Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

That’s hilarious. And you didn’t even know what a cat does…..maybe you don’t know the difference between toxins and greenhouse gasses ? Cats help remove toxins, not greenhouse gasses…..get a life.
The rest of your babble is just an admission you’re weak on biology.
I know PRECISELY what a cat converter does. It takes the exhaust gasses generated in an internal combustion engine and converts the CO in them to CO2, and other gasses into water vapor and small amounts of H2SO4.
You and the rest of the Co2 FRAUD crowd here have not refuted one word of any of those...
I know PRECISELY what a cat converter does. It takes the exhaust gasses generated in an internal combustion engine and converts the CO in them to CO2, and other gasses into water vapor and small amounts of H2SO4.
You don’t seem to know that carbon monoxide and the like is TOXIC and CO2 is not in lower quantities.. That’s why we have cats,
In addition ICE engines emit particulates that clog lungs and exacerbate lung disease…..cats save lives by reducing lung diseases . CO2 is a more existential threat. Cats are not cure alls regardless….they maybe about 75% for some toxic shit but they still can’t completely clean up emissions. ICE engines are ugly shit producers when operating, EVs are NOT. THEY PRODUCE fewer to no toxins when operating depending upon the battery used, tires,plastics etc. Geesus, plastics alone used in all cars emit greenhouse gases when exposed to the elements…in addition to being toxic.
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Nope. The whole scam was to protect DuPont from patent infringements by other countries when they realized the patent on "Freon" was about to expire and could be made and sold much cheaper by folks other than DuPont. The claim that CFCs were "destroying the ozone layer" was always (and remains) total bullshit. CFCs have NEVER been proven to destroy a single ozone molecule under lab conditions. Almost 90% of the CFCs humanly manufactured are used in the northern hemisphere yet the "hole" in the ozone layer is minuscule at the Arctic Circle and massive at the Antarctic Circle. How did all those CFCs GET to Antarctica? They've only been manufactured for the past 100 years or so. BTW, CFCs are HEAVIER than air, just for your information.
Yes, duh, CFCs are heavier than air. Other than that, thanks for sharing that old, recycled nonsense. Now read my link and learn what's really happened.
You don’t seem to know that carbon monoxide and the like is TOXIC and CO2 is not in lower quantities.. That’s why we have cats,
In addition ICE engines emit particulates that clog lungs and exacerbate lung disease…..cats save lives by reducing lung diseases . CO2 is a more existential threat. Cats are not cure alls regardless….they maybe about 75% for some toxic shit but they still can’t completely clean up emissions. ICE engines are ugly shit producers when operating, EVs are NOT. THEY PRODUCE fewer to no toxins when operating depending upon the battery used, tires,plastics etc. Geesus, plastics alone used in all cars emit greenhouse gases when exposed to the elements…in addition to being toxic.
You're as full of shit as a Christmas goose. CO2 in the same quantities as CO will kill a person just as dead. CO2 killed an entire African village when it suddenly erupted from a nearby lake in the relatively recent past. EVs emit fewer toxins when operating. That much is true, but MAKING them and keeping them charged FAR exceed the produced toxins from operating an IC vehicle. The power to charge all those EV vehicle batteries doesn't come from fairy dust or unicorn piss. More than 85% of it comes from burning "fossil fuels."
Cats help remove toxins, not greenhouse gasses…..get a life.
The end result is a reduction of both "toxins" and harmful "greenhouse gases" like nitrous oxide down to nitrogen and oxygen. The tech keeps getting better:
The end result is a reduction of both "toxins" and harmful "greenhouse gases" like nitrous oxide down to nitrogen and oxygen. They tech keeps getting better:
I'm not arguing against Cat Converters. I'm fine with them. I'm just pointing out WHY they were installed in IC vehicles and explaining why burning LEADED gasoline will make them inoperable and useless and why they are dangerous to anyone who parks an IC vehicle using one of them in an open field because it could easily start a grass fire...which has happened often.
The end result is a reduction of both "toxins" and harmful "greenhouse gases" like nitrous oxide down to nitrogen and oxygen. The tech keeps getting better:
The best are still at 75%. Cats produce CO2, a green house gas while cutting down on toxic gasses. It’s a trade off. There is no free ride. Fossil fuels are deadly.
You're as full of shit as a Christmas goose. CO2 in the same quantities as CO will kill a person just as dead. CO2 killed an entire African village when it suddenly erupted from a nearby lake in the relatively recent past. EVs emit fewer toxins when operating. That much is true, but MAKING them and keeping them charged FAR exceed the produced toxins from operating an IC vehicle. The power to charge all those EV vehicle batteries doesn't come from fairy dust or unicorn piss. More than 85% of it comes from burning "fossil fuels."
you are one who is full of shit….CO2 is not poisonous.
CO is poisonous. You’re a confused puppy. Any gas can be problematic in higher quantities but many aren’t toxic or poisonous in themselves……O2 necessary for life needs to breathed in within a certain ratio. But not poisonous.
You’re bull shit wrong about EVs. Of course making batteries produces polutants foolish just like fuel oil refineries do. Just like plastics and a plethora of other gases and substances. The difference is fool, ICE engines saturate the atmosphere over an entire area when operating making it impossible to contain. You are definite illiterate.
EVs emit fewer toxins when operating.
EVs electric drive motor emit NO TOXINS other than those associated with all autos like tires and plastics.
In contrast, an ICE motor is a deadly poisonous gas producer when operating….its not ever close fool.
ICE engines are heavily regulated in confined areas,, electric motors are not.
So what? Both will kill you. If I put you in a room filled with CO or another room filled with CO2 you'll wind up just as dead either way.
That’s a generalization. CO is poisonous…..You can wind up dead if you fill a room with any gas that displaces o2 for example. It takes very little CO….to do the same.
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That’s a generalization. CO is poisonous…..You can wind up dead if you fill a room with any gas that displaces o2 for example. It takes very little CO….to do the same.
both can kill plant and animal life, but neither is changing the climate of planet earth.
The best are still at 75%. Cats produce CO2, a green house gas while cutting down on toxic gasses. It’s a trade off. There is no free ride. Fossil fuels are deadly.

you are one who is full of shit….CO2 is not poisonous.
CO is poisonous. You’re a confused puppy. Any gas can be problematic in higher quantities but many aren’t toxic or poisonous in themselves……O2 necessary for life needs to breathed in within a certain ratio. But not poisonous.
You’re bull shit wrong about EVs. Of course making batteries produces polutants foolish just like fuel oil refineries do. Just like plastics and a plethora of other gases and substances. The difference is fool, ICE engines saturate the atmosphere over an entire area when operating making it impossible to contain. You are definite illiterate.
you said "fossil fuels and deadly". So are windmills and solar panels. Windmills kill birds by the thousands and each one needs 50 gallons of lubricating oil which many times leaks into the environment. The used blades cannot be disposed of and take hundreds of years to degrade.

Solar panels kill plants and animals that live where they are installed.

There is no easy answer, but we could find one sooner if you lefties would stop lying about AGW.
you said "fossil fuels and deadly". So are windmills and solar panels. Windmills kill birds by the thousands and each one needs 50 gallons of lubricating oil which many times leaks into the environment. The used blades cannot be disposed of and take hundreds of years to degrade.

Solar panels kill plants and animals that live where they are installed.

There is no easy answer, but we could find one sooner if you lefties would stop lying about AGW.
My daughter works in the energy industry & we were chat the other day & her husband pointed out that wind power is a horrific scam. It's sure peculiar hw some folks can run off on these tangents.
yes, that too can affect climate, but if we send our money to the libs they will fix everything.

We are paying the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands right now for being on a tectonic plate approaching Pacific Ring of Fire.... meaning in 10 million years both will not just be underwater, they will be under Earth's crust...

The Co2 FRAUD is a toxic disaster for America.
you said "fossil fuels and deadly". So are windmills and solar panels. Windmills kill birds by the thousands and each one needs 50 gallons of lubricating oil which many times leaks into the environment. The used blades cannot be disposed of and take hundreds of years to degrade.

Solar panels kill plants and animals that live where they are installed.

There is no easy answer, but we could find one sooner if you lefties would stop lying about AGW.
Hilarious bullshit from another MAGA moron. Every single ICE engine found in a car leaves more deadly used oil into the environment than a dozen windmills, which btw use bio degradable oils in all environmentally sensitive areas. It’s mandated illiterate. Second, you had better out law domestic cats and commercial airlines which EACH kill many times the number OF birds. You’re obviously a non reader.
Btw, how do working solar panels kill birds by the thousands ?

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