The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If the prosecution is going to say that Zimmerman beat himself up, they better get some evidence of that in front of a jury because they sure as hell can't infer it.
Hmmm. Maybe you think I was being rude to Testarosa? I wasn't. I like her. She's funny.:)
The Isley Brothers - Fight The Power (Part 1 & 2) (1975) - YouTube

How do you make it embed?

Hell, Never mind, I'm too computer illiterate.

Here's another.

Isley Brothers - Livin In the Life /Go For Your Guns -1977 - YouTube

Do you think it's inappropriate?

If it doesn't embed automatically... copy everything AFTER the "v=" and paste it between [youtube][/youtube}.

That last character should be a closed square bracket (]), of course...but if I close it, it will not show up in this post.

So to embed that second link manually it would look like this...





Replace the bracket, and viola...

lol. What am I wearing?? My nightie. What are you wearing? :lol:

I'm rocking a sarong. :tongue:

Finish your beer
There are sober kids in Ethiopia

I miss my sarongs. I LIVED in them a few short years ago. Can't wear them any more now though. :( you make outfits from your sarongs? I have a killer plan for one if you ever want to give it a go. I have a pic of it too...with me in it, but still...I can give you the details on how to make one like it. (I used to own a ladies apparel shop...all tropical wear).

And I will finish my hot green tea. I don't drink. Never have, actually. Stomach can't handle it.'s kind of interesting that when they examined the gun that no DNA from Trayvon was on it................the only person who matched the DNA was George Zimmerman.

That means that Trayvon never grabbed the gun like Zimmerman said.

I also find it interesting that none of the DNA of Zimmerman was under the nails, nor on the cuffs, nor even on the hoodie that Trayvon wore when he was supposedly kicking the crap out of Zimmerman.

I mean.....................if you've ever had a broken nose, you'd understand that it tends to bleed quite a bit, and if Trayvon had hit him, then went and tried to break his skull on the concrete, there would have been at least a little bit of Zimmerman's DNA on the cuffs of his hoodie, right?

And.....................if Trayvon had actually beat Zimmerman the way he claimed, why weren't there any traces of Zimmerman's DNA under Trayvon's fingernails?

Sorry...................but Zimmerman sounds pretty much guilty of killing someone at this point.
lol. What am I wearing?? My nightie. What are you wearing? :lol:

Pics or this post is useless. :)

If you would have asked me last year, I probably would have. But...I don't look so slick any more in a nighty with one breast gone. I'm all lopsided. :(
aren't we all in one way or another? (Sorry to hear this though). Best friends wife kicked breast cancers ass last year and now dammit she goes in for a biopsy next week because they found two spots on her liver. I hate that fucking disease.'s kind of interesting that when they examined the gun that no DNA from Trayvon was on it................the only person who matched the DNA was George Zimmerman.

That means that Trayvon never grabbed the gun like Zimmerman said.

I also find it interesting that none of the DNA of Zimmerman was under the nails, nor on the cuffs, nor even on the hoodie that Trayvon wore when he was supposedly kicking the crap out of Zimmerman.

I mean.....................if you've ever had a broken nose, you'd understand that it tends to bleed quite a bit, and if Trayvon had hit him, then went and tried to break his skull on the concrete, there would have been at least a little bit of Zimmerman's DNA on the cuffs of his hoodie, right?

And.....................if Trayvon had actually beat Zimmerman the way he claimed, why weren't there any traces of Zimmerman's DNA under Trayvon's fingernails?

Sorry...................but Zimmerman sounds pretty much guilty of killing someone at this point.

This is what five different CSI shows have done to America! Now everyone expects that DNA evidence can prove guilt or innocence in every single instance. It's what got Casey Anthony off.

The notion that it WASN'T Trayvon Martin that actually beat George Zimmerman is simply ridiculous. You've got physical evidence that supports Zimmerman being injured and the only other person THERE is Martin! Duh? You've got an eye witness that saw Martin on top of Zimmerman raining blows down on him.

But somehow you can STILL come here and make the claim that it's possible that Martin didn't hit Zimmerman? Come on...get real...
But consider this...GZ told Sean Hannity that he knew nothing about the "Stand Your Ground" law. However his professor testified that he taught it in the class GZ took and that GZ was one of his best students...

"Alexis Carter, the adjunct professor who taught Zimmerman’s criminal litigation at Seminole State College in 2010. In a key bit of testimony, Carter told the jury that he had covered Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law extensively for George Zimmerman’s class. He described George Zimmerman as “one of the better students,” and remembered giving him an “A” in the class."

He also took self defense classes and had a concealed weapons not sure Im buying fact, I'm NOT buying Where there is one inconsistent statement, there is bound to be others...I went looking and I think there is ;).

At first, in this trial I took the approach of finding every reason to believe GZ...mainly because Al and Jessie and the race card being pulled teed me off...but, for fun, I flipped, tossed everything aside and then looked for reasons where I wouldnt. In the end...I believe most of what he said, but not all of it.

George Zimmerman Professor Testifies He Taught Extensively About ?Stand Your Ground? | Mediaite
And yes...George Zimmerman DID kill someone. He killed Trayvon Martin in the middle of a fight...a fight in which he was getting his ass kicked.
Pics or this post is useless. :)

If you would have asked me last year, I probably would have. But...I don't look so slick any more in a nighty with one breast gone. I'm all lopsided. :(
aren't we all in one way or another? (Sorry to hear this though). Best friends wife kicked breast cancers ass last year and now dammit she goes in for a biopsy next week because they found two spots on her liver. I hate that fucking disease.

My prayers are for your best friends wife that the biopsy is nothing. I have 4more years to go before I can actually say I am a BC survivor. So good, I am pleased to say. I hate this disease too..and was shocked when I found out I had it. Never crossed my mind it would hit me but BC usually shows up in families that DON'T have it in their history.

I will light candles for her...and your friend as well. Positive thinking, Zona. It's nothing. It's nothing. It's nothing. Keep saying that. I will too.

Hugs she taking meds for the BC? Sometimes they can cause liver probs. Let's just hope some fat deposits are on the liver and it's from the meds. It is NOT cancer. NO NO. NOT.

But do let me know the results ok?
Hmmmm...i thought this was interesting...especially now that it appears GZ has been less than truthful about his knowledge of the "Stand Your Ground Law".

"Stand-your-ground laws are frequently criticized and called "shoot first" laws by critics, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.[28] In Florida, the law has resulted in self-defense claims tripling.[28][29] The law's critics argue that Florida's law makes it very difficult to prosecute cases against people who shoot others and then claim self-defense. The shooter can argue that they felt threatened, and in most cases, the only witness who could have argued otherwise is the victim who was shot and killed."


Hmmm...think this might have a little to do with him wanting to deny knowledge of the law?...yep throw that in there, George.:eusa_liar::eek:

Is the "he tried to grab my gun" and said I was "gonna die tonight" making more sense now? Many are supporting someone that might be lying right to their face about some things. I dont like makes me dig deeper than I really want to.

I know I know...ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO FORGET WHAT YOU LEARNED IN COLLEGE!!! Even if your college professor testifies in your trial that he taught it "extensively" in a class you aced. I know I know...more conjecture and speculation, right?

My argument would be that GZ was punched immediately when Trayvon perceived that the stranger (who never identified himself) relentlessly following him in the dark and rain went reaching for what he thought was a weapon...GZ was punched repeatedly after that because he went reaching for what Trayvon knew was a gun.

Why is GZ feeling the need for his gun? Because he was negligent in continuing up the dark path that the suspect ran away from him on after he was specifically told "we dont need you to do that".

Speculation? Conjecture? Nope its all on tape...I'll take my chances with the jury mulling that over. They can decide for themselves.

"But I swear I was reaching for my phone...honest I was"...was your phone there? Nope. Was your gun there? Yep. No further questions....for now.

Just something to think about. I know its was hard for me too.
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I just heard Martins mother is going to be allowed to take the stand. WTF kind 9f circus rules are they going by? She didn't see shit so what's she going to say that isn't completely skewed?

With a conviction this will be grounds for an automatic retrial or appeal.

Just plain dumb for the judge to allow. Her testimony will be COMPLETELY tainted with grief and emotion NOT facts.
She's going to get on the stand so she can tell us that the recorded screams for help was her son. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Zimmermans mother went on the stand to say it was Zimmermann voice?

Experts can't figure it out, so why not ask a totally biased and unreliable source instead?

Yep, someone is dead. The whole thing is really laughable.

Oh there's thousands of thugs like traycockmartin every year. Can't stop attacking people. :eusa_hand: What's laughable is that this entire trial is a joke.
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