The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So boils down to:

Guy: emotion
West: nonemotional laying out what's what and what they will say. OH also said the GF will take the stand and sounds like they're calling her.
Oh lord...JVM is straddling another male in an office trying to recreate the crime scene...I know shes lesbian, but still.

HLN is very pro trayvon, but they tend to be very pro prosecution regardless.
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West said that Z works for an investigative company that investigates people's credit to make sure there is no "Monkey business", going on. I wonder if Z told him to say that.

Now that's racist.

No it isn't:


: shenanigan 2

See monkey business defined for English-language learners »


Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room.
<the new nanny will not tolerate such monkey business from her charges>

First Known Use of MONKEY BUSINESS



Synonyms buffoonery, clownery, clowning, foolery, high jinks (also hijinks), horsing around, horseplay, monkeying, monkeyshine(s), roughhouse, roughhousing, shenanigan(s), skylarking, slapstick, tomfoolery

Related Wordschildishness, clownishness, foolishness, funning, jesting, joking, nonsense, silliness, waggery; boisterousness, rambunctiousness, rowdiness, rowdyism, rumbustiousness [chiefly British]; devilry (or deviltry), impishness, knavery, mischief, mischievousness, prankishness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, trickery; cavorting, frivolity, frolicking, gamboling (or gambolling), merrymaking, playfulness, revelry, roistering, romping, sporting, sportiveness


Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "monkey business"


Next Word in the Dictionary: monkey jacket
Previous Word in the Dictionary: monkey bars
All Words Near: monkey business

Seen & Heard

What made you want to look up monkey business? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

Monkey business - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That is an age old expression which refers to shenanigans that actual monkeys do. And, seriously, you just aren't important enough for people to go around making up terms about you.

So what other words are you going to try to ban because they make you feel inferior? I mean, is an entire species going to have to get a new moniker because you don't like it?

Defination number 5, urban dictionary

A business run by *******.
Whats with all the monkey business?
Idk, everybody knows that ******* lack the mental capability to run businesses.
This is on/off topic, but it happened just as Angela Corey was assigned as special prosecutor to this case. I just remembered about this. This is another one in my bag of fucked up tricks on this trial.

Read into it what you will, I believe this woman was another political victim of this trial that had just been assigned to this prosecutor on a very emotional Stand Your Ground case.

This is Angela Corey:

Fla. woman Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for "warning shot": Did she stand her ground? - Crimesider - CBS News

there was a MAJOR fight between Rep. Corrine Brown and Corey about 20 years on this woman:

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Oh lord...JVM is straddling another male in an office trying to recreate the crime scene...I know shes lesbian, but still.

HLN is very pro trayvon, but they tend to be very pro prosecution regardless.

yes they always assume guilt

this is why i dont watch HLN

even if it was the only place to watch it
[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION] I turn the fire on with the doors open to say I CAN!

that's the Florida way.
This is on/off topic, but it happened just as Angela Corey was assigned as special prosecutor to this case. I just remembered about this. This is another one in my bag of fucked up tricks on this trial.

Read into it what you will, I believe this woman was another political victim of this trial that had just been assigned to this prosecutor on a very emotional Stand Your Ground case.

This is Angela Corey:

Fla. woman Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for "warning shot": Did she stand her ground? - Crimesider - CBS News

there was a MAJOR fight between Rep. Corrine Brown and Corey about 20 years on this woman:

heard she was front and center in the spectator chairs

if so she must be cringing at a 30 minute opening
FYI - State witness #1 and #2 - I think they were filling airtime. lol

#3 was dispatcher. I *heard* source HLN prosecution got him to say "hostile", I saw the cross and M O'M had him say not angry, worried about him? et al. and wrote off whatever the prosecution got out of him, they played the taped 500 times and the dispatcher was being a dispatcher - "that's what we read from the *script*" I didn't hear anything significant.
This is on/off topic, but it happened just as Angela Corey was assigned as special prosecutor to this case. I just remembered about this. This is another one in my bag of fucked up tricks on this trial.

Read into it what you will, I believe this woman was another political victim of this trial that had just been assigned to this prosecutor on a very emotional Stand Your Ground case.

This is Angela Corey:

Fla. woman Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for "warning shot": Did she stand her ground? - Crimesider - CBS News

there was a MAJOR fight between Rep. Corrine Brown and Corey about 20 years on this woman:

heard she was front and center in the spectator chairs

if so she must be cringing at a 30 minute opening

In hot pink.

She finally shot paper wads at her guys to say something about the evidence "objection!", because West had already been doing evidence like crazy and she was twitching through the whole thing.
Sheriff Don was there, NEW and improved!! head of Sanford PD, everyone turned out for the show.

Let's give a round for Sheriff Don, the security of the court is his baby and he knows what he's doing.
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