The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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you always want to end on a high note

for the jurors to think about overnight

"proper impeachment" comes tomorrow

but there is much more detail to obtain from her first

you should check out her friends tweets

I don't do the facebook thing OR the tweet thing. What are her friends saying? Are they calling the defense attorney a creepy cracker?:tongue:

I found this and what is positively terrifying if it's true her Facebook page says that she studied criminal justice at Miami University.


Last Thursday, Jeantel tweeted, “Plz plz lord dnt make me start next week.” On Friday, she linked to a photo of numerous liquor bottles from a tweet that reported, “16 months later wowww I need a drink.”

Later that day she wrote, "CNN and HLN is killing me bro.” Both cable networks have been offering extensive coverage of the Zimmerman case, which concluded jury selection last week.

In a post Sunday, Jeantel wrote “Court nails” and included a link to a photo showing fingernails with fresh orange polish.

On her Facebook page, Jeantel uploaded a photo Sunday showing an empty bottle of Hennessy cognac, along with the caption

, “Last drink for the week long ass week too.” According to her Facebook profile, Jeantel attended Miami Norland Senior High School and has “studied criminal justice at Miami University.”

As for where she works, Jeantel reported, “My mama n daddy do all the work I just spend it.”

Her "court nails"


Teenage Star Witness Against George Zimmerman Has Tweeted About Case, Getting High, And Her "Court Nails" | The Smoking Gun

omg. This is just insane. I'm sorry I asked now. I need bleach to get the image of those nasty orange nails and glue all over her fingers out of my head.

And her parents don't mind her looking like a dumb ass in front of the whole world? Guess not. And people wonder why the fuck there is still problems going on with todays youth. Geez.
lol She's coached-she can't get her story straight

Which is it?

She was coached, but she's not very bright.

Lawyers around Nashville have a little habit of asking a witness on cross, 'were you given any instructions about your testimony today.' And one of my profs always told his just before the trial started, 'tell the truth.' That answer was a wonderful ambush. LOL. I bet they don't ask, but I would be curious to know her answer!
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I can't believe half the crap those people are saying. You know..the ones on HLN.
He's a "kid" cuz he rode a bike and played games. Um. I know plenty of MEN who ride bikes and play games...i.e. xbox, game cube, etc. Doesn't make them a "kid".
Side note.. after watching this girl... gotta say Tray may have been considering suicide by cop that night. I mean really? WOW
West is going to try and get this testimony stricken from the record because of tampering.

She was definitely tampered with. She doesn't care & lies about most things but then is suddenly very sharp on certain dates to make a jab at police or defense. She was coached to make certain key points.

Thank you. Just imagining how hard it must have been to coach her....

That's why lawyers make good money.
when does the defense ask her is she was high or , under any 'influence' the night she spoke to trayvon?

I bet she was, she acts like an addict.

She does not seem to understand the enormity of being a witness in this trial.
I don't do the facebook thing OR the tweet thing. What are her friends saying? Are they calling the defense attorney a creepy cracker?:tongue:

I found this and what is positively terrifying if it's true her Facebook page says that she studied criminal justice at Miami University.


Last Thursday, Jeantel tweeted, “Plz plz lord dnt make me start next week.” On Friday, she linked to a photo of numerous liquor bottles from a tweet that reported, “16 months later wowww I need a drink.”

Later that day she wrote, "CNN and HLN is killing me bro.” Both cable networks have been offering extensive coverage of the Zimmerman case, which concluded jury selection last week.

In a post Sunday, Jeantel wrote “Court nails” and included a link to a photo showing fingernails with fresh orange polish.

On her Facebook page, Jeantel uploaded a photo Sunday showing an empty bottle of Hennessy cognac, along with the caption

, “Last drink for the week long ass week too.” According to her Facebook profile, Jeantel attended Miami Norland Senior High School and has “studied criminal justice at Miami University.”

As for where she works, Jeantel reported, “My mama n daddy do all the work I just spend it.”

Her "court nails"


Teenage Star Witness Against George Zimmerman Has Tweeted About Case, Getting High, And Her "Court Nails" | The Smoking Gun

omg. This is just insane. I'm sorry I asked now. I need bleach to get the image of those nasty orange nails and glue all over her fingers out of my head.

And her parents don't mind her looking like a dumb ass in front of the whole world? Guess not. And people wonder why the fuck there is still problems going on with todays youth. Geez.

Her presence in the courtroom explains so much about "what's wrong with kids these days".

Dear heavens. This is the future. YIKES.
LOL That summed it up!

Here's the summary on DD:

The Bernster kept having to repeat her for the court reporter, then of course he repeats her at the beginning as to what he wants her to say not what she actually said, OBJECTIONS, so that continues the entire testimony, he has to repeat for the jury and the court reporter, like every line she says. Then she's saying TM was saying "that niggah is following me", "there's that niggah again", 'white cracker".

Then West got up and there's impeachment coming, but West and DD have a communication and language barrier and DD has a brain barrier. Plus he's making her read and do math, so she's getting annoying, give him the eyeball and the are you listening!? (insert ebonic accent there).

Were there other witnesses today? lol

Yes - the lady that lost it on the 911 call and had to have victims adovacates come was up. It was teary. she was an earwitness with a lot of gaps so maybe 1/2 of a prosecution point? For tears and girl empathy.

Another witness was up, thought there was a "girl" on top because it was small, apparently made the ID off the 12 year old TM photo. That went around in a merry go round for awhile. Not very much AH-HA! there.

Waiting on John Good to get up for the defense with his sketch and wipe out the earwitnesses.

The DD show is a must see.

This guy usually has the videos up pretty quickly:

thank you, would I be mistaken if what I heard was incorrect as in this witness was supposed to be the bomb for the Prosecution?

Yes, this is their "star" witness.

They admitted last year that she lied under oath, but maybe thought they could bring her back by coaching her on what to say for a year? Not sure on their logic there, but it's not working out well for them and she's pretty pissy about having to come back tomorrow and be imposed on some more.

The "court nails" were excellent for drumming at the defense, though. Good choice DD!

so they skipped witness three the sister to witness two from yesterday

who blew it on stand
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