The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman should have minded his own fucking business and not followed an innocent young man in a car and on foot.

He was not a cop and Neighborhood Watch aren't supposed to follow people.
Zimmerman had a right to get out of his truck. Martin had no right to beat him to death. If you want a law that says black people have the right to beat up non black people for getting out of their cars, pass one.

beat him to death?

the medical examiner said his injuries were insignificant.

Insignificant because he stopped the guy from beating him any further.

Let's not assume the beating would have stopped spontaneously.
Zimmerman had a right to get out of his truck. Martin had no right to beat him to death. If you want a law that says black people have the right to beat up non black people for getting out of their cars, pass one.

beat him to death?

the medical examiner said his injuries were insignificant.

The M.E. that never examined Zimmerman. All she had was pictures, and pictures are insufficient for a diagnosis.
Get a firearm and protect yourself and your family. Lots of angry violent nutters out there. Listen very carefully to what some of these 'Protesters' are saying. This is probably the worst time in our History to continue being unarmed and defenseless. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit as soon as possible.

It's your Constitutional Right to own a Firearm. I suggest more Americans begin exercising that Right. Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg, Pierce Morgan, and the rest won't be there to protect you. They won't be there if the SHTF for you. They're well-protected Multi-Millionaires living in secure gated communities. So i wouldn't be so quick to listen to them when they tell you not to protect yourself. They're safe. But are you?
I don't brag about being such a hot shot. However, I live deliberately and I live quite well.

You kinda jumped in the middle of something.

Go back to the "Brain Damaged" thing and get back to me.

Mr. Deliberately well.


No, I opined because I wouldn't be bragging about less than $100K in New York as some sort of proof that you haven't suffered brain damage from your long history of violence. It might make you feel cool and tough but the rest of us are just shaking our heads in pity.

In pity of what?

New York was a pretty tough place to grow up in the 70s until probably the mid 90s.

Most people around my age can attest to that. Although, admittedly, I probably got into "some" of those situations out of stupidity.
You kinda jumped in the middle of something.

Go back to the "Brain Damaged" thing and get back to me.

Mr. Deliberately well.


No, I opined because I wouldn't be bragging about less than $100K in New York as some sort of proof that you haven't suffered brain damage from your long history of violence. It might make you feel cool and tough but the rest of us are just shaking our heads in pity.

In pity of what?

New York was a pretty tough place to grow up in the 70s until probably the mid 90s.

Most people around my age can attest to that. Although, admittedly, I probably got into "some" of those situations out of stupidity.

Nah, really? :lmao:
Zimmerman had a right to get out of his truck. Martin had no right to beat him to death. If you want a law that says black people have the right to beat up non black people for getting out of their cars, pass one.

beat him to death?

the medical examiner said his injuries were insignificant.

He had a broken nose. That is by no means insignificant.
The ME could not determine if the NEXT blow would have been insignificant.

Why do you ignore the POSSIBILITY that if Zimmerman had waited for a more "serious" blow, he would no longer be able to draw his gun? Perhaps he would be dead, or unconscious.....?

And if he you know Trayvon Martin well enough to believe he would have stopped the pummeling of an unconscious person?
Zimmerman had a right to get out of his truck. Martin had no right to beat him to death. If you want a law that says black people have the right to beat up non black people for getting out of their cars, pass one.

beat him to death?

the medical examiner said his injuries were insignificant.

The M.E. that never examined Zimmerman. All she had was pictures, and pictures are insufficient for a diagnosis.

There was a other medical professional testifying in the trial who said that kind of brain injury could be fatal. I try to find the video...
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You kinda jumped in the middle of something.

Go back to the "Brain Damaged" thing and get back to me.

Mr. Deliberately well.


No, I opined because I wouldn't be bragging about less than $100K in New York as some sort of proof that you haven't suffered brain damage from your long history of violence. It might make you feel cool and tough but the rest of us are just shaking our heads in pity.

In pity of what?

New York was a pretty tough place to grow up in the 70s until probably the mid 90s.

Most people around my age can attest to that. Although, admittedly, I probably got into "some" of those situations out of stupidity.

In pity of a guy that is obviously overcompensating by calling someone who legally carries a firearms "pussy" and then regaling all of us with how tough you are and what a Wall Street big shot you are.

$100K in tech on Wall Street is help desk. Someone beat about the head as much as you definitely has cognitive issues - you should get that checked out. Someone who gets in so many fights just isn't that bright to begin with.

Now run along and fix some printers. Real people with important jobs are waiting and they aren't paying you to post here.
Believe me, by the time the media, the DoJ and the attorney's get through with Zimmerman, he'll wish he had just let Martin finish him off...

Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Good question.

My opinion? It's because he had delusions of grandeur and wanted to play supercop for a night.

If Zimmerman had simply stayed in his vehicle, he would have been "standing his ground", and if he'd shot Trayvon for trying to get in, he would have been justified in what he'd done.

However.................getting out of the vehicle and following Trayvon for a bit of distance is where he went wrong, and in my opinion, started the whole fight.

Like I've said before..................if you're following me late at night and I notice it, you can bet your ass I'm going to stop and ask why you're following me. If you can't provide a good enough answer, I just may pop you in the nose to get you to quit.

Your ignorance of the facts in the case are showing, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
There are two civil suits new items going on here.

The first is the Civil Rights Organization NAACP has started a petition right after the verdict
came in on Zimmerman for Florida wanting the Justice Department to let there be a Civil Suit against him , insisting there was racial profiling and Martin's civil rights were violated. They have been holding peaceful protests in cities and preachers involved in the organzation are getting together to talk to at a confrence to bunch of people. Not to menton more marches scheduled.

The second is The Martin's ,Trayvon's parents , families lawyer has told the press separately that they are considering a civil suit in the wrong full death of their son in a different jurisdiciction of were the Zimmerman Trial was just at. According to the their lawyer they had made no response to what the NAACP is doing as of yet. They have two years two file the suit before time runs out.

Sounds like two different civil suits might be filed here according to the press. Or they could come together in one. To early to tell.

There is also the case of Zimmerman's wife committing perjury.

No self defense there, ha, ha.
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