The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If my child attacked someone and was killed, i would be sad and mourn, but it would be in consequence to their own actions. What else should I feel?
This is the Zimmerman opposition in a nutshell.

Falsehood after falsehood.

Weaving lies, half-truths, warped logic and pseudo-facts into post after post... an attempt to bamboozle the reader into believing this hogwash.

With these Bozos you must check every "fact", no matter how innocuous it may seem.

Scrutinize every source, analyze every link, dissect every story...

...because they are actively attempting to deceive you with threads like this one.

Zimmerman "said" he only reported that ppl were black, when asked by the police or operator at 911, to describe the person he was "watching" because of the high rate of crime in his area. :dunno:
[MENTION=42294]Snookie[/MENTION] wut? You're getting politics mixed up with the case again.

Doh! Oh right.
This is the Zimmerman opposition in a nutshell.

Falsehood after falsehood.

Weaving lies, half-truths, warped logic and pseudo-facts into post after post... an attempt to bamboozle the reader into believing this hogwash.

With these Bozos you must check every "fact", no matter how innocuous it may seem.

Scrutinize every source, analyze every link, dissect every story...

...because they are actively attempting to deceive you with threads like this one.

They're basically trolls. They don't even believe their own lies. It's just a game to them
Sounds to me that Martin was the racist here, no?


One of the most important components of racism is the notion that the other races are inferior to your own.

Nothing that Martin has said or done really shows that.

Martin had that superior notion because his race holds the most powerful office on earth & he was feeling his bad ass oats.


Well the lead detective did testify under cross today that Zimmerman showed no anger about Traayvon in his interviews and that Z's story had very few inconsistencies.

Anger? Zim was to proud of what he had done in gods name to be angry.

Do you ever get tired of making shit up?

Zimmerman never said he was proud in any way shape or form.

Bragged about it. Said he would do absolutely nothing different. Said it was gods plan.
Anger? Zim was to proud of what he had done in gods name to be angry.

Do you ever get tired of making shit up?

Zimmerman never said he was proud in any way shape or form.

Bragged about it. Said he would do absolutely nothing different. Said it was gods plan.

Would it be possible for you to type one post without a falsehood ensconced in the reply?

He didn't brag about it in and way shape or form.
Or fear, or being moments from loss of consciousness.
Somebody that paranoid should not have a concealed gun permit.

Congratulations Snookums. You've mastered a new level of stupidity.

Agreed gz deserves a gun. However, he's not a cop. My issue with gz is him following gz without identifying himself. He treated tm like he was a mad dog from the start. Armed citizens on patrol acting as cops? You want guys like trayvon patrolling your street following your wife your kids?
I keep my kid out of the neighbor's windows and doesn't get suspended for having weed in school.

Was he in someones windows that night? What does being suspended in school have to do with the incident in question? Thanks for demonstrating your true mindset, I'm willing to bet that you think that Martin "deserved it", now don't you?

He was in town because he was suspended from school.
Everyone wants to start from the beginning, so why not there?

So what if he was suspended from school? I am willing to bet that zimmerman didn't know that, so what's your point?
Do you ever get tired of making shit up?

Zimmerman never said he was proud in any way shape or form.

Bragged about it. Said he would do absolutely nothing different. Said it was gods plan.

Would it be possible for you to type one post without a falsehood ensconced in the reply?

He didn't brag about it in and way shape or form.
How is going on national tv... Saying you did it perfect, was gods plan, would do nothing different, not bragging?
Why are HLN talking heads saying all the prosecution has to do is create doubt in GZ story?

I thought you were innocent until the prosecution has proven you guilty beyond any reasonable doubt? That means they have to prove their theory, not just create doubt in GZ's story & let the jury insert their own theory.

The prosecution has to prove their accusation beyond a reasonable doubt. The defense just has to show there is reasonable doubt.
Damn! Y'all went bike, I wanted to lose the duck (apparently ducks are ineffective), so I went Chevelle.
I need to go back bike so we all match.
Was he in someones windows that night? What does being suspended in school have to do with the incident in question? Thanks for demonstrating your true mindset, I'm willing to bet that you think that Martin "deserved it", now don't you?

He was in town because he was suspended from school.
Everyone wants to start from the beginning, so why not there?

So what if he was suspended from school? I am willing to bet that zimmerman didn't know that, so what's your point?

This case didn't start with the emergency call. It was with the suspension that set this whole chain of events into motion.

Or is it really just about who can prove who started the physical confrontation? George has evidence. State don't.
If my child attacked someone and was killed, i would be sad and mourn, but it would be in consequence to their own actions. What else should I feel?

How would you feel about the person who stalked your child and then got of their vehicle in order to keep stalking them? You left that part out. :lol:

Because it's irrelevant to the case.
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