The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You mean besides this, right?


Both injuries are minor.
No they aren't. The man has had a weight gain this past year consistent with hitting damage to the skull. People with that kind of an injury are candidates for early onset dementia, personality change, etc. The blood pattern is consistent with having his head being hit on concrete that has an edge to it, such as the edge of a sidewalk or curb, pebbles on the concrete, or whatever.

What happened to Zimmerman was horrific. His response was to save himself, because he thought he was being hit so hard he could die. Especially when the guy says something to the effect of the other person is going to die.

This is ridiculous. No doctor has said this about his injuries. The medical examiner who testified said his injuries were insignificant. Maybe you better give the defense team a call and make yourself available to give 'expert' testimony on Zimmerman's extreme injuries; they are gonna need your help! :cuckoo:
Both injuries are minor.
No they aren't. The man has had a weight gain this past year consistent with hitting damage to the skull. People with that kind of an injury are candidates for early onset dementia, personality change, etc. The blood pattern is consistent with having his head being hit on concrete that has an edge to it, such as the edge of a sidewalk or curb, pebbles on the concrete, or whatever.

What happened to Zimmerman was horrific. His response was to save himself, because he thought he was being hit so hard he could die. Especially when the guy says something to the effect of the other person is going to die.

This is ridiculous. No doctor has said this about his injuries. The medical examiner who testified said his injuries were insignificant. Maybe you better give the defense team a call and make yourself available to give 'expert' testimony on Zimmerman's extreme injuries; they are gonna need your help! :cuckoo:

The medical examiner never saw the actual injuries, the doctor who did said that shooting Martin probably saved his life.
I don't know about embellishing or not, but there's no question it was a completely traumatizing event. I don't assume someone is lying if there's no evidence of it and I just personally haven't seen any evidence GZ is a dishonest person. Nothing in his story causes me to find it far-fetched or implausible. It seems logical, at least to me.

Fair enough. But consider this...he told Sean Hannity that he knew nothing about the "Stand Your Ground" law. However his professor testified that he taught it in the class GZ took and that GZ was one of his best students...

"Alexis Carter, the adjunct professor who taught Zimmerman’s criminal litigation at Seminole State College in 2010. In a key bit of testimony, Carter told the jury that he had covered Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law extensively for George Zimmerman’s class. He described George Zimmerman as “one of the better students,” and remembered giving him an “A” in the class."

He also took self defense classes and had a concealed weapons not sure Im buying fact, I'm NOT buying Where there is one inconsistent statement, there is bound to be others...I went looking and I think there is ;).

At first, in this trial I took the approach of finding every reason to believe GZ...mainly because Al and Jessie and the race card being pulled teed me off...but, for fun, I flipped, tossed everything aside and then looked for reasons where I wouldnt. In the end...I believe most of what he said, but not all of it.

George Zimmerman Professor Testifies He Taught Extensively About ?Stand Your Ground? | Mediaite

Hey know, this is a good point. One of the few lies that can be proven on GZ. only takes one......right? For the jury?
One....and you're done.
Ask the Jodster.....
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Hmmmm...i thought this was interesting...especially now that it appears GZ has been less than truthful about his knowledge of the "Stand Your Ground Law".

"Stand-your-ground laws are frequently criticized and called "shoot first" laws by critics, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.[28] In Florida, the law has resulted in self-defense claims tripling.[28][29] The law's critics argue that Florida's law makes it very difficult to prosecute cases against people who shoot others and then claim self-defense. The shooter can argue that they felt threatened, and in most cases, the only witness who could have argued otherwise is the victim who was shot and killed."


Hmmm...think this might have a little to do with him wanting to deny knowledge of the law?...yep throw that in there, George.:eusa_liar::eek:

Is the "he tried to grab my gun" and said I was "gonna die tonight" making more sense now? Many are supporting someone that might be lying right to their face about some things. I dont like makes me dig deeper than I really want to.

I know I know...ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO FORGET WHAT YOU LEARNED IN COLLEGE!!! Even if your college professor testifies in your trial that he taught it "extensively" in a class you aced. I know I know...more conjecture and speculation, right?

My argument would be that GZ was punched immediately when Trayvon perceived that the stranger (who never identified himself) relentlessly following him in the dark and rain went reaching for what he thought was a weapon...GZ was punched repeatedly after that because he went reaching for what Trayvon knew was a gun.

Why is GZ feeling the need for his gun? Because he was negligent in continuing up the dark path that the suspect ran away from him on after he was specifically told "we dont need you to do that".

Speculation? Conjecture? Nope its all on tape...I'll take my chances with the jury mulling that over. They can decide for themselves.

"But I swear I was reaching for my phone...honest I was"...was your phone there? Nope. Was your gun there? Yep. No further questions....for now.

Just something to think about.
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That's almost the shootin' match.

There's little evidence now that Martin "grabbed" Zimmerman head and slammed it into the concrete.

Hence the dispelling of one of the major Zimmerman's lies.


Trayvon was punching not scratching...

Grab a basketball and look at how your fingers are splayed on the round surface. Take particular notice of how the fingertips are placed. Also, look at the position of the thumbs. If Martin had grabbed and pounded GZ's head into the ground multiple time as claimed, Martin's thumbs would have been in GZ's eyes, corners of the mouth or around his neck!. So where are the thumb marks on GZ's facial or neck area? And surely, if there was a head slamming at all, Martin would have GZ's DNA all over his fingers and thumbs not to mention under his fingernails. Sallow was right.. the evidence does NOT back Zimmerman's story!

zimmerman has injuries, regardless of now minor consistent with his version of events.

an eye witness puts martin on top beating up on the person under him.

That scenario shows that Martin was standing HIS ground and trying to neutralize the stalking menace who threatened him.

the "following" incident ended..... the moment zimmerman "lost him"

So, no.... the scenario does not show martin standing his ground at all. The re engaging of zimmerman in my opinion puts zimmerman in the position of stranding his ground.

I am glad you put the words "lost him" in quotes because all that phrase represents is another specious claim by a killer .
Just because Martin had gone to the store to get skittles doesn't mean he also could not check out some homes on the route back, just to see how easy they'd be to break into. We already know that he was the proud owner of burglary tools.
Just because Martin had gone to the store to get skittles doesn't mean he also could not check out some homes on the route back, just to see how easy they'd be to break into. We already know that he was the proud owner of burglary tools.

Can't bring in those facts or the black community will riot as that's racist in shit.:eek:
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If I shot every guy that I ever got in scrap with their would be a lot of dead people..and their would be a lot of hurting families and fatherless children...this loser did not think he was going to be beaten to death..he ended up on the losing end of a fist fight he appears to have instigated and killed someone over it..
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