The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Good question.

My opinion? It's because he had delusions of grandeur and wanted to play supercop for a night.

If Zimmerman had simply stayed in his vehicle, he would have been "standing his ground", and if he'd shot Trayvon for trying to get in, he would have been justified in what he'd done.

However.................getting out of the vehicle and following Trayvon for a bit of distance is where he went wrong, and in my opinion, started the whole fight.

Like I've said before..................if you're following me late at night and I notice it, you can bet your ass I'm going to stop and ask why you're following me. If you can't provide a good enough answer, I just may pop you in the nose to get you to quit.
I see the Lefty brains are still rattlin'.

Great day to watch HLN/CNN,, will anyone bring up the fact that Trayvon was the violent one during this event?(/QUOTE]

Guaranteedd it was't going to be Nancy Grave or Velez. This is a very important issue for them. And they are always here for you. Unless it interferes with a holiday or weekend.:clap2:

Thank god they did their job based on evidence. Sad to see the black community want to kill a innocent man.

Don't worry. He's locked and loaded again.
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Another bright light for the anti-gun crowd, shot down in flames by a jury of their peers.
how does having full control of the gun have anything to do with this?

When someone has full control of a gun and aiming at you, that would cause you to scream or at least it's fully consistent with that being Trayvon screaming.

GZ had a CHL and had been to numerous trainings. Whether or not GZ had full control of his gun has no bearing on niether the moment in which he drew his weapon nor whether or not he was using the firearm in self-defense. Even if he'd had drawn his weapon as Martin was running at him he would still be justified to use deadly force because he feared for his life.

Running at him or approaching quickly in order to converse. That could give anyone with a CHL a license to blow people away in many circumstances.

Martin could have have had a knife, or a gun of his own, or could have strangled him to death, or beat him to death. I'm not seeing your point as how when Z pulled his firearm indicates murder or self-defense.

You can't speculate when it comes to blowing people away.

1. You're assuming that Martin even knew Zimmerman had a gun. For all we know Martin had no clue Zimmerman had a gun until he heard the shot. (Correction: Zimmerman's statements say that Martin saw the gun and then told Zimmerman that he was going to die...) So according to Zimmerman Martin saw the gun during the struggle and started reaching for it...

2. You're exacly right. So we could assume Zimmerman would have been justified in shooting Martin as Martin approached to assault him. Keep in mind the prosecutors did not prove that Zimmerman approached Martin. The first words, on record, spoken between the two was when Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him.

3. Speculate is EXACTLY what you're allowed to do in the eyes of self-defense law. If someone's coming at you with hostility, you don't have to wait until they're strangling you, or bashing your head into the concrete to use deadly force. If a 250lb guy was approaching your wife with obvious ill-intent do you suppose her speculation on his intent and/or what weapons he might be sufficient enough to pull out her gun to thwart him? Or would you perfer he beat the hell out of her first, then produce a knife?
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He should be able to sue all the clueless tools on the internets too. Can you garnish welfare checks and grandma allowances?
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

That's already been covered numbskull. Why don't you admit it isn't about race at all, you loony liberals just wanted to open up a renewed front on your diminished war on guns. You'll have to hope for more dead children to further that agenda. :cuckoo:
They made the edited tape to prove that Zimmerman was a racist.

And the link to this is... ?
Do I have to hold your hand and walk through everything?

You need a link? That link has been provided numerous times here. It's a fact pal. If you are going to discuss, try getting caught up on the facts before you waste all our time.

First of all, it was NBC, not CBS. And it still speaks to the bias of the left wing media that they would edit the 911 cal to portray Zimmerman as something he never was.
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Good question.

My opinion? It's because he had delusions of grandeur and wanted to play supercop for a night.

If Zimmerman had simply stayed in his vehicle, he would have been "standing his ground", and if he'd shot Trayvon for trying to get in, he would have been justified in what he'd done.

However.................getting out of the vehicle and following Trayvon for a bit of distance is where he went wrong, and in my opinion, started the whole fight.

Like I've said before..................if you're following me late at night and I notice it, you can bet your ass I'm going to stop and ask why you're following me. If you can't provide a good enough answer, I just may pop you in the nose to get you to quit.

Pop someone in the nose, or slam their head into the sidewalk? My Gawd... You idiots never learn do you....I would suggest that smacking someone in the nose is exactly why Trayvon Martin isn't with us today. Your supposed to learn from these things, not proclaim you would do the exact same thing Trayvon did... Repeating the same thing expecting a different result is kind of nutty.
You need a link? That link has been provided numerous times here. It's a fact pal. If you are going to discuss, try getting caught up on the facts before you waste all our time.

Pogo, will never admit there is a link, even if he has seen it a 1,000 times. It doesn't fit his agenda.

No link was given, dumbass. All day; no link. That tells me he's working with nothing. Typing the words "it's a fact pal" isn't documentation. It's bullshit.

Yawn. Can we stop calling names now. I'm half asleep right now, but even I can find the link. Who's the dumbass now, Pogo?

Third Person Exits NBC Over Misleading Edit Of Zimmerman's 911 Audio -
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Good question.

My opinion? It's because he had delusions of grandeur and wanted to play supercop for a night.

If Zimmerman had simply stayed in his vehicle, he would have been "standing his ground", and if he'd shot Trayvon for trying to get in, he would have been justified in what he'd done.

However.................getting out of the vehicle and following Trayvon for a bit of distance is where he went wrong, and in my opinion, started the whole fight.

Like I've said before..................if you're following me late at night and I notice it, you can bet your ass I'm going to stop and ask why you're following me. If you can't provide a good enough answer, I just may pop you in the nose to get you to quit.

Pop someone in the nose, or slam their head into the sidewalk? My Gawd... You idiots never learn do you....I would suggest that smacking someone in the nose is exactly why Trayvon Martin isn't with us today. Your supposed to learn from these things, not proclaim you would do the exact same thing Trayvon did... Repeating the same thing expecting a different result is kind of nutty.

From what I'd seen of his wounds, if he'd had his head slammed into concrete repeatedly, there would have been a lot more damage. From the looks of it, he got smacked in the nose and fell backwards, hitting his head on the sidewalk.

But..................even the defense said that Zimmerman was an out of shape pussy.
According to an article by Julia Dahl (CBS News), on May 15, 2012, both Marissa Alexander and George Zimmerman were prosecuted by the same person. Here is a portion of Dahl's article

“Alexander's case was prosecuted by Angela Corey, the Florida State's Attorney who is also prosecuting George Zimmerman. Alexander was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and because she discharged a firearm during the incident, the case fell under Florida's "10-20-life" law, enacted in 1999, which mandates a 20-year sentence for use of a gun during the commission of certain crimes.

“Corey initially offered Alexander a three year deal if she pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, but according to CBS affiliate WTEV, Alexander did not believe she had done anything wrong, and rejected the plea. Her bet did not pay off: the jury in the case returned a guilty verdict in less than 15 minutes.”

Fla. woman Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for "warning shot": Did she stand her ground? - Crimesider - CBS News

If there is any discrimination, it must be attributed solely to members of the the jury and no one else. Alexander was convicted by a jury of three men and three woman, one who is an African American woman.

Marissa Alexander case exposes ambiguity of ?Stand Your Ground? law-Joy-Ann Reid, The Grio | Rodney L. Hurst, Sr.
Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots - CBS News
Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state's "Stand Your Ground" law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.

Gotta love Florida. You can stalk a man and kill him and claim "self defense" - but if your a black woman in your own home you'd better just take the beating that's coming to you.

I'm boycotting Florida until they correct their ridiculous laws.

You obvously don't do any research, just mindelssly regurgitate bullshit posted on your FB account.

This woman was having an argument with her husband, left the house, returned and fired a gun through a wall at adult height with her two sons in the room with her husband. The bullet ricocheted and, by the grace of God, did not hit her children. The door was locked. Her husband is on the 911 tape telling her he's leaving, and she replies I have something for you before leaving the house and returning with a gun.

A SWAT team had to extract her after her husband and children escaped.

Think, concentrate--is there a difference?


I knew to check oompa, since this bs came out so quickly, but I'm glad I don't have to bother.

just shows oompa is another racist and useful idiot
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...
No civil charges will be brought.

First, self defense provides immunity from civil liability in Florida.Second, O'Mara covered this in the after verdict press conference.Third, no lawyer will bring suit because under Florida law if the plaintiffs lose, the defendants legal expenses must be split between the plaintiffs AND the plaintiffs lawyer.

................................Does the loser pay the attorney fees? - Naples News

The link you gave about attorney's fees didn't work for me, Allow me to submit the following:

From Florida State 776.085:

(1) It shall be a defense to any action for damages for personal injury or wrongful death, or for injury to property, that such action arose from injury sustained by a participant during the commission or attempted commission of a forcible felony. The defense authorized by this section shall be established by evidence that the participant has been convicted of such forcible felony or attempted forcible felony, or by proof of the commission of such crime or attempted crime by a preponderance of the evidence.

(4) (b) The court shall award a reasonable attorney’s fee to be paid to the prevailing party in equal amounts by the losing party and the losing party’s attorney; however, the losing party’s attorney is not personally responsible if he or she has acted in good faith, based on the representations of his or her client. If the losing party is incarcerated for the crime or attempted crime and has insufficient assets to cover payment of the costs of the action and the award of fees pursuant to this paragraph, the party shall, as determined by the court, be required to pay by deduction from any payments the prisoner receives while incarcerated.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

(NOTE: Highlights are my own.)
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