The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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No time for blatant stupidity.

So why do you still post?

I showed that your statements were illogical and did not contradict mine. Your response is to plug your ears and go I can't hear you.
Which one of us is the idiot simp now?
Well Mr Military Service, since you Googled it I am sure you can supply the references to where Zimmerman said Trayvon grabbed the gun.
And as usual, you are completely ignorant of what "stand your ground" actually says. Hint, it is irrelevant to this case.

Well, I saw it on the news, plus anytime you Google it, you're gonna find a lot of places where friends of Zimmerman state that Trayvon tried to grab the gun.

Sorry.................but Zimmerman went way beyond the "stand your ground" laws and killed someone.

I hope he burns for it.
I am certain you can supply the "lot of places" where Zimmerman said that Trayvon grabbed the gun.

Oops, even you are backpedaling now to say "Trayvon tried to grab the gun." Which isn't the same thing, you dishonest little cocksucker.

Nope.............Zimmerman said while he was on the stand that Trayvon tried to grab his gun which is why Zimmerman shot him.

Like I said.........................Google it and you'll see, only problem is that you're going to have to wade through a couple of pages where others have stated that Zimmerman said Trayvon grabbed the gun, but of course, they're only blog pages.

Zimmerman said it while he was being interviewed on FOX News, and also said it while he was on the stand. Matter of fact, it's supposedly one of the cornerstones that his defense is built on.

Trayvon never grabbed the gun, as well as never placed his hand over Zimmerman's nose and mouth (again, as he claimed in the courtroom), because the DNA evidence says otherwise.

Like I said.................I hope Zimmerman burns for at least 5 years in GP.
This has to be the dumbest statement I have ever seen on a message board:

Rabbi said:

I showed that your statements were illogical and did not contradict mine. dummie. Now I
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The defense strategy is to bore people to death.

The defense hasn't had their turn yet. It's still the prosecution presenting their case.

Stupid, tricky trial procedure. It's almost too complicated to bear.

Tricky? Complicated? Not in the least. All I see is standard rules of criminal procedure. I have seen NOTHING out of the ordinary. Well, except for the fact that the prosecution witnesses corroborate everything that Zimmerman said happened, including the brother. The prosecution simply doesn't have a case, and the witnesses aren't going to perjur themselves to make it look like they do. The media was speculating yesterday that the prosecution should 'rest' in order to blow it all over the prosecution. But they didn't and won't until they get that mother up there on the stand.

Egypt has overthrown a theocracy. The brother testified favorably for Zimmerman. Twice in one day, my faith in humans has been restored. No, make that 3 and add when, contrary to the racist element on this forum, our own High_Gravity said he had a life to live and no time to riot if the verdict was not favorable to the prosecution. But then HG is a really great guy who thinks for himself and has earned the respect of the forum.
This message is hidden because The Rabbi is on your ignore list.

No time for blatant stupidity.

So why do you still post?

I showed that your statements were illogical and did not contradict mine. Your response is to plug your ears and go I can't hear you.
Which one of us is the idiot simp now?

Id say its you...look at the red, moron.

You also said that Mark Ostermans statements were inadmissible...yet he testified in court to it two days admissible if he is testifying in court, right idiot?

You also said that George never said that Trayvon "grabbed" the gun...yet I showed where he not only said it, but he said it to his best friend (Mark Osterman) who not only testified to it but wrote about it in detail in his book, ya big dummie. Even gave ya the link.

Your retort to that was that it was "irrelevant" what he said to his friend. So:

1) Now you are saying that he did say it, but that it was one is it?

2) Saying one thing to the police and another to your best friend who is brought in as states witness testify to it is irrelevant? LMFAO. Conflicting testimony is irrelevant? LMAO.
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The George Zimmerman defense has recently gotten a lucky break. Angela Corey, Florida’s state attorney and the prosecutor against Zimmerman, has been indicted by a citizens’ grand jury for allegedly falsifying an arrest warrant and the complaint that led to Zimmerman being charged with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin.

The indictment accuses Corey of allegedly withholding photographs of Zimmerman’s head after the incident. Also, Corey allegedly falsely signed an arrest warrant under oath without including the pictures as evidence.

The outcome of this indictment could fundamentally affect the outcome of the George Zimmerman trial. At the very least, the indictment makes the prosecution look week and overly ambitious. At worst, the state could lose its prosecutor. Also, it could lead to the court throwing out Zimmerman’s case completely. Criminal charges that were filed under a falsified, illegal arrest warrant will have a hard time standing up in court.

The Zimmerman case has been highly politicized ever since the beginning. The indictment demonstrates just how easily politics can weasel into court rooms to encourage government employees to make unethical decisions. Based on these surprising change of events, there is a fairly good chance that Zimmerman will soon be able to walk out of the courtroom as a free man.

Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Indicted for Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant

Wow. Just wow!
Sorry bout that,

1. I think the national guard should be called in the day the verdict is read, and anyone found rioting should have their heads shot off!
2. They will riot, and they should be fore warned that if they do riot, they will die for it.
3. There is no *happy riots* the people should be protected from the animals at *all times*!

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The indictment of Corey, which was handed down last week (see Citizens Grand Jury), charges Corey with intentionally withholding photographic evidence of the injuries to George Zimmerman's head in the warrant she allegedly rushed to issue under oath, in an effort to boost her reelection prospects. At the outset of this case, black activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who whipped up wrath against Zimmerman, demanded that he be charged with murder, after local police had thus far declined to arrest him pending investigation.

Read more here: Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted By Citizens' Grand Jury For Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant And Complaint - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

Following Corey's criminal complaint charging Zimmerman, legal experts such as Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz condemned her for falsely signing an arrest affidavit under oath, which intentionally omitted exculpatory evidence consisting of the photographs showing the injuries Zimmerman sustained, and rushing to charge him with second degree murder under political pressure. Dershowitz called her actions unethical and themselves crimes (Drop George Zimmerman?s*murder charge* - NY Daily News).

Read more here: Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted By Citizens' Grand Jury For Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant And Complaint - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

Somebody is in TruBul! :clap2:

Why Zimmerman was charged with murder:

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who whipped up wrath against Zimmerman, demanded that he be charged with murder,

Zimmerman Prosecutor Angela Corey Criminally Indicted By Citizens' Grand Jury For Allegedly Falsifying Arrest Warrant And Complaint - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

Looks like black supremacists wouldn't have been happy with a lesser charge.
[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION] said:

Zimmerman never said Trayvon grabbed his gun.
Score another mistake for the victims of grease gun enemas.

Incorrect, [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION].

His best friend (Mark Osterman) and current police officer (U.S. Air Marshall) testified just two days ago that GZ told him that Trayvon GRABBED the gun.

He also wrote this in his book:

Zimmerman says: “For a brief moment I had control of the wrist, but I knew when he felt the sidearm at my waist with his leg. He took his hand that was covering my nose and went for the gun, saying, “You’re gonna die now, motherf-----.’ Somehow, I broke his grip on the gun where the guy grabbed it between the rear sight and the hammer. I got the gun in my hand, raised it toward the guy’s chest and pulled the trigger.”

Read more here: Zimmerman’s friend: Trayvon grabbed gun - Trayvon Martin -

^^^Another GZ embellishment/inconsistency.

Trayvon is not alive to refute some of GZs mistruths, but his college professor and best friend are. GZ is not being completely honest about what happened that night, there is some embellishing going on to say the least.[/QUOTE]
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[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION] said:

Zimmerman never said Trayvon grabbed his gun.
Score another mistake for the victims of grease gun enemas.

Incorrect, [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION].

His best friend (Mark Osterman) and current police officer (U.S. Air Marshall) testified just two days ago that GZ told him that Trayvon GRABBED the gun.

He also wrote this in his book:

Zimmerman says: “For a brief moment I had control of the wrist, but I knew when he felt the sidearm at my waist with his leg. He took his hand that was covering my nose and went for the gun, saying, “You’re gonna die now, motherf-----.’ Somehow, I broke his grip on the gun where the guy grabbed it between the rear sight and the hammer. I got the gun in my hand, raised it toward the guy’s chest and pulled the trigger.”

Read more here: Zimmerman’s friend: Trayvon grabbed gun - Trayvon Martin -

^^^Another GZ embellishment/inconsistency.

Trayvon is not alive to refute some of GZs mistruths, but his college professor and best friend are. GZ is not being completely honest about what happened that night, there is some embellishing going on to say the least.

lack of DNA is not evidence that someone did not touch something

lack of fingerprints is not indicative that someone did not touch something
Sorry bout that,

1. I think the national guard should be called in the day the verdict is read, and anyone found rioting should have their heads shot off!
2. They will riot, and they should be fore warned that if they do riot, they will die for it.
3. There is no *happy riots* the people should be protected from the animals at *all times*!


from what i hear the protesting outside

has become not so much
Just learned of this kangaroo court "trial"...

From the facts of the "trial":
TM = Travon Martin
GZ = George Zimmerman

TM - Trespassed on private property
GZ - Noticed trespasser, called police

TM - Trespasser, ran upon being noticed
GZ - Attempts to follow the trespasser

TM - Exits trespassed community
GZ - Awaits police

TM - Returns to trespassing, escalates to assault
GZ - Assaulted

TM - Continues assault upon GZ
GZ - Fires weapon in self defense

The first crime committed was TM trespassing
The next crime committed was assault, by TM
Justice to these crimes was a 9mm, delivered by GZ

The "crime" the pinko faggots are whining about...
They hate "stand your ground"
They hate "private property"
Most importantly, the pinko faggots hate "self defense"

They want you completely subservient, even to the point of death.

Just think the mischief the moneylenders are pulling while we are distracted by this obvious fraud of a "trial".

TM - Trespassed on private propertyI visited my parents in a gated community. I often went for a walk. Was I trespassing?
GZ - Noticed trespasser, called police

TM - Trespasser, ran upon being noticed He ran once he saw he was being stalked by a white man.
GZ - Attempts to follow the trespasser

TM - Exits trespassed community
GZ - Awaits police

TM - Returns to trespassing, escalates to assault We are taking the defendants word for that.
GZ - Assaulted

TM - Continues assault upon He might have been defending himself until he was shot We cannot be sure.GZ
GZ - Fires weapon in self defense
[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION] said:

Zimmerman never said Trayvon grabbed his gun.
Score another mistake for the victims of grease gun enemas.

Incorrect, [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION].

His best friend (Mark Osterman) and current police officer (U.S. Air Marshall) testified just two days ago that GZ told him that Trayvon GRABBED the gun.

He also wrote this in his book:

Zimmerman says: “For a brief moment I had control of the wrist, but I knew when he felt the sidearm at my waist with his leg. He took his hand that was covering my nose and went for the gun, saying, “You’re gonna die now, motherf-----.’ Somehow, I broke his grip on the gun where the guy grabbed it between the rear sight and the hammer. I got the gun in my hand, raised it toward the guy’s chest and pulled the trigger.”

Read more here: Zimmerman’s friend: Trayvon grabbed gun - Trayvon Martin -

^^^Another GZ embellishment/inconsistency.

Trayvon is not alive to refute some of GZs mistruths, but his college professor and best friend are. GZ is not being completely honest about what happened that night, there is some embellishing going on to say the least.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] said:
>>>lack of DNA is not evidence that someone did not touch something

>>>lack of fingerprints is not indicative that someone did not touch something

point not dna

not fingerprints

rather inconsistent and statements conflicting
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[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION] said:

Zimmerman never said Trayvon grabbed his gun.
Score another mistake for the victims of grease gun enemas.

Incorrect, [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION].

His best friend (Mark Osterman) and current police officer (U.S. Air Marshall) testified just two days ago that GZ told him that Trayvon GRABBED the gun.

He also wrote this in his book:

Zimmerman says: “For a brief moment I had control of the wrist, but I knew when he felt the sidearm at my waist with his leg. He took his hand that was covering my nose and went for the gun, saying, “You’re gonna die now, motherf-----.’ Somehow, I broke his grip on the gun where the guy grabbed it between the rear sight and the hammer. I got the gun in my hand, raised it toward the guy’s chest and pulled the trigger.”

Read more here: Zimmerman’s friend: Trayvon grabbed gun - Trayvon Martin -

^^^Another GZ embellishment/inconsistency.

Trayvon is not alive to refute some of GZs mistruths, but his college professor and best friend are. GZ is not being completely honest about what happened that night, there is some embellishing going on to say the least.
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] said:
>>>lack of DNA is not evidence that someone did not touch something

>>>lack of fingerprints is not indicative that someone did not touch something

point not dna

not fingerprints

rather inconsistent and statements conflicting

how so
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] said:
>>>lack of DNA is not evidence that someone did not touch something

>>>lack of fingerprints is not indicative that someone did not touch something

point not dna

not fingerprints

rather inconsistent and statements conflicting

how so

When your statement to the police conflicts with your statement to your best friend? Thats a potential problem that goes to the credibility of the defendant. Especially when best friend testifies for the state and writes a book about it...see links in original post.

GZ is essentially telling it to his friend as if there was a hand struggle for the gun, so basically I was able to win that battle and shoot before I was shot.

He tells the police that trayvon didnt grab the gun, but that Trayvon saw it and was moving his hand in that dna of Trayvon on the gun supports this statement...that he reached but didnt grab. However, his statement to his friend that Trayvon did grab it and that he was able to pry trayvons hands off of it conflicts with his police testimony. Rather big inconsistency considering that his friend is also a cop (U.S. Air Marshal) and it appears that he could have been telling his friend this to further support he was in a fight for his life...this is not subjective...just reaching is other words you have to believe GZs words instead of possible DNA evidence potentially confirming the other statement to his friend.
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And if TM's enunciation of the English language is anything like his friend, the witness, then I'm surprised Zimmerman could even make THAT much out of it. Got, shot. Potato, potaaato

When reading TM's texts his friends were trying to talk sense into him. Some of them may have been from DD. Even DD said she told TM to run home, but TM said I am not running.

So as messed up as we think DD is, she is smarter than TM ever was.
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