The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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One need not be attacked to attack in Florida.

If you have the barrel of a gun pointed at you by an attacker are actually allowed to shoot first. Thoughtful of them to allow you this freedom.
That's not what the law says, dillo. Don't tell me that you are another one that believes this law only covers people with guns.

Normally it does. Going back to Texas, in 1990 my Dad cut a dirt bag to ribbons with a fillet knife. They charged him with aggravated assault.
Plus- The neighborhood had multiple burglaries committed by Blacks.

If it walks like a duck...


That's stupid thinking, akin to saying that since most rapes are committed by men then all men are fair game as targets.
Have the blacks been duped by those who are among their own race, and that drag their skin color name through the mud without any thought of ? Is this what is found in those whom want to use the white excuse in order to do bad things with, just so they can somehow justify their actions to the black people/black community that they did it because whitey caused their oppression and hardships dating back years, and so on and so forth it keeps going? Otherwise the excuse is used to justify why they finally snapped or committed a crime, and so they should get a free pass on their actions when ever caught in their crime or as being corrupt etc. maybe ?

Has the white excuse played out finally, and so now it's time to separate from those who are bad (no matter if they are black or other), in order for the good blacks to not be duped by these blacks who uses the whitey excuse for everything they do wrong when they decide to do this ?

And if they (the good blacks) give them a pass, does whitey see this and think that hey wait a minute here, is this black people condoning their bad actions, therefore causing the whites to think that blacks are intrinsically bad in their character as a whole ?

Maybe the blacks need to abandon the excuses given them by those blacks whom use the whitey oppressed me and abused me and/or my ancestors back in the day, especially when they decide to do something bad by way of such an excuse in which they are ready to give in their defense, and so after they get caught then out it comes this excuse as is given to the good blacks and the good whites to somehow justify their actions based on such an excuse ? The blacks should quickly show (without a doubt), that they are against any kind of violent behavior or bad activities in which are being engaged in by those who use their name in vain in this way, and this no matter what name crimes are being committed under it should not be allowed this excuse anymore, otherwise when it is done or is being done for such reasoning as when it does happen in this way, we all should recognize the problem in which we are all finding in this way these days among those who are using these excuses in these ways.

It's time for all to step back and review what is going on or has been going on for quite sometime, in which keeps these fires burning. The whites need to refrain from also being duped by whites whom also try to tie the good blacks as an excuse to hate into the crimes that are being done in the good blacks name by the bad blacks, it isn't right. This is the only way that the good folks of all colors can finally get separation from all these things, and to leave those who are bad finally to ride by themselves in their own little boats all alone, and to be judged on their own crimes committed, without it being an indictment of the entire race on either side of the spectrum.
The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.
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It is foolish to think that the fact that most burglaries, assault, robberies, murders etc. in an area have recently been committed by mostly black people makes all black people capable of that. Or that those commiting such crimes do so BECAUSE they are black.

It is equally foolish to look equally at white people or black people when witnesses observe an Asian or Hispanic or Middle Eastern type committing the crime. Or if the criminal is obseved as a white person, it is ridiculous to think that other obvious races would be suspect. When the history points to a particular type/race/whatever as the perpetrators of most crimes in an area, there is a legitimate reason to do some profiling.

However in George Zimmerman's case, the FBI and the police found zero evidence that he was profiling by race or in any other way than via suspicious looking behavior.
The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.

I find it pretty bizarre to look at all this and somehow conclude, "The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching". What for?

No, the media is who needs to do some serious soul-searching. And by that I mean the community of enablers who allow them to blow up a single altercation among thousands into a fake-news feeding frenzy.

Just the fact that this silly thread was put together with a poll question that allows only two possible answers--- as if everyone must somehow have a "side" to take -- and completely disregards any possibility of "I don't know/care enough about it" speaks volumes about what passes for "news".
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Yes, there ARE much bigger fish to fry and that goes for the black community.

Whatever injustices are out there, this case is not one. Choose something else. There is no racial element here. And there was no injustice. Against the recommendations of police investigators and the original DA, Zimmerman was arrested and brought to trial as a result of protests and upheaval perpetrated by the race-baiting attorneys and PR people hired by the Martin family.

That trial was held. It was "bend over backwards" fair towards the prosecution. The handpicked attorneys for the State simply did not have the evidence for a conviction. The jury rendered their verdict. It's over now.

The credibility of the black community and their leaders is being terribly damaged by not letting this go. Can't believe the nonsensical insistence in keeping this false claim of racial injustice in the limelight. Every day all this does is cause more people to look at the facts of the case and find the decision correct based on the evidence.

Crying wolf is detrimental. Blacks need to see that's what this is and move on.
Yes, there ARE much bigger fish to fry and that goes for the black community.

Whatever injustices are out there, this case is not one. Choose something else. There is no racial element here. And there was no injustice. Against the recommendations of police investigators and the original DA, Zimmerman was arrested and brought to trial as a result of protests and upheaval perpetrated by the race-baiting attorneys and PR people hired by the Martin family.

That trial was held. It was "bend over backwards" fair towards the prosecution. The handpicked attorneys for the State simply did not have the evidence for a conviction. The jury rendered their verdict. It's over now.

The credibility of the black community and their leaders is being terribly damaged by not letting this go. Can't believe the nonsensical insistence in keeping this false claim of racial injustice in the limelight. Every day all this does is cause more people to look at the facts of the case and find the decision correct based on the evidence.

Crying wolf is detrimental. Blacks need to see that's what this is and move on.

I agree whole heartedly with your statement. I am totally amazed that racial profiling has come into play on this case. If there was profiling at all, there was criminal profiling based on the life that Zimmerman was living. He had every right to believe that a young black man might be dangerous in that young black men had been robbing his neighborhood.

Why is it so unheard of for the Black Community to accept that, especially in light of the statistics that prove young black men are indeed preying on other young black men, and thereby making everyone skittish about young black men today.

I wish upon wish that those of us who believed Dr. King, and put race aside forever were allowed to say simply that justice was served, period, based upon the facts of that night, and not be labeled by some outmoded belief that of course we have to have some bias simply because of our skin color.

That runs diametrically opposed to the man who said we all should be judged by the content of our character, doesn't it?
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The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.

I find it pretty bizarre to look at all this and somehow conclude, "The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching". What for?

No, the media is who needs to do some serious soul-searching. And by that I mean the community of enablers who allow them to blow up a single altercation among thousands into a fake-news feeding frenzy.

Just the fact that this silly thread was put together with a poll question that allows only two possible answers--- as if everyone must somehow have a "side" to take -- and completely disregards any possibility of "I don't know/care enough about it" speaks volumes about what passes for "news".

If it's gonna be about race, than yes, the African American community does need to do some serious soul-searching. It's time to let go of the Race-Baiter Hucksters who have only exploited them for profit. Like i said, violent White Racists are very scarce in this country. And thank God for that. However, violent Black Racism is on the rise.

Black on White violent crime is far more frequent than violent White on Black crime. That's just fact. The African American community needs to honestly assess what's going on in their communities. It's just not enough to blame Evil White Racist. But hey, these are just my opinions. I've been known to be a bit politically incorrect.
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The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.

I find it pretty bizarre to look at all this and somehow conclude, "The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching". What for?

No, the media is who needs to do some serious soul-searching. And by that I mean the community of enablers who allow them to blow up a single altercation among thousands into a fake-news feeding frenzy.

Just the fact that this silly thread was put together with a poll question that allows only two possible answers--- as if everyone must somehow have a "side" to take -- and completely disregards any possibility of "I don't know/care enough about it" speaks volumes about what passes for "news".

If you are sitting on the jury, however, you have only the two choices given in the poll. You are expected to render a verdict of guilty based on the evidence presented or not guilty based on the same evidence. The poll questions therefore are fairly presented.

I don't know what happened that terrible night and neither does anybody else here. I do know that the prosecution failed to show that Zimmerman committed any illegal act or that the death of Trayvon Martin was the result of anything other than self defense.

Therefore, the only just verdict that can be rendered in our system of justice is "Not guilty."

We should be on our knees every day thanking God that people who want to make this about whether it is okay to follow somebody on a public sidewalk or whether a concealed weapon is automatic guilt or whether the more likable looking person should be the innocent one or whether there is no just reason for a white person to shoot a black person---that such people are not in a position to judge your or my or anybody else's guilt or innocence.

I agree however that the Administration and its surrogate media have made a travesty of justice in this particular case.
Yes, there ARE much bigger fish to fry and that goes for the black community.

Whatever injustices are out there, this case is not one. Choose something else. There is no racial element here. And there was no injustice. Against the recommendations of police investigators and the original DA, Zimmerman was arrested and brought to trial as a result of protests and upheaval perpetrated by the race-baiting attorneys and PR people hired by the Martin family.

That trial was held. It was "bend over backwards" fair towards the prosecution. The handpicked attorneys for the State simply did not have the evidence for a conviction. The jury rendered their verdict. It's over now.

The credibility of the black community and their leaders is being terribly damaged by not letting this go. Can't believe the nonsensical insistence in keeping this false claim of racial injustice in the limelight. Every day all this does is cause more people to look at the facts of the case and find the decision correct based on the evidence.

Crying wolf is detrimental. Blacks need to see that's what this is and move on.
Agreed, this has made a very large segment of the black community and leadership seem appallingly vindictive, petty and petulant.
The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.

I do not think you have been paying attention. If you had been, you would know, because the MSM and the black community have been telling everyone, that black people cannot be racists, only white people can be racist. They have been saying that there is no such thing as a black racist loud and clear for quite some time.

You are just not paying attention at all. What is the matter with you?

Always remember, Racism is a learned behavior. It's taught in the home and at an early age. And unfortunately, it is becoming clear that many African Africans are being taught to hate other races. They are clearly being taught to hate White People. Human Beings are born good for the most part. They have to be taught how to hate. And that's just happening far too much in our World. I know many will criticize me for saying it, but Black Racism is on a rapid rise. We can see it all around us. It's very sad.
The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.

I find it pretty bizarre to look at all this and somehow conclude, "The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching". What for?

No, the media is who needs to do some serious soul-searching. And by that I mean the community of enablers who allow them to blow up a single altercation among thousands into a fake-news feeding frenzy.

Just the fact that this silly thread was put together with a poll question that allows only two possible answers--- as if everyone must somehow have a "side" to take -- and completely disregards any possibility of "I don't know/care enough about it" speaks volumes about what passes for "news".

Is it not possible that both are true?

The MSM does need to do some soul searching when it comes to the milk the moment journalism that is passing for reality these days. It's shameful and certainly lower than mud when it comes to what journalism is supposed to be.

But also

The Black Community truly does need to do some soul searching when it comes to Blacks preying on Blacks. But also, that very action is indeed causing everyone, of every skin color to be afraid of young black men simply by the number of crimes being committed.
Agreed, this has made a very large segment of the black community and leadership seem appallingly vindictive, petty and petulant.

Amen to that one.

Again we must be careful not to lump all black people into the same barrel any more than we do that to white people because some white people are jerks or other unsavory types.

But yes, there was a time in America in which some--not all but some--white people rose up as angry mobs to take vengeance on a black person who committed a crime against a white person. Who among us would now condone the whippings, the lynchings, the mutilations, the terrorist cross burnings and other savage brutality such white mobs heaped upon 'errant' black people?

But it is the rare white person who does that any more. We have evolved. We have learned. We have educated and disciplined our own so that the situation is 99.9% corrected. When the two thugs shot the baby in the face, we all grieved in our hearts as well as felt fury at such senseless cruelty and deprivation of life. But white people did not take to the streets to riot or protest or destroy property to do violence to people. Nor has the media harped on or even mentioned the fact that the shooters were black and the baby was white as they have focused on race in the Zimmerman case.

It is now time for militant black people to evolve and discipline themselves and not continue to fan the fires of racism. They should demand that their 'civil rights' leaders speak reasonably and honorably rather than stir up the passions for violence. And they should help their own and demand that antisocial behavior cease and desist because it is hurting too many people, most especially those who happen to be black.

And it is time for us ALL to stop race baiting ourselves, to demand that the media stop it, to demand that the government stop it, and to demand that the justice system return to a system of justice instead of a tool for self-serving politicians to use for their own ends.
Always remember, Racism is a learned behavior. It's taught in the home and at an early age. And unfortunately, it is becoming clear that many African Africans are being taught to hate other races. They are clearly being taught to hate White People. Human Beings are born good for the most part. They have to be taught how to hate. And that's just happening far too much in our World. I know many will criticize me for saying it, but Black Racism is on a rapid rise. We can see it all around us. It's very sad.

Don't be afraid to say it. How often have we been calling for the moderate Muslim to speak out against the Radical Muslim?

It's the same thing here. We expect a community to police itself. The fact that it's not happening is a big problem.

I do agree with your statement though - we know it to be true - hate is taught from one generation to another.
Agreed, this has made a very large segment of the black community and leadership seem appallingly vindictive, petty and petulant.

Amen to that one.

Again we must be careful not to lump all black people into the same barrel any more than we do that to white people because some white people are jerks or other unsavory types.

I don't think the lumping took place if you actually read what was written. I know I wouldn't lump as it's just not a fair proposition and I don't believe anyone, looking at the situation fairly, would do such a thing.

You must also agree that there wouldn't have been a 'civil rights bill' nor the 14th Amendment without white interaction on those policies. How that can be discounted by the Black Community simply amazes me. I find it completely unfair.
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The statistics bear it all out. An average African American is far more likely to be harmed by a fellow African American, than by an Evil White Racist. White on Black crime is almost nonexistent at this point. However, Black on White crime is at an all-time high. There are so many problems with this whole Race-Baiting charade. First off, Zimmerman was not White. He was Hispanic. The MSM simply lied about that to incite racial tensions. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was a despicable Race-Baiting farce. Do they call Barack Obama a 'White-African American?' Of course they don't.

This tragedy was made so much worse by our corrupt MSM and the usual Race-Huckster suspects. The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching. Their people do commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country. That's just the reality. The truth is, violent White Racists have become very scarce. In my assessment, there are far more violent Black Racists out there now. But i know some would never accept that assessment. And that's ok. You can't change some people. Anyway, it's time to put this awful tragedy behind us. There are much bigger fish to fry. Our President and his secret court just approved more NSA spying on Verizon customers. It's time to get focused on running the criminals out of our Government. Take care. Have a great Sunday.

I find it pretty bizarre to look at all this and somehow conclude, "The African American community needs to do some serious soul-searching". What for?

No, the media is who needs to do some serious soul-searching. And by that I mean the community of enablers who allow them to blow up a single altercation among thousands into a fake-news feeding frenzy.

Just the fact that this silly thread was put together with a poll question that allows only two possible answers--- as if everyone must somehow have a "side" to take -- and completely disregards any possibility of "I don't know/care enough about it" speaks volumes about what passes for "news".

If it's gonna be about race, than yes, the African American community does need to do some serious soul-searching. It's time to let go of the Race-Baiter Hucksters who have only exploited them for profit. Like i said, violent White Racists are very scarce in this country. And thank God for that. However, violent Black Racism is on the rise.

Black on White violent crime is far more frequent than violent White on Black crime. That's just fact. The African American community needs to honestly assess what's going on in their communities. It's just not enough to blame Evil White Racist. But hey, these are just my opinions. I've been known to be a bit politically incorrect.

Wow, you're really this dense, huh?

The "black community" didn't create this circus, therefore it isn't a question of their soul searching.
The "white community" didn't create this circus, therefore it isn't a question of their soul searching.
The "gun community" didn't create this circus, therefore it isn't a question of their soul searching.

The media created it.
Not rocket surgery.

Yet you wanna blame "the black community"? Really?
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