The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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My question is why is it that (predictably) the rightwing tea party types are rooting so hard for Zimmerman?

We are not rooting hard for GZ. We are the party of justice, we are the party that is looking at the case objectively and see how weak the prosecution's case is. Whereas your party is the party of hate, racism, vengence at irrationality, that is looking only to sensationalize a case with racism charges that aren't there.

Yes. John Good.

I thought Good said straddling in the MMA style. I did not hear him say slamming, pounding.. nothing more than on top. But I might have missed it had to do some work.

He said Martin was punching downward towards Zimmerman's head. He said Martin was on top of Zimmerman who was on the bottom flat on his back. He could not hear the strikes or see the strikes. He said it appeared to be Martin "ground & pounding" Zimmerman on the concrete.

FYI: Kiss.. I went back and very carefully listened to the statements. Goodman says they had just moved to the concrete.. it suddenly got serious, tray was in ground and pound position.. for 8-10sec of serious fighting arms going down... hmm... so a sudden flurry.. coupled with Zim's accusation of the teen saying your gonna die.. Hmm yeah the defense won the day for sure.
Hey SF!

My point with the reaching is that if he is following in the dark and rain and is not identifying himself, then at the point of confrontation when he reaches could be argued an aggressive action.

Trayvon asking his follower why he is being followed is not unlawful either.

To me the prosecution should be trying to show that it was GZ who was the aggressor...sure, we all know now that GZ was the NH watch captain, but Tray didnt know at the time, nor would have any of us. It was just someone following him.

It has already been stated on national TV that in Florida it doesn't matter who started the fight. When you believe your life is in danger you can use deadly force. Are you watching ANY of this. It is NOT going well for the prosecution because the prosecution doesn't have anything. This is not 3rd grade. "He started it isn't going to work." Please move on.

The defense owned the day today.

And on CNN, they seem to think the prosecution has hoards of witnesses waiting in the wings who will turn the case their way. The more they come, the better shape the defense is in.

And it is not in the post I am responding to but FFS, what is the issue with Zimmerman wearing a suit. EVERY lawyer tells their client to dress well for court. If you go buy a suit, if your mother buys you a suit, if your wife buys you a suit, if your lawyer buys you a suit. That is all irrelevant.

Huh? Im looking at both sides...some have a hard time. It is very important who is considered the aggressor. What trial are you watching? All im saying is its an avenue the prosecution could pursue. I know with you...its baaaaad trayvon and goooooood zimmerman...a little deeper thought could see the good and bad of both sides...youre bias is showing.

yes, sunshine...i am watching the trial. Relax, some have different views than you.

Bias? Really! I don't find Zimmerman's version implausible. And FYI, I spent 25 years working where I saw plenty of thugs just like li'l Trayvon. They are professional victims. The world caused their failure. It was mean ole........... You name it. Their drug use, criminal activity, and other antisocial behavior had nothing to do with the mega failures their lives are. NOOOOOOOOOOOsireeeeeeeeee. And now he can't play the victim on his own accord, mamma and daddy are playing it for him. Never mind that he was more a victim of PPP than anything else. (Piss poor parenting.)

After working 25 years in psych, it takes me about 5 minutes to see right through you.
Since Snook appears to have scurried off into it's hole...

Can anyone answer this question for me? Honestly, I'd like to know. I haven't followed every aspect of the case, but I don't understand how so many claim to be absolutely sure that Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin after being asked not to do so.

How do you know this?

The twisted logic is he wasn't in his car.

Okay, but wasn't it revealed in his sworn testimony that he was simply heading to where he knew the police would show let them know he was the one that called 911?

I'm still looking for a cogent response. How are so many here just positive that Zimmerman followed and confronted Martin? Where is the evidence for that?


There is none.
My question is why is it that (predictably) the rightwing tea party types are rooting so hard for Zimmerman?

We are not rooting hard for GZ. We are the party of justice, we are the party that is looking at the case objectively and see how weak the prosecution's case is. Whereas your party is the party of hate, racism, vengence at irrationality, that is looking only to sensationalize a case with racism charges that aren't there.


That's it! I am going to register as a member of the Tea Party tomorrow. The party of justice! Man-oh-man! That's for me!

Is it OK if I join the tea party and STILL think that the kid would be alive if Zimmerman had just stayed in his car? Is that reasonable?
What year did TM play FB?

Bering suspended from school = losing the privilege to play FB. can anyone be non-confrontational if they do play FB, unless someone is the water boy? One has to be somewhat aggressive!!

Disclaimer: I am not implying that TM was a water boy.

I believe the video I linked above shows Tray in FB the year of the incident.

With all due respect the video you provided is of Trayvon Williams.
Unless TM was known as TW:confused:

You tube of Tryavon playing FB looks like also played as a senior. So yeah he seems like he was in good condition.

trayvon williams 2012 senior football highlights - YouTube

Whoops.. egg face.. Odd the link came from a news site.. from an article from Tray's coach.. My bad.
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My question is why is it that (predictably) the rightwing tea party types are rooting so hard for Zimmerman?

We are not rooting hard for GZ. We are the party of justice, we are the party that is looking at the case objectively and see how weak the prosecution's case is. Whereas your party is the party of hate, racism, vengence at irrationality, that is looking only to sensationalize a case with racism charges that aren't there.


That's it! I am going to register as a member of the Tea Party tomorrow. The party of justice! Man-oh-man! That's for me!

Is it OK if I join the tea party and STILL think that the kid would be alive if Zimmerman had just stayed in his car? Is that reasonable?

The kid would be alive if he had been a priority for his parents. When you start that line of thinking, where does it stop? He would be alive if his high school sports had meant more to him. He would be alive if...........

Seriously, you could make a game of cards out of it.
TE=Edgetho;7451954]No. It doesn't help at all.

well what the fuck do you want? i give you code and FL case law and you're still whining. if you don't like i present, then look it up your own case law. it really is that easy.

Let's assume that somebody saw Z start the fight. Eyewitness, ironclad. He didn't, but just for S's and G's, let's assume he did.

Now Z has the burden to prove (people also conflate 'proof' and 'evidence' way too much) that he tried to disengage. That's the part of the law you're missing.

It's not enough that Z was getting his ass beat and was skeert, he had to try to disengage, to say "No Mas", I'm done, I quit.

If Z didn't try to separate but STILL feared for his life, we're talking Man I. Man II if the Jurors are in a good mood.

Not life for murder. But prison for a little while.

But since St Skittles obviously attacked him, we don't have to worry about that.

And oh.... A verbal confrontation is not considered starting a physical altercation. No matter what (if anything) Z said to Skittles. Within reason

wait a minute, first you ask me for law, now you're telling me i'm missing the law. cite the law that he has to disengage. the cases (i just double checked and the link i gave you has more than one FL case and is specifically tailored to the zimmerman trial) i gave you do not mention that he had to disengage.

all that matters is:

The real nature of his burden concerning his defense of justification is that his evidence of additional facts need merely leave the jury with a reasonable doubt about whether he was justified in using deadly force. Hence, if he wanted his self-defense to be considered, it was necessary to present evidence that his justification might be true.

from the link i gave you earlier. i suggest you read the link so i don't have to keep repeating this for you.
Do you maintain only guilty people are tried, zona?

Because, as we all know, that is a ridiculous claim.

The purpose of all of this is to find out if he is guilty of murdering that unarmed kid.

Saying he is innocent before a judgement is even read is ridiculous.

Wrong. No wonder you can't understand any of this.
Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. That part is undisputed. He should be guilty of manslaughter. His affirmative defense is that he did so in self defense. So the question becomes: Was he reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he fired at Martin? If the answer is Yes he should be acquitted.

I think cross examination of the PA today started down that path. It is pretty clear that there were more lesions and swelling to the head than can be seen on just the one pic that has circulated on the internet. There is no requirement that one sustain a life threatening injury to be in 'reasonable fear.' Reasonable fear is a subjective standard.

I'm not sure how the trial will conclude, but I don't see Zimmerman, at this point, spending his life in prison.
We are not rooting hard for GZ. We are the party of justice, we are the party that is looking at the case objectively and see how weak the prosecution's case is. Whereas your party is the party of hate, racism, vengence at irrationality, that is looking only to sensationalize a case with racism charges that aren't there.


That's it! I am going to register as a member of the Tea Party tomorrow. The party of justice! Man-oh-man! That's for me!

Is it OK if I join the tea party and STILL think that the kid would be alive if Zimmerman had just stayed in his car? Is that reasonable?

The kid would be alive if he had been a priority for his parents. When you start that line of thinking, where does it stop? He would be alive if his high school sports had meant more to him. He would be alive if...........

Seriously, you could make a game of cards out of it.

Bullshit. There is a point at which it becomes reality. The reality is that Zimmerman INITIATED the contact by being within reach of the kid in the first place. The kid was minding his own business. Period.
You were certainly referring to it. It does matter if GZ started it, damn right, it does. TM had the right to defend himself, and he had no obligation to retreat, and if GZ had a gun, TM had the right to beat him into the ground. GZ could only shoot TM if he thought his life was in danger. It was not.

And learn "English" and "countersuit" and "courts-martial" and "sergeants-major" for plural.

If Martin was reaching for Zimmerman's gun, then there's reason to believe it was.

Only if, and this has not been proven, that GZ did not provoke an incident or attack. If he did not and TM reached for the, gun, then, yes, GZ was justified in shooting.
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)


“When it's asshole-tightening time, that's when you see what people are made of. Or at least what their asshole is made of.”
― Justin Halpern, Sh*t My Dad Says

TE=Edgetho;7451954]No. It doesn't help at all.

well what the fuck do you want? i give you code and FL case law and you're still whining. if you don't like i present, then look it up your own case law. it really is that easy.

Let's assume that somebody saw Z start the fight. Eyewitness, ironclad. He didn't, but just for S's and G's, let's assume he did.

Now Z has the burden to prove (people also conflate 'proof' and 'evidence' way too much) that he tried to disengage. That's the part of the law you're missing.

It's not enough that Z was getting his ass beat and was skeert, he had to try to disengage, to say "No Mas", I'm done, I quit.

If Z didn't try to separate but STILL feared for his life, we're talking Man I. Man II if the Jurors are in a good mood.

Not life for murder. But prison for a little while.

But since St Skittles obviously attacked him, we don't have to worry about that.

And oh.... A verbal confrontation is not considered starting a physical altercation. No matter what (if anything) Z said to Skittles. Within reason

wait a minute, first you ask me for law, now you're telling me i'm missing the law. cite the law that he has to disengage. the cases (i just double checked and the link i gave you has more than one FL case and is specifically tailored to the zimmerman trial) i gave you do not mention that he had to disengage.

all that matters is:

The real nature of his burden concerning his defense of justification is that his evidence of additional facts need merely leave the jury with a reasonable doubt about whether he was justified in using deadly force. Hence, if he wanted his self-defense to be considered, it was necessary to present evidence that his justification might be true.

from the link i gave you earlier. i suggest you read the link so i don't have to keep repeating this for you.

Edgetho is well aware of what you are saying. Your interp is murky. Not to worry, Yurt, the jury will get to the bottom of it, and, guess what, they won't ask you for your expert knowledge.
My question is why is it that (predictably) the rightwing tea party types are rooting so hard for Zimmerman?

I for one am not 'rooting' for either side. I am interested in hearing why some here are just so damn sure Zimmerman followed, confronted and attacked Martin.

How can they possible know this?

911 and the Rachael.

It has already been stated on national TV that in Florida it doesn't matter who started the fight. When you believe your life is in danger you can use deadly force. Are you watching ANY of this. It is NOT going well for the prosecution because the prosecution doesn't have anything. This is not 3rd grade. "He started it isn't going to work." Please move on.

The defense owned the day today.

And on CNN, they seem to think the prosecution has hoards of witnesses waiting in the wings who will turn the case their way. The more they come, the better shape the defense is in.

And it is not in the post I am responding to but FFS, what is the issue with Zimmerman wearing a suit. EVERY lawyer tells their client to dress well for court. If you go buy a suit, if your mother buys you a suit, if your wife buys you a suit, if your lawyer buys you a suit. That is all irrelevant.

Huh? Im looking at both sides...some have a hard time. It is very important who is considered the aggressor. What trial are you watching? All im saying is its an avenue the prosecution could pursue. I know with you...its baaaaad trayvon and goooooood zimmerman...a little deeper thought could see the good and bad of both sides...youre bias is showing.

yes, sunshine...i am watching the trial. Relax, some have different views than you.

Bias? Really! I don't find Zimmerman's version implausible. And FYI, I spent 25 years working where I saw plenty of thugs just like li'l Trayvon. They are professional victims. The world caused their failure. It was mean ole........... You name it. Their drug use, criminal activity, and other antisocial behavior had nothing to do with the mega failures their lives are. NOOOOOOOOOOOsireeeeeeeeee. And now he can't play the victim on his own accord, mamma and daddy are playing it for him. Never mind that he was more a victim of PPP than anything else. (Piss poor parenting.)

After working 25 years in psych, it takes me about 5 minutes to see right through you.

I know....I are a lawyer, a doctor, a psychologist, and a youth developer specializing in gang of them for about 25 years.

Mr Z goooooood.....trayvon...baaaaaaaaad. Right? Z did everything right and trayvon did everything wrong, right? I'll look elsewhere for objective thinking...its not in your dna. Lata...and READ THIS! :piss2:
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Okay fine....I said I wasn't going to get involved. What a liar I am.
I'm pissed mostly about the fact that NONE of us can get into a good fist fight and expect that that's all it's going to be. You get your ass kicked?? Fine. Lick your wounds and go home. Busted noses....heads......whatever. Why is everyone packing now?? I'm full-on Irish.....I'll fight in a heartbeat. BUT NOW......bring guns to a fist fight.
I watched a little today and the thing that really got my attention was when the assholes from CNN said, MAYBE.....just MAYBE.....Trayvon was the one screaming for help as he was kicking GZ ass.
Please don't get me wrong....I fully understand where this trial is going.....but....what a pussy. GZ was just LAYING for anyone to get into his sights.
BUT according to the law......he could do what he did.
btw...another state witness, folgate, seems to bolster the defense's case

not sure what the prosecution is doing. either they are getting out all the "good" defense witnesses and softening them up as not very good for the defense and saving a whopper for the end or they have nothing.
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