The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman was concerned
for the boys safety!


That's right...Zimmerman saw the boy walking alone unsupervised on a busy street and was concerned for his safety.
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As accurate as you may have been in the pas, I sure hope you're wrong for the first time on this one.

I don't see how an unarmed kid can be where he was supposed to be, unarmed, not committing any crime, gets targeted and ultimately killed and the killer gets to walk away Scot free as if nothing happened.

Does that sound like justice to you?

Not committing any crime? The eye witness says Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman attacking him. The Forensic evidence agrees with the eye witness.

How can you possibly claim that Trayvon wasnt doing anything when the evidence says otherwise?
Why are you starting almost at the END of the story?

You're supposed to begin at the beginning, where Zimmerman says to the 911 dispatcher, "These #%%^ punks always get away with it," while following Trayvon Martin on his way home from the store.

Trayvon WAS NOT committing any crime when George Zimmerman took it upon himself to target him and follow him home.

I don't think I'll respond to you going forward, you're blinded by partisan loyalty to Zimmerman, the facts mean nothing to you.


What does partisan loyalty to Zimmerman mean?
All Black people are "suspicious" I guess. :(

Let me present this to you this way. Back in high-school we used to drive down to Humbolt Park to get weed and coke. We usually had some blacks and Hispanics, but it was mostly white suburb kids. And the black and Hispanic kids were always always well over kids in nice clothes (definitely distinguishable from inner city blacks and Hispanics). Whenever we were their if a cop saw us, we got pulled over immediately. They would make quick UTurns to catch us.

They racially profiled us in those neighbors, because whites only went into those neighbors to get drugs! For better or for worse racially profiling has to be a method of law enforcement.

It used for serial killers all the time. They usually start the profile as a middle-aged white asshole!

Do not accept anything Ghook has to say about race. Ghook called me a spear chucker. This tells me where all his support for Zimmerman comes from.

MSNBC Race Baiters Despondent Over St. Skittles Trial: Prosecution’s Case Is “Getting Weaker,” “Little Hope” Zimmerman Will Be Convicted…

Of course they will never admit it’s possible Zimmerman acted in self-defense and that Trayvon was the aggressor.


. . . “What I’m hearing is the state’s case is getting weaker and weaker as every day goes by,” he said. “I think they’re going to be wrapping up pretty soon.”

“I have to agree with the people who spoke before me,” said MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor after dismissing the prosecution’s effort to frame Zimmerman as delusional. “Even though I’ve got some problems with George Zimmerman’s testimony – even though I have a problem with how it seems to not jive with the physical evidence we’ve heard so far — that I think the prosecution has got to put on a much stronger case.”

Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson agreed. “I don’t think there is much expectation that Mr. Zimmerman will be found guilty,” he said. “I think that there are mass people invested in this case because their children are vulnerable like Trayvon Martin feel that he is being re-traumatized and that there is little hope he will be convicted.”
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
All Black people are "suspicious" I guess. :(

Let me present this to you this way. Back in high-school we used to drive down to Humbolt Park to get weed and coke. We usually had some blacks and Hispanics, but it was mostly white suburb kids. And the black and Hispanic kids were always always well over kids in nice clothes (definitely distinguishable from inner city blacks and Hispanics). Whenever we were their if a cop saw us, we got pulled over immediately. They would make quick UTurns to catch us.

They racially profiled us in those neighbors, because whites only went into those neighbors to get drugs! For better or for worse racially profiling has to be a method of law enforcement.

It used for serial killers all the time. They usually start the profile as a middle-aged white asshole!

Do not accept anything Ghook has to say about race. Ghook called me a spear chucker. This tells me where all his support for Zimmerman comes from.

He called me something starting with an "N" and ending with a "ger".

Didn't really get it.
It can be a LOT clearer especially if you quote that entire sentence. For some reason you didn't,

Need an assist to help you figure out just how and why you are completely wrong?

Li'l Trayvon was 18.

He was 17 when he died.

Trayvon Benjamin Martin, born February 5, 1995

Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts -

Yeah, I misunderstood a statement of age the prosecutor made. I thought he meant he was killed just days after his 18th, but he meant the trial is just days after.

I think Zimmerman had a warped mind. To him all blacks are criminals.

How about we take the "No Limit Nigga" into account as well...

* The teen was suspended from school three times

* He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue

* Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry

* Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness

* He also punched a bus driver

Oh yeah... that little "NO LIMIT NIGGA" was an angel...

You idiots crack me up... and I hope ya all go to Hell! :cuckoo:
Not committing any crime? The eye witness says Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman attacking him. The Forensic evidence agrees with the eye witness.

How can you possibly claim that Trayvon wasnt doing anything when the evidence says otherwise?
Why are you starting almost at the END of the story?

You're supposed to begin at the beginning, where Zimmerman says to the 911 dispatcher, "These #%%^ punks always get away with it," while following Trayvon Martin on his way home from the store.

Trayvon WAS NOT committing any crime when George Zimmerman took it upon himself to target him and follow him home.

I don't think I'll respond to you going forward, you're blinded by partisan loyalty to Zimmerman, the facts mean nothing to you.


What does partisan loyalty to Zimmerman mean?

I'm not sure. But, I suppose partisan loyalty to Martin means people like Sarah G neg repping people like me who try to approach this issue objectively. How horrible it must be to have the fantasy world you're in questioned. :razz::tongue:
Li'l Trayvon was 18.

He was 17 when he died.

Trayvon Benjamin Martin, born February 5, 1995

Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts -

Yeah, I misunderstood a statement of age the prosecutor made. I thought he meant he was killed just days after his 18th, but he meant the trial is just days after.

well the way the state has been hiding evidence and such

it seems plausible that they fibbed about his age

To me it sounds like a tragedy. A horrible, unfortunate tragedy.

Whether you like George Zimmerman or not, you have to be intellectually honest... If not with me, with yourself, and admit that GZ may have been frightened out of his gourd, that he was getting the living shit beat out of him by a kid who is a street fighter and, by all accounts, a good one.

And that GZ pulled his gun.... A gun he had EVERY legal right to carry -- And shot Trayvon dead.

A tragedy.

Two tragedies don't cancel each other out. And neither does a tragedy and an injustice
Trayvon is subject to the same fear for his life that you give Zimmerman the rights to have.

It boils down to who was the aggressor.

I believe that the evidence points to Zimmerman being the aggressor. Had he followed the suggestion of the dispatcher he would not be in this least not today.

Based on his past he seemed like he was destined to kill somebody's child. He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people.

He was a wannabe cop that finally found the trouble he was looking for.

I'm not making this stuff up dude.

There is absolutely ZERO evidence of Zimmerman being the agressor. Do you understand that? Zero, Zilch, Nada. Not one iota of testimony supports the idea that Zimmerman attacked Travyon. There are no injuries on Trayvon other than the gun shot and the bruises to his knuckles from where he was attacking Zimmerman.

You are such a self-righteous freak. Check the timeline. The entire incident was 7 minutes long. Four of which was Zimmerman talking to the police. That gave Zimmerman 3 minutes to decide if he can handle a kid with a pack of Skittles or shoot.
Zimmerman is a trigger-happy pussy who went to a shouting match with a gun. Get real.

7:09:34 - 7:13:41 — George Zimmerman calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.[15]

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says, "Yes." Dispatcher states, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replies, "OK."

7:12:00 - 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[16]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know where Martin is.

7:13:41 — Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends.[16]

7:16:00 - 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[16][17]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[18]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[19]
Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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MSNBC Race Baiters Despondent Over St. Skittles Trial: Prosecution’s Case Is “Getting Weaker,” “Little Hope” Zimmerman Will Be Convicted…

Of course they will never admit it’s possible Zimmerman acted in self-defense and that Trayvon was the aggressor.


. . . “What I’m hearing is the state’s case is getting weaker and weaker as every day goes by,” he said. “I think they’re going to be wrapping up pretty soon.”

“I have to agree with the people who spoke before me,” said MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor after dismissing the prosecution’s effort to frame Zimmerman as delusional. “Even though I’ve got some problems with George Zimmerman’s testimony – even though I have a problem with how it seems to not jive with the physical evidence we’ve heard so far — that I think the prosecution has got to put on a much stronger case.”

Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson agreed. “I don’t think there is much expectation that Mr. Zimmerman will be found guilty,” he said. “I think that there are mass people invested in this case because their children are vulnerable like Trayvon Martin feel that he is being re-traumatized and that there is little hope he will be convicted.”
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

When they start breaking ranks times is tough.
Let me present this to you this way. Back in high-school we used to drive down to Humbolt Park to get weed and coke. We usually had some blacks and Hispanics, but it was mostly white suburb kids. And the black and Hispanic kids were always always well over kids in nice clothes (definitely distinguishable from inner city blacks and Hispanics). Whenever we were their if a cop saw us, we got pulled over immediately. They would make quick UTurns to catch us.

They racially profiled us in those neighbors, because whites only went into those neighbors to get drugs! For better or for worse racially profiling has to be a method of law enforcement.

It used for serial killers all the time. They usually start the profile as a middle-aged white asshole!

Do not accept anything Ghook has to say about race. Ghook called me a spear chucker. This tells me where all his support for Zimmerman comes from.

He called me something starting with an "N" and ending with a "ger".

Didn't really get it.

I just got hit with a neg which is fine but then I was called "boy" and in a racist way. Poster

The infidel. And then teapublicans wonder why many see them as racist

I think Zimmerman had a warped mind. To him all blacks are criminals.

That's actually typical of the entire Republican party. This is why they were thrilled voting rights are being rolled back. And this is why they want Zimmerman to walk. It signals that they can go out and shoot any black man or child walking down the street and then plead that black person was suspicious which gives them cause to be afraid for their life.
For instance, the prosecutor in the Zimmerman Murder Trial knows there will not be a conviction for Second Degree Murder so they are starting to introduce evidence that might get a conviction for Neglegent Homicide, like this education evidence and what Zimmerman knows or knew at the time of Martin's death. At the end of the trial, you know that the Prosecution is going to ask if the jury can consider Neglegent Homicide.

Is this allowed since the defense hasn't had time to build a defense against Neglegent Homicide and is this grounds for an appeal if Zimmerman is convicted since its not giving the accused a fair trial?

Also, after hearing the evidence so far, I don't think there's a case for Neglegent Homicide since Zimmerman said that Martin was going for Zimmermans gun. Then you have that testimony today that they couldn't get prints off of the gun which suggests that there was a struggle for it.

EDIT: Also, why is this evidence allowed in since it doesn't have anything to do with the case?
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How long does it take you to walk 100 yards? Did he cover those 100 yards in a straight line?

With someone I am creeped out at and fear of my life of ?

Guesstimate = 30 seconds +/-

He may have walked slowly, then maybe walked one way to avoid zimmerman and then another way. I don't think that people always haul ass right off the bat when some idiot is following them for no reason. Wasn't he on the phone as well? Why didn't zimmerman just stay in his truck and keep a safe distance from Martin if he felt that Martin was a "thug"?
Trayvon is subject to the same fear for his life that you give Zimmerman the rights to have.

It boils down to who was the aggressor.

I believe that the evidence points to Zimmerman being the aggressor. Had he followed the suggestion of the dispatcher he would not be in this least not today.

Based on his past he seemed like he was destined to kill somebody's child. He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people.

He was a wannabe cop that finally found the trouble he was looking for.

I'm not making this stuff up dude.

There is absolutely ZERO evidence of Zimmerman being the agressor. Do you understand that? Zero, Zilch, Nada. Not one iota of testimony supports the idea that Zimmerman attacked Travyon. There are no injuries on Trayvon other than the gun shot and the bruises to his knuckles from where he was attacking Zimmerman.

You are such a self-righteous freak. Check the timeline. The entire incident was 7 minutes long. Four of which was Zimmerman talking to the police. That gave Zimmerman 3 minutes to decide if he can handle a kid with a pack of Skittles or shoot.
Zimmerman is a trigger-happy pussy who went to a shouting match with a gun. Get real.

7:09:34 - 7:13:41 — George Zimmerman calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.[15]

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says, "Yes." Dispatcher states, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replies, "OK."

7:12:00 - 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[16]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know where Martin is.

7:13:41 — Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends.[16]

7:16:00 - 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[16][17]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[18]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[19]
Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where is the evidence that GZ started confrontation? EVIDENCE! Not name calling and emotions. EVIDENCE! Not what you would have done. EVIDENCE!
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