The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Just tuning in...first time I've seen this witness...if she is "the star witness for the prosecution," then they are in BIG trouble. What exactly do people see in this witness that they seem to think is so damning for the defense?
OBJECTION. Stop making our witness admit she changed her story.

She is 20 years old but acts all 12 year old immature geto stupid like she didn't care when she made those previous statements under oath because they were not important. But suddenly she is sharp as a tack on dates, times & events when she wants to make a point. She is acting & lying her ass off so bad she starts jumping around in her seat. Hook her ass up to a lie detector & threaten her with jail if she lies.
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Zimmerman wasn't on duty that night so he was just acting as a concerned citizen and from what I've heard he did listen to the non-emergency dispatcher.

Being that it was early in the evening, I don't think that matters. Did Martin have to double back and confront that "crazy ass cracker?"

He wasn't acting as a concerned citizen. He was acting as a vigilante.

Even if that was true (which it is not) did that give Martin the right to punch Zimmerman and bash his head into the ground?
You seem willfully to ignore this simple fact.

In Florida?

It's called "Stand your ground".

That's why martin confronted him and punched him?

According to the last person he talked too, Martin asked Zimmerman why he was following him, and Zimmerman responded by asking what he was doing in the neighborhood.

Thus he "confronted" a person menacing him, who answered a question with a question.

That's generally what people meaning to do you harm do..

That wasn't Zimmerman's account. Why didnt Martin just answer the question? Why did he punch Zimmerman? When someone asks you what you're doing do you take a swing at them?

Zimmerman's "account" has changed at least 5 times. It changes each time the evidence contradicts it.
OBJECTION. Stop making our witness admit she changed her story.

She acts all geto like she didn't care when she made those previous statements under oath because they were not important. But suddenly she is sharp as a tack on dates, times & events when she wants to make a point. She is acting & lying her ass off so bad she starts jumping around in her seat. Hook her up to a lie detector & threaten her with jail if she lies.

All they need to do is threaten to take away her alcohol and weed if she tells another lie.
How pissed is this girl going to be when the prosecutor wants to re-direct, lol.

and then west starts in again


West: Re-direct your honor?

Judge: Go ahead

DD: (Head explodes)

West: uummmm, if I can't re-direct it's grounds for a mistrial

Judge: Yes, please strike all testimony from the record

Prosecutor: (Head Explodes)

West: My work here is done
Sallow gets more delusional as the trial moves on. Can you imagine how foolish these people feel as they watch the trial unfold ?

Martin was on his stomach when the cops found him. One tried to administer CPR. He had to be turned on to his back.

So why did Zimmerman put the kid on his belly?

If that actually happened, I have no clue. So what? What difference does it make?

It shows intent.

If Zimmerman actually feared for his life, then he would have ran away.

That didn't happen.

He was playing cop.
I'm with AYE, it's laziness, just not wanting to make the effort to speak clearly.

I teach urban highschoolers. Its not laziness or neck issues, lol. Its lack of training and practice in formal speech, in addressing adults or authority figures in a manner different than the tone you would use with your peers. Many of my students arrive in my classroom with no concept that they should address the principal, a teacher, a police officer, or a lawyer during cross-examination more professionally than when they are hanging out with friends.

She is mumbling and sighing because she is nervous/annoyed/scared/confused/angry/whatever...and no one has ever taught her that in some settings, even if you are feeling that you don't want to be there and don't want to speak to the person talking to sit up straight, speak clearly, and answer respectfully and concisely.
12th grade and she can't read cursive??

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You know, Rat, people are going on and on and on about the school system. She hasn't even mastered the English language. But her graduating class had or will have a valedictorian, a salutatorian, and honor students of whom she can't be one. That district will have people who go on to college and become productive citizens, with some of them becoming wealthy. I have posted before that my children until middle school were in the worst school district in KY. They both are college people, my daughter has a master's, my son has made 6 figures since he was 23. They were both in a place to take care of me when I got sick. But I refused to allow that.

I have to beg to differ with all those comments about the Florida schools. I know schools are not what most of us envision for our children. But most of the job rests with the student and not the schools.
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