The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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In the land of the free, you are innocent until proven guilty.

It's on the court to prove guilt, not on the citizen to prove innocence.

Still, if I were on the jury, I would want to hear his side of the story. Otherwise I would think he had something to hide.


If the prosecution couldn't prove guilt, why would you assume that he was b/c he didn't want to take the stand?

that's just ignorant

there is no need for zimmerman to take the stand

the state has not made its case
I thought I heard today from a commentator that the State can ask for a lesser charge after they present their case but the Defense must agree to it. If the Defense does not agree to it, then the jury can only convict or acquit on the only charge filed. If the defendant is acquitted, the state can not refile again with lesser charges.
That would be interesting if true.

How would you like to make that decision.

Bet all or nothing and risk 20 years...

Or give the jury the opportunity to consider lesser charges, increasing the risk of a guilty verdict.
Does it matter? I thought the prosecution was trying to prove that Zimmerman killed Traydickvon in cold blood.:eusa_hand:

You mean they finally started to try to prove something today? I was wondering when they would start. I didn't know that Miranda rights included your report card may be used against you in a court of law.

no not really just more attempts at more smears

and innuendos

i liked the professor that took the stand today

after being sworn in and becoming part of the record

in a caring manner says

hi George how are you

Oh, I totally agree. Did he give people a reason to suspect GZ lied? Probably? He also was the most engaging witness of the entire trial. He genuinely liked GZ. His answer to the most pivotal question of the entire case (which is should you wait until you are suffering from life threatening injury before countering with lethal force) made the entire court laugh. They laughed because it was a common sense (reasonable) response. Then this Army Lawyer gives the jury instruction on the laws of self defense (they should only be given this by the judge. Nice objection state!!!:cuckoo:). What a backfire from the state. Put up the most engaging witness, get one piece of inconsequential evidence, then let the witness plead the defense's case. Only way this worked out better for the defense is if he was in full military dress.
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if you are siting on top of someone and you punch them in the face.... their head will hit the ground. Same with a bitch slap.

so nothing would be under martins fingernails now would it? You get dna under the victims nails since it is a defensive move.

It's only etiquette. If you are "bitch slapped", you must "shoot to kill".
[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] did you find my gigantic font dad girlfriend post? What's that about?
That's not what Zimmerman stated.

He said Martin grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground.

The evidence does not back that up.

Trayvon must have been pretty weak then, because Zimmerman just has a few scratches he could have caused himself.

yes Zimmerman beat himself up. :cuckoo:


It's been done before to frame a "black".
[MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION]....why do you have everything turned off in your profile? You don't want any friends? :(
I thought I heard today from a commentator that the State can ask for a lesser charge after they present their case but the Defense must agree to it. If the Defense does not agree to it, then the jury can only convict or acquit on the only charge filed. If the defendant is acquitted, the state can not refile again with lesser charges.
That would be interesting if true.

How would you like to make that decision.

Bet all or nothing and risk 20 years...

Or give the jury the opportunity to consider lesser charges, increasing the risk of a guilty verdict.

If I was Zimmerman, I would risk it. I would gamble on the 25 years to life and not let the jury pick a lesser charge. 15 years or 25 years makes no difference because I don't think Zimmerman will survive 1 year in prison. He just doesn't look like he can make it.
She can not testify to who was calling for help, the Judge ruled no expert witness on that matter so he can not now allow her to claim it was her son. if she blurts it out it will be a mistrial.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on that one, Sarge. You're right that the Judge ruled no expert witnesses on voice identification but she DID allow both sides to call ordinary people who KNEW either Trayvon or George and had an opinion on whose voice it was that was screaming for help. That ruling was made because there wasn't enough source material to determine scientifically whose voice it was and it would have led to a bunch of so called experts simply confusing the jury with contradictory claims. I think it was a good decision by the Judge.
Zimmerman is only charged with Second Degree Murder. The Prosecutor may ask if the jury can consider a lesser charge but I think the defense has to agree with it, but I'm not sure.

If Zimmerman gets to choose, I would roll the dice and go for the acquittal, but that's just me.
if you are siting on top of someone and you punch them in the face.... their head will hit the ground. Same with a bitch slap.

so nothing would be under martins fingernails now would it? You get dna under the victims nails since it is a defensive move.

That's not what Zimmerman stated.

He said Martin grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground.

The evidence does not back that up.

Trayvon must have been pretty weak then, because Zimmerman just has a few scratches he could have caused himself.

Another deluded idiot that hasn't paid attention.
Keep trying to convict----er I mean.. trying to make sure all the evidence is taken into consideration.
He's claiming self-defense therefore the burden is on him to prove it was self-defense.

zimmerman has injuries, regardless of now minor consistent with his version of events.

an eye witness puts martin on top beating up on the person under him.

That scenario shows that Martin was standing HIS ground and trying to neutralize the stalking menace who threatened him.
I just heard Martins mother is going to be allowed to take the stand. WTF kind 9f circus rules are they going by? She didn't see shit so what's she going to say that isn't completely skewed?

With a conviction this will be grounds for an automatic retrial or appeal.

Just plain dumb for the judge to allow. Her testimony will be COMPLETELY tainted with grief and emotion NOT facts.
She's going to get on the stand so she can tell us that the recorded screams for help was her son. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Zimmermans mother went on the stand to say it was Zimmermann voice?

Experts can't figure it out, so why not ask a totally biased and unreliable source instead?

Yep, someone is dead. The whole thing is really laughable.
Just learned of this kangaroo court "trial"...

From the facts of the "trial":
TM = Travon Martin
GZ = George Zimmerman

TM - Trespassed on private property
GZ - Noticed trespasser, called police

TM - Trespasser, ran upon being noticed
GZ - Attempts to follow the trespasser

TM - Exits trespassed community
GZ - Awaits police

TM - Returns to trespassing, escalates to assault
GZ - Assaulted

TM - Continues assault upon GZ
GZ - Fires weapon in self defense

The first crime committed was TM trespassing
The next crime committed was assault, by TM
Justice to these crimes was a 9mm, delivered by GZ

The "crime" the pinko faggots are whining about...
They hate "stand your ground"
They hate "private property"
Most importantly, the pinko faggots hate "self defense"

They want you completely subservient, even to the point of death.

Just think the mischief the moneylenders are pulling while we are distracted by this obvious fraud of a "trial".
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I'm not positive, but my understanding is that it's up to the judge whether to allow a lesser charge than 2nd degree murder to be considered. Maybe some legal minds can clarify that for us. There is also this:

But many legal experts said this week that the state had overreached and that it should have filed manslaughter charges. The jury can still find Mr. Zimmerman guilty of manslaughter, but it would fall to the prosecutors to argue for that result without appearing to concede a weakness in their case.

State’s Witnesses in Zimmerman Trial Put the Prosecution on the Defensive - The New York Times
I voted for acquittal because that's what it SHOULD be, based on the evidence. Reality, however, may be that the jury won't want to feel responsible for the riots that are sure to follow an acquittal, so they may be inclined to convict him of something just to keep the peace.
He's claiming self-defense therefore the burden is on him to prove it was self-defense.

zimmerman has injuries, regardless of now minor consistent with his version of events.

an eye witness puts martin on top beating up on the person under him.

That scenario shows that Martin was standing HIS ground and trying to neutralize the stalking menace who threatened him.

the "following" incident ended..... the moment zimmerman "lost him"

So, no.... the scenario does not show martin standing his ground at all. The re engaging of zimmerman in my opinion puts zimmerman in the position of stranding his ground.
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