Why people are growing tired of cops

No, they enforce it.
That mentality is a large part of the problem. The idea that one can disrespect, argue or resist an officer is one of our largest problems.
Video evidence and stacks and stacks of lawsuits prove you wrong
No. Those simply prove that we’ve lost our most basic values in society. The moment you resist (in any way) a cop you deserve to be detained, beaten and/or shot.
I will never understand the republican undying devotion to cops.
It’s fucking weird.
We realize they’re one of the few things keeping this nation from devolving into total chaos. Without them, I have to start shooting the mofos trespassing in my front lawn rather than letting them do it for me.
That mentality is a large part of the problem. The idea that one can disrespect, argue or resist an officer is one of our largest problems.
Resisting is illegal. Disrespecting or arguing isnt.
If you do nothing wrong, they have zero authority over you. Let them abuse your rights then sue the piss out of them. Which is happening all the time. Thank gawd.
We realize they’re one of the few things keeping this nation from devolving into total chaos. Without them, I have to start shooting the mofos trespassing in my front lawn rather than letting them do it for me.
Gotta depend on that government, ey? lolz
Resisting is illegal. Disrespecting or arguing isnt.
If you do nothing wrong, they have zero authority over you. Let them abuse your rights then sue the piss out of them. Which is happening all the time. Thank gawd.
It should be.

I was taught from my youngest years… you do whatever the cop tells you to. You don’t argue. You don’t give them attitude. You sure as fuck don’t resist. If you do any of the above expect you might get dead. IF you feel the officer did something wrong you deal with it only after you’re done dealing with the police, and only through a lawyer.
I was taught from my youngest years… you do whatever the cop tells you to. You don’t argue. You don’t give them attitude. You sure as fuck don’t resist. If you do any of the above expect you might get dead. IF you feel the officer did something wrong you deal with it only after you’re done dealing with the police, and only through a lawyer.
Thats you guys problem. You think people deserve to fucking die because they got a smart mouth. Fuck that shit.
I can, and does happen on occasion. This woman cop violated this man's rights; and he worked her over good, and proper. Ultimately having to disarm her as she kept escalating the situation...

Who thought it'd be a good idea to hire little women to be police officers? :terror:

They gotta be really hard core fuckups like the guy who just killed someone ...speeding for no reason in his police cruiser ...4th crash ...speeding for no reason ...this one was like 86 ina 40..

What always leaves me perplexed is how so many on the right can blindly salute all of law enforcement...

I've always found troopers to be much more professional than the clowns you posted
That's true. They do 2 more years of training and are more professional in general.

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