The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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In my world jumping a guy because -as testified to by his sexting buddy, is a crazy ass cracker rapist - just ain't right

Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?


One of the most important components of racism is the notion that the other races are inferior to your own.

Nothing that Martin has said or done really shows that.

It's reasonable to think that he thought he was a superior fighter...
No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.

And if you initiated the force and GZ had reason to fear for his life you would have also had a bullet in your heart. Whether you were a woman, black, minor whatever. Law still applies.
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?

his nose was broken, his head was bleeding in several places, he was screaming for help. Do you think he felt in danger for his life? Plus TM was bigger and stronger and he was on top.

His nose was not broken and he didn't receive even one suture. He was not screaming, Trayvon was.

But then nobody has ever accused you of having any integrity.

Can you prove it? No one has accused you of the same.:cuckoo:
Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?



If you're having your head smacked into a sidewalk, and having your face beaten, you aren't counting the're feeling the pain. It doesn't matter how many times it happened, or how deep the gashes were...he had a kid on him that wanted him dead (Martin even said that night that someone was going to die). So what would YOU do?

"Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of 'You're going to die now' or 'You're gonna die tonight' — something to that effect," Robert Zimmerman said. "He continued to beat George. At some point, George pulled his pistol and did what he did."
A look at what happened the night Trayvon Martin died | Tampa Bay Times
We only have Zimmerman's word that those words were actually said, he's on trial, and has been painted as a pathological liar.

Yet, you're taking his bogus claims as gospel truth.

You don't have a leg to stand on son.
No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.

Why would anybody have cause to follow you?
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!
Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?

Well.. according to Sarah... she believes he went and rolled around and did them himself after he hunted down TM like an animal...


Even tho a witness for the PROSECUTION testified that Martin was on top throwing fists...Lol!

There's no case.

The people we're arguing with
1. Hate whites and want to start shit
2. Hate self defense

These people are the people that support the killer over the victim. They're very fucked up in the head.
Yep and your bias is completely race driven also...and dont even fake it.:eusa_liar:

You relate to black teens being followed in the dark and rain about as well as Sharpton relates to a KKK marshmallow party. Get off your high horse, Jack.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?

Well whats the matter, ernie? Dont like being called a racist? Well, Im shocked...why were cheering the lies of the forum wench just a couple of hours ago...what happened? Change of heart? Or truth hurts?
If you are going to call me anything, I'm going to ask you to back it up. Until you do, I'm going to laugh at you. OK?

And you never answered me about your new avatar.
Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!

They don't believe in self defense. :eusa_hand:!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me?

You didn't hear the witness, but SOME people are saying...?!?

This claptrap doesn't even warrant a response.



I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.

And if you initiated the force and GZ had reason to fear for his life you would have also had a bullet in your heart. Whether you were a woman, black, minor whatever. Law still applies.

Lots of "ifs" in there and that was not my point. But I can see one clearly on the top of your head, even from here.
I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.

And if you initiated the force and GZ had reason to fear for his life you would have also had a bullet in your heart. Whether you were a woman, black, minor whatever. Law still applies.

Lots of "ifs" in there but that was not my point. But I can see one clearly on the top of your head, even from here.


reasonable doubt. Throw out the case.

I know there's none and Zimmerman will be a millionaire soon.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were "not life threatening," adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

When you make baseless assumptions, you turn yourself into a spectacle. Which in turn becomes nothing more than comic relief for everyone else.
This "joke" of justice shows just how sick the population of this country is. When one can't even defend his self from a street thug=fucked.

The left won't be happy until the attacker can kill you and you're utterly punished if you defend yourself.
O'mara is really reaching here. He should have stopped while he's behind.

Wouldn't he have to be behind first?

He is. They always start out ok but then they drone on and on until they lose everyone. They talk themselves alone..


Im sorry our justice system bores you. Perhaps we should just do away with it and hang Zimmerman from the closest tree. Would that make you feel better?
Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Would you wait until you were beaten almost senseless before you did something about it?? No? Why expect Zimmerman to? By that time he probably would have been killed!

I can't believe how many people want to start the tape rolling from the middle instead of the beginning....You have a Wanna-be Cop who takes a gun out on Neighborhood Watch, clearly in violation of the HOA rules as set up by the fucking Sanford PD...But you just start the story wherever it suits your purposes.
I bet ER docs are laughing their asses off at Zimmerman's so-called wounds and injuries.

I'm a woman and I can tell you if Zimmerman had followed me for no reason and gotten in my face with a flashlight he would have been hurt far worse. Far, far worse. He'd have been sitting around with an ice pack on his groin and some stitches in his face with possible plastic surgery scheduled to reduce scar tissue.

And if you initiated the force and GZ had reason to fear for his life you would have also had a bullet in your heart. Whether you were a woman, black, minor whatever. Law still applies.

Lots of "ifs" in there and that was not my point. But I can see one clearly on the top of your head, even from here.

Not a lot, just one in fact. That 'if' is the trial you are watching. Enjoy the riots.
During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?

Marc, if that is what you believe actually happened, then I understand your outrage. However, in my opinion, based on the evidence available, I don't believe that is exactly went down.

But, I will respect your opinion, and I'm sure others would too, if you would just be willing to see over the fence to the other side and admit that the evidence leaves doubt to your account.
I'm seeing the other fence.

Number 1, Zimmerman on tape saying "These @#^&** punks always get away."
That goes to state of mind

Number 2, Zimmerman's many and differing testimonies given as to what happened that night, including the extent of the injuries he sustained.
It shows a pattern of lies.

Trayvon was not the aggressor here.
If you think that Zimmerman's injuries are significant in this case you are entirely wrong. His actual injuries don't mean anything because they do not affect intent. Intent is what Zimmerman was thinking. The state basically has no case.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were "not life threatening," adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

When you make baseless assumptions, you turn yourself into a spectacle. Which in turn becomes nothing more than comic relief for everyone else.

That ME was a joke.

This is like a football game where one team's offense hasn't even had the ball yet but they're up 21-0 at the end of the first quarter.

This thing is a joke.

The worst they've been able to show is that GZ may have exaggerated his story a little bit.

So what? If I had the piece of fukking shit in the White House coming after me....

If I had CNN, ABC, NBC, NPR and CBS making stories up, editing tapes, photo-shopping pictures, calling me names and pronouncing me guilty Months before the trial, I might make some shit up too.

But our libtard pals don't wanna talk about any of that.

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