The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Some in our Country will never stop beating that Racism Dead Horse. They see much profit in it, both politically and financially. What else could hucksters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do with their lives? The Race-Baiting Game has been very profitable for them. Why would they ever want to see it end? Many thought with the election of an African American President, the Race-Baiting Game would end. Well, think again.

It seems to have gotten worse..
What utter BULL SHIT.

We should all go on a pilgrimage to have our lives blessed by the righteous power of the great George Zimmerman. He whom risked his nose for the right of others to blow away men, women or children! Put that man in the white house!

What Zimmerman did was shoot some violent little gang banger punk that was beating the shit out of him, which is LEGAL, and I would TOO!

Go peddle your pathetic hyperbole garbage somewhere else shit for brains.
what would you do if some punk blew cigarette smoke in your infant's face?
Some in our Country will never stop beating that Racism Dead Horse. They see much profit in it, both politically and financially. What else could hucksters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do with their lives? The Race-Baiting Game has been very profitable for them. Why would they ever want to see it end? Many thought with the election of an African American President, the Race-Baiting Game would end. Well, think again.

It seems to have gotten worse..

This is my opinion on the matter.

None of us were there, therefore we only have the physical evidence to go by, so what did the evidence suggest? Come on now, this is an easy lay up. According to the physical evidence, which person was more likely to have thrown the first punch?
The fact that you, others, nor myself KNOWS nor CAN KNOW, means we cannot nor should not SPECULATE.

Case closed.

Stop saying the victim, Trayvon Martin, threw the first punch.

It's simply not true.

It is true, which is why Zimmerman was found not guilty. He was acting in self defense, therefore by default, Trayvon was the aggressor, and Zimmerman was the victim. Quit blaming the victim for Trayvons vile behavior.

Yup.:clap2:No evidence at all that zimmerman ever even hit him. Lotsa evidence that Trayvon beat the shit out of zimmerman, though.
Trayvon's mom's response to his out of control behavior was to kick him out of the house.

Which is why he was hanging with his dad @ dad's g-friend's house. Mom wouldn't have him in hers.
I think the comparison should be more on what type of punishment blacks get for killing whites versus the punishment whites get for killing blacks. I think that would be more telling.

My friends black killers/kidnappers/rapists got two trials and reduced sentences.
You can't generalize based on one incident.

Speak from experience. Blacks commit more crimes than whites. FACT!
It's about who gets punished more severely for similar crimes.

Minority defendants are charged with and convicted of violent crimes requiring a mandatory minimum prison sentence far more often, which contributes to the large racial disparities in incarceration.

Another recent study in 2012 raises a different concern, showing that Hispanics and blacks receive considerably longer sentences for the same or lesser offenses per average than white offenders with equal or greater criminal records

Wow! Hopefully the Acquittal of a Puerto-Rican Jew will have a positive effect on those numbers. ;)
His violation was stalking someone and shooting him dead. He did not do what law enforcement instructed him to do. They told him to stay in his car for a reason. Because he is not a cop and it's not his job.

Show some proof that "they told him to stay in is car."

The 911 Operator does not have that authority. It was a suggestion, not an order.
There is no reason for that kid to be dead.

Shit happens. You don't think that if Zimmerman got a re-do, it would end the same way? I don't. What kind of a Juror do you think you would make when you grow up, convicting where there is untold doubt and a world of supposition. This case would not have survived a Grand Jury had it gone through regular channels. Shit like that don't matter to you, that's clear enough.
Woman with the lover had husband shot in front of the kids daycare.


thanks wonder if wild about trial will cover it

Probably - someone else be in charge of the next one!

There's a few coming up, pick one.

there is one going on in Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE (AP) — A Milwaukee man’s own surveillance cameras show him confronting a 13-year-old neighbor boy on a sidewalk outside of their houses, pointing a gun at the teen and firing into his chest from a few feet away.
The wounded teen flees away from the cameras’ view and collapses in the street where his mother, according to her testimony, held him as he took his last breath.
The video was shown in court Tuesday as evidence in the trial of John Henry Spooner, who’s accused of gunning down Darius Simmons in May 2012 after accusing the teen of breaking into his home and stealing guns. Spooner, 76, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide.
In the surveillance footage, Spooner emerges from his house that morning and confronts Simmons. He points a gun at the boy, who quickly moves backward a few steps. Both Spooner and the teen direct their attention toward a porch at Simmons’ home, where Simmons’ mother is standing. Moments later, Spooner points the gun back at Simmons and fires twice.

Prosecutor: Video shows Wisconsin man killing teen |
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

In other words, NBC, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson are guilty of hate crimes! And so was Trayvon, but he has been punished enough, obviously.

It's about time the LA Times got it right. Kudoes!
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