The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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None of that matters. Zimmerman was following Martin, Martin feared harm, therefore Martin had a right to use deadly force against Zimmerman. The state of Florida crafted a law meant to protect everyone but it ends up only protecting the winner of the fight. Martin's civil rights were denied him by the state of Florida. THAT is who the fed should sue: the state.

Yes, SYG could have justified Martin defending himself HAD MARTIN NOT INITIATED THE VIOLENCE, duh.

Why are you libtards so fucking stupid when your ideological blinders take over your brain?

asked and answered

Wolf pack observation.^
I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


I can see following somebody for a good reason. Zimmerman was racial profiling Martin because he was wearing a hoodie and he was black. Zimmerman offered no good reason other than assuming that Travon was "suspicious"

There is no evidence that GZ was racially profiling Martin, and the doctored audio was what started that lie, but now that we know it was a lie why don't you libs stop using it?

Someone wandering around in the rain peeking into people windows which is what GZ said he saw Martin doing is damned sure goo grounds for suspicion but all you race baiting ideologues can see is 'OOOO, a white man thinking a black man did something! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM!

It's a thin red line between stalking and following. We need some new laws about stalking and following.

I also think we should disarm neighborhood watch people. They have no business trying to play a cop role. Let the police handle it. They are trained to do so and have the legal authority.

This vigilante syndrome needs to stop.

Defending yourself from a lethal attack is not vigilanteism dumbass.
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You see a person who you think "followed you" and that's a legal reason to start a fight? Have another hit from your bong, lady.

Isnt it incredible how libs see almost no reason for anyone to fight, but when it comes to criminals, they justify almost any aggression?

To say that you have the right to attack someone you think might be following you is so ludicrous, but the libtards make the claim anyway as this case gives them little ability otherwise to defend the criminal first.
You make a broad assumption with your post. I'm a liberal and I kick ass and take names of criminals.

Yeah, I bet you have yourself your very own super-hero costume also.

If you are what you say then you should be able to distinguish between self-defense, vigilante attacks, and assault.

Methinks you can claim to be just about anything on the internet but what you say and know as displayed by your posts rings more true than any claims you make about yourself.
None of that matters. Zimmerman was following Martin, Martin feared harm, therefore Martin had a right to use deadly force against Zimmerman. The state of Florida crafted a law meant to protect everyone but it ends up only protecting the winner of the fight. Martin's civil rights were denied him by the state of Florida. THAT is who the fed should sue: the state.

Yes, SYG could have justified Martin defending himself HAD MARTIN NOT INITIATED THE VIOLENCE, duh.

Why are you libtards so fucking stupid when your ideological blinders take over your brain?

asked and answered

Got a link?
Plus- The neighborhood had multiple burglaries committed by Blacks.

If it walks like a duck...


I wouldn't go that far necessarily, but some window jimmying devices were found beneath a window that GZ saw Martin snooping into.

The vast majority of blacks are not criminals.
Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


I can see following somebody for a good reason. Zimmerman was racial profiling Martin because he was wearing a hoodie and he was black. Zimmerman offered no good reason other than assuming that Travon was "suspicious"

There is no evidence that GZ was racially profiling Martin, and the doctored audio was what started that lie, but now that we know it was a lie why don't you libvs stop using it?

Someone wandering around in the rain peeking into people windows which is what GZ said he saw Martin doing is damned sure goo grounds for suspicion but all you race baiting ideologues can see is 'OOOO, a white man thinking a black man did something! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM!

It's a thin red line between stalking and following. We need some new laws about stalking and following.

I also think we should disarm neighborhood watch people. They have no business trying to play a cop role. Let the police handle it. They are trained to do so and have the legal authority.

This vigilante syndrome needs to stop.

Defending yourself from a lethal attack is not vigilanteism dumbass.
"Peeking in window" is another lie with no evidence to back it up except George's self serving testimony. Did the police look for foot prints around the windows and finger prints?

First of all, if it
is raining so hard and dark you can hardly see three feet in front of you. Secondly, mostly everybody keeps their shades drawn at night. No other witnesses saw Travon doing this. It's only 7pm, so everybody would be awake.
Martin should of done what GZ did. Use the 'following' experience as justification for obtaining a Concealed Carry Permit.

Then in the future, after 4 minutes of waiting, and then was attacked, he could of legally used his firearm to stop it.


He wasn't old enough to do so.

Good point.

Then he should of at least brought a knife to the fight instead of attacking with his fist.

You must be attacked first, not only followed, to use fist and or a sidewalk as a weapon.

The 4 minute wait clearly shows TM was not in imminent danger, he re-engaged and became the aggressor

He should have took the 4 minutes and called the law from a safe place, and not to re-emerge until the law gets there, but to figure in ones mind that hey (maybe I can take this guy), and hey he shouldn't be following me anyway, because hey I wasn't do anything wrong, and so hey I am going to be a man, and to asked this guy what his problem is, and if he doesn't give me the right answer then I will use what I have learned in fighting techniques to teach this guy a lesson about how not to scare someone or to follow someone in the dark on a stormy night? WRONG!

Case in point, as I was riding with a friend one night, and we were coming out of my friends dad's Marina in which we had placed my boat at, we encountered a detective who spotted us coming out of the gate after we had put the boat in the back for repairs. This guy was a desensitized officer who had been working the drug division for far to long I'm guessing. Anyway so he circled us with his un-marked car, and he even let us pull out onto the highway before he decided to pull us over in a dark area. My car had tented glass in it, and so he could not see who was inside of the car, and so we just sat there while he sat back in his vehicle in some sort of stalemate we had going. Anyway so I opened up the door of my car, and slowly got out, and I noticed that he was just sitting in his car with the door opened, but he had his head hung downward as if he was just sitting there waiting but for what I thought ? So I slowly walked back towards his car, when all of a sudden he emerged from the slumped position with a gun pointed right in my face as if it was a set up the whole time. Quickly I said whoa, whoa, whoa buddie, and threw my hands up as if thinking this cat was going to shoot me, and that he wasn't a cop at all, but a cop impersonator or something. He then came up to me with the gun still in my face saying stuff like " do you know I could put a bullet right between your eyes right now", and I said well you would be killing an unarmed innocent man if you do, then he said in this situation it would wash. WOW!

Then he wanted to know what I was doing behind the boat place, and I said placing my boat back there, and I told him that I had the boat marina's son in the car with me if he wanted to check him out also. He then checked my friend out and cleared us right before another cruiser showed up. I was so mad at the way this cat handled the situation, because if I would have done something wrong when he tried to set me up, then he would have shot me and felt justified in doing so. Lucky for me I thought, is that I kept a cool head in the situation, because this guy was irrational in my opinion in the way that he went about doing his job. Well as you know I had to check him out further after the incident, and come to find out he was a hot head and a desensitized cop who had been fighting criminals in the drug infested communities, and he had come to believe that the lines that separate were not so blurry after all in his mind, but instead they had begun to run together in his mind, so he began using this thinking in everything pertaining to his police work. He finally was fired later on that year, and I thought that was probably a good thing, because he had went to far over the edge it seemed to me. The point is, is that the best thing to do in life always, is to be very smart when in a situation, and don't do anything that could get you killed in a situation if at all possible. This cop should have alerted us of his intentions with the loud speaker in his vehicle, but he did not, and he should have waited for another vehicle to meet up with him, otherwise if he thought we were a dangerous crew, but he did not, and he should have pulled us in a lighted area along with the added back up, but he did not, therefore he put his and our lives in danger by acting in the ways that he did that night. His boss was supposed to send him to give us an apology for it all, and this was after I reported him, but he never showed up to give that apology. He was either an arrogant piece of dung or a desensitized cop who needed to be re-evaluated badly by his department under some sort of addressing of this desensitizing problem that he may have had, with some sort of departmental training program as was needed I think.

Like I said there are many lessons to be learned from all of this, but if it is looked at as only racist or racism when it wasn't, then we may miss out on the whole problem that is to be learned from all of this in the future.
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I can see following somebody for a good reason. Zimmerman was racial profiling Martin because he was wearing a hoodie and he was black. Zimmerman offered no good reason other than assuming that Travon was "suspicious"

There is no evidence that GZ was racially profiling Martin, and the doctored audio was what started that lie, but now that we know it was a lie why don't you libvs stop using it?

Someone wandering around in the rain peeking into people windows which is what GZ said he saw Martin doing is damned sure goo grounds for suspicion but all you race baiting ideologues can see is 'OOOO, a white man thinking a black man did something! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM! RAYSSISSMMM!

It's a thin red line between stalking and following. We need some new laws about stalking and following.

I also think we should disarm neighborhood watch people. They have no business trying to play a cop role. Let the police handle it. They are trained to do so and have the legal authority.

This vigilante syndrome needs to stop.

Defending yourself from a lethal attack is not vigilanteism dumbass.
"Peeking in window" is another lie with no evidence to back it up except George's self serving testimony. Did the police look for foot prints around the windows and finger prints?

First of all, if it
is raining so hard and dark you can hardly see three feet in front of you. Secondly, mostly everybody keeps their shades drawn at night. No other witnesses saw Travon doing this. It's only 7pm, so everybody would be awake.


My statement of what GZ said about TM looking into windows shows GZ's MOTIVATION, doofus. It does not indict TM, but it does show GZ was not merely profiling in his own mind.

And who said it was raining that hard? No one, obviously or GZ wouldn't have seem TM, doh!

And lots of people leave their shades up all night.

Thanks though for providing another example of what lunatics libtards are.
I never agreed with charging him with murder. I always felt they should have charged him with manslaughter or felony assault.

The tyranny here is to assert that it's ok to follow someone WITH A gun. Don't follow people and mind your own business and freedom will thrive.

Again, if all he did was follow, he did nothing wrong.

We are free to follow anyone we want as long as they remain on public property and there is not a damned thing they can do about it legally. Kind of sucks when you have reporters chasing you with there incessant questions about how you feel after a tragedy, or for celebrities chased by popparazzi, but that is the way it is.

You make it sound as if it was a crime for Zimmerman to follow Martin.


I can see following somebody for a good reason. Zimmerman was racial profiling Martin because he was wearing a hoodie and he was black. Zimmerman offered no good reason other than assuming that Travon was "suspicious"

It's a thin red line between stalking and following. We need some new laws about stalking and following.

I also think we should disarm neighborhood watch people. They have no business trying to play a cop role. Let the police handle it. They are trained to do so and have the legal authority.

This vigilante syndrome needs to stop.

Absolutely no proof Zimmerman was racially profiling Martin, in fact he had been cleared of that assumption already by the FBI soon after the event happened, so why inject that or keep injecting that into the situation? Is it because you figure that if you say it enough then somehow it will stick ? IF we keep creating new laws, and all because of a few people who mess up in life, well we will no longer be free in America, as the oppression of so many laws will be overwhelming to the masses, therefore changing America for those few only, in which shouldn't happen in respect to the majority for whom don't mess up in their lives here.
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