The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Racism and violence are on the rapid rise amongst African Americans. I know it's not politically correct to state that, but it is the reality. The stats are there for anyone who's interested. Black on White violent crime is at an all-time high, while White on Black violent crime is almost nonexistent. It's time to start having an honest & open discussion about it. The African American community needs to begin seriously & honestly addressing their own problems from within. Nothing can get better until they do that.
But that would mean that American Blacks must start blaming themselves rather than White Folk, and we can't have that...

Jackson and Sharpton and their fellow-travelers would lose their relevancy...

The NEXT generation of Black American leadership will hopefully carry a different message and a firm resolve to work to better things without playing the Race Card or the Blame Game every 10 seconds...

But I suspect we'll have to wait until the last of the junior-leadership from the old 1960s Civil Rights movement dies-off, which shouldn't be long now...

Political opportuniists come in all shapes, sizes, genders, races. and age groups, however. Until the American people themselves demand that skin color be of no more consequence than eye color or hair color, the political opportunists--both those in government and for private motives--will continue to fan the flames of racism. It is big business to them and keeps them in their positions of power.

Again freedom loving people everywhere of all races, ethnicities, etc. should be condemning and making that socially unacceptable. But alas, some of us even on this thread not only condone it, but participate in it. And that is a lose-lose proposition for all but the opportunists.
Maybe the MSM should start referring to the President as a 'White-African American?' Maybe it would have the opposite effect their 'White-Hispanic' Zimmerman label has? It could bring the races closer together. Who knows?

Frankly I am bored with retrying the George Zimmerman case, but I I acknowledge that many of my fellow USMB members enjoy retrying the case over and over and over again. Some no doubt hope they can change the outcome. Some perhaps are justifying further persecution of George Zimmerman.

But the bottom line is that a jury of his peers declared George Zimmerman not guilty of murder and manslaughter and if we believe in individual liberty at all, that must end it. For the federal government to now go on a fishing expedition to charge Zimmerman with civil rights/hate crimes violations is an illegal and reprehensible violation of HIS civil rights and should be condemned by us all.

And it also continues to fan the flames of racism in this country.

OMG me too. I've been jumping from thread to thread for a few days trying to find anyone interested in talking about new ideas and opinions and the current state of events. I am seriously over rehashing the done trial.
'Violent Racist KKK Guy' is almost nonexistent. It's a Boogeyman myth at this point. There isn't one around every corner ready to pounce on an African American. That day is done. The usual suspect Race-Baiters continue to push that myth, but it is only a myth. However, violent Black Racists do seem to be rising in numbers. The stats bear that out. It's time for honest & blunt discussions. People have to get real.
Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.
Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.


Stamina is going to slap NBC with a nice fat lawsuit and we'll see if he lines ABC and CNN up after them.

They need a billion dollar judgment so they can remember something about ethics.
Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.


Stamina is going to slap NBC with a nice fat lawsuit and we'll see if he lines ABC and CNN up after them.

They need a billion dollar judgment so they can remember something about ethics.

NBC likely to change name to ZBC after settlement?
Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.


Stamina is going to slap NBC with a nice fat lawsuit and we'll see if he lines ABC and CNN up after them.

They need a billion dollar judgment so they can remember something about ethics.

NBC likely to change name to ZBC after settlement?

poetic justice.
Yeppers... hit the Lamestream Media where it hurts... in the Dividends... I'd laugh if Zimmerman got rich off of them...
Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.


Stamina is going to slap NBC with a nice fat lawsuit and we'll see if he lines ABC and CNN up after them.

They need a billion dollar judgment so they can remember something about ethics.

I hope you're right. Their repetitive 'White-Hispanic' mantra was truly hateful and unethical. They were shockingly blunt with their Race-Baiting incitement. The American Mainstream Media is a pitiful disgrace at this point. Maybe a Billion Dollar judgement will sober em up a bit. Lets hope it happens.
As an interesting footnote...

George Zimmerman is reported to have emerged from "hiding" to pull a man from an overturned truck at an accident scene. That according to Police.

That darned George! Always up to no good!
As an interesting footnote...

George Zimmerman is reported to have emerged from "hiding" to pull a man from an overturned truck at an accident scene. That according to Police.

That darned George! Always up to no good!

Are you kidding? I need to jump into the Borg real quick and check it out.
As an interesting footnote...

George Zimmerman is reported to have emerged from "hiding" to pull a man from an overturned truck at an accident scene. That according to Police.

That darned George! Always up to no good!

Are you kidding? I need to jump into the Borg real quick and check it out.

Real story:

George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue - ABC News

It is - it's all over the Tweeter.
Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.


Stamina is going to slap NBC with a nice fat lawsuit and we'll see if he lines ABC and CNN up after them.

They need a billion dollar judgment so they can remember something about ethics.

Indeed. If only that will be possible. I studied journalism and worked n the media at a time when ethics were No. 1 on the rules of conduct for reporters, editors, and publishers. Libel and slander laws were implemented and utilized when somebody intentionally and maliciously and dishonestly smeared somebody via the media of any type, and it was rarely done. ANYTHING that would reflect negatively on a person's reputation had to be verified and reverified by multiple credible sources before it was broadcast or published. And in the rare case we got something wrong, we expected to acknowledge that and exhonerate the wronged person as prominently and as emphatically as we mischaracterized him or her.

If Zimmerman could be successful in reinstating that concept even to some degree in our MSM, I personally will try to get something published to hold him up as one of our modern heroes.
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Editorial yesterday in AJC still stating verbatim:
"George Zimmerman was ordered by police not to do something"
Which is exactly the opposite of what the 911 operator testified to in court.
Until we call out the media for what they are nothing changes.


Stamina is going to slap NBC with a nice fat lawsuit and we'll see if he lines ABC and CNN up after them.

They need a billion dollar judgment so they can remember something about ethics.

Indeed. If only that will be possible. I studied journalism and worked n the media at a time when ethics were No. 1 on the rules of conduct for reporters, editors, and publishers. Libel and slander laws were implemented and utilized when somebody intentionally and maliciously and dishonestly smeared somebody via the media of any type, and it was rarely done. ANYTHING that would reflect negatively on a person's reputation had to be verified and reverified by multiple credible sources before it was broadcast or published. And in the rare case we got something wrong, we expected to acknowledge that and exhonerate the wronged person as prominently and as emphatically as we mischaracterized him or her.

If Zimmerman could be successful in reinstating that concept even to some degree in our MSM, I personally will try to get something published to hold him up as one of our modern heroes.

It's a start and a course of action. Someone needs to do something and if they can take a bite out of NBC and cause the others to pay attention. Good enough for this battle.
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