The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Or fear, or being moments from loss of consciousness.
Somebody that paranoid should not have a concealed gun permit.

That question is not on the application. Florida is a MUST issue state. That means unless you have been convicted of a felony or have been adjudicated mentally incompetent, the concealed weapons permit is issued.

Since Obama has been elected the amount of permits has skyrocketed. Millions here have a permit and the number grows each day. On top of that you can carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle without having to get a permit.

An armed society is a free society.

Like Somali?
Somebody that paranoid should not have a concealed gun permit.

His attacker wasn't a paranoid delusion.

( Did baby Trayvon leave his cell phone on so his g/f could hear him beat up a cracker ? )

A 17 year old wanting to beat up a cracker?

That's quite a stretch especially since TM di not have a history of fighting.

I could see that if TM had a police record for burglary or something but he was a pretty clean cut teenager.

He was a lover, not a fighter.

I really can't fathom how you can think that way.

Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin's text messages released - Trayvon Martin -

In the months and days before his shooting death, Trayvon Martin was getting into fights, getting high on marijuana, getting suspended from school and talking with friends about getting a gun, according to cellphone text messages that defense lawyers for shooter George Zimmerman released Thursday.
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Avatar, it is obvious the liberals on this thread have no interest in justice or the rule of law. Their incessant use of Alinsky tactics to force their point of view is nauseating.

The more curious issue is why they are turning on one of their own. Zimmerman is a liberal democrat. I'm guessing they are having violent flashbacks to the time they had to decide between Hillary and Obama.

I don't care whether they have an interest in justice. I do.

This isnt about politics. it's about justice.
Why are HLN talking heads saying all the prosecution has to do is create doubt in GZ story?

I thought you were innocent until the prosecution has proven you guilty beyond any reasonable doubt? That means they have to prove their theory, not just create doubt in GZ's story & let the jury insert their own theory.
Do we have a disconnect of what evidence actually is and what isn't evidence? Because it seems alot of people seem to think things are evidence when it's just their speculation of what happened.
Everyone back in the pool and don't be a fucking dickhead in the pool!

Or a piece of doodie.


Sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2
Didn't Zim say he scooted off the concrete? One min he scoots on then scoots off then shoots and is up and on top sec later? Where's the nearly unconscious part again?
Somebody that paranoid should not have a concealed gun permit.

That question is not on the application. Florida is a MUST issue state. That means unless you have been convicted of a felony or have been adjudicated mentally incompetent, the concealed weapons permit is issued.

Since Obama has been elected the amount of permits has skyrocketed. Millions here have a permit and the number grows each day. On top of that you can carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle without having to get a permit.

An armed society is a free society.

Like Somali?

No, like 1776 America.
That is not in evidence. Getting out of the truck to follow is not necessarily getting out of the truck to confront. He was advised that it wasn't good for him to even follow, and he said "okay".

He said ok and continued to follow.

What evidence do you have that he continued to follow?

His friend who he was on the phone with testified to it. Just because you want to pick and choose who you believe doesn't mean the jury will be that way.

Treyvon turned around and said he was still following. You have zero evidence that he stopped following the kid. He walked up to Trey and said what are you doing around here. Another rule is you don't ask people questions like that, you leave it to the police.

There wouldn't have been any altercation at all if he had stayed in that fucking truck and not stalked the kid like a vigilante.
That question is not on the application. Florida is a MUST issue state. That means unless you have been convicted of a felony or have been adjudicated mentally incompetent, the concealed weapons permit is issued.

Since Obama has been elected the amount of permits has skyrocketed. Millions here have a permit and the number grows each day. On top of that you can carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle without having to get a permit.

An armed society is a free society.

Like Somali?

No, like 1776 America.

this thread is more about gun rights than justice for some people here.
It appears the only evidence we have to charge GZ with is being guilty of being a bad neighborhood watch leader. I think the punishment for that is he's kicked off neighborhood watch, not life in prison.
He said ok and continued to follow.

What evidence do you have that he continued to follow?

His friend who he was on the phone with testified to it. Just because you want to pick and choose who you believe doesn't mean the jury will be that way.

Treyvon turned around and said he was still following. You have zero evidence that he stopped following the kid. He walked up to Trey and said what are you doing around here. Another rule is you don't ask people questions like that, you leave it to the police.

There wouldn't have been any altercation at all if he had stayed in that fucking truck and not stalked the kid like a vigilante.

he didnt stalk anyone. If he was, he would have been charged with stalking.

What did his friend say?

How did he continue following Trayvon after he lost him?
It appears the only evidence we have to charge GZ with is being guilty of being a bad neighborhood watch leader. I think the punishment for that is he's kicked off neighborhood watch, not life in prison.
You're right. One shouldn't do a day in jail for gunning down an unarmed teenager.
Just want to share something from another thread...

Aisha: Trayvon Martin's Killer George Zimmerman Previously Reported Suspicious Black 7-Year-Old To 911

It seems the only common thread in his "suspicion" was the person being black.

Turns out the TRUTH is, Zimmerman saw the young boy walking unsupervised and alone along a busy roadway, and was concerned for his safety and well being.




Not only was the OP complete bullcrap...

...but this is proof positive that Zimmerman had compassion for everyone, and was concerned about the safety of the members of his community regardless of race, creed or color.

Link: George Zimmerman's Police Call History | Mother Jones




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It appears the only evidence we have to charge GZ with is being guilty of being a bad neighborhood watch leader. I think the punishment for that is he's kicked off neighborhood watch, not life in prison.
You're right. One shouldn't do a day in jail for gunning down an unarmed teenager.

If there is none of the highlighted word above, then yes you shouldn't do jail time for defending yourself under the letter of the law.

Sharpton and the crew can admit it, why are you lagging?
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It appears the only evidence we have to charge GZ with is being guilty of being a bad neighborhood watch leader. I think the punishment for that is he's kicked off neighborhood watch, not life in prison.

I wonder how some people with such a cavalier attitude like the above would react if their child was killed by a "bad neighborhood watch leader"?
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