The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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"He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people."

You wanna try that again?

If you don't revisit that claim and make adjustments to it, I will know that you're just trolling this thread and don't care about your credibility, only about getting a reaction from people who are actually trying to stick close to the facts.

Maybe if Black people would stop committing crimes=no problems? Oh'noooo's we can't be doing that. LOL

Stupid fuckers!

Especially since white people never commit crimes.

If TM was white would this case make the news anyplace? this case is nothing but race baiting to stir up shit-----its a sick society that we live in
He is. They always start out ok but then they drone on and on until they lose everyone. They talk themselves alone..


Im sorry our justice system bores you. Perhaps we should just do away with it and hang Zimmerman from the closest tree. Would that make you feel better?

No, but I think given Zimmerman's previous record of assaulting a police officer should have banned him from owning a gun and then the passing of further legislation for gun registration and maybe this entire tragedy could have been avoided in the first place.

Would that work for you? I'm sorry reality bores you.

New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop In 2005

Read more: New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop - Business Insider

OMG.....The charges were dropped! Lol! If he'd done anything wrong, if he had actually assaulted a police officer, do you honestly think he would have gotten off? :cuckoo:
Best question of the trial. Would the next injury have been life threating or caused death? That is a reasonable fear for ones life.

It doesn't matter. It is the worst question of the trial. (OK maybe not the worst). The issue is whether a reasonable person in Zimmerman's position would be in fear of death or severe bodily injury.

The answer is obviously yes.

The ignorance of people on this site as to basic criminal law, and details of the laws of self defense is astounding.
You got it!

We agree.

That is the ONLY question at hand in this case. That is what he will be judged guilty or not guilty on, whether he was justified in killing Trayvon Martin. The only justification is fear for his life.

You clearly believe he was...I don't.

Let's see how it pans out.

Yes. The difference is our belief is based on the evidence. You have to ignore the evidence to reach your conclusion.
Trayvon has how many hands? His hands was over his mouth. He had his head in his hands banging it into the concrete. He had his hands pinned down.
No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.

And you would be in prison. A convicted criminal. or dead.
He is. They always start out ok but then they drone on and on until they lose everyone. They talk themselves alone..


Im sorry our justice system bores you. Perhaps we should just do away with it and hang Zimmerman from the closest tree. Would that make you feel better?

No, but I think given Zimmerman's previous record of assaulting a police officer should have banned him from owning a gun and then the passing of further legislation for gun registration and maybe this entire tragedy could have been avoided in the first place.

Would that work for you? I'm sorry reality bores you.

New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop In 2005

Read more: New Evidence: George Zimmerman Was Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting A Cop - Business Insider

Was he convicted?

If not, then this doesn't matter.
Interesting witness. A latent print analyst. I am assuming the prosecution will try to establish that there was none of Zimmerman's DNA or other body oils on or under Martin's nails. Or any of Trayvon's latent prints of value on the gun.
To determine whether or not Trayvon's prints can be found on the gun. I believe that was another one of the bogus claims Zimmerman and/or his team has been asserting.
His nose was not broken and he didn't receive even one suture. He was not screaming, Trayvon was.

But then nobody has ever accused you of having any integrity.

We have no integrity because we believe the eye witness who was there who said he saw the exact opposite of what you are trying to portray as the truth?

Give me one good reason why this eye witness shouldn't be believed?

Because two other eyewitnesses said the opposite. It's not just me trying to portray it. You are creating your own set of facts.
Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!
At what point of someone following you from the store on your way home do you start to fear for your life Caroljo?
Interesting witness. A latent print analyst. I am assuming the prosecution will try to establish that there was none of Zimmerman's DNA or other body oils on or under Martin's nails. Or any of Trayvon's latent prints of value on the gun.
To determine whether or not Trayvon's prints can be found on the gun. I believe that was another one of the bogus claims Zimmerman and/or his team has been asserting.

Defense claimed Trayvon went for the gun not grabbed it.
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!
At what point of someone following you from the store on your way home do you start to fear for your life Caroljo?

When they attempt to or lay hands on me.
His nose was not broken and he didn't receive even one suture. He was not screaming, Trayvon was.

But then nobody has ever accused you of having any integrity.

We have no integrity because we believe the eye witness who was there who said he saw the exact opposite of what you are trying to portray as the truth?

Give me one good reason why this eye witness shouldn't be believed?

Because two other eyewitnesses said the opposite. It's not just me trying to portray it. You are creating your own set of facts.

Those witnesses were no where near the seen. Please try harder. lol
His nose was not broken and he didn't receive even one suture. He was not screaming, Trayvon was.

But then nobody has ever accused you of having any integrity.

We have no integrity because we believe the eye witness who was there who said he saw the exact opposite of what you are trying to portray as the truth?

Give me one good reason why this eye witness shouldn't be believed?

Because two other eyewitnesses said the opposite. It's not just me trying to portray it. You are creating your own set of facts.

Those two other eye witnesses said they saw GZ on top after the gunshot. That was in testimony and backs the defense's story. It is you trying to portray what you want to believe. You are creating your own set of facts.
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!

I can't believe how many people want to start the tape rolling from the middle instead of the beginning....You have a Wanna-be Cop who takes a gun out on Neighborhood Watch, clearly in violation of the HOA rules as set up by the fucking Sanford PD...But you just start the story wherever it suits your purposes.

I cant believe you are trying to talk about something you clearly have no knowledge about.

1) No one claimed he was on watch at the time. He was driving. Saw something supicious and called it in.
2) a HOA has no ability to strip someone of their second amendment rights. they are completely irrelevant to this entire case. As such, he can go wheterever the heck he wants as long as he is licensed.
3) Considering the evidence and forensics show Trayvon was attacking Zimmerman, self defense is a reasonable conclusion.
4) With the evidence presented so far, they are falling short of proving Zimmerman committed 2nd degree murder beyond a reasonable doubt. And the defense hasnt even put on their case yet.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were "not life threatening," adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

When you make baseless assumptions, you turn yourself into a spectacle. Which in turn becomes nothing more than comic relief for everyone else.
I'm not sure you're suggesting that I'm making baseless assumptions or not, but I'll repeat again, the testimonies given today and yesterday show Zimmerman to have lied about the extent of his injuries.

It's in his interest to portray himself as having a reasonable threat to his life, and not just embarrassed that he was losing a fist-fight to a 17 year old kid.

He has all the reason in the world to lie.

He had the balls to give testimony to Sean Hannity, he should have the balls to give testimony on trial and defend himself.
Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!
At what point of someone following you from the store on your way home do you start to fear for your life Caroljo?

When they attempt to or lay hands on me.

They need to have three elements:
1) Opportunity. Someone who is 300 feet behind you has no opportunity to do harm, absent a gun in his hand.
2) Ability. Someone with no ability to do harm, e.g. passed out in the street, is no threat to you.
3) Demonstrated intent. Someone who has not demonstrated intent to harm is no threat to you.
Zimmerman failed all three tests. Zimmerman was not a threat to Trayvon.
Trayvon passed all three tests. Trayvon was a threat to Zimmerman.

It really is not rocket science.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were "not life threatening," adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

When you make baseless assumptions, you turn yourself into a spectacle. Which in turn becomes nothing more than comic relief for everyone else.
I'm not sure you're suggesting that I'm making baseless assumptions or not, but I'll repeat again, the testimonies given today and yesterday show Zimmerman to have lied about the extent of his injuries.

It's in his interest to portray himself as having a reasonable threat to his life, and not just embarrassed that he was losing a fist-fight to a 17 year old kid.

He has all the reason in the world to lie.

He had the balls to give testimony to Sean Hannity, he should have the balls to give testimony on trial and defend himself.

Tracy Martin said it was not his son screaming. Then he changed his mind. That is apparently proof of being a liar. He went on Anderson Cooper and other shows. He should have the balls to explain his change in story.
The more information that is released on George Zimmerman, the individual that killed defenseless 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, for walking in his own family's neighborhood, the more it becomes clear that he is a paranoid racist, with a serious aversion to black people. Zimmerman equates being black with guilt and crime.

So much so, prior to murdering poor Martin, Zimmerman called 911 on April 22, 2011 to report a suspicious black 7-year-old, seeking police assistance. That says it all. He is deranged. The police department in Sanford, Florida should have arrested Zimmerman long ago, as his conduct was menacing, disturbing the peace and fraudulently usurping police resources, which is a serious crime the taxpayers footed the bill for.

There have been stories in the press of police and FBI in different parts of America, arresting people that called them too much. It is a crime to do such a thing, but Zimmerman mysteriously got away with it - 49 times in one year, complaining about black men and black children with no penalty. Something is very wrong with that. Filing a fraudulent police complaint is a crime. The Sanford police department bears liability in this fact.

Aisha: Trayvon Martin's Killer George Zimmerman Previously Reported Suspicious Black 7-Year-Old To 911

First you quote from a rapers Aisha BLOG! Fucking fool. Where the bitch disingenuously posted Trayvon's pic when he was 8 yrs old and not the MASSIVE 17 yr old he was!

Why not quote from where she quoted from:

Did Trayvon Shooter Abuse 911? - The Daily Beast
For the most part, the nature of Zimmerman’s calls make him sound more like a curmudgeon than a vigilante protecting the Retreat at Twin Lakes, the 260-unit gated community where he lived and where he shot Martin.

In November 2006, according to the log, Zimmerman placed a non-911 call to report a late model red Toyota pickup “driving around the neighborhood” and the apartment complex for several minutes.

In June 2009, he called to report that people were misbehaving in the community-pool area, jumping over the fence and trashing the bathroom.
George Zimmermen

Roberto Gonzalez / Getty Images; inset, Orange County Jail / Miami Herald / AP Photos

In October 2010, he called to report a woman in a blue Jeep Grand Cherokee who appeared to be yelling at elderly passengers.

But starting in 2011, Zimmerman’s calls increasingly focused on what he considered “suspicious” characters walking around the neighborhood—almost all of whom were young black males.

On April 22, 2011, Zimmerman called to report a black male about “7-9” years old, four feet tall, with a “skinny build” and short black hair. There is no indication in the police report of the reason for Zimmerman’s suspicion of the boy.

On Aug. 3 of last year, Zimmerman reported a black male who he believed was “involved in recent” burglaries in the neighborhood.

And on Oct. 1 he reported two black male suspects “20-30” years old, in a white Chevrolet Impala. He told police he did “not recognize” the men or their vehicle and that he was concerned because of the recent burglaries.

Jesus Christ assholes like you make it like having a vigilante community watch VOLUNTEER is a HIGH crime area where burglaries, vandalism and violent home invasions were plaguing the foreclosure crisis hit area! The Pole-eeece can't be everywhere. In fact they are usually never in the neighborhood when they are need, but a community watch volunteer is! I applaud Zimmerman for his effort to protect his community and damn all you fools that are attacking him for being the IDEAL neighbor!

An "ideal" neighbor doesn't blow away your 17 year old son.
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