you have opted to see Zimmerman in a light that was painted for you by mere assumption by others, such as those in the press.

Yet, they had no proof of such and, to be quite frank, you have no proof of such.

Now, I don't know if he were trigger happy or not. Likewise, I don't know if he felt like a tough guy or not.

All I know is the man called 911 and gave his name and I have sound reason to believe he had no intention of committing a crime that evening.

I also know he was never ordered to "NOT follow" Martin. It was suggested that "he did not need to do that" again, he did nothing wrong yet.

I also know that he had a broken nose...allegedly from a punch thrown at him....Martins body showed no marks of a struggle before the it seems that he was not in danger of getting pummeled....

Yet he stayed long enough to get shot.

Now...those are the with them.
Probably not.

Zimmerman managed to stay alive for quite some time.

Cops were there 15 seconds after Martin was shot.

Pretty sure, however, Martin would have spent the night in Jail..and Zimmerman would have gotten a bandaid for his boo boos and a lollypop.

15 Seconds is a long time in a fight.
I was making more until the layoff.

But..I got a little more than a car.

2 apartments, a parking space..and a car.

How's it going for you in that mansion and yacht?


I don't brag about being such a hot shot. However, I live deliberately and I live quite well.

You kinda jumped in the middle of something.

Go back to the "Brain Damaged" thing and get back to me.

Mr. Deliberately well.


No, I opined because I wouldn't be bragging about less than $100K in New York as some sort of proof that you haven't suffered brain damage from your long history of violence. It might make you feel cool and tough but the rest of us are just shaking our heads in pity.

Because he just shot someone.

Because he was in a fight.

Because he thought he was about to die.


He wasn't yelling.


He knew the cops were on the way, people nearby were also talking to 911, Trayvon was no longer beating on him. Why yell?

Assume Trayvon was yelling for help, as he beat on GZ, that somehow makes the shooting a bad one? Please explain further.......

Like so many things about Zimmerman's makes very little sense.

Add in, Zimmerman lied on national tv. Not a little white lie..a huge whopper.

He said on Hannity, he had no idea what SYG was and his own professor debunked that.

Like so many things about Zimmerman's makes very little sense.

TM going back after GZ didn't make sense either.

You never answered, assume Trayvon was yelling for help, as he beat on GZ, that somehow makes the shooting a bad one?
Get a firearm and protect yourself. Lots of violent nutters out there. Just look at some of these 'Protests' going on right now. It would be wise to take steps to protect yourself and your family. This is probably the worst time in our History to continue being unarmed and defenseless. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit as soon as possible.

We're all potential victims. It's your right to own a firearm. I suggest more Americans begin exercising that right. When the SHTF Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg, Pierce Morgan and the rest, won't be there to protect you. So i would advise not listening to them when they tell you that you shouldn't protect yourself. They're well-protected Multi-Millionaires living in secure gated communities. They're safe. But are you?
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Zimmerman had a right to get out of his truck. Martin had no right to beat him to death. If you want a law that says black people have the right to beat up non black people for getting out of their cars, pass one.

beat him to death?

the medical examiner said his injuries were insignificant.
And again, that's why no one stands up for this, because people like you won't allow anyone to freely state an opinion of this. I bet there is still a large number of people who still believe he said "coons" but you never hear from them, because they know they'll face unending denials and examination from those that just want to confuse the issue.

Oh, there were plenty of people who jumped on the "George Zimmerman is a white racist" band wagon, Quick. He was accused of everything from beating an ex-girlfriend, to beating up a cop, to molesting one of his cousins. Only when you looked at all of the allegations they were either total bullshit...or they were blown completely out of proportion from what REALLY happened.

He admitted it himself that he assaulted an officer. :eusa_hand:


I was arrested in July 2005 for assault on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence. ...

What are you going by to say also that his assault on a girlfriend was total BS? Link? His girlfriend gave court testimony that he did, and there's a video of the prosecutor detailing this:

Zimmerman's Bond Hearing Reveals He Allegedly Slapped Ex-Girlfriend, Claimed Self-Defense | Alternet

While interviewing Zimmerman’s current wife, the state proscecutor read from an affidavit by the ex-girlfriend. She alleged in the sworn statement that he “pushed her,” then slapped her with an open hand to the mouth and “asked her how it felt.” She said he “picked me up and threw me on the bed” and then “grabbed me again.”

Throwing someone onto a bed means he could have just as easily thrown her on a hard floor if there hadn't been a bed nearby. Couldn't throwing someone onto a hard floor kill them and doesn't it show alone that George has or had potential to be a cold-blooded killer? It was a murder trial, and that was very pertinent to determining.

TRUST ME ON THIS...THE PROSECUTION LOOKED LONG AND HARD FOR JUST THAT!!! How many people in this country could have had their prior statements examined with a magnifying glass like Zimmerman's were and come out with ZERO examples? I'm betting that's a test that 90% of the people on this board would fail miserably. But you STILL want to accuse Zimmerman of being a racist?

And I should take your word for it that there were no other valid examples given? I believe there were more. Just the first two is enough in most murder trials to make a jury likely to convict, unless the murder defendant had a really good defense.

If people want to continue to try to deny my right to call him a racist, I will continue to state my opinion that he is.
In Southern states.

I am sure most of the pro-gun people would support that.

Your ignorance is astonishing! Many many mang Black MEN and WOMEN know how to obtain guns legally and many many many do! However, the gangsters that commit the majority of the gun murders in the US don't want legal guns and prefer to obtain illegal guns!

It's like voter ID. Asshole liberals like you with your nose in the air to blacks, think they are too stupid to get photo ID! What a self-righteous prick you are!

Oh go fuck yourself..

With all due respect.

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