The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Only twice? Why didn't you testify?

You miss the Forensic Pathologist that said just that? :doubt:

How long was GZ yelling for help?
All that time and he only got hit twice?

That's also something that's "super human".

He was "yelling" with blood streaming down his throat, his mouth and nosed covered, his head getting bashed into the concrete and blows reigning down on his head.

Then he IMMEDIATELY stops yelling after the shot was fired.

That's amazing.
Justice for George

Justice for George!

Justice for George!!

Justice for George!!!

Justice for George!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!!!

Justice for George!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wait, thats just black people killing black people. i have never understood why the media will focus on one trial when thousands of murders occur every month, many in chicago. perhaps the media is made up of racist pigs.
He was overcharged.

But it also seems the standard for self defense in Florida is incredibly low.

One just has to "feel" like one is in danger.

That's pretty dangerous.

Hope the law gets challenged.

The law will not get challenged, nor should it !!

Florida law does not give anyone the right to use deadly force just because they feel it is necessary. What an individual feels is actually irrelevant. In self defense cases, the one claiming self defense is judged by what is know in law as the “reasonably prudent man” standard.

The law in Florida is the same as every other state. One can use deadly force in self defense only if one has a REASONABLE belief that he will suffer serious bodily injury or death. A “reasonable” belief is defined as what a reasonably prudent person would have believed considering all the attendant circumstances. It is up to the jury to determine if a person using deadly force acted reasonably, and the burden of proof falls on the one making the self defense claim. An article written by Nike Schneider (Associated Press) describes how the judge instructed the Zimmerman jury regarding the “reasonably prudent man:”

“'The danger facing George Zimmerman need not have been actual; however, to justify the use of deadly force, the appearance must have been so real that a reasonably cautious and prudent person … would have believed the danger could be avoided only through the use of that force,' the instruction read.”

Jury instructions at center of Zimmerman verdict | The Leaf Chronicle -- Clarksville, Tenn., and Fort Campbell |

This standard has served the legal system well for a long, long time and I doubt it will ever be changed. If you would change it, I wonder what you would change change it to.

I am sorry that you have such a low opinion of Florida law. I've lived in Florida most of my life and I can assure you that Florida takes the use of deadly force very seriously. I am aware of many cases in which defendants attempted to prove self defense and failed.

Edited to add: If you thank self defense claims are so easy to make, Google “Marissa Alexander.”
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But the law didn't consider Trayvon an adult this time, did it?

If he could have been considered an adult in any situation he was not a "child"

He was legally a child. Zimmerman shot and killed a child.

If he shot Zimmerman he would have been tried as an adult so he obviously was not a "child" all the time.

I do not consider a 17 year old a "child" nor do most people I know.
Self defense law is over 600 years old, in most countries & all 50 states. Every person regardless or race or sex is equally protected by the law & it has nothing to do with SYG.

There are many reasons people get convicted claiming self defense. They lied, previous attempts, had motive, previous threats, corrupt police, ran their mouth instead of lawyering up, etc. Stupid people convict themselves. A prosecutors job is to convict. They are not going to say that was to easy because you are stupid & let you walk.

Maybe you could change their incentive to go after sophisticated Wallstreet crime instead of just a high conviction rate which makes stupid easy people obvious targets.
Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News
Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state's "Stand Your Ground" law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.

Gotta love Florida. You can stalk a man and kill him and claim "self defense" - but if your a black woman in your own home you'd better just take the beating that's coming to you.

I'm boycotting Florida until they correct their ridiculous laws.

You should never fire a so called warning shot.

If you fire your weapon you fire it to hit the target.

If she shot that gun to intentionally miss and that bullet passed through a window or a wall it could have easily killed someone who was minding their own business
the man was tried which was what the jesse jackson's and the al sharpton's wanted.
The man was acquitted by a jury that the prosecution approved.

And when the verdict didn't end up the way they wanted justice wasn't done.
So let's keep charging him with shit until something sticks.

Is that where we are now?

no one takes the florida law, or the white racism behind that law - very seriously.

The state of florida knows all along it is a federal case, and wanted to end the sanford charade asap to save money.

Now it's on to the federal courts with the killer.


zimmerman is not white you thundering idiot.
Christopher Darden?

isn't his fifteen minutes of fame over?

Hey chris, If the glove doesn't fit you must acquit...they can sue Zimmerman, but he isn't no, OJ Simpson.. you can't MILK blood from a turnip for you pathetic people who can't stand losing and need to drum up more hate from this case
If he faces a civil suit, which is unlikely, then I hope he loses everything he has.

what the hell? the guy was found not guilty, why is this case so damn different from any others and why should he now lose everything he has in life over it?

so much hate for a person you don't know personally
There was no evidence in the case which is the reason the police nor the DA were interested in arresting him.

Hell. If some asshole shoved my head into the concrete I'd have shot that bastard myself. Its called SELF DEFENSE.

If Martin were white nothing would have been said.

If Zimmerman were black nothing would have been said.

This whole thing was about idiots being allowed to play that fucking race card.
and the race baiting continues with these people..they won't be happy until they see race riots..
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

What the neighborhood watch captain in my area told me was this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would get to know the residents of his neighborhood and would have rolled down the window and offered the kid a ride home, that way you make a connection, you can store his face in your memory for future reference, and you find out where he lives".

GZ apparently didn't think to do ANY of those things, along with not even bothering to help revive the kid once he shot him.

What's frightening about this verdict is that it allows for someone to follow GZ, pick a fight with him, and then kill him, and as long as that person has a good story they made up, they'll get off scott-free, too, because murder is state-sanctioned in America now, and oddly enough, the small government people are the ones cheering it! Go fucking figure...

You are forgetting that there actually needs to be evidence that it wasn't self defence. Innocent untill proven guilty!

All the liberals are now acting as if you can just go out the street, kill bunch of people and be all ok. Well, that has ALWAYS been the case if there is no evidence! And in Zimmerman case there wasn't.
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open season on black boys

Why not simply 'Open season on anyone that tries to kill you'?

Are you suggesting one should not be able to defend themselves if they believe they're about to be killed?

What exactly are you suggesting???

He wants the justice system to overturn 600+ year old self defense law. Snookie is a total racist idiot.

Truer words were never spoken. Vengeance does not equal justice.
He was overcharged.

But it also seems the standard for self defense in Florida is incredibly low.

One just has to "feel" like one is in danger.

That's pretty dangerous.

Hope the law gets challenged.

The black woman from Chicago on the Zimmerman jury says you are an idiot!
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