The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Took a look at the page source they are using google's advertising service. Basically the idea is when you search for something or browse a web page such as an item to buy in amazon, they (google, amazon etc.) keep track of it. Google's advertising product figures that you'd like to see advertisements about loosing weight, might even click on em. This presumably based on some recent searches you did. Or someone else did on your web browser.

I have done no recent searched about weight loss. I have a terminal illness and am losing without any aids.

Dumbass, those ads are coming up because people on this thread are discussing the fatness of the witness!

No mam. I checked the source code you are incorrect.

You don't impress me. You checked the source code and it shows that I have been looking up weight loss products which is bullshit. I have not looked into any weight loss products. A person who is losing it all anyway does not. That is as stupid as telling the terminally ill they should get cosmetic surgery. But then you haven't made any impression that you have brains.
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his JOB was to follow suspicious characters

That's not what I've heard. I've heard eyes and ears.. I've not heard the job of the NW is to "follow suspicious characters." You may be confusing the role of police and the role of the NW.

I was active in Neighborhood Watch in Connecticut I was often asked by police to keep my eye on suspicious characters so they could locate them. I would NEVER follow on foot unless I was armed.
A helluvalot of people were PISSED with Casey Anthony walked and there were no riots. Why would that happen if Zimmerman walks? Oh. Wait.
I have to disagree with some of your post. I don't think this was manslaughter, I think it was self defense. You do NOT have the right to turn and assault the person behind you. And if you assault someone you believe is reaching for a gun, you are patently stupid. If I thought someone was pulling a gun on me I would consider the following choices, 1) Run away in a zig zag line to make it hard to hit me, 2) put up my hands and say 'whoa there, lets' not get rash here.' ) If my home was just a matter of a few feet or yards away, I'm head for the door of it fast. But then I was never a gang member, and I never felt the lure of a 'rumble.'

I understand your disagreement. However, I didnt say trayvon thought he was reaching for a gun...I said I thought it. They were in a confrontation and GZ reached for something...GZ says it was a phone, I dont believe him....doesnt make sense.

I think GZ bears some responsibility here:

1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.

2) He failed to defuse the situation when approached by Martin...instead he went reaching. He was following someone but was not prepared once confronted? You frantically start reaching for you phone?

You and i are different...If I am in a confrontation with some strange dude following me in the dark and when confronted starts frantically reaching for something in his pocket, hes in real danger of being he was.

I wonder what the response of the 911 dispatch would have been had Zimmerman said this:

"Hes running running after him and I have a gun"!...but Zimmerman didnt inform the dispatch that he was carrying a gun did he? Had he done would have heard an entirely different response from the dispatch and it wouldnt have just been "we dont need you to do that".

Im walking home from the damn dont follow me with a gun!! He didnt witness a crime...he had suspicion and he isnt a cop.

He bears some responsiblity for what happened that night and he should serve time for it. They have overcharged in my opinion...they should have went after the lesser charge of manslaughter. Hes out when hes 35.
1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.
He is following someone he thinks may be up to no good in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator.
He was within his rights to carry a pistol.
Again, his JOB was to follow suspicious characters. The gun is only necessary if he is attacked by someone he may be following. Had he not been confronted, the police who were on their way would have dealt with the situation. Trevon would be alive. Zimmerman would not be on trial.

I dont think his JOB was to follow and pursue suspicious charachter. I think it is his job and duty to report it. Once you start following someone in the dark packing a pistol you are asking for trouble.

Im not saying that what he did was illegal...Im saying that in the end he bears some responsibility for what happened that night.

Taking race and all of the other BS out of it...if this had been my brother, I would be pissed to put it lightly. GZ followed and got in a fist fight with a teen for crying out loud...he cant protect himself (btw dont follow if you cant) so he yanks his gun out and shoots him. I dont like it now and havnt liked it from the get go.
Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.
Once upon a time,in America,you were presumed innocent until proven guilty, now we have a media whipped up frenzied politicized reality TV version called justice. How can anyone receive a fair and unbiased trial under these set of circumstances? It is apparent that if Zimmerman had been Black and Martin white this issue would never have attained the current level of national attention? I can see it now, Jessie and Al demanding all charges be dropped on the court house stairs with CNBC, CNN et... covering the media event.

You are presumed innocent until proven the eyes of the law.

Doesn't mean people won't have their own opinions about it.

One thing I've always wondered about that b.s. innocent until proven guilty business. If it's true, why are people sometimes kept in jail for months and months prior to and all during their trial? Oh, I know...because they're not REALLY considered innocent until proven guilty, those are just nice words, devoid of any real meaning.

Actually it matters as the Prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the charge. The defense doesn't have to prove anything. And if when the Prosecution is done presenting their case it is very weak the defense can ask the judge to throw out the charge.
Great line of questioning by O'Mara on this witness, a devastating counter to the prosecution's contentions that Zimmerman was a vigilante cop wannabe. Witness contends that Zimmerman was just someone who seemed to care about his community and was as calm and cool as he could be.
I understand your disagreement. However, I didnt say trayvon thought he was reaching for a gun...I said I thought it. They were in a confrontation and GZ reached for something...GZ says it was a phone, I dont believe him....doesnt make sense.

I think GZ bears some responsibility here:

1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.

2) He failed to defuse the situation when approached by Martin...instead he went reaching. He was following someone but was not prepared once confronted? You frantically start reaching for you phone?

You and i are different...If I am in a confrontation with some strange dude following me in the dark and when confronted starts frantically reaching for something in his pocket, hes in real danger of being he was.

I wonder what the response of the 911 dispatch would have been had Zimmerman said this:

"Hes running running after him and I have a gun"!...but Zimmerman didnt inform the dispatch that he was carrying a gun did he? Had he done would have heard an entirely different response from the dispatch and it wouldnt have just been "we dont need you to do that".

Im walking home from the damn dont follow me with a gun!! He didnt witness a crime...he had suspicion and he isnt a cop.

He bears some responsiblity for what happened that night and he should serve time for it. They have overcharged in my opinion...they should have went after the lesser charge of manslaughter. Hes out when hes 35.
1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.
He is following someone he thinks may be up to no good in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator.
He was within his rights to carry a pistol.
Again, his JOB was to follow suspicious characters. The gun is only necessary if he is attacked by someone he may be following. Had he not been confronted, the police who were on their way would have dealt with the situation. Trevon would be alive. Zimmerman would not be on trial.

I dont think his JOB was to follow and pursue suspicious charachter. I think it is his job and duty to report it. Once you start following someone in the dark packing a pistol you are asking for trouble.

Im not saying that what he did was illegal...Im saying that in the end he bears some responsibility for what happened that night.

Taking race and all of the other BS out of it...if this had been my brother, I would be pissed to put it lightly. GZ followed and got in a fist fight with a teen for crying out loud...he cant protect himself (btw dont follow if you cant) so he yanks his gun out and shoots him. I dont like it now and havnt liked it from the get go.

It doesn't matter what is JOB was. If there is someone suspicious in your community you can follow the person if you want. Self defense is a valid defense in all '57' states.
Just trying to get up to date on the testimony but Trayvon's girlfriend seemed like a good witness for the prosecution.

What dimension do you come from? She was devastating. She was overly divisive, argumentative, undecided and unwilling to be there in the first place. She admitted she signed a testimony she couldn't read and she admitted she lied to De La Raiondo in her deposition.

So how is she good for the prosecution?

The defense was only able to prove they could trick and badger a kid who was inarticulate, unsophisticated and English was her second language . But she seemed genuine and was not impeached on what happened that night.
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Stand your ground doesn't allow you to leave a several hundred yards away where safety exists (the condo)...then retrace your steps to confront the person who was earlier following you. That ISN'T standing your ground! THAT is deliberately seeking out a confrontation.

You really gave me a neg rep for THAT post, Sunshine? Really?

Look, if I post something stupid then by all means give me what I deserve. Giving a neg rep for simply pointing out what I see as a problem with your theory is at best petty. Knock yourself out though...

From what I've heard, she does that all the time. Neg repping makes her feel important and powerful, as if her law degree and certified nurse practitioner credentials aren't enough. And how dare you point out a probem with her theory. She is never wrong.

No one is using stand your ground as a defense. And the person that retraced their steps and created the confrontation was Martin.
I understand your disagreement. However, I didnt say trayvon thought he was reaching for a gun...I said I thought it. They were in a confrontation and GZ reached for something...GZ says it was a phone, I dont believe him....doesnt make sense.

I think GZ bears some responsibility here:

1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.

2) He failed to defuse the situation when approached by Martin...instead he went reaching. He was following someone but was not prepared once confronted? You frantically start reaching for you phone?

You and i are different...If I am in a confrontation with some strange dude following me in the dark and when confronted starts frantically reaching for something in his pocket, hes in real danger of being he was.

I wonder what the response of the 911 dispatch would have been had Zimmerman said this:

"Hes running running after him and I have a gun"!...but Zimmerman didnt inform the dispatch that he was carrying a gun did he? Had he done would have heard an entirely different response from the dispatch and it wouldnt have just been "we dont need you to do that".

Im walking home from the damn dont follow me with a gun!! He didnt witness a crime...he had suspicion and he isnt a cop.

He bears some responsiblity for what happened that night and he should serve time for it. They have overcharged in my opinion...they should have went after the lesser charge of manslaughter. Hes out when hes 35.
1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.
He is following someone he thinks may be up to no good in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator.
He was within his rights to carry a pistol.
Again, his JOB was to follow suspicious characters. The gun is only necessary if he is attacked by someone he may be following. Had he not been confronted, the police who were on their way would have dealt with the situation. Trevon would be alive. Zimmerman would not be on trial.

I dont think his JOB was to follow and pursue suspicious charachter. I think it is his job and duty to report it. Once you start following someone in the dark packing a pistol you are asking for trouble.

Im not saying that what he did was illegal...Im saying that in the end he bears some responsibility for what happened that night.

Taking race and all of the other BS out of it...if this had been my brother, I would be pissed to put it lightly. GZ followed and got in a fist fight with a teen for crying out loud...he cant protect himself (btw dont follow if you cant) so he yanks his gun out and shoots him. I dont like it now and havnt liked it from the get go.

We get that. Stay in Michigan, this is Florida.
Was there a curfew?

And thus far NOTHING indicates this "new theory" that Martin "double backed" to confront Zimmerman.

In fact..thus far the evidence shows that Martin was running away from the Crazy Ass Cracker.

Martin stated that he lost the young man during the call with the dispatcher so the only way the confrontation happened was if Martin double backed.
You're telling me that some pudgy middle aged guy chased down this young athletic man?

WHAT THE FUCK??? George Zimmerman was 28 years old when this happened, you call that middle-aged??? Good grief. You just lost all credibility with me.

And he apparently weighed a lot less than he does right now, also.
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I dont think his JOB was to follow and pursue suspicious charachter. I think it is his job and duty to report it. Once you start following someone in the dark packing a pistol you are asking for trouble.

Im not saying that what he did was illegal...Im saying that in the end he bears some responsibility for what happened that night.

Taking race and all of the other BS out of it...if this had been my brother, I would be pissed to put it lightly. GZ followed and got in a fist fight with a teen for crying out loud...he cant protect himself (btw dont follow if you cant) so he yanks his gun out and shoots him. I dont like it now and havnt liked it from the get go.

Surely you recognize your argument as moral, as opposed to legal though, right? By what legal standard does GZ bear responsibility?
I have to disagree with some of your post. I don't think this was manslaughter, I think it was self defense. You do NOT have the right to turn and assault the person behind you. And if you assault someone you believe is reaching for a gun, you are patently stupid. If I thought someone was pulling a gun on me I would consider the following choices, 1) Run away in a zig zag line to make it hard to hit me, 2) put up my hands and say 'whoa there, lets' not get rash here.' ) If my home was just a matter of a few feet or yards away, I'm head for the door of it fast. But then I was never a gang member, and I never felt the lure of a 'rumble.'

I understand your disagreement. However, I didnt say trayvon thought he was reaching for a gun...I said I thought it. They were in a confrontation and GZ reached for something...GZ says it was a phone, I dont believe him....doesnt make sense.

I think GZ bears some responsibility here:

1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.

2) He failed to defuse the situation when approached by Martin...instead he went reaching. He was following someone but was not prepared once confronted? You frantically start reaching for you phone?

You and i are different...If I am in a confrontation with some strange dude following me in the dark and when confronted starts frantically reaching for something in his pocket, hes in real danger of being he was.

I wonder what the response of the 911 dispatch would have been had Zimmerman said this:

"Hes running running after him and I have a gun"!...but Zimmerman didnt inform the dispatch that he was carrying a gun did he? Had he done would have heard an entirely different response from the dispatch and it wouldnt have just been "we dont need you to do that".

Im walking home from the damn dont follow me with a gun!! He didnt witness a crime...he had suspicion and he isnt a cop.

He bears some responsiblity for what happened that night and he should serve time for it. They have overcharged in my opinion...they should have went after the lesser charge of manslaughter. Hes out when hes 35.
1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.
He is following someone he thinks may be up to no good in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator.
He was within his rights to carry a pistol.
Again, his JOB was to follow suspicious characters. The gun is only necessary if he is attacked by someone he may be following. Had he not been confronted, the police who were on their way would have dealt with the situation. Trevon would be alive. Zimmerman would not be on trial.

Actually, I think it was his RIGHT to follow suspicious characters. He wasn't on duty. But that doesn't mean he has to turn a blind eye to someone who is acting suspicious.

And as long as he had a carry permit it was his RIGHT to have the gun on him.
I understand your disagreement. However, I didnt say trayvon thought he was reaching for a gun...I said I thought it. They were in a confrontation and GZ reached for something...GZ says it was a phone, I dont believe him....doesnt make sense.

I think GZ bears some responsibility here:

1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.

2) He failed to defuse the situation when approached by Martin...instead he went reaching. He was following someone but was not prepared once confronted? You frantically start reaching for you phone?

You and i are different...If I am in a confrontation with some strange dude following me in the dark and when confronted starts frantically reaching for something in his pocket, hes in real danger of being he was.

I wonder what the response of the 911 dispatch would have been had Zimmerman said this:

"Hes running running after him and I have a gun"!...but Zimmerman didnt inform the dispatch that he was carrying a gun did he? Had he done would have heard an entirely different response from the dispatch and it wouldnt have just been "we dont need you to do that".

Im walking home from the damn dont follow me with a gun!! He didnt witness a crime...he had suspicion and he isnt a cop.

He bears some responsiblity for what happened that night and he should serve time for it. They have overcharged in my opinion...they should have went after the lesser charge of manslaughter. Hes out when hes 35.
1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.
He is following someone he thinks may be up to no good in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator.
He was within his rights to carry a pistol.
Again, his JOB was to follow suspicious characters. The gun is only necessary if he is attacked by someone he may be following. Had he not been confronted, the police who were on their way would have dealt with the situation. Trevon would be alive. Zimmerman would not be on trial.

I dont think his JOB was to follow and pursue suspicious charachter. I think it is his job and duty to report it. Once you start following someone in the dark packing a pistol you are asking for trouble.

Im not saying that what he did was illegal...Im saying that in the end he bears some responsibility for what happened that night.

Taking race and all of the other BS out of it...if this had been my brother, I would be pissed to put it lightly. GZ followed and got in a fist fight with a teen for crying out loud...he cant protect himself (btw dont follow if you cant) so he yanks his gun out and shoots him. I dont like it now and havnt liked it from the get go.

His JOB was to protect his neighborhood. That includes keeping his eye on suspicious characters. He perceived Martin as suspicious. The fact that he was carrying a gun was not relevant UNTIL Martin attacked him. At that point, Zimmerman used his gun in self defense. He should walk away a free man and be compensated by the State of Florida for malicious prosecution.
1) He is following someone who did not commit a crime and he is packing a pistol. If you cannot safely follow someone without packing, then maybe you shouldnt follow....hes not a dont pursue or run after someone packin heat...something bad might happen.
He is following someone he thinks may be up to no good in his capacity as Neighborhood Watch Co-ordinator.
He was within his rights to carry a pistol.
Again, his JOB was to follow suspicious characters. The gun is only necessary if he is attacked by someone he may be following. Had he not been confronted, the police who were on their way would have dealt with the situation. Trevon would be alive. Zimmerman would not be on trial.

I dont think his JOB was to follow and pursue suspicious charachter. I think it is his job and duty to report it. Once you start following someone in the dark packing a pistol you are asking for trouble.

Im not saying that what he did was illegal...Im saying that in the end he bears some responsibility for what happened that night.

Taking race and all of the other BS out of it...if this had been my brother, I would be pissed to put it lightly. GZ followed and got in a fist fight with a teen for crying out loud...he cant protect himself (btw dont follow if you cant) so he yanks his gun out and shoots him. I dont like it now and havnt liked it from the get go.

His JOB was to protect his neighborhood. That includes keeping his eye on suspicious characters. He perceived Martin as suspicious. The fact that he was carrying a gun was not relevant UNTIL Martin attacked him. At that point, Zimmerman used his gun in self defense. He should walk away a free man and be compensated by the State of Florida for malicious prosecution.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge a.) the mere possibility that Zimmerman's a liar, and b.) the mere possibility that Trayvon hit Zimmerman in 'Self-defense?'
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