The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He was not proven guilty beyond a delusion doubt. No, maybe beyond a delusional doubt would find him guilty.

So when people are acquitted, the prosecution, the victim, and the victim's families and supporters were delusional? It's not clear what you mean here. My apologies if I misunderstood what you meant.

In this case, I'd say the prosecution WAS delusional . . . about its ability to prove the case it brought. Perhaps that's why Zimmerman was not arrested and charged UNTIL a lynch mob was whipped up against him . . . because the original prosecutor knew there wasn't enough evidence to support the case.

Once again, welcome to how the American justice system works. Maybe you don't like it because you can't manipulate and micromanage the results to your satisfaction, but it beats the shit out of the sort of system you appear to be advocating.

No, I believe the court system is broken. That doesn't mean I'm going to get ridiculous about it and call it "delusional."
We know people love to have their cake and eat it too. Zimmerman is innocent, period. And it's not, well he was proven not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and his supporters won't admit that the prosecution probably did a lousy job and/or mistakes were made by the jury.
He was not proven guilty beyond a delusion doubt. No, maybe beyond a delusional doubt would find him guilty.

So when people are acquitted, the prosecution, the victim, and the victim's families and supporters were delusional? It's not clear what you mean here. My apologies if I misunderstood what you meant.
A deluded doubt. Is that a very complex proposition?
Actually no, that's on the puppeteer, which in this case is the media.

We had the same bullshit going on in another thread where poster A declared that some black thugs "represented" poster B because poster B was black, and because they said so. Poster B had nothing to say about it. Doesn't work that way.

No. Using people is on the puppeteer, but allowing oneself to be used is on the puppet. I don't know of any other racial or ethnic group off the top of my head that will remain silent and complacently allow itself to be stereotyped by its worst members, but it's very rare to find prominent black people speaking up and condemning those members, rather than making excuses for them and whining about their victimhood. And often, when a prominent black person DOES speak up about those members of the community staining its reputation, that person ends up attacked by other prominent black people as "acting white" or "being an Uncle Tom".

Uh... the puppet has nothing to say about it. That's why he's a puppet.

What you're trying to get away with here is the same old canard that somebody pulled earlier when they said "we don't hear Muslims condemning terrorism", and then when they're given a long list of links to exactly that, they ignore it.

Now if you've got some special at-large ombudsman you've talked to who speaks for "all black people" -- as opposed to a few wispy stereotypes-- well then you know more about how the world works than I do.

Oh, the black community has no say about just lying back and letting itself be used as pawns? So they're just helpless victims? Funny how that happens to not one other group in this country EXCEPT them. Maybe the black community needs to do some soul-searching about why they're so much more fucking helpless and unable to handle their business than everyone else.

All I'm hearing is "Victims, victims, doomed to be nothing but victims, unable to be volitional human beings."

I'm not trying to "get away" with anything. It is a fact that when people started shouting, "All Muslims are terrorists", the Muslim community did NOT just lie back and take the stereotyping silently. Prominent Muslims DID come out and condemn both the stereotyping of all Muslims according to the terrorists, AND the actions of terrorists. And they continue to do so. Yes, there are also despicable Muslims to whine and moan about how terrorists are "forced by their circumstances" to behave the way they do, but they sure as shit are not setting the public perception of all Muslims in a vacuum without opposition.
He was not proven guilty beyond a delusion doubt. No, maybe beyond a delusional doubt would find him guilty.

So when people are acquitted, the prosecution, the victim, and the victim's families and supporters were delusional? It's not clear what you mean here. My apologies if I misunderstood what you meant.
A deluded doubt. Is that a very complex proposition?

A "deluded doubt"? Sounds like something from "The Shining."
We know people love to have their cake and eat it too. Zimmerman is innocent, period. And it's not, well he was proven not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and his supporters won't admit that the prosecution probably did a lousy job and/or mistakes were made by the jury.

Welcome to the American system of justice, where one is presumed innocent until such time as he is proven guilty, rather than being presumed guilty because a lynch mob wants him to be guilty. Don't like it? Feel free to move to a less-civilized and more lawless nation. We won't stop you.

You missed my point which, I believe, I made clear, if not by stressing, "period," in my last two or three posts. I said that supporters of Trayvon can't even entertain the possibility that Zimmerman was entirely responsible for the death without undue attack.

I don't care how much you THINK that's your point, or how much you think saying "period" stresses it. Zimmerman was found "not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt", which means the prosecution failed to convince the jury of his guilt. That's not the same as innocent, although it has much the same effect, because our system of justice ALSO recognizes that there's often no way to know for sure if someone is truly innocent, and that sometimes, it's possible to know for sure that a person is guilty, but not be able to prove it (see "OJ Simpson").

And who the hell said supporters of Trayvon Martin can't entertain any fucking belief they care to? Who's stopping them? They can hallucinate anything they choose. That's their right as Americans. However, the rest of us retain OUR right as Americans to tell them they're fucking stupid, misled, and deliberately ignoring the evidence in the case. And George Zimmerman retains HIS right as an American to not be endlessly persecuted for a crime of which he has been acquitted, simply because drinkers of the racist Kool-Aid don't like that they didn't get their way.

It's over. You demanded a trial for Trayvon Martin's death, and you got it. And you lost. Feel free to go to your grave insisting that Martin was unjustly killed, if that's your choice. But suck up the fact that Zimmerman escaped your clutches, and move the fuck on with your life.
So when people are acquitted, the prosecution, the victim, and the victim's families and supporters were delusional? It's not clear what you mean here. My apologies if I misunderstood what you meant.

In this case, I'd say the prosecution WAS delusional . . . about its ability to prove the case it brought. Perhaps that's why Zimmerman was not arrested and charged UNTIL a lynch mob was whipped up against him . . . because the original prosecutor knew there wasn't enough evidence to support the case.

Once again, welcome to how the American justice system works. Maybe you don't like it because you can't manipulate and micromanage the results to your satisfaction, but it beats the shit out of the sort of system you appear to be advocating.

No, I believe the court system is broken. That doesn't mean I'm going to get ridiculous about it and call it "delusional."

And how, might I ask, is our court system "broken", and what do you believe the "fix" is?
Welcome to the American system of justice, where one is presumed innocent until such time as he is proven guilty, rather than being presumed guilty because a lynch mob wants him to be guilty. Don't like it? Feel free to move to a less-civilized and more lawless nation. We won't stop you.

You missed my point which, I believe, I made clear, if not by stressing, "period," in my last two or three posts. I said that supporters of Trayvon can't even entertain the possibility that Zimmerman was entirely responsible for the death without undue attack.

I don't care how much you THINK that's your point, or how much you think saying "period" stresses it. Zimmerman was found "not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt", which means the prosecution failed to convince the jury of his guilt. That's not the same as innocent, although it has much the same effect, because our system of justice ALSO recognizes that there's often no way to know for sure if someone is truly innocent, and that sometimes, it's possible to know for sure that a person is guilty, but not be able to prove it (see "OJ Simpson").

One example would be advocating that Zimmerman be allowed to maintain a CHL. If he carries that gun around, IMHO it will only be a matter of time before he shoots another person.

And who the hell said supporters of Trayvon Martin can't entertain any fucking belief they care to? Who's stopping them? They can hallucinate anything they choose. That's their right as Americans. However, the rest of us retain OUR right as Americans to tell them they're fucking stupid, misled, and deliberately ignoring the evidence in the case.

Case in point.

And George Zimmerman retains HIS right as an American to not be endlessly persecuted for a crime of which he has been acquitted, simply because drinkers of the racist Kool-Aid don't like that they didn't get their way.

We can learn important lessons from what happened. This is what we do in the Land of the Free.

It's over. You demanded a trial for Trayvon Martin's death, and you got it. And you lost. Feel free to go to your grave insisting that Martin was unjustly killed, if that's your choice. But suck up the fact that Zimmerman escaped your clutches, and move the fuck on with your life.

There is still a decent chance Zimmerman will be charged with civil rights violations, as long as they don't try to prove murder or manslaughter.
In this case, I'd say the prosecution WAS delusional . . . about its ability to prove the case it brought. Perhaps that's why Zimmerman was not arrested and charged UNTIL a lynch mob was whipped up against him . . . because the original prosecutor knew there wasn't enough evidence to support the case.

Once again, welcome to how the American justice system works. Maybe you don't like it because you can't manipulate and micromanage the results to your satisfaction, but it beats the shit out of the sort of system you appear to be advocating.

No, I believe the court system is broken. That doesn't mean I'm going to get ridiculous about it and call it "delusional."

And how, might I ask, is our court system "broken", and what do you believe the "fix" is?

There is no fix in sight, for the exact same reason as in the debate here. People are unwilling to recognize inequities in the questionable outcomes.
Always remember, Racism is a learned behavior. It's taught in the home and at an early age. And unfortunately, it is becoming clear that many African Africans are being taught to hate other races. They are clearly being taught to hate White People. Human Beings are born good for the most part. They have to be taught how to hate. And that's just happening far too much in our World. I know many will criticize me for saying it, but Black Racism is on a rapid rise. We can see it all around us. It's very sad.
The pit bulls are being taught to fight, and they are very popular among certain people or groups for which we have seen, and when these animals turn on people and kill them, everyone acts as if it is such a huge surprise that this has happened or that it is a problem. People not being held accountable for their actions and character these days, and even being rewarded for their bad down the line shockingly has become a huge injustice also, and it has given us all a bad example of the way justice should be in this nation, and how bad anymore seems to be trumping good in this nation, and that is or has become a big time problem in this country for our youth to become accompany to or worse victims to on down the line.
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When you get shot like Trayvon did, it's nearly impossible to get up and roll or run, and the shot does not flip you over like in a video game. Trayvon's body was 10 feet from the cement. If GZ were telling the truth about feeling his life was threatened, he would have shot Martin there on the cement.

[ame=]Killer Caught On Camera - New York Post - YouTube[/ame]
One example would be advocating that Zimmerman be allowed to maintain a CHL. If he carries that gun around, IMHO it will only be a matter of time before he shoots another person.

It's only a matter of time if some other person decides to knock him to the ground, sit on his chest, bash his head against the concrete, and beat him with MMA moves.
So what we're finding it's ok to make uncorroborated and malicious statements about Trayvon Martin and his tragic death, while at the same time mere assertions about Zimmerman or recounting what he himself admitted in the 911 call causes nothing but outrage and upheaval.
No it's when the spin gets put on these things as to control it all somehow for a certain hoped for outcome, as to be concluded in the message that is being sought after by a biased group or by a biased individual, is when it causes the outcome to then be rendered either as an outrage or an upheaval be it one way or the other yet all depending.
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One example would be advocating that Zimmerman be allowed to maintain a CHL. If he carries that gun around, IMHO it will only be a matter of time before he shoots another person.

It's only a matter of time if some other person decides to knock him to the ground, sit on his chest, bash his head against the concrete, and beat him with MMA moves.

People on trial for deaths in similar manners are scrutinized at least 100 times greater than in the original death. I'm not suggesting anyone watch this movie to ascertain what I said, but I thought I'd post it anyway since it's very interesting.

[ame=]The Staircase Murders (2007) - YouTube[/ame]
He was not proven guilty beyond a delusion doubt. No, maybe beyond a delusional doubt would find him guilty.

So when people are acquitted, the prosecution, the victim, and the victim's families and supporters were delusional? It's not clear what you mean here. My apologies if I misunderstood what you meant.

In this case, I'd say the prosecution WAS delusional . . . about its ability to prove the case it brought. Perhaps that's why Zimmerman was not arrested and charged UNTIL a lynch mob was whipped up against him . . . because the original prosecutor knew there wasn't enough evidence to support the case.

Once again, welcome to how the American justice system works. Maybe you don't like it because you can't manipulate and micromanage the results to your satisfaction, but it beats the shit out of the sort of system you appear to be advocating.
The sad thing is, is that this thing apparently goes way beyond this case for many who are in certain groups, whom are hoping to control those who are in positions of power, and they do this because they are wanting to use that power to stir up and create situations out of these things for their own selfish thinking, even if they (such things) don't exist, but why ?

So they who are in power are being called upon by those who had placed them in power, in order that they make something of these things in order to show solidarity on these matters or be figured as a traitor if they don't ?
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When you get shot like Trayvon did, it's nearly impossible to get up and roll or run, and the shot does not flip you over like in a video game. Trayvon's body was 10 feet from the cement. If GZ were telling the truth about feeling his life was threatened, he would have shot Martin there on the cement.

Killer Caught On Camera - New York Post - YouTube

You ain't to bright are you boy?

So the shot flipped him into the air at least 10 feet?

[ame=]Street fighter 2 CE egg beater hurricane kick quick easy combo example.. - YouTube[/ame]
So what we're finding it's ok to make uncorroborated and malicious statements about Trayvon Martin and his tragic death, while at the same time mere assertions about Zimmerman or recounting what he himself admitted in the 911 call causes nothing but outrage and upheaval.
No it's when the spin gets put on these things as to control it all somehow for a certain hoped for outcome, as to be concluded in the message that is being sought after by a biased group or by a biased individual, is when it causes the outcome to then be rendered either as an outrage or an upheaval be it one way or the other yet all depending.

Nothing can change then.
Will not fly in a court of law. Let's say all circumstances stay the same EXCEPT, TM lived...

TM would of been arrested for aggravated assault

Why would a law not fly in a court of law?

Hey Ravi, what happened to your claim that Zimmerman was commanded and ordered by police to stand down, that Zimmerman stalked Martin, that the DNA evidence was conclusive as to guilty of the state's charges and that Zimmerman made racist comments to the 911 dispatcher about Martin?
Turns out NONE of them were true like we told you they were not true.
How many napkins did it take to get the egg off of your face?

Egg on the face is better than a bullet through the heart.

That's what real Zmericans do.
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