The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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HaHa. West keeps asking to approach and the judge keeps telling him no. Everytime, he looks like he's been slapped. This guy is not good at this.

And you think this has any bearing on the case. You're desperate.

He's losing control of the witness. All he should be doing is asking questions that will give him yes or no answers. He needs to rein her in and not allow her to mugg for the camera, talk disrespectfully to him, ramble on..

He should cut his losses right now.

The longer that this girl sits on the witness stand, Sarah...the worse it is for the Prosecution. She's already established that Martin ran from Zimmerman and was at his Dad's girlfriend's condo when she called him back. That's several hundred yards from where the fight took place. How does that fight occur UNLESS Trayvon Martin retraces his steps in order to confront Zimmerman? She's also established Martin's state of mind before the fight takes place when Martin describes the man following him as a "Cracker". The Prosecution wants to paint George Zimmerman as a racist vigilante but their own witness has instead painted Trayvon Martin as the one making racist statements immediately prior to the confrontation.
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I concur with Oldstyle.

What you see as "running roughshod", I see as attempting to evade the truth.

A prosecution witness that is not forthcoming and seems to have an agenda does not look good.

And IMO this witness does not look credible.
At this point she is just trying to get out of there. She is saying whatever contradicts the defense's question during each objection, even when she has just replied the other way. How can she be considered credible? Multiple lies and story changes. Admits the mother influenced her responses in sworn testimony.

Nah.. the defense is clearly changing what she said and/or is saying and she is correcting him again and again and again... the Judge and the Defense are also catching him and he has been warned numerous times.

Agree to disagree...he reads her statement...asks her if that is what she said...she says no...they play the confirms what he read in her statement...repeat...again and again and again.

Agree to disagree...he reads her statement...asks her if that is what she said...she says no...they play the confirms what she stated she said as opposed to what he said her statement said...repeat...again and again and again.

I find it interesting that the defense simultaneously says it can't understand what she's saying, yet understands what she's saying better than she does.
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HaHa. West keeps asking to approach and the judge keeps telling him no. Everytime, he looks like he's been slapped. This guy is not good at this.

Actually, Sarah...what West is doing is keeping a witness on the stand for as long as he can because the more questions he asks her...the more her answers become inconsistent. The "star" witness for the Prosecution is having a hard time keeping her story straight. The more times she's asked to explain what she said earlier...the more times she's going to forget what she's obviously been coached to say. West is very good at what he's doing. To be blunt this witness has been a disaster for the Prosecution's case.

We all know what he is attempting to do but he is just muddying the waters. Travon ran from the mailboxes, the phone went dead, she called him back, he thought he got away, turned around and Zimmerman was there. Travon said why you following me for and Zimmerman asked what you doing around here. A skuffle ensued on the grass, Travon said get off, get off and the phone went dead.

Move along, West.
Perhaps.. but her testimony matches the defendant's testimony that they were wrestling around, no? The extra part about tray saying get off... is irrelevant... Zimm admits they were wrestling around. What difference, at this point, does it make if at one point in the fight Zimm was on top and Tray yelled get off... this assuming the get off part was 7sec after the start of the fight.

Correct, no.

What does "Correct, no." mean... :)
Nah.. the defense is clearly changing what she said and/or is saying and she is correcting him again and again and again... the Judge and the Defense are also catching him and he has been warned numerous times.

Agree to disagree...he reads her statement...asks her if that is what she said...she says no...they play the confirms what he read in her statement...repeat...again and again and again.

Agree to disagree...he reads her statement...asks her if that is what she said...she says no...they play the confirms what she stated she said as opposed to what he said her statement said...repeat...again and again and again.

I find it interesting that the defense simultaneously says it can't understand what she's saying, yet understands what she's saying better than she does.

After she hears the tape she says, "Yes ssssir". That is what I'm basing it on. You're crazy if you don't think the defense knows exactly what she said. If she would just say yes that is what I said in my statement, then they would not be playing the tape over and over again.
I swear...this is still a trainwreck and the HLN groupies discussing this are creepy ass crackers with their "take" on the whole thng. One sided much? What the hell is wrong with those people???
HaHa. West keeps asking to approach and the judge keeps telling him no. Everytime, he looks like he's been slapped. This guy is not good at this.

Actually, Sarah...what West is doing is keeping a witness on the stand for as long as he can because the more questions he asks her...the more her answers become inconsistent. The "star" witness for the Prosecution is having a hard time keeping her story straight. The more times she's asked to explain what she said earlier...the more times she's going to forget what she's obviously been coached to say. West is very good at what he's doing. To be blunt this witness has been a disaster for the Prosecution's case.

We all know what he is attempting to do but he is just muddying the waters. Travon ran from the mailboxes, the phone went dead, she called him back, he thought he got away, turned around and Zimmerman was there. Travon said why you following me for and Zimmerman asked what you doing around here. A skuffle ensued on the grass, Travon said get off, get off and the phone went dead.

Move along, West.

Wait a second...he "turned around and Zimmerman was there"? How, Sarah? The Prosecution's own witness has testified that Martin was outside the condo where he was staying when she called him back. That's several hundred yards from where the fight took place. Kindly explain how Martin got from the condo ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way back to where the two sidewalks T.
Agree to disagree...he reads her statement...asks her if that is what she said...she says no...they play the confirms what he read in her statement...repeat...again and again and again.

Agree to disagree...he reads her statement...asks her if that is what she said...she says no...they play the confirms what she stated she said as opposed to what he said her statement said...repeat...again and again and again.

I find it interesting that the defense simultaneously says it can't understand what she's saying, yet understands what she's saying better than she does.

After she hears the tape she says, "Yes ssssir". That is what I'm basing it on. You're crazy if you don't think the defense knows exactly what she said. If she would just say yes that is what I said in my statement, then they would not be playing the tape over and over again.

Nonsense.. she's saying yes sir that audio tape is my voice. Then the defense "translates" what she said on the tape, and she says no that's not what I said.

On the tape she answers that she heard a pop and the phone dropping to the grass, she could hear them fighting, and she heard trayvon say get off. The defense is trying to prove that she said no I could not hear trayvon. The defense is badgering the witness.
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