The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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"...Just so you know - the weirdos on the Borg are of course saying it was "staged". So I'm sure that's going to be popping up on the forum soon. Yet another Sanford PD, truck over turned 'conspiracy'".

Well, of COURSE it was STAGED !!!

An overturned truck, designed to bring-out Zimmy from his hidey-hole, in order to do a Good Deed, and to make him Look Better after the Guilty Verdict that many Liberals hung on him, regardless of the findings of his trial jury.

It's a kornspiracy, I tellz ya... a strange alignment of the planets... combining efforts by La Raza, The Vatican, the National Rifle Association, the Sanford Police, the National Association for the Advancement of White People, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Israeli Mossad, the European Union, the Communist Party of North Sanford, Florida, the US Forestry Service, the KKK, the Audobon Society, UNICEF, al-Qaeda, the George Wallace Memorial Foundation and the Southern Coalition of Ice Cream Vendors, plus British Petroleum...

All designed to make Zimmy look good... :cuckoo:
The burning vehicle wasn't burning.

The overturned vehicle was overturned.

Overturned vehicles sometimes do burn, so I understand that GZ brought along his fire extinguisher when he went to help the family in that vehicle. And the cop noted the fire extinguisher. So the burning part of the story came to be.
Also, there was a videotape of the Rodney King beating. So far as anyone knows, there's no tape of the Martin shooting.

There probably was but Zimmerman's friends probably destroyed it. Most likely Tafee.

When the Police were doing their initial interview with George Zimmerman, Detective Serino tried to bluff Zimmerman by telling him that there WAS a video tape of the entire incident. What was Zimmerman's response? "Thank God!" He was relieved that there was going to be something to back up his story. That's most likely when Serino started to believe that George Zimmerman WAS telling him the truth.

Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. He knew there were no videos. Even if there were they would have been no good in a rainy night condition.

Zimmerman is a pathological liar.

but that is not what asked

they got charged with using or permitting unreasonable force under "color of law"

which is different then zimmermans case

secondarily only two of the four cops had been found guilty

Yea, it's different. The part where IT is important is to show that double jeopardy is not the end-all many widely believe it is.

As now, they could have used the same double jeopardy excuse then with the officers that beat Rodney King.

We also have a black president now who is clearly sympathetic IMO to complete Justice for Trayvon. And then we have a black attorney general.

So, you are in favor of doing away with the Constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy if it suits your purpose? Careful you are starting to sound like a vigilante yourself.

What was it you said a couple of days ago about you defending our freedoms? I am beginning to feel like there are only certain freedoms you see fit to defend. That can be spooky. Suppose you do not see fit to defend the freedom of religion? If you do not believe in that freedom where would a person of faith stand in your view? And if we can pick and choose the freedoms we defend what happens when you say something obnoxious and the rest of us demand they throw your butt in jail?


It's a landmark case, and if the sophistication of the federal government is needed, then so be it. Sometimes extraordinary measures are needed.

It wouldn't be double jeopardy anyway as long as the feds don't try to prove manslaughter or murder.
There probably was but Zimmerman's friends probably destroyed it. Most likely Tafee.

When the Police were doing their initial interview with George Zimmerman, Detective Serino tried to bluff Zimmerman by telling him that there WAS a video tape of the entire incident. What was Zimmerman's response? "Thank God!" He was relieved that there was going to be something to back up his story. That's most likely when Serino started to believe that George Zimmerman WAS telling him the truth.

Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. He knew there were no videos. Even if there were they would have been no good in a rainy night condition.

Zimmerman is a pathological liar.

Really? You know which of your neighbors have phones with video capability and might be recording your activities? You know precisely which ones see you come and go or doing other activities around your place. How about the ones over on the next street where you walk your dog? You have all that information? Wow. I'm impressed. I have lived where I live for a long time now and I don't know have a clue which of my neighbors, not even those living next door, might have easy capability to video record something, much less those who live a block or two away.
And not one peep from MSM! Outrageous!!!

Way to go George!!!


Just so you know - the weirdos on the Borg are of course saying it was "staged". So I'm sure that's going to be popping up on the forum soon.

Yet another Sanford PD, truck over turned "conspiracy".

Or Zimmerman solidly tapped the rear-end of the SUV when it passed. If Zimmerman did it skillfully enough, the driver of the SUV would likely not be sure he pitted him.
There probably was but Zimmerman's friends probably destroyed it. Most likely Tafee.

When the Police were doing their initial interview with George Zimmerman, Detective Serino tried to bluff Zimmerman by telling him that there WAS a video tape of the entire incident. What was Zimmerman's response? "Thank God!" He was relieved that there was going to be something to back up his story. That's most likely when Serino started to believe that George Zimmerman WAS telling him the truth.

Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. He knew there were no videos. Even if there were they would have been no good in a rainy night condition.

Zimmerman is a pathological liar.

Zimmerman is lieing because he grabbed on to Trayvon's arm. Look at how Trayvon's phone seperated and landed apart. It matches perfectly to what Rachel was hearing. Trayvon stopped were that phone dropped , he was not going to get close to Zimmerman. He said what you following me for? Zimmerman walks up to him saying what are you doing here drops his flash light and grabs Trayvon's arm causeing the friction noise Rachel hear's. , the ear piece seperates from the phone landing on the left side of Trayvon, Trayvon says get off , she can still here through the Trayvon's phones's reciever . Trayvon bumps his hand holding the phone into himself trying to get loose from Zimmerman causeing the thump noise Rachel hears, and Trayvon drops the phone in the struggle on were it lands in the grass on right side of were he stood and cuts off. Then they struggle on foot across the grass. Look at were the Tea was found. How close was it to the tree? Look at the police video and were George is talking .notice the tree behined him the branches sticking out from it and how close to were he says they were to it. Remember when Dr. Dimio said the injuries could be cause buy a tree branch. How about one that is still on the tree? During the struggle George backs into the tree gets the two scratches on his head from that. They struggle over Trayvon's tea falls out , don't recall if the skittles were still in his pocker or not. Now there over were the t is . Trayvon finally takes his left hand and punches Zimmerman in the nose, causeiung Zimmerman to let go of him stumble back drop his keys an fall over cause engery number 3 to his head. Zimmermazn starts to move a few minutes later and lift his head up too see Trayvon getting on to him there is three more bumps to Zimmermans head. Witch all 6 injuries. Trayvon starts backing off and Zimmerman then gets his gun shoots Trayvon , who gets up stumbles across the grass , puts hands on his chest and colapses and dies were he is found.
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