The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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West said that Z works for an investigative company that investigates people's credit to make sure there is no "Monkey business", going on. I wonder if Z told him to say that.

Now that's racist.

No it isn't:


: shenanigan 2

See monkey business defined for English-language learners »


Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room.
<the new nanny will not tolerate such monkey business from her charges>

First Known Use of MONKEY BUSINESS



Synonyms buffoonery, clownery, clowning, foolery, high jinks (also hijinks), horsing around, horseplay, monkeying, monkeyshine(s), roughhouse, roughhousing, shenanigan(s), skylarking, slapstick, tomfoolery

Related Wordschildishness, clownishness, foolishness, funning, jesting, joking, nonsense, silliness, waggery; boisterousness, rambunctiousness, rowdiness, rowdyism, rumbustiousness [chiefly British]; devilry (or deviltry), impishness, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, prankishness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, trickery; cavorting, frivolity, frolicking, gamboling (or gambolling), merrymaking, playfulness, revelry, roistering, romping, sporting, sportiveness


Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "monkey business"


Next Word in the Dictionary: monkey jacket
Previous Word in the Dictionary: monkey bars
All Words Near: monkey business

Seen & Heard

What made you want to look up monkey business? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

Monkey business - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That is an age old expression which refers to shenanigans that actual monkeys do. And, seriously, you just aren't important enough for people to go around making up terms about you.

So what other words are you going to try to ban because they make you feel inferior? I mean, is an entire species going to have to get a new moniker because you don't like it?
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who was yelling

GZ said that he (GZ) was yelling for help as loud as he could and that the neighbor came out and then went back in and called 911 instead...then you hear yelling/screaming in the background and a gunshot.

He said this to the detective on the next day at the scene. I think it was GZ screaming for help. Martin was on top doing damage....not screaming for help. I think GZ was screaming and at the same time trying to get his gun...Im sure he thought at that time that it was the only way to get the kid to stop. My gut tells me (actually GZ admits it) that Trayvon saw the gun. Maybe Trayvon thought that by slamming his head to the ground would prevent him from grabbing the gun.

Then slamming Z's head to the ground would have been self defense or standing his ground.

Absolutely they can....GZ reached for his gun...err (his words) when he did he was punched...when they struggled on the ground Trayvon saw the gun (GZs words). So yes it could be argued that Trayvon was in self defense mode also....I think thats the route the prosecution should go and skip all the other bs.
What else would they claim he said?

Well the racists still stick to the "fucking coon" thing. I think he says it's fucking cold when he got out of the truck. The FBI cleared him of hate crime/racial profiling.

Apparently, the state is going with "fucking punk".

How does that make someone a racist to believe he said coon.

Because its not clear and its highly disputable as to what he said exactly. On the slower version, it sounds like he said "cold". To hold onto "coon" when its not clear could be considered racist and highly bigoted. You are accusing someone of something that is not clear what they did...its almost like some really want that word to be "coon"...why?
State thinks it's "fucking punks" - obviously - they repeated it 6 times. ha ha
What else would they claim he said?

Well the racists still stick to the "fucking coon" thing. I think he says it's fucking cold when he got out of the truck. The FBI cleared him of hate crime/racial profiling.

Apparently, the state is going with "fucking punk".

During the opening, West said one of the witnesses had their apartment door open. Why would they have their door open if it was so fucking "cold?"
The 911 Operator went from being a witness for the prosecution to a witness for the defense.

What did the 911 Operator do for the defense?

He confirmed:

1. Martin ran
2. Zimmerman followed
3. Zimmerman was asked to stop following
4. Zimmerman did stop following
5. Martin was gone

What does this tell me?

That Martin came back to confront Zimmerman, that Martin turned into the aggressor, so far anyway. We still have to hear testimony and evidence.
West said that Z works for an investigative company that investigates people's credit to make sure there is no "Monkey business", going on. I wonder if Z told him to say that.

Now that's racist.

No it isn't:


: shenanigan 2

See monkey business defined for English-language learners »


Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room.
<the new nanny will not tolerate such monkey business from her charges>

First Known Use of MONKEY BUSINESS



Synonyms buffoonery, clownery, clowning, foolery, high jinks (also hijinks), horsing around, horseplay, monkeying, monkeyshine(s), roughhouse, roughhousing, shenanigan(s), skylarking, slapstick, tomfoolery

Related Wordschildishness, clownishness, foolishness, funning, jesting, joking, nonsense, silliness, waggery; boisterousness, rambunctiousness, rowdiness, rowdyism, rumbustiousness [chiefly British]; devilry (or deviltry), impishness, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, prankishness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, trickery; cavorting, frivolity, frolicking, gamboling (or gambolling), merrymaking, playfulness, revelry, roistering, romping, sporting, sportiveness


Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "monkey business"


Next Word in the Dictionary: monkey jacket
Previous Word in the Dictionary: monkey bars
All Words Near: monkey business

Seen & Heard

What made you want to look up monkey business? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

Monkey business - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That is an age old expression which refers to shenanigans that actual monkeys do. And, seriously, you just aren't important enough for people to go around making up terms about you.

So what other words are you going to try to ban because they make you feel inferior? I mean, is an entire species going to have to get a new moniker because you don't like it?
The radicals are at it again. They couldn't get enough of portraying W. as a monkey for 8 years, and now, all of a sudden that it's convenient, project the idea onto this case as racism.

So wrong...
What else would they claim he said?

Well the racists still stick to the "fucking coon" thing. I think he says it's fucking cold when he got out of the truck. The FBI cleared him of hate crime/racial profiling.

Apparently, the state is going with "fucking punk".

During the opening, West said one of the witnesses had their apartment door open. Why would they have their door open if it was so fucking "cold?"

That's the way we roll in Florida.
FWIW, I believe so many are passionately backing Zimmerman is the sudden flight of Jackson and Sharpton to the martins side without looking at the evidence as they always do. (See Duke rape case)

They are always about headlines and little on facts. I am honest when I say I have nothing but disdain for the both of them. They would never think to come to the aid of a white or another race other than black (Hello, Rainbow, Mr. Jackson!).

But I am also thinking that others feel the same way I do but let that slants their bias for Mr. Zimmerman in this case.

I have a problem with all racism, and try to see the facts with fairness. That's why I have a problem with Zimmerman following Martin when he didn't do anything wrong. And him ending up dead. What he said about the person walking does not give me warm fuzzies. "Assholes always get away..." possibly "fucking punks or fucking coons" Any of these terms says he says they are someone to get. It could be just adolescents in general.

But the point is, Why follow him in the first place?

And why be armed? Is that a normal thing for a Neighborhood Watchman?

If I was on the jury, I would want to know, what is the outline the Neighborhood watchman is supposed to follow. Did Zimmerman go beyond it?
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Mr. Martin, he said, did not punch Mr. Zimmerman after the defendant hung up with the dispatch officer, did not circle Mr. Zimmerman’s car, did not cover Mr. Zimmerman’s nose and mouth with his hand. And, he added, Mr. Martin’s hands had no bruises or blood.

I'd like to hear the coroner's report on this.

Medical Examiners Report starts on PDF page 124. Only one small abrasion measuring 1/8 x 1/4 on the fourth finger for the left hand.

State v. Zimmerman: Evidence released by prosecutor

The 911 Operator went from being a witness for the prosecution to a witness for the defense.

What did the 911 Operator do for the defense?

He confirmed:

1. Martin ran
2. Zimmerman followed
3. Zimmerman was asked to stop following
4. Zimmerman did stop following
5. Martin was gone

What does this tell me?

That Martin came back to confront Zimmerman, that Martin turned into the aggressor, so far anyway. We still have to hear testimony and evidence.

good post
Mr. Martin, he said, did not punch Mr. Zimmerman after the defendant hung up with the dispatch officer, did not circle Mr. Zimmerman’s car, did not cover Mr. Zimmerman’s nose and mouth with his hand. And, he added, Mr. Martin’s hands had no bruises or blood.

I'd like to hear the coroner's report on this.

Medical Examiners Report starts on PDF page 124. Only one small abrasion measuring 1/8 x 1/4 on the fourth finger for the left hand.

State v. Zimmerman: Evidence released by prosecutor


Thank you.
Okay, so several things. I'll try to summarize:

1) Guy gave a very drama, emotional adjective award winning stage performance narrative. "Hot lead" comes to mind. EMT put his lips on TM lips to try to breathe life. No I'm not making that up.
2) Didn't know what the hell West was doing for awhile. Then he started laying out evidence. Gunshot forensics, ie the slit in TM's sweatshirt, angle, distance, that whole part you should go back and listen to, didn't even know about that. Also, he brought up John Good, the guy that sketched the TM on top Z on bottom and said that Z said help me when he got out there. Excellent witness

I'm typing as fast as I can :)

FWIW, I believe so many are passionately backing Zimmerman is the sudden flight of Jackson and Sharpton to the martins side without looking at the evidence as they always do. (See Duke rape case)

They are always about headlines and little on facts. I am honest when I say I have nothing but disdain for the both of them. They would never think to come to the aid of a white or another race other than black (Hello, Rainbow, Mr. Jackson!).

But I am also thinking that others feel the same way I do but let that slants their bias for Mr. Zimmerman in this case.

I have a problem with all racism, and try to see the facts with fairness. That's why I have a problem with Zimmerman following Martin when he didn't do anything wrong. And him ending up dead. What he said about the person walking does not give me warm fuzzies. "Assholes always get away..." possibly "fucking punks or fucking coons" Any of these terms says he says they are someone to get. It could be just adolescents in general.

But the point is, Why follow him in the first place?

And why be armed? Is that a normal thing for a Neighborhood Watchman?

If I was on the jury, I would want to know, what is the outline the Neighborhood watchman is supposed to follow. Did Zimmerman go beyond it?

Fair are exactly right about the jackson and sharpton divides and detracts from the actual evidence. Especially when there is no glaring evidence of racism...they are acting like it was a lynching...that offends people.
2) continued, also the witness that came out and took Z's photo immediately after. The 2nd part of West's opening, he popped an ADD pill and the evidence started to come together.
--- a) the defense doesn't need to present a defense
----b) he took the sting out of the prosecutions case that was coming right behind him by a LOT
If you listen to anything - I'd listen to that part. Guy's opening was extremely telling the emotional saga of it, I didn't catch anything "evidence" or "worthy" in it. West's did have some.

West tried to get evidence in at the end of his opening, objections, sustained, then wanted the jury to know about prosc burden/self defense 'jection! that's what all that was about.
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