The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The defense is having a little trouble in their cross with these witnesses now. The witnesses are getting things out like "it was the boy who was screaming for help" and that it was "Zimmerman on top of Trevon". Once something like that is out there and the jury hears it, it gets tough for the defense to discredit the witness without seeming to harass them.

The witnesses are very soft spoken and believable. The defense is going to have to do more than just say liar liar pants on fire. They are not doing well today.

I've caught a bit of this girl's testimony, assessing her IQ, and wondering if she can string a coherent sentence together (probably as most of you have), when they flashed her name: Rachel Jeantel. I would bet she's Haitian, and I would bet her parents are non-English speaking Haitians. Just my gut. So I give her a bit of slack if that turns out to be true.

You are correct, sir. She referred to herself as "Haitian-Dominican".

She has lived her life in Miami. No excuses for not speaking English. Certainly you watch tv. That alone is a clue on how to put a sentence together. I don't give anyone any slack for not speaking English if they have spent their entire life in the US.

Let's be real. Stupid is stupid.
You've clearly never been to Miami.
Really? I thought the reverse, T. I thought the prosecution generally sucked.

They prosecuted Zimmerman at the behest of an angry mob. Do you expect otherwise? The state didn't have anything to start with which is why they did not prosecute in the beginning.
I'd kill to be a fly on the wall listening to the defense team reviewing today's testimony in court.


But I'd really give anything to be listening into the prosecution team reviewing today's proceedings.
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Why is race such a important part of this case? Whites committed evil acts based on race, and so much crime is now committed by blacks. Zimmerman didn't need a firearm and should have just used his cell to report the "Bad Guy". Martin wasn't hurting anyone. I don't think he intended too hurt anyone he was just passing through. Ironically, I think Zimmerman was trying to protect the neighborhood.

Have you seen the news today ( oh boy ) ? LIFE is all about race and gender.

It certainly is
This was the funniest day EVER.

I'm trying to figure out how to rearrange work for Part II tomorrow morning.

We still have tomorrow for the rest of the comedy show.
I'm surprised the judge didn't put the whammy on her for her nasty attitude and her comment that she was NOT coming back.

btw...what does grass sound like? :lol:
I was in and out until CST so I don't know who showed the photos, but the witness that took the bloody nose photo immediately after? Was it a responder who took them or no?
Not sure what you are referring to, but the neighbor that made the infamous 911 call took pictures of GZ within 3 minutes of the incident.

The photos we are referring to are the actual crime scene photos...the one causing the questions is the picture of Trayvons body face down and arms to the side. This had to be taken before CPR was administered, so why is this person snapping pictures before CPR is administered and how is that person getting to the crime scene before a fist responder? For Gods sake...the police were already enroute with a head

several years ago i had to do cpr on someone

there was around 20 other people present

and not one knew how to do it

or was too shocked to function

i had to actually appoint someone to call 9-1-1

That was actually something they taught in the CPR class that I took: rather than simply yelling, "Someone call 911!" you're now supposed to point directly at a specific person and say, "You go call 911". Otherwise, they will all just mill around in shock like a bunch of sheep, everyone expecting someone else to make the call.
so, I flipped thru fox for a moment, and there it was, I simply cannot watch it, so can some kind soul, seriously and minus any bias sum how the defense/prosecution did today and why?

I will reward thee, 'heavily' many times.........;)

If you ever have the time trust me it's worth going back to page 158 starting with 25 caliber's first post on this witness DD because it's worth the read.

Honest our USMB panel of courtroom commentators had me in stitches this afternoon describing her testimony.

They should get some sort of reward. My face hurts from laughing.

I just did in fact, and I have to say as much as I tried not to get caught up in what I felt was a railroading coming on, I have to say, that was worth it.

In all seriousness, if she graduates high school, there should be an investigation......

and one thing I just have to get out since I am here-

if the media had not seen his name, and had performed 5 minutes of background (appearance, black grandfather, half Hispanic) and jumped all over this, it would not warrant a headline or us being in this thread.....
I'm surprised the judge didn't put the whammy on her for her nasty attitude and her comment that she was NOT coming back.

btw...what does grass sound like? :lol:

Based on her tweets, she smokes it, so someone needs to ask her what she heard from it.
So far all that has been proved his how powerful pretrial publicity is. The witnesses are testifying as to what they saw on television and how those perceptions have colored their personal eye witness observations.

The only reason the media is making this a big deal is guns. They want to take them away and our right to defense.

They're show casing the florida laws.

dude the reason is they want to lynch whitey
I'm leaving a note behind re my daily summary for [MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION]

[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] - hit the youtube. Nothing I could possibly say would be adequate enough to describe today's train wreck.

Kick back and enjoy the DD Show.

the best is yet to come in the rachel jeantel show
The defense attorney should have been called on badgering the witness when he went after the poor woman who said that Martin and Zimmerman went left to right in the path that night.

Just because she hadn't mentioned it before meant that it wasn't important to her. It was incidental. But the defense attorney went one, "Just where did you say this before? In what transcript? And kept naming them, when the poor woman looked befuddled, not sure when or if she had said it before.

But the defense attorney wouldn't let it go and kept badgering her on it for over 10 minutes. The prosecutor should have objected.

Would you like a nice cheese and fruit plate with that whine? It's his freaking JOB to point out the inconsistencies in her testimony and hammer them to create reasonable doubt.
The defense attorney should have been called on badgering the witness when he went after the poor woman who said that Martin and Zimmerman went left to right in the path that night.

Just because she hadn't mentioned it before meant that it wasn't important to her. It was incidental. But the defense attorney went one, "Just where did you say this before? In what transcript? And kept naming them, when the poor woman looked befuddled, not sure when or if she had said it before.

But the defense attorney wouldn't let it go and kept badgering her on it for over 10 minutes. The prosecutor should have objected.

that would be witness two

witness 3 is her sister

her testimony is /will be considered corrupt as well

wonder if the state will even bother to put her on the stand

I think the jury will see this witness as believable and a good witness for the victim, although she didn't give any pro Martin or pro Zimmerman testimony that I remember. Just anti defense team.

And what is it that you think is so wonderfully "believable" and "good witness" about her? Would that be the inconsistencies in her story, or her "befuddled" - your own word for it - look?
I liked the white lady who said it was trayvon's voice screaming...and then destroyed her credibility by sayiing she heard 3 shots...

Then the black lady with the mumbles...
We already saw. The da wasn't (and didn't) charge him, the cops didn't arrest him.

A special prosecutor came in when people (sharpton, the martin lawyer) started threatening race riots. I suspect the da refused to prosecute. Hence the stupid investigation (which turned up nada).
I wouldn't doubt she starts cursing and rolling her eyes any minute.

OHHHH! Eyeroll! Right before break for the day was asked.

I'd ask to continue, if I was the defense. I'd love to see her melt down.


you always want to end on a high note

for the jurors to think about overnight

"proper impeachment" comes tomorrow

but there is much more detail to obtain from her first

you should check out her friends tweets
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