The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It is only one example of vigilantism in the Old West @4:30, but it's a start.

Real Wild West - 2of4 - YouTube

This is a series from the History Channel that I own on DVD. I recently watched the whole thing and is where a lot of what I was talking about came from.

Ooh, look another "Here's a Youtube video, with no accompanying summation or commentary, just assume that it makes my point" post.

I'd neg rep you for being an obtuse dipshit, except I already did.

This post is now considered an admission that you have nothing to say, and nothing with which to back up the nothing you say.


I gave the spot in the tape I was talking about and did give commentary with it. You only needed to watch about half a minute to realize that. What's going on with you?
Now, you and other lefty-leaners might want to define communities setting up rules and policing themselves as "vigilantism", but I see it as the quintessential definition of government. And it WAS the various community organizations set up by the inhabitants of the West that kept it peaceful.

Community organizations didn't guarantee the protections of the Bill of Rights or Constitution.

:lmao: So beyond lame AND irrelevant that it's not worth anything else. Try again.

Nothing about vigilantism is irrelevant in this thread, since one of the main assertions of those that want Justice for Trayvon is that Zimmerman was a vigilante.

I should give you a break. I was an :08: in my last forum. Relax, take it easy, you're doin' Ok.
So what we're finding it's ok to make uncorroborated and malicious statements about Trayvon Martin and his tragic death, while at the same time mere assertions about Zimmerman or recounting what he himself admitted in the 911 call causes nothing but outrage and upheaval.

You're kidding, right? George Zimmerman's "character" was under non-stop assault by the main stream media from the start on this. They managed to turn a guy who started a protest over the beating of a black man by the white son of a Sanford Police officer and mentored two black children into a "racist vigilante". Where was your outrage over that?

There is a very good reason why the Prosecution didn't bring Trayvon Martin's character into the trial and it's not because they just "forgot". They didn't go down that path, Quick because it would have allowed the Defense to bring into evidence who Trayvon was and what he was doing with his life. I know that the perception of many here is that Trayvon was an "innocent" who lost his life because he went to the store to buy some candy and was accosted by an out of control bigot cop wannabe but that view only works if you completely ignore what was going on in that young man's life.

The prosecution didn't go into Trayvon's character or Zimmerman's because they weren't allowed to since the defense never opened the door to it until the last moment when the defense went after Trayvon and when it was too late for that.

The first rule is not to malign the victim, and that should be the primary focus in our discussions.

Answer this for me, Quick... You've given Trayvon Martin "victim" status because he was shot and killed...correct? Would he still have that same status if the Police had arrived prior to George Zimmerman's fatal gunshot? Wouldn't you agree that at THAT point that it would be Zimmerman who would have been given "victim" status and Trayvon Martin who would have probably been taken into custody for assault and battery? Quite frankly I would have been shocked if that were not the case given the obvious nature of Zimmerman's injuries and the total lack of injuries to Martin.

And if that is the case...then why has Trayvon Martin suddenly become a victim when it was rather apparent that this was a clear cut case of self defense? Did Martin somehow magically NOT commit assault and battery simply because he was shot by his victim? That's where you lose me...
Now, you and other lefty-leaners might want to define communities setting up rules and policing themselves as "vigilantism", but I see it as the quintessential definition of government. And it WAS the various community organizations set up by the inhabitants of the West that kept it peaceful.

Community organizations didn't guarantee the protections of the Bill of Rights or Constitution.

lol, so what? It doesn't make them irrelevant or unneeded.
There is still a decent chance Zimmerman will be charged with civil rights violations, as long as they don't try to prove murder or manslaughter.

Leaving aside a repetition of "You lost, suck it up and take your lynch mob and noose home", which I already said, would you care to explain how you're planning to persecute - I mean, prosecute - Mr. Zimmerman for "civil rights violations" when the FBI has already said he's in the clear on that score? If the federal government does not wish to believe it's own Federal Bureau of Investigation on the subject of law enforcement, who do they wish to believe? You?! :cuckoo:

No, the FBI said that they couldn't PROVE Zimmerman was racial profiling or saying the words, "fucking coons."

You stretched a stretch into a mile-long stretch there.

What the fuck do you think 'in the clear' means when talking about possible charges against someone, Einstein?

Shit, you are fucking stupid.
Community organizations didn't guarantee the protections of the Bill of Rights or Constitution.

:lmao: So beyond lame AND irrelevant that it's not worth anything else. Try again.

Nothing about vigilantism is irrelevant in this thread, since one of the main assertions of those that want Justice for Trayvon is that Zimmerman was a vigilante.

I should give you a break. I was an :08: in my last forum. Relax, take it easy, you're doin' Ok.

OK, it is clear now that you are a drug-fried moron.

Please, just STFU.
There is still a decent chance Zimmerman will be charged with civil rights violations, as long as they don't try to prove murder or manslaughter.

Leaving aside a repetition of "You lost, suck it up and take your lynch mob and noose home", which I already said, would you care to explain how you're planning to persecute - I mean, prosecute - Mr. Zimmerman for "civil rights violations" when the FBI has already said he's in the clear on that score? If the federal government does not wish to believe it's own Federal Bureau of Investigation on the subject of law enforcement, who do they wish to believe? You?! :cuckoo:

No, the FBI said that they couldn't PROVE Zimmerman was racial profiling or saying the words, "fucking coons."

You stretched a stretch into a mile-long stretch there. :badgrin: :badgrin:

Nice try, fuckwad, but no dice. You REALLY should have listened to the trial evidence, so that you wouldn't be making a fool out of yourself, trying to cite that outdated bullshit about "fucking coons".

You really are a loser all the way around, aren't you?
Now, you and other lefty-leaners might want to define communities setting up rules and policing themselves as "vigilantism", but I see it as the quintessential definition of government. And it WAS the various community organizations set up by the inhabitants of the West that kept it peaceful.

Community organizations didn't guarantee the protections of the Bill of Rights or Constitution.

lol, so what? It doesn't make them irrelevant or unneeded.

So you're saying we should repeat the vigilantism of the Old West and how they finally established good law and order?
Leaving aside a repetition of "You lost, suck it up and take your lynch mob and noose home", which I already said, would you care to explain how you're planning to persecute - I mean, prosecute - Mr. Zimmerman for "civil rights violations" when the FBI has already said he's in the clear on that score? If the federal government does not wish to believe it's own Federal Bureau of Investigation on the subject of law enforcement, who do they wish to believe? You?! :cuckoo:

No, the FBI said that they couldn't PROVE Zimmerman was racial profiling or saying the words, "fucking coons."

You stretched a stretch into a mile-long stretch there. :badgrin: :badgrin:

Nice try, fuckwad, but no dice. You REALLY should have listened to the trial evidence, so that you wouldn't be making a fool out of yourself, trying to cite that outdated bullshit about "fucking coons".

You really are a loser all the way around, aren't you?

If you want to debate about whether he said "coons" or not, great. I'm ready to go.

The FBI never made any reports that they were not interested in pursuing civil rights charges for Zimmerman. Making silly side remarks won't change that. Instead of trying to change the issue, why don't you act grown-up and post a link to show that the FBI is not interested in charging GZ with civil rights violations? LMAO
Leaving aside a repetition of "You lost, suck it up and take your lynch mob and noose home", which I already said, would you care to explain how you're planning to persecute - I mean, prosecute - Mr. Zimmerman for "civil rights violations" when the FBI has already said he's in the clear on that score? If the federal government does not wish to believe it's own Federal Bureau of Investigation on the subject of law enforcement, who do they wish to believe? You?! :cuckoo:

No, the FBI said that they couldn't PROVE Zimmerman was racial profiling or saying the words, "fucking coons."

You stretched a stretch into a mile-long stretch there.

What the fuck do you think 'in the clear' means when talking about possible charges against someone, Einstein?

Shit, you are fucking stupid.

I guess like the other idiot, you are talking about two different things also. Because you are too lazy to identify what you mean by "in the clear," I can only guess, but it's pretty evident. GZ was cleared of racial profiling and race related issues, not being charged with civil rights violations. You can't see the difference? WTF

:lmao: So beyond lame AND irrelevant that it's not worth anything else. Try again.

Nothing about vigilantism is irrelevant in this thread, since one of the main assertions of those that want Justice for Trayvon is that Zimmerman was a vigilante.

I should give you a break. I was an :08: in my last forum. Relax, take it easy, you're doin' Ok.

OK, it is clear now that you are a drug-fried moron.

Please, just STFU.

Take a flying leap into a puddle of GZ feces. :)
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No, the FBI said that they couldn't PROVE Zimmerman was racial profiling or saying the words, "fucking coons."

You stretched a stretch into a mile-long stretch there. :badgrin: :badgrin:

Nice try, fuckwad, but no dice. You REALLY should have listened to the trial evidence, so that you wouldn't be making a fool out of yourself, trying to cite that outdated bullshit about "fucking coons".

You really are a loser all the way around, aren't you?

If you want to debate about whether he said "coons" or not, great. I'm ready to go.

The FBI never made any reports that they were not interested in pursuing civil rights charges for Zimmerman. Making silly side remarks won't change that. Instead of trying to change the issue, why don't you act grown-up and post a link to show that the FBI is not interested in charging GZ with civil rights violations? LMAO

Quick? I hate to point out the painfully obvious here but the FBI looked into this case and found nothing that would make it a civil right's violation case. The FBI is overseen by Eric Holder. You REALLY think that if there WAS something there that was a violation of Trayvon Martin's civil rights that the FBI wouldn't have come down on Zimmerman with the full might of the Federal Government? You obviously haven't been paying attention to how things work under Holder...
Nice try, fuckwad, but no dice. You REALLY should have listened to the trial evidence, so that you wouldn't be making a fool out of yourself, trying to cite that outdated bullshit about "fucking coons".

You really are a loser all the way around, aren't you?

If you want to debate about whether he said "coons" or not, great. I'm ready to go.

The FBI never made any reports that they were not interested in pursuing civil rights charges for Zimmerman. Making silly side remarks won't change that. Instead of trying to change the issue, why don't you act grown-up and post a link to show that the FBI is not interested in charging GZ with civil rights violations? LMAO

Quick? I hate to point out the painfully obvious here but the FBI looked into this case and found nothing that would make it a civil right's violation case. The FBI is overseen by Eric Holder. You REALLY think that if there WAS something there that was a violation of Trayvon Martin's civil rights that the FBI wouldn't have come down on Zimmerman with the full might of the Federal Government? You obviously haven't been paying attention to how things work under Holder...

And you are going by some FBI report that was mainly about racial-profiling? :badgrin:

That really states FBI policy there. Damn, and I thought I had stopped laughing.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations. Just because people are too smart now not to riot doesn't mean it would always take a full-scale riot for civil rights violations to be taken just as seriously.
You're kidding, right? George Zimmerman's "character" was under non-stop assault by the main stream media from the start on this. They managed to turn a guy who started a protest over the beating of a black man by the white son of a Sanford Police officer and mentored two black children into a "racist vigilante". Where was your outrage over that?

There is a very good reason why the Prosecution didn't bring Trayvon Martin's character into the trial and it's not because they just "forgot". They didn't go down that path, Quick because it would have allowed the Defense to bring into evidence who Trayvon was and what he was doing with his life. I know that the perception of many here is that Trayvon was an "innocent" who lost his life because he went to the store to buy some candy and was accosted by an out of control bigot cop wannabe but that view only works if you completely ignore what was going on in that young man's life.

The prosecution didn't go into Trayvon's character or Zimmerman's because they weren't allowed to since the defense never opened the door to it until the last moment when the defense went after Trayvon and when it was too late for that.

The first rule is not to malign the victim, and that should be the primary focus in our discussions.

Answer this for me, Quick... You've given Trayvon Martin "victim" status because he was shot and killed...correct? Would he still have that same status if the Police had arrived prior to George Zimmerman's fatal gunshot? Wouldn't you agree that at THAT point that it would be Zimmerman who would have been given "victim" status and Trayvon Martin who would have probably been taken into custody for assault and battery? Quite frankly I would have been shocked if that were not the case given the obvious nature of Zimmerman's injuries and the total lack of injuries to Martin.

And if that is the case...then why has Trayvon Martin suddenly become a victim when it was rather apparent that this was a clear cut case of self defense? Did Martin somehow magically NOT commit assault and battery simply because he was shot by his victim? That's where you lose me...

Protecting the victim of a murder trial, whether it ended in guilty or not guilty has always been a sacred pursuit in America in EVERY case. No exceptions.
Now, you and other lefty-leaners might want to define communities setting up rules and policing themselves as "vigilantism", but I see it as the quintessential definition of government. And it WAS the various community organizations set up by the inhabitants of the West that kept it peaceful.

Community organizations didn't guarantee the protections of the Bill of Rights or Constitution.

lol, so what? It doesn't make them irrelevant or unneeded.

Community organizations enforced the rules of local behavior as established by the people who lived in the community. You know who else does that? My city and county governments. You know how much attention all of these pay/paid to the Constitution? Exactly as much as the people of the community decided to when establishing the rules of behavior.

What a douchebag this little newbie is.
If you want to debate about whether he said "coons" or not, great. I'm ready to go.

The FBI never made any reports that they were not interested in pursuing civil rights charges for Zimmerman. Making silly side remarks won't change that. Instead of trying to change the issue, why don't you act grown-up and post a link to show that the FBI is not interested in charging GZ with civil rights violations? LMAO

Quick? I hate to point out the painfully obvious here but the FBI looked into this case and found nothing that would make it a civil right's violation case. The FBI is overseen by Eric Holder. You REALLY think that if there WAS something there that was a violation of Trayvon Martin's civil rights that the FBI wouldn't have come down on Zimmerman with the full might of the Federal Government? You obviously haven't been paying attention to how things work under Holder...

And you are going by some FBI report that was mainly about racial-profiling? :badgrin:

That really states FBI policy there. Damn, and I thought I had stopped laughing.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations. Just because people are too smart now not to riot doesn't mean it would always take a full-scale riot for civil rights violations to be taken just as seriously.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations.

because they worked for the city government
What are you talking about? Zimmerman innocent lives were lost. It's a shame there was a death; but sometimes people pay the ultimate price for their bad decisions. Which is a different thing than an innocent person dying.
Community organizations didn't guarantee the protections of the Bill of Rights or Constitution.

lol, so what? It doesn't make them irrelevant or unneeded.

Community organizations enforced the rules of local behavior as established by the people who lived in the community. You know who else does that? My city and county governments. You know how much attention all of these pay/paid to the Constitution? Exactly as much as the people of the community decided to when establishing the rules of behavior.

What a douchebag this little newbie is.

Community-based organizations now do not engage in law enforcement. There are laws and oaths to avoid that should you doubt me.
Quick? I hate to point out the painfully obvious here but the FBI looked into this case and found nothing that would make it a civil right's violation case. The FBI is overseen by Eric Holder. You REALLY think that if there WAS something there that was a violation of Trayvon Martin's civil rights that the FBI wouldn't have come down on Zimmerman with the full might of the Federal Government? You obviously haven't been paying attention to how things work under Holder...

And you are going by some FBI report that was mainly about racial-profiling? :badgrin:

That really states FBI policy there. Damn, and I thought I had stopped laughing.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations. Just because people are too smart now not to riot doesn't mean it would always take a full-scale riot for civil rights violations to be taken just as seriously.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations.

because they worked for the city government

They were charged with civil right violations because they were within inches of beating Rodney King to death when he didn't resist. Their first trial was a mockery of justice.

There’s no shortage of bad prosecutors in America, but these four go above and beyond.

1. Florida State Attorney Angela Corey

The Marissa Alexander conviction prompted celebrity lawyer and legal commentator Mark Geragos to tell CNN that Angela Corey was “a menace” who needed to be disbarred and removed from office. Rev. Jesse Jackson visited the 32-year-old mother after the sentence and told the local papers, correctly, “It’s not beyond her influence,” to have sought a different charge and jail term.” And that was before the Trayvon Martin verdict, where even the New York Times explained that Corey could have filed different charges against Zimmerman with lower legal hurdles to clear to obtain a conviction.

More: 4 of America's Most Abusive Prosecutors
And you are going by some FBI report that was mainly about racial-profiling? :badgrin:

That really states FBI policy there. Damn, and I thought I had stopped laughing.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations. Just because people are too smart now not to riot doesn't mean it would always take a full-scale riot for civil rights violations to be taken just as seriously.

Explain to me then why the officers in the Rodney King beating got an acquittal but were later charged for civil rights violations.

because they worked for the city government

They were charged with civil right violations because they were within inches of beating Rodney King to death when he didn't resist. Their first trial was a mockery of justice.


but that is not what asked

they got charged with using or permitting unreasonable force under "color of law"

which is different then zimmermans case

secondarily only two of the four cops had been found guilty
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