Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

We are paying the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands right now for being on a tectonic plate approaching Pacific Ring of Fire.... meaning in 10 million years both will not just be underwater, they will be under Earth's crust...

The Co2 FRAUD is a toxic disaster for America.
you said "fossil fuels and deadly". So are windmills and solar panels. Windmills kill birds by the thousands and each one needs 50 gallons of lubricating oil which many times leaks into the environment. The used blades cannot be disposed of and take hundreds of years to degrade.

Solar panels kill plants and animals that live where they are installed.

There is no easy answer, but we could find one sooner if you lefties would stop lying about AGW.
YOU stop your lying about AGW. Crank case motor oil from ICE engines burning fossil fuels is far more toxic than the oils used in windmills. The windmill is confined and leakage of biodegradable oils can easily be monitored. Leaking crankcase oils from MILLIONS OF cars driving all other place cannot. Your lies are a red herring.

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