The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This isn't national news. Just another violent fight that is typical for the damn ghetto.

Why not focus on our inner-cities that have 9-25 deaths per night. (Chicago)

I know why....

The thug thought that he could beat Zimmerman and got over his head.
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The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?
Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
I'm not grabbing at anything. However, you're hedging.

You just don't want to ADMIT that Zimmerman's been lying his A$$ off.

I don't admit to things that I do not believe to be true. So far, his rendition of what happened is plausible. He was beat up. Eye witnesses corroborate his story. Pictures of his head were taken minutes after it happened.

Do you think the pictures were photoshopped ?
I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

Yep and your bias is completely race driven also...and dont even fake it.:eusa_liar:

You relate to black teens being followed in the dark and rain about as well as Sharpton relates to a KKK marshmallow party. Get off your high horse, Jack.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?

You are not racist. 25 is Dainty.
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?
Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
I'm not grabbing at anything. However, you're hedging.

You just don't want to ADMIT that Zimmerman's been lying his A$$ off.

You just don't want to ADMIT that you are lying your ass off. You're trolling Marc. Everyone here who has been objectively watching this case. You assume he's guilty, you assume he's lying, you assume he profiled Martin because of his race, you assume Zimmerman is spiteful and malicious, and you assume based on your opinion that he should be put away for 25 to life.
Why did Zimmerman LIE about his injuries Redfish?

Can you answer that?

He did not lie about his injuries. where have you been?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

it becomes a question of degree. But since you have already found GZ guilty, why do you care what the ME says?

If GZ gets off are you going to burn atlanta? Please answer this time.
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?
Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
I'm not grabbing at anything. However, you're hedging.

You just don't want to ADMIT that Zimmerman's been lying his A$$ off.

To you being anything close to white means they are lying..... Life doesn't revolve around your stupid skin color.
I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

Yep and your bias is completely race driven also...and dont even fake it.:eusa_liar:

You relate to black teens being followed in the dark and rain about as well as Sharpton relates to a KKK marshmallow party. Get off your high horse, Jack.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?


Ernie hasn't shown himself to be a racist. Preferring not to be around a certain type of person doesn't make you a racist.

Feeling superior is what makes people racist.
Here is my thought on this. Zimmerman will walk. We ALL know why he thought martin was "suspicious" but sadly, him following martin is not illegal. Being a racist asshole is not illegal. Zimmerman did everything right to get away with killing martin. Life in immenent danger 101....down to a science. He will walk for killing a boy who did nothing wrong. These are my thoughts as of now. :(

I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

I agree with your agreement completely. But we need to drop the race shit. The Feds didn't find one shred that he's a racist and closed the investigation. The only racist evidence we've actually seen is TM hisself.

It's all they have left. 25 is now calling me racist, baby Snookums just spews hate. They have nothing else to toss out. Every witness, every exhibit the prosecution has presented has been a home run for the defense, so it's GOT to be about race.
Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
I'm not grabbing at anything. However, you're hedging.

You just don't want to ADMIT that Zimmerman's been lying his A$$ off.

Tracy Martin lied his ass off about when he dropped TM off at girlfriends. Rachel lied her ass off when she opened her mouth.

Or are these inconsistencies that could be also claimed by GZ in his subsequent interviews?

Tracy Martin acknowledged to Mr. Crump that the screaming in the 911 call was not Trayvon's. But somehow he has changed his assertions to contend that it was? This guy is loco. :cuckoo:
Here is my thought on this. Zimmerman will walk. We ALL know why he thought martin was "suspicious" but sadly, him following martin is not illegal. Being a racist asshole is not illegal. Zimmerman did everything right to get away with killing martin. Life in immenent danger 101....down to a science. He will walk for killing a boy who did nothing wrong. These are my thoughts as of now. :(

I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

In my world jumping a guy because -as testified to by his sexting buddy, is a crazy ass cracker rapist - just ain't right

Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?
I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

Yep and your bias is completely race driven also...and dont even fake it.:eusa_liar:

You relate to black teens being followed in the dark and rain about as well as Sharpton relates to a KKK marshmallow party. Get off your high horse, Jack.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?

25caliber is driven by emotion, peer pressure, advertisement & media agenda. Clear headed reason based on facts is completely foreign to him. He is just like Zona, Paper View, Luissa & Sarah G.
Do you just want me to make that link my sig file so we don't have to post it every day?

I doubt it would help...they would ignore it there just like they ignore it up here.

Oh, really? Should I post your racist tirade last night? Click of a button.

Sure...there was nothing racial about it, except against white folks...

You take your crazy train to whatever destinations your psychosis takes you...

Be sure to mention that I posted that I completely made it up in response to all of your half baked conjecture and rampant speculation that you masquerade as facts and/or evidence to support your bullshit theories.

Nevermind, I'll post it myself...
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Here it is...the exchange from last night which CrazyTrain25 is referencing...

And in Zimmerman's mind he suspected he understood exactly what was irritating Martin...that Zimmerman was keeping an eye on him.

So he came over to grit on Zimmerman...tryng to intimidate him, to keep Zimmerman from following him...suspicious character Martin...the guy who was scoping out houses in the the rain...

That didn't work...he saw the dude get out of his car to see what Martin was up Martin ran around the corner, making sure the white dude could see which path he took, and hid, hoping to ambush Zimmerman and teach him a lesson.

But Zimmerman didn't go up the path...and when Martin sees Zimmerman was going to leave without following that path at all he called out to him.

"Hey, you got a problem?!?"

This gave Martin time to close the distance...he was going to get this crazy ass cracker, make an example out of him.

"No, no problem." Says Zimmerman.

BAM! Martin sucker punches Zimmerman!

Then leaps on top of him.

Zimmerman struggles to get away.

This is better than Martin could possibly imagine!

He was getting his payback and this little bitch was screaming for help like a pussy.

Martin gets on top of dare this cracka not give him respect.

Now he was going to get a beat down, the kind of beat down whitey deserved for diss'n him.

Wholey fucking shit...whiteys got a gun!

The End.

How's that for imagination and rampant speculation.

Im just gonna count how many times you used the term "whitey", "cracka"...its all about race? Its clouding your have fallen into the race trap. You are now emotionally involved because of race. That much is clear by your are better than that. I know some on the other side are doing the same, but man.

This shouldnt be about race from either diminishes your argument.

There is other stuff blatantly wrong with your post also...Im just running out of energy. :)

I made it all up.

I figured if y'all were going to make stuff up, I might as well join in.

When facts and evidence don't matter, this is what you get.

I salted it with some truth, just like y'all do.

It actually looks damn near plausible...

Can't prove that it's true though, I have no idea what Trayvon thought.

It is entirely speculation on my part.

Anyone can do it, as long as they are willing to deviate from the facts and simply conjecture.

What's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

The only racist statement in this trial came from Trayvon.

Why is it wrong of me to parlay that into an alternate theory of the crime?

Welcome to my world.
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I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

I agree with your agreement completely. But we need to drop the race shit. The Feds didn't find one shred that he's a racist and closed the investigation. The only racist evidence we've actually seen is TM hisself.

It's all they have left. 25 is now calling me racist, baby Snookums just spews hate. They have nothing else to toss out. Every witness, every exhibit the prosecution has presented has been a home run for the defense, so it's GOT to be about race.

You really haven't been watching this trial.

That's not the prosecution's all.

I pointed out some time ago..and it seems that the prosecution has a like mind.

Zimmerman was a wannabe cop. Everything the Prosecution has shown, puts that on display rather nicely.

As to whether that's murder 2? I dunno. But Zimmerman definitely was in no danger of losing his life.
I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

In my world jumping a guy because -as testified to by his sexting buddy, is a crazy ass cracker rapist - just ain't right

Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?


One of the most important components of racism is the notion that the other races are inferior to your own.

Nothing that Martin has said or done really shows that.
I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.

Yep and your bias is completely race driven also...and dont even fake it.:eusa_liar:

You relate to black teens being followed in the dark and rain about as well as Sharpton relates to a KKK marshmallow party. Get off your high horse, Jack.
What about my argument thus far has been racist? I said early on that if the roles were reversed, I would be arguing self defense. You've been here, what a week? I've been here 2 and a half years and I've never given anyone good reason to call me a racist.

People! Help me out here. Anyone have proof of my supposed racism? Or is 25 a Fake Smarmy clone, that is, an irrelevant asshole?

Well whats the matter, ernie? Dont like being called a racist? Well, Im shocked...why were cheering the lies of the forum wench just a couple of hours ago...what happened? Change of heart? Or truth hurts?
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