The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So if this little girl stepped on your toe and threatened to take your life with a bobby pin, you shoot her dead? No hesitation, no reasoned thought, just pull the trigger.


Boy playing with toy gun is shot by sheriff's deputy - Los Angeles Times

Boy, 12, with toy gun shot, killed by police

North Miami Beach police kill mentally disabled man carrying toy gun - Crimesider - CBS News

No Charges in Death of Boy With Toy Gun -

WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. — A 12-year-old boy who was carrying a toy gun was shot to death Friday evening by a West Memphis police officer, who apparently thought the gun was rea

Police Chief Bob Paudert said officers were on surveillance at an apartment building near a hotel about 10 p.m. when the boy appeared.

"The child had a toy pistol that looked identical to a real weapon. He did have a toy pistol with him and the officer saw it and fired shots. Two shots, I think," Paudert told the Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial Appeal. "It's a very tragic and unfortunate incident that happened."

Youth brandishing toy gun fatally shot by Ark. officer

Are you getting the picture?
Yes. Sad picture. Seems we would all be better off if we put the lives of others over our own. Then maybe we would not be so assuming in our defensive positions.

There are many Americans who put the lives of others ahead of their own: Policemen, nurses, doctors, soldiers, to name a few. All of them are voluntarily in harm's way. But even in those instances there are many situations which demand that the person defend his/her own life and they are legally allowed to do so.

Your statement has to be the stupidest one I have EVER read on a forum. Humans are genetically programmed to preserve their own lives, and the law allows it.
You obviously are unfamiliar with what happens when an SUV hits a motorcycle from behind at 105 miles per hour. The man was trying to kill me with no provocation. I would have been well within my rights to use deadly force to end the threat.

You obviously have no idea about the visibility in an SUV. Bike are hard to see when you are in a car. And most bikers just love to weave in and out of traffic or between lanes.

And what state has a legal speed limit of 105?

Seems like you were breaking the law.

Pedestrians are even harder to see. That doesn't give you the right to run over them.

Being a member of the crotch rocket group, we probably shouldnt even go here.

Get off your fn cell phones, pay attention to the road and quit running over my friends.
n e g g e d !!!

Had Martin just punched Zimmerman in the nose that would have been the end of it. It was the ground and pound that got him shot.

Bullshit! That murdering racist was going to shoot that kid no matter what. He fantasized about it along with his racist friends and family. Let him go free. Its up to Trayvon's family to get revenge. The justice system doesn't give a shit about Black kids. That's our own fault. Doesn't mean we cant seek our own vengeance.

She reads minds too! WOW! why the cops let Zimmerman go in the first place.

And didn't conduct an extensive investigation.

They were confused about the law.

It is the DA, spelled District Attorney, who files the charges. Not the cops. Unlike you, he is a licensed attorney.


The police let Zimmerman go.

They did not do proper forensics.

And put on display the institutional racism that is still pervasive in Florida.

They did a tox screen on Martin but didn't even bother to ask Zimmerman for a breath test.

There would be NO trial if Sharpton hadn't become involved.

Nor should there have been one.
You obviously have no idea about the visibility in an SUV. Bike are hard to see when you are in a car. And most bikers just love to weave in and out of traffic or between lanes.

And what state has a legal speed limit of 105?

Seems like you were breaking the law.

Pedestrians are even harder to see. That doesn't give you the right to run over them.

Being a member of the crotch rocket group, we probably shouldnt even go here.

Get off your fn cell phones, pay attention to the road and quit running over my friends.

Stop riding between lanes and act like a car when you pass someone.

Zipping around like you are the Millennium Falcon dodging asteroids is a recipe for disaster.
You obviously have no idea about the visibility in an SUV. Bike are hard to see when you are in a car. And most bikers just love to weave in and out of traffic or between lanes.

And what state has a legal speed limit of 105?

Seems like you were breaking the law.

Pedestrians are even harder to see. That doesn't give you the right to run over them.

Pedestrians are casually walking around on the highways?

Since when?

Usually when their car quits and they have to go for help, but pedestrians can be pretty much anywhere. Only the interstates prohibit pedestrians. Still, they are there if they have car trouble.
It is the DA, spelled District Attorney, who files the charges. Not the cops. Unlike you, he is a licensed attorney.


The police let Zimmerman go.

They did not do proper forensics.

And put on display the institutional racism that is still pervasive in Florida.

They did a tox screen on Martin but didn't even bother to ask Zimmerman for a breath test.

There would be NO trial if Sharpton hadn't become involved.

Nor should there have been one.

And that's where the institutional racism comes in the play.

Had the situation been reversed?

Zimmerman black and Martin white?

Zimmerman would already have been convicted.

No one died in that case.
Thank you...thats because I look very deeply into both sides...constantly. Im not swayed by obvious biased posters from either side...I think for myself. Like you and your gangsta profiling. I know i know...your 25 yrs of working with the youth allows you to spot a teen in a hoodie in the dark and rain as a gangster a mile

I might give logical reasoning and thought for Zimmerman later today...stay tuned.

With all of your supposed expertise I would expect you to be able to do the same...havnt seen it yet.

Its not easy being have to hold no bias, you see no color, you think outside of the box, you look deep into the entire situation from both sides of the can usually get to the truth and begin proper problem works really good for me.:eek:

I know the prevailing laws. So far, based on having command of the law, I haven't seen anything that suggests that Zimmerman was guilty. And if you notice the others here who have legal backgrounds are also not claiming he is guilty. I realize that people who have no legal background may be struggling with this case. But those of us who know the laws of this country are not struggling with this case, nor are we obligated to do so in order to pass some internet poster's personal objectivity test.

I know...I are 65 years old and know and experienced everything...this case isnt rocket science and you dont need a law degree to know what applies here. You are not a lawyer in this case and you are not a are just another posting braggart without an objective bone in your body as I see it.

Your 65 years of experience has appeared to have developed a bias and a whole lot of bitterness. Just my take...If my grandmother talked like you I'd wash HER mouth out with Your language is vulgar, your bias is thick, your compassion is slim and your ego is bigger than the blimp.

I really dont have much interest in your opinion...and I dont believe I asked for it either. You seem to be seeking me out...try to resist.

And you are being a disrespectful little smartass.
You obviously have no idea about the visibility in an SUV. Bike are hard to see when you are in a car. And most bikers just love to weave in and out of traffic or between lanes.

And what state has a legal speed limit of 105?

Seems like you were breaking the law.

Pedestrians are even harder to see. That doesn't give you the right to run over them.

Being a member of the crotch rocket group, we probably shouldnt even go here.

Get off your fn cell phones, pay attention to the road and quit running over my friends.

Check the quote in my signature.
Pedestrians are even harder to see. That doesn't give you the right to run over them.

Pedestrians are casually walking around on the highways?

Since when?

Usually when their car quits and they have to go for help, but pedestrians can be pretty much anywhere. Only the interstates prohibit pedestrians. Still, they are there if they have car trouble.

That's quite a stretch.

Most of the time people with car trouble wait for help.

If they are walking? It's on the shoulder.
I've been around guns my whole life, Sallow and I've never shot anyone.

As close as I've gotten is once, in 1971, racking a round into the chamber of a pump shotgun to convince a man that he really didn't want to rape my wife and a second time 19 years later I showed my weapon to a crack addict that was about to rob me at knife point.
In neither case did I fire and in the second case, my .44 magnum never left my shoulder holster. The intimidation factor was sufficient to deter 2 would be dead guys.

No. I doubt I will ever "lose it" and shoot someone, but I am prepared to do so, should it become necessary.
Why didn't GZ use the gun in the way you used your weapons has been the root of my questioning GZ's actions. I applaud your choice to let them live.

If my (former) wife's attacker had completed breaking down my door, I would have killed him. Had the man with the knife been closer to me when I indicated I was armed, HE would have died. In both cases, I had an alternative that didn't include killing someone. George Zimmerman had called out for help. He was even refused help from a man that opted to call 911 instead. He was getting pounded, punched in the face and with each punch, his head was driven into the ground. He was fresh out of options. He unholstered his weapon and fired as a last resort.
GZ could have ended it by not getting out of his car and giving chase. He decided to pursue while armed. He could probably have brandished the gun as you did to deter the suspect at any point in time.
Here's were things don't jive...

IF Martin is worried about Zimmerman's gun...wouldn't he be trying to control Zimmerman's hands? NOT punching him in the face and head?

Where are your hands when you are trying to fend off blows to your head? Protecting your face and not reaching for your gun. Reach for your gun? I hit you in the face...oops here comes the hand to protect the head again. Trayvon may have figured that as soon as I stop throwing blows, the leverage goes back to GZ and the gun. So he just keeps punching.

I have no idea what the thought process was, but I can assume that based on GZs own account of the situation that during the struggle his gun was exposed and we know that GZ was going for it...and we do know that Trayvon was punching him in the face. So two and two together and I can consider certain thoughts that could have been going through Trayvons.

I think you are reaching here.

Play it through in your minds eye.

You are in fear of being shot.

Fistfight or wrestle?

The LAST thing I'm going to do is straddle the guy and hit in the face exposing my chest...

I want to be BEHIND him locking his arms and hands in a hold that prevents him from reaching that gun...and be screaming "HE'S GOT A GUN, CALL 911"

The MMA style beat down to the head doesn't jive with a fear of being shot by a gun.

I agree.

Martin probably didn't even see the gun until it was buried in his chest.

Another lie Zimmerman told.

The police let Zimmerman go.

They did not do proper forensics.

And put on display the institutional racism that is still pervasive in Florida.

They did a tox screen on Martin but didn't even bother to ask Zimmerman for a breath test.

There would be NO trial if Sharpton hadn't become involved.

Nor should there have been one.

And that's where the institutional racism comes in the play.

Had the situation been reversed?

Zimmerman black and Martin white?

Zimmerman would already have been convicted.

Florida woman sentenced to 20 years in controversial warning shot case -

No one died in that case.

I doubt that.
I do know I would still be on Zimmerman's side in this discussion assuming it had national attention.
Nor should there have been one.

And that's where the institutional racism comes in the play.

Had the situation been reversed?

Zimmerman black and Martin white?

Zimmerman would already have been convicted.

Florida woman sentenced to 20 years in controversial warning shot case -

No one died in that case.

I doubt that.
I do know I would still be on Zimmerman's side in this discussion assuming it had national attention.

I cited a similar case.

It completely proved the point I made.

Florida is a pretty racist state. It's been proved out over and over again.
Clearly if Trayvon was the thug he's being made to be, Zimmerman would be dead today.


Here's another sort of similar circumstance.

Had the young man shot the old man..I doubt one Zimmerman supporter on this board would be jumping to the young man's defense.
I know the prevailing laws. So far, based on having command of the law, I haven't seen anything that suggests that Zimmerman was guilty. And if you notice the others here who have legal backgrounds are also not claiming he is guilty. I realize that people who have no legal background may be struggling with this case. But those of us who know the laws of this country are not struggling with this case, nor are we obligated to do so in order to pass some internet poster's personal objectivity test.

I know...I are 65 years old and know and experienced everything...this case isnt rocket science and you dont need a law degree to know what applies here. You are not a lawyer in this case and you are not a are just another posting braggart without an objective bone in your body as I see it.

Your 65 years of experience has appeared to have developed a bias and a whole lot of bitterness. Just my take...If my grandmother talked like you I'd wash HER mouth out with Your language is vulgar, your bias is thick, your compassion is slim and your ego is bigger than the blimp.

I really dont have much interest in your opinion...and I dont believe I asked for it either. You seem to be seeking me out...try to resist.

And you are being a disrespectful little smartass.

You're damn right...and you worked real hard for it:wtf:

I won't return the favor of your neg reps...frankly it seems very childish and immature, which is something else you have a lot of experience in.
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Why didn't GZ use the gun in the way you used your weapons has been the root of my questioning GZ's actions. I applaud your choice to let them live.

If my (former) wife's attacker had completed breaking down my door, I would have killed him. Had the man with the knife been closer to me when I indicated I was armed, HE would have died. In both cases, I had an alternative that didn't include killing someone. George Zimmerman had called out for help. He was even refused help from a man that opted to call 911 instead. He was getting pounded, punched in the face and with each punch, his head was driven into the ground. He was fresh out of options. He unholstered his weapon and fired as a last resort.
GZ could have ended it by not getting out of his car and giving chase. He decided to pursue while armed. He could probably have brandished the gun as you did to deter the suspect at any point in time.

And he would have been charged with Menacing. Learn the law. Brandishing a gun is not something you do lightly. Someone simply walking towards you, not threatening you in any way should not see your gun. By the time Zimmerman had been struck in the nose and knocked to the ground, the ability to defuse the situation by brandishing had ended. Displaying the gun without intent to use it would have ended up with one of them shot, very possibly Zimmerman who was at a definite disadvantage. I expect that once he was able to reach his gun, he drew and fired, just like you must in that situation.
Where are your hands when you are trying to fend off blows to your head? Protecting your face and not reaching for your gun. Reach for your gun? I hit you in the face...oops here comes the hand to protect the head again. Trayvon may have figured that as soon as I stop throwing blows, the leverage goes back to GZ and the gun. So he just keeps punching.

I have no idea what the thought process was, but I can assume that based on GZs own account of the situation that during the struggle his gun was exposed and we know that GZ was going for it...and we do know that Trayvon was punching him in the face. So two and two together and I can consider certain thoughts that could have been going through Trayvons.

I think you are reaching here.

Play it through in your minds eye.

You are in fear of being shot.

Fistfight or wrestle?

The LAST thing I'm going to do is straddle the guy and hit in the face exposing my chest...

I want to be BEHIND him locking his arms and hands in a hold that prevents him from reaching that gun...and be screaming "HE'S GOT A GUN, CALL 911"

The MMA style beat down to the head doesn't jive with a fear of being shot by a gun.

I agree.

Martin probably didn't even see the gun until it was buried in his chest.

Another lie Zimmerman told.

Sorry, you're going to have to elaborate.

My understanding is Zimmerman said Martin saw the gun AFTER he was on top of Zimmerman wailing away on him.

That seems totally consistent with the facts.

They struggle, gun goes off one time, Martin stops fighting.
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