The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Nice story, here's another.

A few years ago, I was waiting for a red light to turn green, there was a car in front of me, I was on my cell phone texting. I thought the light was green and a hit my gas. I tapped the car in front of me.

The driver, a female, came out the car CLAIMING her back was hurting like never before, she was almost wailing.

The cop that came ended up dismissing me and dealt with the matter after giving me a ticket.

Clearly the woman was making crap up, as I barely tapped her car, there was not even a dent.

Morale of the story is, Zimmerman can CLAIM anything, including yelling like a banshee...that doesn't make his injuries any more real.

Furthermore, the matter of WHO was screaming has not yet been established, yet you're using that as some sort of fact.

It's clear where you stand.

Yes. Zimmerman can claim anything and that doesn't make his injuries real.

The photographs of the injuries are what prove they actually happened.
I guess I needed to specify that it was the EXTENT of his injuries...clearly he got some injuries that amounts to some scratches. Clearly.

Clearly, the injuries themselves do not need to be life threatening, the person only needs to have reasonable fear for his life in order to defend himself. What part of this sounds malicious to you? What would you be doing if you were having your face beat in like that?
Could she use her law degree to tell me how significant the injuries need to be for someone can lawfully claim self-defense?
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.


Best question of the trial. Would the next injury have been life threating or caused death? That is a reasonable fear for ones life.
Actually, it was one of the worst questions, if not the worst questions of the trial. And the judge threw it out.

White Bare

It doesn't matter if the judge told them to forget what they heard. They still heard it. The prosecution made an egregious error by allowing the jury to brood over that testimony all night before asking for it to be stricken form the record. The jury will still rule based on testimony regardless. This shows a great amount of indecision on the part of the prosecution.
Nice story, here's another.

A few years ago, I was waiting for a red light to turn green, there was a car in front of me, I was on my cell phone texting. I thought the light was green and a hit my gas. I tapped the car in front of me.

The driver, a female, came out the car CLAIMING her back was hurting like never before, she was almost wailing.

The cop that came ended up dismissing me and dealt with the matter after giving me a ticket.

Clearly the woman was making crap up, as I barely tapped her car, there was not even a dent.

Morale of the story is, Zimmerman can CLAIM anything, including yelling like a banshee...that doesn't make his injuries any more real.

Furthermore, the matter of WHO was screaming has not yet been established, yet you're using that as some sort of fact.

It's clear where you stand.

Yes. Zimmerman can claim anything and that doesn't make his injuries real.

The photographs of the injuries are what prove they actually happened.
I guess I needed to specify that it was the EXTENT of his injuries...clearly he got some injuries that amounts to some scratches. Clearly.

I received injuries somewhat similar to Zimmerman's just cleaning up around here after Hurricane Sandy. Seriously. OK, since it didn't include confronting a teenager armed with a bag of Skittles my nose didn't bleed.
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



But did you watch cross where she said it was possible that it could have been multiple impacts?
There is no level of injuries that are required under state law. GZ says he was in fear for his life. All the evidence supports that. So no I don't believe he is lying. Although, he is a semi-white person accused of killing a black person, so he is more than likely a devil.
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?

his nose was broken, his head was bleeding in several places, he was screaming for help. Do you think he felt in danger for his life? Plus TM was bigger and stronger and he was on top.

His nose was not broken and he didn't receive even one suture. He was not screaming, Trayvon was.

But then nobody has ever accused you of having any integrity.
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



None of your trolling should warrant a response. But someone has to kick your ass to and fro this board.
I pointed out some time ago..and it seems that the prosecution has a like mind.

Zimmerman was a wannabe cop. Everything the Prosecution has shown, puts that on display rather nicely.

As to whether that's murder 2? I dunno. But Zimmerman definitely was in no danger of losing his life.

You have been saying GZ was hunting coons. Now that that blew up in your face you switched to wannabe cop crap. Even if true it is no reason or proof GZ murdered TM instead of self defense. TM had no right to beat or try to kill GZ especially since TM was not harmed in any way. TM continued to beat a retreating, subdued person who was screaming help & had not injured him. GZ as a citizen had every to shoot the unarmed TM after that.

Is this true, sallow? You said this? well now that wasnt very nice...based on what? MSNBCs edited recording...didnt they drop that cause it got shot to hell a year ago? Now why would you say something like that? Shame shame on you.

Did I say what?

That Zimmerman was out on the hunt? And hunting coons?


I stand by it.

Zimmerman is basically the poster boy for everything you don't want in someone carrying a concealed weapon on the streets.

And because of that..a boy is dead.

I think at the very least, Mr. Zimmerman is a bigoted and violent person with a hero complex.

I think he murdered someone that night.

However, I don't think the evidence is strong enough to get murder 2.

We'll see.
Best question of the trial. Would the next injury have been life threating or caused death? That is a reasonable fear for ones life.

It doesn't matter. It is the worst question of the trial. (OK maybe not the worst). The issue is whether a reasonable person in Zimmerman's position would be in fear of death or severe bodily injury.

The answer is obviously yes.

The ignorance of people on this site as to basic criminal law, and details of the laws of self defense is astounding.
You got it!

We agree.

That is the ONLY question at hand in this case. That is what he will be judged guilty or not guilty on, whether he was justified in killing Trayvon Martin. The only justification is fear for his life.

You clearly believe he was...I don't.

Let's see how it pans out.
Yes. Zimmerman can claim anything and that doesn't make his injuries real.

The photographs of the injuries are what prove they actually happened.
I guess I needed to specify that it was the EXTENT of his injuries...clearly he got some injuries that amounts to some scratches. Clearly.

Clearly, the injuries themselves do not need to be life threatening, the person only needs to have reasonable fear for his life in order to defend himself. What part of this sounds malicious to you? What would you be doing if you were having your face beat in like that?

So, if a guy pulls a gun on me, do I have to wait until he fires it?

That's what our moronic pals on the left are saying.

Did Z have to wait until he had a mortal intercranial hematoma to defend himself?

Oh BTW. I done shot the sumbitch with the gun before he got it halfway out.

dimocraps are stupid
Awe. Sunshine. More negs? What for this time? Seriously why don't you just put me on ignore if you don't like my opinion. Or have the guts to tell me why. Sad sad old witch. No humor. No character. Just a sad sad mean old woman.

Oh and your welcome. Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Completely agree...dont worry she was embarrassed today...proven liar is her rep now...that is for anyone that can read.
You have been saying GZ was hunting coons. Now that that blew up in your face you switched to wannabe cop crap. Even if true it is no reason or proof GZ murdered TM instead of self defense. TM had no right to beat or try to kill GZ especially since TM was not harmed in any way. TM continued to beat a retreating, subdued person who was screaming help & had not injured him. GZ as a citizen had every to shoot the unarmed TM after that.

Is this true, sallow? You said this? well now that wasnt very nice...based on what? MSNBCs edited recording...didnt they drop that cause it got shot to hell a year ago? Now why would you say something like that? Shame shame on you.

Did I say what?

That Zimmerman was out on the hunt? And hunting coons?


I stand by it.

Zimmerman is basically the poster boy for everything you don't want in someone carrying a concealed weapon on the streets.

And because of that..a boy is dead.

I think at the very least, Mr. Zimmerman is a bigoted and violent person with a hero complex.

I think he murdered someone that night.

However, I don't think the evidence is strong enough to get murder 2.

We'll see.

Just messin with ya sallow.
I agree with your agreement completely. But we need to drop the race shit. The Feds didn't find one shred that he's a racist and closed the investigation. The only racist evidence we've actually seen is TM hisself.

It's all they have left. 25 is now calling me racist, baby Snookums just spews hate. They have nothing else to toss out. Every witness, every exhibit the prosecution has presented has been a home run for the defense, so it's GOT to be about race.

You really haven't been watching this trial.

That's not the prosecution's all.

I pointed out some time ago..and it seems that the prosecution has a like mind.

Zimmerman was a wannabe cop. Everything the Prosecution has shown, puts that on display rather nicely.

As to whether that's murder 2? I dunno. But Zimmerman definitely was in no danger of losing his life.

I have been watching (though not much today) and while I agree the prosecutors have been trying to portray Zimmerman as a wannabe cop, they seem, at least to me to be falling flat. Once we extract all the racism, there ain't no case.
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.
I'm still betting more went on during that phone call with Moron Rachel that she isn't telling about. The one that brought race into the mix was Moron Rachel and her cracker comments. So going by HER testamony and HER attitude and what SHE said concerning her buds and herself, I am presuming Trayvon was going to go teach cracker a lesson and didn't count on cracker having a gun.

She even said something along the lines of "if he was going to beat up someone, he would hang up and call me back when done". He didn't call back. Because he got dead. Maybe those friends had a habit of 3 way discussions talking about beating crackers. Maybe not. Nobody will ever know so all any of us have to go on, including the jury, is what is proven in court.
I guess I needed to specify that it was the EXTENT of his injuries...clearly he got some injuries that amounts to some scratches. Clearly.

Clearly, the injuries themselves do not need to be life threatening, the person only needs to have reasonable fear for his life in order to defend himself. What part of this sounds malicious to you? What would you be doing if you were having your face beat in like that?

So, if a guy pulls a gun on me, do I have to wait until he fires it?

That's what our moronic pals on the left are saying.

Did Z have to wait until he had a mortal intercranial hematoma to defend himself?

Oh BTW. I done shot the sumbitch with the gun before he got it halfway out.

dimocraps are stupid

PRECISELY!! If you wait for the coup de grace (fatal blow, killing blow, etc.), you are already dead, and can't possibly defend yourself as a corpse. So, reasonable fear is inserted, to allow the victim some leeway.
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?

Well.. according to Sarah... she believes he went and rolled around and did them himself after he hunted down TM like an animal...


Even tho a witness for the PROSECUTION testified that Martin was on top throwing fists...Lol!
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