The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Here are some definitions to help everyone stay focused:

  1. proven past participle of prove (Verb)

    • Demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument: "the concept is difficult to prove".
    • Demonstrate by evidence or argument (someone or something) to be: "innocent until proven guilty".
not guilty
Web definitions
acquitted: declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime; legally blameless; "he stands acquitted on all charges";...

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt:

"The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.
If the jurors or judge have no doubt as to the defendant's guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proven the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and the defendant should be pronounced guilty."

The term connotes that evidence establishes a particular point to a moral certainty and that it is beyond dispute that any reasonable alternative is possible.

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt legal definition of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
How could it be couldn't when in the next sentence on that tape she says what trayvon said?

The whole point is she changed what she said in response to subsequent questions by the prosecutor. She was trying to say what she thought he wanted to hear.

I understand what the defense is trying to prove. However that's not her story.

Her story is that in the prior response she left out the detail of what she heard after the phone dropped. Her story is that, presumably during the 7seconds after it dropped before the disconnect, she heard the two wrestling around in the grass and TM asking GZ to get off. Dunno I'm having trouble following the timeline. Thus she admits to omitting the extra detail, presumably because she did not want to be a major witness and / or just wanted to get out of the first interview.

I'm thinking she is adding extra detail, not that she left out, but that would help the prosecutors.

Would Someone give this woman a tissue?
Wrong again, ronpaulitician.

How so? How many so-called 'White Hispanics' have you ever met?

There are light skinned hispanics and dark skinned hispanics. It's a legitimate term.

The term is absurd and completely invented by a thoroughly Dumbed-Down MSM. The man is Hispanic. Period, end of story. I know that deeply disappoints the corrupt MSM, but it is what it is. Anyway, i've fudged up now. I almost got sucked in. Gonna head outside. It's a beautiful Summer day. You should turn off your Idiot Box and enjoy the day too. Life is short.
"Trust me" again?

Why does she think anyone should trust her on anything after she has admitted lying already?

Lying? She left out some details. She was having trouble explaining herself. Seems reasonable that you could prove lying by omission coupled with ignorance. But based on the ignorance, and translation problems it would be hard to prove that she purposefully lied.

You got to understand! Understand, that there's some number of intended paragraphs lying in wait between each of her utterances that she just can't get out due to the issue, the issue of you not understanding her :)
HaHa. West keeps asking to approach and the judge keeps telling him no. Everytime, he looks like he's been slapped. This guy is not good at this.

This is the interesting thing about jury trials. You are reading it this way. I think I might have read you somewhere else saying that he should get off of this topic because its annoying people.

Watching it at home...I have a very different interpretation. To me, West looks calm, collected and well-aware of his strategy. He is being annoying meticulous about exactly what Ms. Jeantel said and how it either a) contradicts her previous statements or b) is confusing or something that she would be unable to know based on just hearing part of an event on the phone. And she is increasingly saying this that she couldn't have known, can't back up, or that contradict her earlier statements.

Now - because it is OUR interpretation, our feelings about what we are seeing...neither of us are right or wrong...its only truly matters how the women on the jury feel.
HaHa. West keeps asking to approach and the judge keeps telling him no. Everytime, he looks like he's been slapped. This guy is not good at this.

And you think this has any bearing on the case. You're desperate.

He's losing control of the witness. All he should be doing is asking questions that will give him yes or no answers. He needs to rein her in and not allow her to mugg for the camera, talk disrespectfully to him, ramble on..

He should cut his losses right now.
At this point she is just trying to get out of there. She is saying whatever contradicts the defense's question during each objection, even when she has just replied the other way. How can she be considered credible? Multiple lies and story changes. Admits the mother influenced her responses in sworn testimony.
"Trust me" again?

Why does she think anyone should trust her on anything after she has admitted lying already?

Lying? She left out some details. She was having trouble explaining herself. Seems reasonable that you could prove lying by omission coupled with ignorance. But based on the ignorance, and translation problems it would be hard to prove that she purposefully lied.

You got to understand! Understand, that there's some number of intended paragraphs lying in wait between each of her utterances that she just can't get out due to the issue, the issue of you not understanding her :)

She admitted lying about being in the hospital during Trayvon's wake.
How so? How many so-called 'White Hispanics' have you ever met?

There are light skinned hispanics and dark skinned hispanics. It's a legitimate term.

The term is absurd and completely invented by a thoroughly Dumbed-Down MSM. The man is Hispanic. Period, end of story. I know that deeply disappoints the corrupt MSM, but it is what it is. Anyway, i've fudged up now. I almost got sucked in. Gonna head outside. It's a beautiful Summer day. You should turn off your Idiot Box and enjoy the day too. Life is short.

Great, enjoy the day. I'm unfortunately working.
The whole point is she changed what she said in response to subsequent questions by the prosecutor. She was trying to say what she thought he wanted to hear.

I understand what the defense is trying to prove. However that's not her story.

Her story is that in the prior response she left out the detail of what she heard after the phone dropped. Her story is that, presumably during the 7seconds after it dropped before the disconnect, she heard the two wrestling around in the grass and TM asking GZ to get off. Dunno I'm having trouble following the timeline. Thus she admits to omitting the extra detail, presumably because she did not want to be a major witness and / or just wanted to get out of the first interview.

I'm thinking she is adding extra detail, not that she left out, but that would help the prosecutors.

Would Someone give this woman a tissue?

Perhaps.. but her testimony matches the defendant's testimony that they were wrestling around, no? The extra part about tray saying get off... is irrelevant... Zimm admits they were wrestling around. What difference, at this point, does it make if at one point in the fight Zimm was on top and Tray yelled get off... this assuming the get off part was 7sec after the start of the fight.
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HaHa. West keeps asking to approach and the judge keeps telling him no. Everytime, he looks like he's been slapped. This guy is not good at this.

And you think this has any bearing on the case. You're desperate.

He's losing control of the witness. All he should be doing is asking questions that will give him yes or no answers. He needs to rein her in and not allow her to mugg for the camera, talk disrespectfully to him, ramble on..

He should cut his losses right now.

Actually he's pretty calm now. And you want Zimmerman to lose so bad, you ache all over.
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