The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Clearly if Trayvon was the thug he's being made to be, Zimmerman would be dead today.


Here's another sort of similar circumstance.

Had the young man shot the old man..I doubt one Zimmerman supporter on this board would be jumping to the young man's defense.

I certainly wouldn't. The old man retreated, but the young one couldn't let it go.
Clearly if Trayvon was the thug he's being made to be, Zimmerman would be dead today.


Here's another sort of similar circumstance.

Had the young man shot the old man..I doubt one Zimmerman supporter on this board would be jumping to the young man's defense.

First, the black guy struck first.

Second, the white guy stopped hitting him once he was down.

Had he continued to wail on the black guy after he was down, and no one was stopping him...and the black guy believed he was in danger of death or grievous bodily harm, he would have been within his rights to use lethal force to stop the attack.

But it didn't come to that...white guy ended the threat to himself, and walked away.

Had Martin done that, he would be alive today.

There's no indication that Martin would not have done that. And there's nothing to indicate that Zimmerman didn't start the altercation other than Zimmerman..who's basically changed his version of events several times.

And, no, I do not think that use of lethal force against an unarmed opponent is justified in the majority of cases. That would really take an extraordinary event.

Part of which does not involve the person using the gun stalking his opponent and aggravating a tense situation.
Clearly if Trayvon was the thug he's being made to be, Zimmerman would be dead today.


Here's another sort of similar circumstance.

Had the young man shot the old man..I doubt one Zimmerman supporter on this board would be jumping to the young man's defense.

I certainly wouldn't. The old man retreated, but the young one couldn't let it go.

And that's the "shooting match".

Here in this scenario..the young man is doing what Zimmerman did.
Is that why you became a nurse instead? The only thing you have shown me is that you can google wikipedia.

I did not become 'a nurse instead.' I was already a board certified NP when I enrolled in law school. I never intended to practice law. A person who only teaches law is not required to hold a license. I got the degree to be better in my field, and to be able to start my own business upon retirement. Fact is, my business has been started for some time now. And FYI a lot of nurses get doctorates, and a lot of us get JDs. We even get paid in our clinical practice for having it because it is a doctorate in a related field. We also have a professional organization known as The American Association of Nurse Attorneys.

As to the wiki and sites from which I post, well you can just suck that one up. I am under no obligation to pay for a service like WestLaw or Lexus/Nexus to post cases on a message board even though I can get free access to both of those through other services available to me through my schools, and through various court websites. But the thing you fail to recognize is that I know which cases to look for, obscure cases, obscure laws, etc. A person who does not have command of the law cannot hone in on those things because they don't have the knowledge of what to look for. So you can suck it up. And am still a board certified nurse practitioner, and I can legally teach the law if I so choose.

You are very young. You would do well to spend your time in pursuit of formal education. I can assure you your life will improve if you do.

Or maybe you just took a couple of criminal justice classes...none of us will ever know or care. You're just another online braggart to me who calls people they dont know faggot. You should have taken some maturity classes.

Im not as young as you think and have a degree. I just dont feel the need to boast of my degrees, certifications, sports trophies and employment as you do. Especially not to an internet message board. You have a need to post your resume every time you think your words or claims will give you some credibility or an edge in your argument.

LMAO. I haven't had any trouble convincing those who have JDs and those who are attorneys because we all know the sweat and toil that goes into it. Clearly you have no clue what it takes to get a JD. I can tell you, and so will they you will read more in your first year of law school than you read in your entire undergraduate career. I didn't even go full time and it was 2,000 pages a week. Every week.

And you have to suck up the faggot thing too. You called me a bigot, and my response was going to rhyme. Get over it. That's how forums work.

And yes, when I can produce the case laws and statutes and you cannot, I do have more credibility and an edge over you.
Oh you bet that's NOT the issue.

Because if it is the issue..then there are much bigger problems.

That means anyone can shoot anyone else because of fear.

And we are back to the Old West.

Anyone CAN shoot anyone else because of fear - 'reasonable fear.' This is not a prima facie case for self defense. Self defense has been upheld by the higher courts and in the statutes for years. And there is no 'he started it' clause.

Those cases generally come with a "proportional use of force" and prior to stand your grand, you were required to try and get away, first.

It's be sliding thanks to the gun lobby into..who ever is the fastest draw, wins.


Only in states that require you to retreat. And even then you are not always required to retreat.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. declared in Brown v. United States (1921) (256 U.S. 335, 343 (16 May 1921)), a case that upheld the "no duty to retreat" maxim, that "detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife".[4]

Stand-your-ground law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm pretty sure if someone is beating your head into the concrete that you are not required to retreat.
It depends on the state. In FL you must have a permit to carry. I dont know whether they allow open carry or not.

If the carry permit is a concealed carry permit and there is no law forbidding open carry, then open carry is legal. That's how the system works. You can do what you want unless what you want to do is forbidden by law.


out here we have open carry no permit needed

cc permit needed

Same here.
I did not become 'a nurse instead.' I was already a board certified NP when I enrolled in law school. I never intended to practice law. A person who only teaches law is not required to hold a license. I got the degree to be better in my field, and to be able to start my own business upon retirement. Fact is, my business has been started for some time now. And FYI a lot of nurses get doctorates, and a lot of us get JDs. We even get paid in our clinical practice for having it because it is a doctorate in a related field. We also have a professional organization known as The American Association of Nurse Attorneys.

As to the wiki and sites from which I post, well you can just suck that one up. I am under no obligation to pay for a service like WestLaw or Lexus/Nexus to post cases on a message board even though I can get free access to both of those through other services available to me through my schools, and through various court websites. But the thing you fail to recognize is that I know which cases to look for, obscure cases, obscure laws, etc. A person who does not have command of the law cannot hone in on those things because they don't have the knowledge of what to look for. So you can suck it up. And am still a board certified nurse practitioner, and I can legally teach the law if I so choose.

You are very young. You would do well to spend your time in pursuit of formal education. I can assure you your life will improve if you do.

Or maybe you just took a couple of criminal justice classes...none of us will ever know or care. You're just another online braggart to me who calls people they dont know faggot. You should have taken some maturity classes.

Im not as young as you think and have a degree. I just dont feel the need to boast of my degrees, certifications, sports trophies and employment as you do. Especially not to an internet message board. You have a need to post your resume every time you think your words or claims will give you some credibility or an edge in your argument.

LMAO. I haven't had any trouble convincing those who have JDs and those who are attorneys because we all know the sweat and toil that goes into it. Clearly you have no clue what it takes to get a JD. I can tell you, and so will they you will read more in your first year of law school than you read in your entire undergraduate career. I didn't even go full time and it was 2,000 pages a week. Every week.

And you have to suck up the faggot thing too. You called me a bigot, and my response was going to rhyme. Get over it. That's how forums work.

And yes, when I can produce the case laws and statutes and you cannot, I do have more credibility and an edge over you.

UNREAD!!! Im not impressed by your claims or your googling abilities. Your arguments are continually diminished by your vulgar language and immature name calling. Please quit trying to convince me...I have my opinion...I think you are a blowhard. Change your behavior and maybe I will reassess...or maybe not.
I think you are reaching here.

Play it through in your minds eye.

You are in fear of being shot.

Fistfight or wrestle?

The LAST thing I'm going to do is straddle the guy and hit in the face exposing my chest...

I want to be BEHIND him locking his arms and hands in a hold that prevents him from reaching that gun...and be screaming "HE'S GOT A GUN, CALL 911"

The MMA style beat down to the head doesn't jive with a fear of being shot by a gun.

I agree.

Martin probably didn't even see the gun until it was buried in his chest.

Another lie Zimmerman told.

Sorry, you're going to have to elaborate.

My understanding is Zimmerman said Martin saw the gun AFTER he was on top of Zimmerman wailing away on him.

That seems totally consistent with the facts.

They struggle, gun goes off one time, Martin stops fighting.

Zimmerman had his hands free enough to take the gun out his holster and deliver a near perfect shot to Martin's chest which killed him instantly.

That doesn't sound like he was blacking out or near death.
Anyone CAN shoot anyone else because of fear - 'reasonable fear.' This is not a prima facie case for self defense. Self defense has been upheld by the higher courts and in the statutes for years. And there is no 'he started it' clause.

Those cases generally come with a "proportional use of force" and prior to stand your grand, you were required to try and get away, first.

It's be sliding thanks to the gun lobby into..who ever is the fastest draw, wins.


Only in states that require you to retreat. And even then you are not always required to retreat.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. declared in Brown v. United States (1921) (256 U.S. 335, 343 (16 May 1921)), a case that upheld the "no duty to retreat" maxim, that "detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife".[4]

Stand-your-ground law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm pretty sure if someone is beating your head into the concrete that you are not required to retreat.

Martin had a knife?

This gets better and better.
Check out the Blaze coverage of all the death threats written in ebonics directed at Zimmy

Fine upstanding citizens

Those cases generally come with a "proportional use of force" and prior to stand your grand, you were required to try and get away, first.

It's be sliding thanks to the gun lobby into..who ever is the fastest draw, wins.

Wrong on most counts. There is no "proportional use of force" in most places. The common law standard is very clear.

Give it a rest.

In sane states like New York, you can't blow a kid away because you are losing the fight you started.

That would murder.

zat so?

A Brooklyn teenager waving a water pistol that looked like a machine gun was critically wounded early yesterday by two cops who fired at him 17 times, police said. Cops said Michael Lane Jones, 16, refused to drop the "very realistic replica" of a fearsome Tec-9 machine gun that he was carrying while riding a bicycle in his Fort Greene neighborhood about 2:40 a


Yes....quite the flare for spectacular misinformation no?

First they claim she wrote the letter and now she says she can't read it.


Well you can be sure that part of that " Social Justice " brigade will include stealing expensive sneakers from the nearest store front.

As the civil rights movment becomes less and less relevant they need to indentify new villains to keep those government checks coming in. After all there are a lot of mansions and porches out there than need to be paid for....
Had Martin just punched Zimmerman in the nose that would have been the end of it. It was the ground and pound that got him shot.

Bullshit! That murdering racist was going to shoot that kid no matter what. He fantasized about it along with his racist friends and family. Let him go free. Its up to Trayvon's family to get revenge. The justice system doesn't give a shit about Black kids. That's our own fault. Doesn't mean we cant seek our own vengeance.


Now you're just being a creepy ass cracker.
I still don't know whether Zimmerman's motives nor does anybody else here. I have followed suspicious looking personx in my neighborhood. My next door neighbor actually chased one down in a truck due to bizarre behavior after a series of burglaries in our area. (It turned out to be a UPS guy using a rental truck while the UPS truck was in the shop.) It is what people in a neighborhood watch area do. And some will be more zealous and/or aggressive about it than others despite our police training to not be proactive.

But again, the most compelling evidence in Zimmerman's favor at this time is the fact that we have a witness reporting Martin complaining about a "creepy ass cracker" following him. We have Zimmerman on the 911 tape saying he had lost sight of Martin and didn't know where he was. It was a dark rainy night. Does anybody think a physically fit teenager could not have easily run away from a perceived danger?

There are many Americans who put the lives of others ahead of their own: Policemen, nurses, doctors, soldiers, to name a few. All of them are voluntarily in harm's way. But even in those instances there are many situations which demand that the person defend his/her own life and they are legally allowed to do so.

Your statement has to be the stupidest one I have EVER read on a forum. Humans are genetically programmed to preserve their own lives, and the law allows it.

So in your mind, depraved as it appears to be, an 8year old little girl brandishing a toy gun and yelling bang, deserves to die. Nice.
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