The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Update 7-15-2013

She submitted an affidavit that was, if not perjurious, completely misleading. She violated all kinds of rules of the profession, and her conduct bordered on criminal conduct. She, by the way, has a horrible reputation in Florida. She’s known for overcharging, she’s known for being highly political. And in this case, of course she overcharged. Halfway through the trial she realized she wasn’t going to get a second degree murder verdict, so she asked for a compromised verdict, for manslaughter. And then, she went even further and said that she was going to charge him with child abuse and felony murder. That was such a stretch that it goes beyond anything professionally responsible. She was among the most irresponsible prosecutors I’ve seen in 50 years of litigating cases, and believe me, I’ve seen good prosecutors, bad prosecutors, but rarely have I seen one as bad as this prosecutor, [Angela] Corey.

Alan Dershowitz: DOJ SHOULD investigate civil rights violations of George Zimmerman by Angela Corey - YouTube

That's why the gov called her - they were scrambling to shut the angry mob down and I don't think they thought far enough ahead about the consequences of what they were doing.

The gubbamint doesn't know how to play chess.

PS I'm going to get Sunny to give you a famous NEG! for posting interesting stuff. lol

oh it gets better

Failing Trayvon – The Miami-Dade School Police Department Scandal Begins To Gain Traction

The re-qualifying/redefining of student-police contacts ordered by the School Superintendent and the School Police Chief are at the heart of the issue that surfaces surrounding the Trayvon Martin case; and the involvement of Martin with the Miami-Dade School Police Dept
It was during 2009/2010 that the police chief had instructed his officers to find alternate methods for dealing with behavioral issues of school students. Officer Tagle affirms, and other witnesses corroborate, the instructions were specifically targeted to young black males within the Miami-Dade Public School system.

On October 21st, 2011, a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-1477

SRO Dunn never filed a criminal report nor opened a criminal investigation. Following the procedures designed to avoid criminal reports for black male students, he wrote up the jewelry as “found items” and transferred them along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin's Death

Maybe the thing that will make everything come out is just to continue to shine the light on it. I almost hope the civil rights bs suits do ensue - If you watched Stamina's post verdict interview - he has a plan already. I think the plan involves blowing the roof off.

Go Al!! Go Jesse! Go Eric! sow your bed (or whatever that saying is).

Voters and sheeple have short term memory issues - I don't have much faith in that remedy.
You know what I find appalling? That so many people are so callous about a kid getting shot to death because he didn't know exactly the right way to handle a situation. He was a kid, barely turned 17.

But he was a black kid, wasn't he? And I know without a doubt that's why so many of you just don't give a fuck about what happened to him.

You've profiled him in your minds just as Zimmerman profiled him on the streets that night. It MUST have been his fault. Those kind, they always cause trouble.
Basically. That's the long and short of it.

Now we get to experience the further demonization of the victim Trayvon Martin, by the killer's supporters. They took all his inconsistent lies and garbage as gospel truth.

Nobody is "demonizing" Trayvon, but people have heard absolutely ENOUGH bullshit. Stop referring to him as "a kid" when you know Trayvon would have told ANY of us that he was certainly NOT a kid, but a man. He wasn't some innocent 9-year-old boy with a bag of skittles, he was a young adult who had been in plenty of fights, prided himself on his fighting skills, kicked out of schools for fighting and dope.

I don't take ANY word for gospel truth, my opinion in this case is based upon the evidence presented by the prosecution and defense. You are the one who wants to ignore evidence and accuse Zimmerman of lying under oath, because Trayvon has your same skin color. If Zimmerman were black and Trayvon Hispanic, you would be accusing the prosecution of being a lynch mob. This is ALL about race for you, it always has been, always will be. You've made that obvious, and you continue to reaffirm it.
Pogo, will never admit there is a link, even if he has seen it a 1,000 times. It doesn't fit his agenda.

No link was given, dumbass. All day; no link. That tells me he's working with nothing. Typing the words "it's a fact pal" isn't documentation. It's bullshit.

Yawn. Can we stop calling names now. I'm half asleep right now, but even I can find the link. Who's the dumbass now, Pogo?

Third Person Exits NBC Over Misleading Edit Of Zimmerman's 911 Audio -

Uh, really? You run a link in now and claim it was there all the time? And even then all you have is Newsmax? :rofl:

Ain't it funny the guy who brought it up couldn't find it? Or even get the network right? Then two more who jump up and down claiming "the link is there pal" yet can't provide it either. Thanks for proving my whole point. :eusa_clap:

Thanks TK. I'll check out the link when I have time and we'll assume this is what the original guy meant. But the point is demonstrated.

"The networks". "The media". The life of the Lost Vague-ist. :cuckoo:
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Oh dear. It seems Zona didn't take the verdict very well.

[ame=]Hitler reacts to the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin not guilty verdict - YouTube[/ame]

O.J. Simpson’s prosecutor says he never would have brought the Trayvon case to court. Still, he argues, just putting George Zimmerman on trial was a victory.

“The struggle continues, our work isn’t over,” were the words of Melissa Harris-Perry an hour after the not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. I agree. Work within the African-American community, work within the criminal-justice system and work on a national level to further the debate over racial profiling, civil rights and “stand-your-ground” laws must continue. The power of racial profiling and the power of the gun lobby is a lethal combination in America.

As a former prosecutor, I never would have brought the Zimmerman case to court. There was a high burden of proof giving way to reasonable doubt. That said, as an African-American, I know it was a victory just putting Zimmerman on trial.

No doubt, there will be a civil suit, and Zimmerman will have to testify. The outcome may echo OJ Simpson’s civil trial, in which he was forced to testify and was found guilty. (I was on the prosecution team in the Simpson criminal case.) Today, the NAACP wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting that the government prosecute Zimmerman under the Civil Rights Act. So truth and justice might be found for Trayvon Martin—in several other courts of law.

Yet I still believe in the criminal-justice system, as I did after the Simpson verdict. The OJ case polarized America, dividing us among hard racial lines. African-Americans felt justified supporting OJ as a “payback” for all the profound injustices we have suffered at the hands of the criminal justice system. But OJ Simpson was the wrong poster child for that righteous campaign. He was no hero, framed by the police. He was a cold-blooded killer, guilty of a gruesome double murder.

The election of Barack Obama pulled us up from the bleak hole created by the Simpson trial and unified many black and white people to believe and hope again—together. I do not see the same divide with the Zimmerman verdict. But the details of the case illustrate a real divide in racial experience. Would Zimmerman have followed a white teenager? Would he have thought that boy suspicious or a threat?

Our national collective expectation of equal justice is based on our feeling of morality—not legality. We want the morality of a situation to match the criminality. That is often not the result in our court system. Trayvon Martin had the right to be afraid, the right to fight a stranger who was armed and prepared to use deadly force against him. Trayvon Martin had a right to stand his ground. That is our moral position. Racial disparity in killings that are found justifiable demonstrates that black life is not as valued as white life in this country. That is our reality.

The televised Simpson trial became a trial about race, celebrity and wealth when it should have been about domestic violence and murder. The televised Zimmerman trial became a trial about demonizing Trayvon Martin, creating a black boogey man who could legitimize racial profiling and vigilante murder.

More: Christopher Darden Believes There May Be Justice Yet for Trayvon - The Daily Beast

I hope Christopher Darden is right. I look forward to seeing Zimmerman on the witness stand.

Interesting twist Darden has come up with here..... he needs to be VERY careful because as the Prosecutor of the OJ Simpson trial he should recognize first hands what happens to those who dare to harm a Jew or participate in making that happen. Doesn't Zimmerman have a few drops of Jewish blood in him? That is enough to bring all hell down upon his head...

Look at Kardashian who used his voice to get OJ out of his mess : HE DIED OF THROAT CANCER AFTER THE TRIAL. Look at Johnny Cochran who used his wickedly clever mind to come up with: If the Glove doesn't fit? You must acquit. : HE DIED OF A BRAIN TUMOR. Both Men Went To Hell. Why? RON GOLDMAN. He was an innocent Jew slaughtered like a lamb at the doorstep of Nicole Brown Simpsons home.

Those two men, Kardashian ( whose home OJ fled to before getting ready to flee the country - close friends those two ) Cochran ( who thought God wasn't watching) who was arranging a get away plan for OJ over the murder of Ron Goldman. And then executed it..

So after reading about some of the underhanded things that have been done to Zimmerman in regards to the people who needed a poster child of racism to pour out their wrath upon - I believe if Zimmerman is Jewish? The two prosecutors who lied in order to please a blood thirsty crowd - may be the next Johnny Cochran and Kardashian reaping what they sowed. If Darden doesn't want to end up like them? He'll mind his own business and leave that man alone. The verdict was not guilty so it is over now. Thanks.
So he hit him, what? Twice?

Yeah..definitely a good reason to put a hole in his heart, alrighty!

Did I hear you volunteering to have your head slammed on concrete as a test ?
I didn't think so

Chief..I've had my head really slammed into cement. Along with being hit in the eye with a crowbar, hit in the head with a bat, stabbed in the hand just to name a few things that's happened in my "exciting" time in bad ol' New York.

Which also gives me a bit of insight on the whole being able to pull the gun out while performing an armlock.

After you get clocked like's generally "Good Night Irene".

Well, this certainly explains the brain damage I was previously assuming you had......
Chris Darden?....The guy that helped botch the OJ Simpson case?

Whoooole lotta legal credibility there! :rolleyes:

Actually it was Kardashian and Cochran with Goldmans blood on their hands and they are both in hell over it now - so they got what was coming to them. Darden is testing the waters and better take a step back before it is too late. - Jeremiah
You people with this case are a "hoodie" is some symbol of some stupid shit

ALL of a sudden YOU CARE about black people dying.

go to Chicago or LA and ask them what they should do to keep from getting KILLED by another person be they white, black or polka dotted, maybe they can answer you dumb asses
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My wife had left the TV on and the Today show was on. They had a panel discussion in which it was unanimous that GZ was cleared because:

1. It was an all white jury (except one)

2. It was held in the South.

3. GZ had racially profiled TM which is what all white people do with all black men.

4. The US is still racist and what happened was the exact same thing that happened to Emmit Till.

The libtards in the media live in a separate parallel but opposite universe is the only rational explanation other than that they are professional liars too.
Do you believe that George Zimmerman committed a crime and should have been convicted of a crime?

He angrily and aggressively followed a young man because he falsely believed he was a criminal.

He then questioned the young man about why he was there, as if he was law enforcement.

Finally, he shot the young man dead after they got into a scuffle.

His final action may have been to defend himself, but should he have still been found guilty of a crime by aggressively and angrily following this innocent young man in the first place, thereby starting the whole incident?

I believe that he unneededly started the whole incident, that led to the death of someone who was simply walking home. When your aggressive and angry attitude starts an event that leads to a death, you should be convicted of a crime.

He followed Travyon because he was black and was wearing a hoodie. He profiled the boy. The boy questioned why Zimmerman was following him, George refused to provide an answer and Trayvon proceeded to defend himself, at which point, George shot and killed him.

He followed Travyon because he was black and was wearing a hoodie. He profiled the boy.

He profiled him? That's awful! Why is that awful?

George refused to provide an answer and Trayvon proceeded to defend himself

You're not allowed to defend yourself from someone's silence by punching him in the face and pounding his head against the concrete. Sorry.
You need a link? That link has been provided numerous times here. It's a fact pal. If you are going to discuss, try getting caught up on the facts before you waste all our time.

Pogo, will never admit there is a link, even if he has seen it a 1,000 times. It doesn't fit his agenda.

No link was given, dumbass. All day; no link. That tells me he's working with nothing. Typing the words "it's a fact pal" isn't documentation. It's bullshit.

It has been, over and over and over again.

I can't help you from being stupid.
A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be

Toddsterpatriot said:
That means GZ can shoot TM, not that TM can shoot GZ.

No, TM was in a place where he had a right to be. He could have certainly put the SYG law to the test of applicability by shooting his perceived stalker!

The fla. stalking statute provides the necessary elements to support TM's actions

OMG! You're hilarious! You should read 784.048 (1) (a)
(a) “Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.

Well, thanks for making my point. GZ engaged in a course of conduct directed at Martin causing emotional distress ( evidenced by Martin initially running from him) and serving no legitimate purpose.

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. slowly passing Martin and parking ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk.

3. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

No, the florida statute is clear on what stalking it again!

4. Chasing Martin. refusing to adhere to the dispatcher's instructions to desist!

Well, words to the effect of " Are you still following him followed by Z's "yes" and then a " We don't need you to do that" is tantamount to a desist. If not the SPD might incur some kind of culpability for not telling GZ to stop following Martin. The Federal Civil suit could make that happen.

5. engaging and shooting Martin.

He should have been blocking those punches instead of reaching for his gun? Where were his arm blocks and hand parries?

So, no stalking and no basis for SYG.

I disagree, I have shown all the necessary elements to support the charge of stalking, including the "repeatedly" stipulation. There is a solid basis for stalking even though Zimmerman was on the phone
with the SPD. That fact seems to make GZ the good guy here but to Martin he was an unknown creep who seemed to be threatening him.

Sorry, if Trayvon shot GZ for following him, he'd have no good defense.

All he would have to do is lie like GZ did. After all with no witnesses Martin's story would be the only one entered into evidence. But I have the feeling that TM would have told the truth. That he felt intimidated by and that he was provoked into killing GZ though his bizarre behavior!

No, TM was in a place where he had a right to be. He could have certainly put the SYG law to the test of applicability by shooting his perceived stalker!

Only if the "stalker" attacked TM. He didn't.

Well, thanks for making my point. GZ engaged in a course of conduct directed at Martin causing emotional distress ( evidenced by Martin initially running from him) and serving no legitimate purpose.

The legitimate purpose was protecting his neighborhood.

No, the florida statute is clear on what stalking it again!

I read it. I'm still laughing at your confusion.

Well, words to the effect of " Are you still following him followed by Z's "yes" and then a " We don't need you to do that" is tantamount to a desist.

Not at all. And in America, you can still follow someone, even if it makes you sad.

That fact seems to make GZ the good guy here but to Martin he was an unknown creep who seemed to be threatening him.

He dissed Trayvon, that's why he came back and attacked. That's why he's dead.

All he would have to do is lie like GZ did.

TM "GZ punched me in the nose, knocked me down and beat my head against the concrete."

Police "But Trayvon, you have no injuries."

You're right, that would have worked. :cuckoo:

That he felt intimidated by and that he was provoked into killing GZ though his bizarre behavior!

Sorry, you don't get to shoot someone, just because they follow you. Even if they're a creepy ass cracker.
You miss the Forensic Pathologist that said just that? :doubt:

How long was GZ yelling for help?
All that time and he only got hit twice?

That's also something that's "super human".

He was "yelling" with blood streaming down his throat, his mouth and nosed covered, his head getting bashed into the concrete and blows reigning down on his head.

Then he IMMEDIATELY stops yelling after the shot was fired.

That's amazing.

Yeah, once your attacker stops attacking and climbs off, why would you keep yelling?
I'm 68 years old, carried a weapon for 22 years in the US Army (with the DIA) 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I am extremely proficient with a pistol. I currently maintain a CCW and usually carry when my Wife and I are out - as do many here in Montana. Up here, weapons are a natural part of life, no one here sees them as a "big deal".

The funny thing about guns being carried by law abiding citizens is that they tend to make "good neighbors" out of everyone. I have never had to "pull" on anyone, but make no mistake, threaten me or mine and I will make certain that you don't do it again. And, nearly every person I know here, feels the same way, as does every member of the Sheriffs Department.

THAT is called self-defense.

Where I live, we have 'good neighbors', and no one carries. Guns making good neighbors is bullshit.
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