The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!

I can't believe how many people want to start the tape rolling from the middle instead of the beginning....You have a Wanna-be Cop who takes a gun out on Neighborhood Watch, clearly in violation of the HOA rules as set up by the fucking Sanford PD...But you just start the story wherever it suits your purposes.

1. Does Zimmerman have a right to carry a gun?
2. Does Zimmerman have the right of self defense?

How about it asshole?
Why is it bad to want to be a cop? I would assume that is more honorable profession than say professional welfare recipient.
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



Is it true or is it false that she did not actually examine Zimmerman's head?
That's the first possibility; for adults. The third possibility doesn't include "lawful justification" in the case of a minor as an absolute defense; IE self defense. It merely states that a person is guilty of manslaughter if his culpable negligence leads to the death of that person. THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. IT'S FREAKING BLACK AND WHITE. I'M NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT A GRAY AREA HERE.

Your own quoted text does not say what you claim. It clearly lists for all clauses that justified killings are not manslaughter

(3) A person who causes the death of any person under the age of 18 by culpable negligence under s. 827.03(2)(b) commits aggravated manslaughter of a child, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Where does that list legal justification as an out to manslaughter? It doesn't. Self defense is the legal justification against murder, not manslaughter (against a minor in FL). So, for instance, if the defense proved that Zimmerman started the fight then that could be culpable negligence and grounds for manslaughter. Again, this is not difficult.

Now read 827.03(2)(b)
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?



If you're having your head smacked into a sidewalk, and having your face beaten, you aren't counting the're feeling the pain. It doesn't matter how many times it happened, or how deep the gashes were...he had a kid on him that wanted him dead (Martin even said that night that someone was going to die). So what would YOU do?

"Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of 'You're going to die now' or 'You're gonna die tonight' — something to that effect," Robert Zimmerman said. "He continued to beat George. At some point, George pulled his pistol and did what he did."
A look at what happened the night Trayvon Martin died | Tampa Bay Times
We only have Zimmerman's word that those words were actually said, he's on trial, and has been painted as a pathological liar.

Yet, you're taking his bogus claims as gospel truth.

You don't have a leg to stand on son.

Pathological liar???? Lol! Most that has come out shows Zimmerman was most likely telling the truth! The prosecution witnesses have helped Z more than anyone so far.....The defense won't need to bring anyone in. Lol!
If you think that Zimmerman's injuries are significant in this case you are entirely wrong. His actual injuries don't mean anything because they do not affect intent. Intent is what Zimmerman was thinking. The state basically has no case.

I agree.

But that doesn't mean the Jury still won't find him 'guilty'

This is obama's America, afterall
Wouldn't he have to be behind first?

He is. They always start out ok but then they drone on and on until they lose everyone. They talk themselves alone..


Im sorry our justice system bores you. Perhaps we should just do away with it and hang Zimmerman from the closest tree. Would that make you feel better?

No, but I think given Zimmerman's previous record of assaulting a police officer should have banned him from owning a gun and then the passing of further legislation for gun registration and maybe this entire tragedy could have been avoided in the first place.

Would that work for you? I'm sorry reality bores you.

New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop In 2005

Read more: New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop - Business Insider

During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?


To me it sounds like a tragedy. A horrible, unfortunate tragedy.

Whether you like George Zimmerman or not, you have to be intellectually honest... If not with me, with yourself, and admit that GZ may have been frightened out of his gourd, that he was getting the living shit beat out of him by a kid who is a street fighter and, by all accounts, a good one.

And that GZ pulled his gun.... A gun he had EVERY legal right to carry -- And shot Trayvon dead.

A tragedy.

Two tragedies don't cancel each other out. And neither does a tragedy and an injustice
Trayvon is subject to the same fear for his life that you give Zimmerman the rights to have.

It boils down to who was the aggressor.

I believe that the evidence points to Zimmerman being the aggressor. Had he followed the suggestion of the dispatcher he would not be in this least not today.

Based on his past he seemed like he was destined to kill somebody's child. He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people.

He was a wannabe cop that finally found the trouble he was looking for.

I'm not making this stuff up dude.
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?



If you're having your head smacked into a sidewalk, and having your face beaten, you aren't counting the're feeling the pain. It doesn't matter how many times it happened, or how deep the gashes were...he had a kid on him that wanted him dead (Martin even said that night that someone was going to die). So what would YOU do?

"Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of 'You're going to die now' or 'You're gonna die tonight' — something to that effect," Robert Zimmerman said. "He continued to beat George. At some point, George pulled his pistol and did what he did."
A look at what happened the night Trayvon Martin died | Tampa Bay Times
We only have Zimmerman's word that those words were actually said, he's on trial, and has been painted as a pathological liar.

Yet, you're taking his bogus claims as gospel truth.

You don't have a leg to stand on son.

Pathological liar?

Hyperbole has been a good strategy for you in life?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?
Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
I'm not grabbing at anything. However, you're hedging.

You just don't want to ADMIT that Zimmerman's been lying his A$$ off.

In order to admit something, it has to be shown that's it's true. It hasnt been shown to be true. That's the only reason we can't admit to it.

But let's say for a second that your correct that Zimmerman exagerated his wounds.

How does that change the fact that the wounds he has shows he was being attacked? The eye witness places Trayvon over Zimmerman attacking him? That his head was being hit against the ground? That forensics has shown that Trayvons knuckles are consistant with hitting Zimmerman?

You act as if the only evidence for Zimmerman is his statements. It's not the forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's version of events as well as the eye witness testimony we heard.

The prosecution has the burden to prove their case. They haven't been able to do this. And the defense hasn't even started.

So why should we ignore all this evidence that has nothing to do with Zimmerman's statements?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?

Marc, if that is what you believe actually happened, then I understand your outrage. However, in my opinion, based on the evidence available, I don't believe that is exactly went down.

But, I will respect your opinion, and I'm sure others would too, if you would just be willing to see over the fence to the other side and admit that the evidence leaves doubt to your account.
I'm seeing the other fence.

Number 1, Zimmerman on tape saying "These @#^&** punks always get away."
That goes to state of mind

Number 2, Zimmerman's many and differing testimonies given as to what happened that night, including the extent of the injuries he sustained.
It shows a pattern of lies.

Trayvon was not the aggressor here.

Number 1, TM according to his ear witness saying creepy ass cracker
That goes to state of mind

Number 2, Same ear witness many and differing testimonies given as to what she heard that night, including bias to where the deposition that led to probable cause was held.
It shows a pattern of lies.

No one can prove GZ was the aggressor here.
If you think that Zimmerman's injuries are significant in this case you are entirely wrong. His actual injuries don't mean anything because they do not affect intent. Intent is what Zimmerman was thinking. The state basically has no case.

I agree.

But that doesn't mean the Jury still won't find him 'guilty'

This is obama's America, afterall

This is what happens one half of this country no longer believes in the word of the law. The left hates self defense and you're worse then the person trying to kill you within their eyes if you use it.

Evidence? That doesn't matter as that means nothing. As long as it can be used as a emotional circle jerk and for political purposes. They will.
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?


To me it sounds like a tragedy. A horrible, unfortunate tragedy.

Whether you like George Zimmerman or not, you have to be intellectually honest... If not with me, with yourself, and admit that GZ may have been frightened out of his gourd, that he was getting the living shit beat out of him by a kid who is a street fighter and, by all accounts, a good one.

And that GZ pulled his gun.... A gun he had EVERY legal right to carry -- And shot Trayvon dead.

A tragedy.

Two tragedies don't cancel each other out. And neither does a tragedy and an injustice
Trayvon is subject to the same fear for his life that you give Zimmerman the rights to have.

It boils down to who was the aggressor.

I believe that the evidence points to Zimmerman being the aggressor. Had he followed the suggestion of the dispatcher he would not be in this least not today.

Based on his past he seemed like he was destined to kill somebody's child. He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people.

He was a wannabe cop that finally found the trouble he was looking for.

I'm not making this stuff up dude.

"He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people."

You wanna try that again?

If you don't revisit that claim and make adjustments to it, I will know that you're just trolling this thread and don't care about your credibility, only about getting a reaction from people who are actually trying to stick close to the facts.
Someone refresh my memory, please.

Martin did NOT have any marks on his hands at all? If not, how could he have punched zimmermans face without having damage to his own hand? Does punching leave marks on the hand used?

Second...zimmerman and his friend said Martin grabbed for the gun. Then why are there no dna or prints on the gun that belong to Martin? How easily is dna deposited on a surface of a material object?
He is. They always start out ok but then they drone on and on until they lose everyone. They talk themselves alone..


Im sorry our justice system bores you. Perhaps we should just do away with it and hang Zimmerman from the closest tree. Would that make you feel better?

No, but I think given Zimmerman's previous record of assaulting a police officer should have banned him from owning a gun and then the passing of further legislation for gun registration and maybe this entire tragedy could have been avoided in the first place.

Would that work for you? I'm sorry reality bores you.

New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop In 2005

Read more: New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop - Business Insider

That has nothing to do with the killing of the street thug traydick martin. Sorry.

Wow what a dumb shit you're. :eek: Yay, let's make this about guns!!! Wahoo! Hang Zimmerman high!
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?

his nose was broken, his head was bleeding in several places, he was screaming for help. Do you think he felt in danger for his life? Plus TM was bigger and stronger and he was on top.

His nose was not broken and he didn't receive even one suture. He was not screaming, Trayvon was.

But then nobody has ever accused you of having any integrity.

the medical report said his nose was broken. I know you want GZ to fry because he is a white hispanic, but sometimes we just have to deal with the facts and let the jury decide.

you are no better than marcatl. this is nothing but a racial "get even" case to you. if GZ was black you would not be the least bit interested in this case and neither would the media. its a sickness in this country to continually stir up racial hatred.
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?

Marc, if that is what you believe actually happened, then I understand your outrage. However, in my opinion, based on the evidence available, I don't believe that is exactly went down.

But, I will respect your opinion, and I'm sure others would too, if you would just be willing to see over the fence to the other side and admit that the evidence leaves doubt to your account.
I'm seeing the other fence.

Number 1, Zimmerman on tape saying "These @#^&** punks always get away."
That goes to state of mind

Number 2, Zimmerman's many and differing testimonies given as to what happened that night, including the extent of the injuries he sustained.
It shows a pattern of lies.

Trayvon was not the aggressor here.

"These @#^&** punks" is not a racist comment.
"Creepy Ass Cracker" is a racist remark.
I've heard no lies.....but then, they're only lies because you want to see him hang just because he's "not" black.
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