The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I have only seen highlights of the trial. From my limited exposure - it doesn't look like the prosecution is proving their case. Questionable witnesses, less than convincing witnesses and a few whose words did more good for the defense.
At this point I would wager the chances as 40% acquittal, 40% manslaughter with a light sentence and 20% guilty of murder. The prosecution is not making their case.
He did not lie about his injuries. where have you been?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

it becomes a question of degree. .

No, it is a question of competency. Chief ME neither was there to examine Z, nor does she have any credentials to do so. She is a pathologist, she does not treat people.
So she does not know what she is talking about.
There's lessons to be learned from this trial.

Don't talk to the police without an attorney
If you suspect someone is up to no good, call 911 and wait for the police
If someone is following you, don't go back to confront that person
If you are carrying a gun, announce that you are armed and who you are
Don't be a punk and sucker punch someone who asks you a simple question
If you're at your house, just go inside if you are being followed
If you're being followed, don't call your friend, call 911
If you hear someone screaming for help, try to help
If you don't know what happened, don't speculate. Wait for the evidence to come out.
Yep and your bias is completely race driven also...and dont even fake it.:eusa_liar:

You relate to black teens being followed in the dark and rain about as well as Sharpton relates to a KKK marshmallow party. Get off your high horse, Jack.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?

Well whats the matter, ernie? Dont like being called a racist? Well, Im shocked...why were cheering the lies of the forum wench just a couple of hours ago...what happened? Change of heart? Or truth hurts?


He isn't a racist.

Give it up.
Here it is...the exchange from last night which CrazyTrain25 is referencing...

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

yep, and anyone that says that isnt racist is a quack! He is speaking in place of a black, look at the post he responded to...this is where it all started last night...his racist rant was in response to a respectful post (of course not shown). The debate when south for him, so he went on a rant. Then claimed it was a mirror post of the one he responded to...LIE!

You can blame M in part for the frustration started with him and this post.
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In my world jumping a guy because -as testified to by his sexting buddy, is a crazy ass cracker rapist - just ain't right

Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?


One of the most important components of racism is the notion that the other races are inferior to your own.

Nothing that Martin has said or done really shows that.

I think you are reaching here Sallow.

I would define racism and deeply held animosity based solely on race.
In my world jumping a guy because -as testified to by his sexting buddy, is a crazy ass cracker rapist - just ain't right

Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?


One of the most important components of racism is the notion that the other races are inferior to your own.

Nothing that Martin has said or done really shows that.

Interesting witness. A latent print analyst. I am assuming the prosecution will try to establish that there was none of Zimmerman's DNA or other body oils on or under Martin's nails. Or any of Trayvon's latent prints of value on the gun.
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Here it is...the exchange from last night which CrazyTrain25 is referencing...

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.

yep, and anyone that says that isnt racist is a quack! He is speaking in place of a black, look at the post he responded to...this is where it all started last night...his racist rant was in response to a respectful post (of course not shown). The debate when south for him, so he went on a rant. Then claimed it was a mirror post of the one he responded to...LIE!

You can blame M in part for the frustration started with him and this post.

Yer an idiot. And now you are blaming Missourian for YOUR melt down last night with the name calling rampage you have been on since then? :cuckoo:
Man up and grow a pair.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?

Well whats the matter, ernie? Dont like being called a racist? Well, Im shocked...why were cheering the lies of the forum wench just a couple of hours ago...what happened? Change of heart? Or truth hurts?


He isn't a racist.

Give it up.

You are late to the need to catch up or shut up. Dont worry, i dont expect you to do either.

I was accused of being racist, homophobic, agist, you name it....he cheered it...then when I posted the lie in the accusers own words in a previous post...he dismissed it.

So save me the give it up have no idea.
He did not lie about his injuries. where have you been?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?
Where is the case? Why on earth do you people want to hang this man so much?

Don't you think he has a right to a fair trial???? The guy isn't even white so wtf!

He killed a 17 yr. old kid in cold blood. He's getting all the fairness he didn't give that boy.

I've heard this question a couple of times now, talking point of the day?

Again.. idiot.. your ASSUMPTION is 'cold blood'.. the evidence produced so far contradicts your assumption
I pointed out some time ago..and it seems that the prosecution has a like mind.

Zimmerman was a wannabe cop. Everything the Prosecution has shown, puts that on display rather nicely.

As to whether that's murder 2? I dunno. But Zimmerman definitely was in no danger of losing his life.

You have been saying GZ was hunting coons. Now that that blew up in your face you switched to wannabe cop crap. Even if true it is no reason or proof GZ murdered TM instead of self defense. TM had no right to beat or try to kill GZ especially since TM was not harmed in any way. TM continued to beat a retreating, subdued person who was screaming help & had not injured him. GZ as a citizen had every to shoot the unarmed TM after that.
Ms. Rao is not able to answer questions clearly. She is abrasive and hostile.

All that means is that you don't like the fact that she's been an EXCELLENT witness for the prosecution and you don't like that.

Carry on.

The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?

assaulting someone is a crime you f***** dummy

Welcome to my nightmare
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