The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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There is nothing nice to say about eric holder. He had no case and never did. Now he can move on to hand wringing over how the law has to be changed.

Come on democrats, make eliminating self defense an issue in the 2014 election.

self defense after angrily stalking someone at night and in the rain should be a crime.

1.He wasn't stalked he was followed and then zimmerman was returning to his vehicle
2.He confronted and then attacked zimmerman with violence
3.Zimmerman didn't angrily do anything,he defended himself when assaulted and thought he was going to die....pretty common thing to do when someone is trying to murder you and is high on drugs.
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

If they brought this case and lost Holder and the DOJ would look like total fools.
What utter BULL SHIT.

We should all go on a pilgrimage to have our lives blessed by the righteous power of the great George Zimmerman. He whom risked his nose for the right of others to blow away men, women or children! Put that man in the white house!

What Zimmerman did was shoot some violent little gang banger punk that was beating the shit out of him, which is LEGAL, and I would TOO!

Go peddle your pathetic hyperbole garbage somewhere else shit for brains.
you are a pathetic little coward as well then...ever been in a fight with another man...I some how doubt it...according to criminal law OJ broke no laws ..but in civil court he was found guilty zimmerman will have the same fate...and will most likely once again show his true colors and put himself in prison you the man appears to emotionally unstable
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

The DOJ wouldn't be able to try him due to no evidence to suggest it was anything but self defense. And you can't try a person because the majority of folks think you should. You can't convict a person on your personal opinion. Seems that a lot of folks forget how the law works.

Most folks believe OJ was guilty, but the prosecution couldn't make it stick as as well as Casey Anthony.

The Martin family has exhausted all their exploitation of their dead son, time to move on.
George Zimmerman was DOING HIS JOB, when he was VIOLENTLY and WITHOUT CAUSE, ATTACKED by the twice his size, hooded GANG BANGER Trayvon Martin, who thought he was going to just BEAT THE SHIT OUT of some CREEPY ASS CRACKER and GET AWAY WITH IT as he probably had many times already. The difference this time, the person he was BEATING had a LEGAL FIREARM and LEGALLY DEFENDED HIMSELF. Now Martin is DEAD.

Let that be a LESSON to ALL WOULD BE ATTACKERS. The next time you think you're just going to BEAT THE SHIT out of someone and WALK AWAY, it might be YOUR TURN next to get a BULLET.


Hey dumb ass, Zimmerman isn't a cop and he wasn't even on duty for Neighborhood Watch.

Trayvon Martin wasn't a gang banger or a gang member.

He was not twice the size of Zimmerman.

Zimmerman angrily and aggressively stalked an innocent minor.

Zimmerman will face justice, one way or another.
What utter BULL SHIT.

We should all go on a pilgrimage to have our lives blessed by the righteous power of the great George Zimmerman. He whom risked his nose for the right of others to blow away men, women or children! Put that man in the white house!

What Zimmerman did was shoot some violent little gang banger punk that was beating the shit out of him, which is LEGAL, and I would TOO!

Go peddle your pathetic hyperbole garbage somewhere else shit for brains.
what would you do if some punk blew cigarette smoke in your infant's face?
What if, what if, what if... go play stupid games somewhere else boy.
George Zimmerman was DOING HIS JOB, when he was VIOLENTLY and WITHOUT CAUSE, ATTACKED by the twice his size, hooded GANG BANGER Trayvon Martin, who thought he was going to just BEAT THE SHIT OUT of some CREEPY ASS CRACKER and GET AWAY WITH IT as he probably had many times already. The difference this time, the person he was BEATING had a LEGAL FIREARM and LEGALLY DEFENDED HIMSELF. Now Martin is DEAD.

Let that be a LESSON to ALL WOULD BE ATTACKERS. The next time you think you're just going to BEAT THE SHIT out of someone and WALK AWAY, it might be YOUR TURN next to get a BULLET.


Hey dumb ass, Zimmerman isn't a cop and he wasn't even on duty for Neighborhood Watch.

Trayvon Martin wasn't a gang banger or a gang member.

He was not twice the size of Zimmerman.

Zimmerman angrily and aggressively stalked an innocent minor.

Zimmerman will face justice, one way or another.
What fucking MORON...
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

If they brought this case and lost Holder and the DOJ would look like total fools.

It would be catastrophic for this regime.
If Zimmerman didn't have his metal penis...I mean handgun, he wouldn't have stalked Martin.

he would have probably just stayed home under the covers if he didn't have his penis extension with him.
There is nothing nice to say about eric holder. He had no case and never did. Now he can move on to hand wringing over how the law has to be changed.

Come on democrats, make eliminating self defense an issue in the 2014 election.

self defense after angrily stalking someone at night and in the rain should be a crime.

But only on alternating Tuesday's when the moon is full, Mt. St. Helen is venting steam, and when your mother is wearing a blue dress...
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

That's weird. According to the left here, Zimmerman was out hunting blacks to kill.....go figure.

According to some on the right here the killing was just a happy little accident

Yes it was. Scratch one vicious thug.
The Rev. Al Sharpton this morning decried Florida's stand-your-ground law as the worst violation of civil rights in the nation and told the NAACP national convention in Orlando that he would help overturn it.

Sharpton, Jackson speak at NAACP convention -

Who gives a $hit what Sharpton and Jackson say? They're both racist pigs out whoring for attention, and as usual, the media is more than willing to be their 'John'.

Who gives a $hit what $harpton and Jack$on say?

Eyez be fin dat fo ya.
"...Scratch one vicious thug."

But... but... but...

There's no such thing as a Black Vicious Thug, right?

There's no such thing as a 17-year-old Black Vicious Thug, right?

I think you're just Thug Profiling...

For shame... for shame... pickin' on poor little ol' Street Thugs like that !!! (
"...Scratch one vicious thug."

But... but... but...

There's no such thing as a Black Vicious Thug, right?

There's no such thing as a 17-year-old Black Vicious Thug, right?

I think you're just Thug Profiling...

For shame... for shame... pickin' on poor little ol' Street Thugs like that !!! (

I had to go to LAX today and there were 3 young cats that were out there on Century Blvd.

If it walks like a duck......

If Zimmerman didn't have his metal penis...I mean handgun, he wouldn't have stalked Martin.

he would have probably just stayed home under the covers if he didn't have his penis extension with him.

If guns are called penis extensions when lawfully carried by men, what are they called when women with concealed carry permits have them in their purse.

Inquiring minds want to know.
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