The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Well whats the matter, ernie? Dont like being called a racist? Well, Im shocked...why were cheering the lies of the forum wench just a couple of hours ago...what happened? Change of heart? Or truth hurts?


He isn't a racist.

Give it up.

You are late to the need to catch up or shut up. Dont worry, i dont expect you to do either.

I was accused of being racist, homophobic, agist, you name it....he cheered it...then when I posted the lie in the accusers own words in a previous post...he dismissed it.

So save me the give it up have no idea.

Ah's the ol "if you call me a name I'll call you a name" thing?


I don't mind a good tussle with and again..

But at least be clever about it.

Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
I'm not grabbing at anything. However, you're hedging.

You just don't want to ADMIT that Zimmerman's been lying his A$$ off.

To you being anything close to white means they are lying..... Life doesn't revolve around your stupid skin color.

George Zimmerman's bail revoked ?

George Zimmerman's bail revoked

Lester revoked the bond after a motion by the state prosecutor accused Zimmerman and his wife of lying to the court about their financial assets during his initial bond hearing April 20.

They said they had no money during that hearing, but Zimmerman and his wife had access to at least $135,000 that he raised through a website he set up before his bond hearing, the judge said.

Zimmerman has already proven himself to be a lyre.
Here it is...the exchange from last night which CrazyTrain25 is referencing...

yep, and anyone that says that isnt racist is a quack! He is speaking in place of a black, look at the post he responded to...this is where it all started last night...his racist rant was in response to a respectful post (of course not shown). The debate when south for him, so he went on a rant. Then claimed it was a mirror post of the one he responded to...LIE!

You can blame M in part for the frustration started with him and this post.

Yer an idiot. And now you are blaming Missourian for YOUR melt down last night with the name calling rampage you have been on since then? :cuckoo:
Man up and grow a pair.

You werent the bowl of cherries last night either, gracie, you jumped in with both feet and then carried it into today...I was shocked by you yesterday...I never did anything to you...not so shocked today. The fact is that in this ride with one side or the other...anything in between and wear a helmet...ask sunshine...when I was supporting Z a week ago...pos reps soon as I gave another perspective...the trolling, neg reps, stalking, vulgar tirade began...and not just this thread. I ignored it...she continued...she started it today in fact...i was in the wrong mood.

Well you all dont like that...i mean sunshine is with us...yeah shes a wench, but she agrees with whatever.

you guys act like grade schoolers.
In my world jumping a guy because -as testified to by his sexting buddy, is a crazy ass cracker rapist - just ain't right

Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?


One of the most important components of racism is the notion that the other races are inferior to your own.

Nothing that Martin has said or done really shows that.

Martin had that superior notion because his race holds the most powerful office on earth & he was feeling his bad ass oats.
Prosecution is trying to establish that Zimmerman knew about the stand your ground law in order to craft a defense for his actions. There is a big fight over admission of his collegiate records and writings on criminal law. I have a feeling the judge may admit this into evidence, which may be good for the prosecution. This should fall flat based on it's merit. You can't step into a man's mind and accuse him of being a liar. Whether he knew of the stand your ground law is irrelevant. The stand your ground law itself is irrelevant. THIS IS A SELF DEFENSE CASE! And right now the defense has the upper hand.

I think what they're trying to show is that Z knew about SYG and Self Defense and that he lied about not knowing about SYG on Hannity.

But they're not using the SYG defense. SYG in Florida is a very special case. It doesn't even go to trial, if I understand it correctly.

I think they're just trying to show that Z knew more than he was letting on and that he was a wannabe Cop.

Like there's a shortage of those around?

So, wannabe Cop meets wannabe gangsta punk ass street urchin.

The punk ass gangsta street urchin lost this time. How many times do they win and nothing gets done about it?


This case is bullshit. The whole thing is bullshit.

I still object to the Judge allowing the parents in the Court Room so they can put on a show for the Jury.

Maybe they could do a little song and dance for us during Court recesses. I'm thinking Peaches and Herb or maybe a little Ike and Tina.... Rollin' on the River.

fucking joke

You're the joke. What an incredibly stupid thing to say. Like this kid's parents really want to be there in the first place.
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I pointed out some time ago..and it seems that the prosecution has a like mind.

Zimmerman was a wannabe cop. Everything the Prosecution has shown, puts that on display rather nicely.

As to whether that's murder 2? I dunno. But Zimmerman definitely was in no danger of losing his life.

You have been saying GZ was hunting coons. Now that that blew up in your face you switched to wannabe cop crap. Even if true it is no reason or proof GZ murdered TM instead of self defense. TM had no right to beat or try to kill GZ especially since TM was not harmed in any way. TM continued to beat a retreating, subdued person who was screaming help & had not injured him. GZ as a citizen had every to shoot the unarmed TM after that.

What blew up in my face?

Basically have always said Zimmerman was on the hunt.

And I don't think he liked black folk all that much.

And Martin didn't try to kill anyone.

Zimmerman's injuries were so slight, they sent him home.

I've posted this video should check it out.

[ame=]FIGHT IN THE CITY BUS!! THUG VS 70 YEAR OLD Man!!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

The guy that lost the fight in that video was in much worse shape than Zimmerman.

And he did basically the same thing.

He isn't a racist.

Give it up.

You are late to the need to catch up or shut up. Dont worry, i dont expect you to do either.

I was accused of being racist, homophobic, agist, you name it....he cheered it...then when I posted the lie in the accusers own words in a previous post...he dismissed it.

So save me the give it up have no idea.

Ah's the ol "if you call me a name I'll call you a name" thing?


I don't mind a good tussle with and again..

But at least be clever about it.


yeah, i know...kind of funny watching you correct someone...downright hilarious actually. But you have trouble seeing thru the trees your complete dismissal of me being called a racist and other things...completely unsubstantiated and quite to the fact if I was more racist, I would probably fit in better...I aint stooping that low...the racism and bigotry is rampant in here...sad!

Adults? LOL>
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?

Marc, if that is what you believe actually happened, then I understand your outrage. However, in my opinion, based on the evidence available, I don't believe that is exactly went down.

But, I will respect your opinion, and I'm sure others would too, if you would just be willing to see over the fence to the other side and admit that the evidence leaves doubt to your account.
I pointed out some time ago..and it seems that the prosecution has a like mind.

Zimmerman was a wannabe cop. Everything the Prosecution has shown, puts that on display rather nicely.

As to whether that's murder 2? I dunno. But Zimmerman definitely was in no danger of losing his life.

You have been saying GZ was hunting coons. Now that that blew up in your face you switched to wannabe cop crap. Even if true it is no reason or proof GZ murdered TM instead of self defense. TM had no right to beat or try to kill GZ especially since TM was not harmed in any way. TM continued to beat a retreating, subdued person who was screaming help & had not injured him. GZ as a citizen had every to shoot the unarmed TM after that.

What blew up in my face?

Basically have always said Zimmerman was on the hunt.

And I don't think he liked black folk all that much.

And Martin didn't try to kill anyone.

Zimmerman's injuries were so slight, they sent him home.

I've posted this video should check it out.

[ame=]FIGHT IN THE CITY BUS!! THUG VS 70 YEAR OLD Man!!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

The guy that lost the fight in that video was in much worse shape than Zimmerman.

And he did basically the same thing.

Zimmerman was on the hunt while on the phone calling for the police?

Zimmerman was racist even though he was outspoken against the abuse a black homeless man?

How many more injuries did Zimmerman have to take before he could defend himself even with deadly force?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?


To me it sounds like a tragedy. A horrible, unfortunate tragedy.

Whether you like George Zimmerman or not, you have to be intellectually honest... If not with me, with yourself, and admit that GZ may have been frightened out of his gourd, that he was getting the living shit beat out of him by a kid who is a street fighter and, by all accounts, a good one.

And that GZ pulled his gun.... A gun he had EVERY legal right to carry -- And shot Trayvon dead.

A tragedy.

Two tragedies don't cancel each other out. And neither does a tragedy and an injustice
Ms. Rao is not able to answer questions clearly. She is abrasive and hostile.

All that means is that you don't like the fact that she's been an EXCELLENT witness for the prosecution and you don't like that.

Carry on.


No. She did nothing to contribute to the investigation, smartass. So why would her opinions of Zimmerman's injuries hold any weight in the court of law? She wasn't even there! Did you not see what another poster put up about Ms. Rao's past?
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Jury has been excused for the evening.

Then why are witnesses still testifying?

She just now did it. And there are no witnesses on the stand at this point. The quote was "we have matters we need to take up outside of your presence, so instead of making you sit in the jury room, we are going to go ahead and dismiss you for the evening."

The consuls are right now addressing issues with the judge at the bench as we speak. What stream are you watching?
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his nose was broken, his head was bleeding in several places, he was screaming for help. Do you think he felt in danger for his life? Plus TM was bigger and stronger and he was on top.
Nice story, here's another.

A few years ago, I was waiting for a red light to turn green, there was a car in front of me, I was on my cell phone texting. I thought the light was green and a hit my gas. I tapped the car in front of me.

The driver, a female, came out the car CLAIMING her back was hurting like never before, she was almost wailing.

The cop that came ended up dismissing me and dealt with the matter after giving me a ticket.

Clearly the woman was making crap up, as I barely tapped her car, there was not even a dent.

Morale of the story is, Zimmerman can CLAIM anything, including yelling like a banshee...that doesn't make his injuries any more real.

Furthermore, the matter of WHO was screaming has not yet been established, yet you're using that as some sort of fact.

It's clear where you stand.

Yes. Zimmerman can claim anything and that doesn't make his injuries real.

The photographs of the injuries are what prove they actually happened.
I guess I needed to specify that it was the EXTENT of his injuries...clearly he got some injuries that amounts to some scratches. Clearly.
Best question of the trial. Would the next injury have been life threating or caused death? That is a reasonable fear for ones life.
Actually, it was one of the worst questions, if not the worst questions of the trial. And the judge threw it out.
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