The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I just caught a little of it on MSNBC. Not sure if it will be on this afternoon or not, but I can't listen on my computer because I've had technical difficulties and don't have sound.

Man, I've never heard such biased commentators. And they are going on and on about how meeeeeeeeeeeen the attorney for the defense is to her. Damn. I thought he as being pretty gentle. She has clearly been coached to use the word 'sir' but not to say it with any kind of respect. The prosecution could have sewn this case up with her. All she had to do was to come in and be vulnerable. The minute he made here cry, it would be 'Katy bar the door' to the defense.

She is not credible, and she is not vulnerable. But she's a national celeb. Anyone wanna make book on how long after this trial is over before she starts to make the talk show circuit, and gets a ghost writer to write up all her lies in a book? I'd say less than a month.

Maybe she'll be able to afford a plastic-surgen to remove that thing from around her neck. causes that????
I have done no recent searched about weight loss. I have a terminal illness and am losing without any aids.

Dumbass, those ads are coming up because people on this thread are discussing the fatness of the witness!

No mam. I checked the source code you are incorrect.

You don't impress me. You checked the source code and it shows that I have been looking up weight loss products which is bullshit. I have not looked into any weight loss products. A person who is losing it all anyway does not. That is as stupid as telling the terminally ill they should get cosmetic surgery. But then you haven't made any impression that you have brains.

I'm not trying to impress you, I did not defend this website or google, and I could give a shit what you think about me. You asked a question and I answered it. I did not say that I "checked the source code and it shows that I have been looking up weight loss products." You have a serious reading comprehension problem.
OK, so MSNBC is done with it for today, it seems, and CNN is only showing what they want you to see. Oh well, I think I'll go stitch a bit more. Just had a snack of peaches and cream and a glass of water.
I just caught a little of it on MSNBC. Not sure if it will be on this afternoon or not, but I can't listen on my computer because I've had technical difficulties and don't have sound.

Man, I've never heard such biased commentators. And they are going on and on about how meeeeeeeeeeeen the attorney for the defense is to her. Damn. I thought he as being pretty gentle. She has clearly been coached to use the word 'sir' but not to say it with any kind of respect. The prosecution could have sewn this case up with her. All she had to do was to come in and be vulnerable. The minute he made here cry, it would be 'Katy bar the door' to the defense.

She is not credible, and she is not vulnerable. But she's a national celeb. Anyone wanna make book on how long after this trial is over before she starts to make the talk show circuit, and gets a ghost writer to write up all her lies in a book? I'd say less than a month.

Maybe she'll be able to afford a plastic-surgen to remove that thing from around her neck. causes that????

Skittles? Sitting on her ass and sucking off her parents? Inhaling Orange nail polish?
Once upon a time,in America,you were presumed innocent until proven guilty, now we have a media whipped up frenzied politicized reality TV version called justice. How can anyone receive a fair and unbiased trial under these set of circumstances? It is apparent that if Zimmerman had been Black and Martin white this issue would never have attained the current level of national attention? I can see it now, Jessie and Al demanding all charges be dropped on the court house stairs with CNBC, CNN et... covering the media event.

You are presumed innocent until proven the eyes of the law.

Doesn't mean people won't have their own opinions about it.

One thing I've always wondered about that b.s. innocent until proven guilty business. If it's true, why are people sometimes kept in jail for months and months prior to and all during their trial? Oh, I know...because they're not REALLY considered innocent until proven guilty, those are just nice words, devoid of any real meaning.

Actually it matters as the Prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the charge. The defense doesn't have to prove anything. And if when the Prosecution is done presenting their case it is very weak the defense can ask the judge to throw out the charge. theory. But you can "prove beyond a reasonable doubt" all you want, what really matters in the end is what the jury thinks. So it behooves the defense to try and prove their points, and to disprove the prosecution's case.
Prosecutor is using the the "are you aware that Zimmerman beat up his former girlfriend and she had a restraining order placed against him" line. Both he and his girlfriend filed mutual restraining orders against each other and both of them were later dismissed.
Just trying to get up to date on the testimony but Trayvon's girlfriend seemed like a good witness for the prosecution.

What dimension do you come from? She was devastating. She was overly divisive, argumentative, undecided and unwilling to be there in the first place. She admitted she signed a testimony she couldn't read and she admitted she lied to De La Raiondo in her deposition.

So how is she good for the prosecution?

The defense was only able to prove they could trick and badger a kid who was inarticulate, unsophisticated and English was he second language . But she seemed genuine and was not impeached on what happened that night.

They did no such thing. Will you call out the prosecution when they cross examine the defense witness that way?
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.
Prosecution has gone back to attacking Zimmerman's character. Tried to use a past misdemeanor arrest against him. The prosecution has run out of argument, and is reaching for straws. They now just asked the witness in proffer if she ever followed Zimmerman on Twitter or Facebook, to which she replied "no".
You are presumed innocent until proven the eyes of the law.

Doesn't mean people won't have their own opinions about it.

One thing I've always wondered about that b.s. innocent until proven guilty business. If it's true, why are people sometimes kept in jail for months and months prior to and all during their trial? Oh, I know...because they're not REALLY considered innocent until proven guilty, those are just nice words, devoid of any real meaning.

Actually it matters as the Prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the charge. The defense doesn't have to prove anything. And if when the Prosecution is done presenting their case it is very weak the defense can ask the judge to throw out the charge. theory. But you can "prove beyond a reasonable doubt" all you want, what really matters in the end is what the jury thinks. So it behooves the defense to try and prove their points, and to disprove the prosecution's case.

If the jury renders a verdict that clearly is not supported by evidence, then the jury becomes what is known as a 'runaway jury.' The verdict of a runaway jury can be overturned. Quickly.
I just caught a little of it on MSNBC. Not sure if it will be on this afternoon or not, but I can't listen on my computer because I've had technical difficulties and don't have sound.

Man, I've never heard such biased commentators. And they are going on and on about how meeeeeeeeeeeen the attorney for the defense is to her. Damn. I thought he as being pretty gentle. She has clearly been coached to use the word 'sir' but not to say it with any kind of respect. The prosecution could have sewn this case up with her. All she had to do was to come in and be vulnerable. The minute he made here cry, it would be 'Katy bar the door' to the defense.

She is not credible, and she is not vulnerable. But she's a national celeb. Anyone wanna make book on how long after this trial is over before she starts to make the talk show circuit, and gets a ghost writer to write up all her lies in a book? I'd say less than a month.

Maybe she'll be able to afford a plastic-surgen to remove that thing from around her neck. causes that????

Eatting to much.
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

George Zimmerman was within his rights. If you think he was not, then post up where the law says anyone has to obey the 911 dispatcher.

Also, post up where the law says that anyone who is acting within their rights is 'responsible' for the bad outcome of acting within their rights.
This trial is essentially over as of now. The girlfriend just testified that Trayvon ran away from Zimmerman and was by his fathers girlfriend's condo when she got him on the phone again...breathing hard and sounding tired after running away. That means Martin is several hundred yards away from where the confrontation took place according to her testimony. AT THAT POINT IT IS MARTIN WHO RETURNS TO CONFRONT ZIMMERMAN! If he doesn't do so then Zimmerman walks back to his SUV and they never come in contact. See ya, Prosecution case....

It doesn't matter if Martin returned to ask Zimmerman why he was following him...IF that is actually what happened. As a citizen, I would have every right to confront some scum who was following me around the neighborhood and ask them what they're doing. And if they reached for their gun, I would have every right to jump them.

Confronting someone and asking them why they're following you around is NOT attacking them.

It doesn't make sense, anyway, that Martin would be frightened enough to run away so fast that he is breathing hard and tired, and then GO BACK. That just doesn't make any sense to a reasonable person. I'm having a lot of reasonable doubt about that theory, and even if it's true, Martin had every right to confront the asshole who was following him around.
Very desperate. The prosecution just tried to accuse the witness in proffer of colluding with Zimmerman's brother. The accusation fell flat. L.M.A.O.

The court is recess until 4:30 Eastern.
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

George Zimmerman was within his rights. If you think he was not, then post up where the law says anyone has to obey the 911 dispatcher.

Also, post up where the law says that anyone who is acting within their rights is 'responsible' for the bad outcome of acting within their rights.

Disobeying police orders in this context is probably not illegal, if the dialogue even constitutes 'Disobeying.'

Neither is carrying a gun or following a suspicious person. We all know that.

But they are indicative of someone who is looking for a confrontation, and is certainly not doing the things within his power to avoid one.
Prosecutor is using the the "are you aware that Zimmerman beat up his former girlfriend and she had a restraining order placed against him" line. Both he and his girlfriend filed mutual restraining orders against each other and both of them were later dismissed.

What? Judge allowed Zimmerman's domestic violence arrest into evidence? It's typical to restrain both parties from contacting each other, but that doesn't change the fact that Zimmerman beat his girlfriend.
"What does wet grass sound like?"


I can now answer that question.

I went out and ran the hose on the grass in my back yard. Then I threw my "boo toof" out onto it.

I didn't hear a darn thing.

Iz yo sure? wnnimlgnbglommmmmboodbdfmm? So I'se will ax you a'gin. Whut do wet grass soun' like? Leafs an stuff?

I took the experiment one step farther.

I soaked the grass some more, then threw my neighbor's dog on it.

I heard some yelps from the puppy that sounded like "help", but still no noises from the wet grass.
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